Serverless Craic from The Serverless Edge

Serverless Craic Ep35 DevOps Conference Preview of DOES 2022

October 19, 2022 Treasa Anderson Season 1 Episode 35
Serverless Craic Ep35 DevOps Conference Preview of DOES 2022
Serverless Craic from The Serverless Edge
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Serverless Craic from The Serverless Edge
Serverless Craic Ep35 DevOps Conference Preview of DOES 2022
Oct 19, 2022 Season 1 Episode 35
Treasa Anderson

Today we are talking about a big DevOps Conference. And the first book signing of our new book, The Value Flywheel Effect.

It's at the DevOps Enterprise Summit on October 18-20 with IT Revolution who also published our book. It's the first live event in three years. DevOps Enterprise Summit is the leading community for driving change in technology. 

It's scary and challenging tying to drive transformational change. So it's brilliant to be able to talk to practitioners who've done it before. I'm interested to see how 'The Value Flywheel Effect' lands. I'm doing a talk on the book and a book signing. And I am doing a couple of Learning Sprints at DOES. We are focusing on Wardley Maps because that's what a lot of groups find super exciting. 

One of the best things about mapping is that invites challenge. So hopefully the audience will be debating if I have my components in the wrong spot. Then we will have a good conversation and interaction.  At the Learning Sprint we will sit down with a table full of people and walk through the Wardley mapping process. It is a really good way of learning the technique and asking questions in a safe and comfortable space.

One of the cool things about DevOps Enterprise Summit is they've been running for over 10 years. They have all their IT Revolution books, which are all brilliant. But what's neat is the Repo on GitHub. where they put the presentations for all the talks. There are two events a year. So you have about 20 repos full of presentations on GitHub @DevOpsEnterprise, which is the name of the organisation.  It's an absolute goldmine of free information.

There are videos as well on You have to register for it, but it's very unintrusive. Once you register, you get access. And they don't send too many emails. It's a fantastic and supportive resource for people trying to drive change.

There's nothing more comforting than seeing something that resonates with what you're trying to do. And with the challenges you're facing. And you can send it to peers, friends or around your organisation. It can give you additional support and credibility for what you're trying to do. And it can drive adoption. That level of external validation for what you're doing can accelerate internal adoption of the change you're trying to drive. We've definitely benefited from that in the past. Don't listen to us. Go watch this video or read these slides. It's a great technique to the leverage.

We have two playlists on IT Revolution's blog. One on Lean Engineering and another on Effective Cloud Adoption, with links to a bunch of videos. Years ago, you would have been hoping to get on a course to learn this stuff. Now it's on tap! You end up going away from DevOps Enterprise Summit with at least 10 things that you want to try or at least look into. And you have repositories of resources available which are great getting your hands on to take back into your own organisation.

DevOps Enterprise Summit 

Serverless Craic from The Serverless Edge
Check out our book The Value Flywheel Effect
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Show Notes Transcript

Today we are talking about a big DevOps Conference. And the first book signing of our new book, The Value Flywheel Effect.

It's at the DevOps Enterprise Summit on October 18-20 with IT Revolution who also published our book. It's the first live event in three years. DevOps Enterprise Summit is the leading community for driving change in technology. 

It's scary and challenging tying to drive transformational change. So it's brilliant to be able to talk to practitioners who've done it before. I'm interested to see how 'The Value Flywheel Effect' lands. I'm doing a talk on the book and a book signing. And I am doing a couple of Learning Sprints at DOES. We are focusing on Wardley Maps because that's what a lot of groups find super exciting. 

One of the best things about mapping is that invites challenge. So hopefully the audience will be debating if I have my components in the wrong spot. Then we will have a good conversation and interaction.  At the Learning Sprint we will sit down with a table full of people and walk through the Wardley mapping process. It is a really good way of learning the technique and asking questions in a safe and comfortable space.

One of the cool things about DevOps Enterprise Summit is they've been running for over 10 years. They have all their IT Revolution books, which are all brilliant. But what's neat is the Repo on GitHub. where they put the presentations for all the talks. There are two events a year. So you have about 20 repos full of presentations on GitHub @DevOpsEnterprise, which is the name of the organisation.  It's an absolute goldmine of free information.

There are videos as well on You have to register for it, but it's very unintrusive. Once you register, you get access. And they don't send too many emails. It's a fantastic and supportive resource for people trying to drive change.

There's nothing more comforting than seeing something that resonates with what you're trying to do. And with the challenges you're facing. And you can send it to peers, friends or around your organisation. It can give you additional support and credibility for what you're trying to do. And it can drive adoption. That level of external validation for what you're doing can accelerate internal adoption of the change you're trying to drive. We've definitely benefited from that in the past. Don't listen to us. Go watch this video or read these slides. It's a great technique to the leverage.

We have two playlists on IT Revolution's blog. One on Lean Engineering and another on Effective Cloud Adoption, with links to a bunch of videos. Years ago, you would have been hoping to get on a course to learn this stuff. Now it's on tap! You end up going away from DevOps Enterprise Summit with at least 10 things that you want to try or at least look into. And you have repositories of resources available which are great getting your hands on to take back into your own organisation.

DevOps Enterprise Summit 

Serverless Craic from The Serverless Edge
Check out our book The Value Flywheel Effect
Follow us on X @ServerlessEdge
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Subscribe on YouTube

Dave Anderson:

Hi folks! Welcome to the next episode of Serverless Craic with Dave Anderson, Technical Fellow at Bazaarvoice, and Author and Contributor at The Serverless Edge.

Mark McCann:

Hi everyone, Mark McCann, Architect at Globalisation Partners and Author and Contributor at The Serverless Edge.

Mike O'Reilly:

A Michael O'Reilly, Software Architect at Globalisation Partners and Contributor with The Serverless Edge.

Dave Anderson:

So today, I thought we'd talk about a big event coming up. The first book signing of our new book, The Value Flywheel Effect. It's at the DevOps Enterprise Summit. So that'll be interesting. It's going to be the first time we've got our hands on a physical copy of the book. So exciting times. It's on the 18th to 20th of October. So looking forward to that. It's a good conference. The DevOps Enterprise Summit with IT Revolution who are the same group that published our book. It's the first time they've had the live event in three years. There have been virtual events twice a year. But this is the first one where everyone is getting back together. It's a brilliant community. And it's probably the leading community for driving change in technology.

Mark McCann:

Yeah, It's a great community. We were lucky enough to present at DOES a year ago and two years ago. And recently at their London conference. They are such a welcoming community with great expertise being shared freely amongst the attendees. And some of the attendees you get to mingle with, blows your mind. We are talking about meeting people when you've read their books. It's incredible, being able to interact them.

Mike O'Reilly:

Yeah. I always find about There is a strong representation from large enterprise. There's a diverse mix. The people who attend have lots of awesome experience. They're in there doing the job. The big players from all the industries are at that event, which is cool.

Dave Anderson:

IT revolution is an interesting organisation.

Mike O'Reilly:

It's hard to explain it without mentioning They focus on practitioners and not professional authors. It's people who have done stuff and are sharing their story at the same conference. And it's funny because you can stand and talk

to someone and say:

'Oh, have you ever done this before?" And they respond saying yes, I wrote a book on that! And we did that names. But that is what it's like! in some huge company. So they are proper experts.

Mark McCann:

It's scary and challenging tying to drive change and transformational change. So it's brilliant to be able to talk to practitioners who've done it before. Or have done it in a different context. The DOES conference and the supporting material really helps people who are going through that journey. It gives them credibility and valiation they're on the right path. They can point to a lot of the stuff that DevOPs Enterprise Summit produces, including videos and slides. And it can lend support to them for what they're trying to accomplish in their own context.

Dave Anderson:

Yeah. There's a recurrent theme for people who are working at a big company. We talked to BMK Lakshminarayanan recently about what he was working on. He was trying to solve problems and found this community by going to DOES. He found a small group doing the same thing. So I'm interested to see how 'The Value Flywheel Effect' lands. I'm doing a talk on the book and a book signing. And I am doing a couple of Learning Sprints at DOES. We've done several talks about the Value Flywheel Concept over the last couple of years. At DOES we will focus on Wardley Maps because that's what a lot of groups find super exciting. So the Learning Sprints will be about mapping. And I will focus on mapping in the actual talk. Because it's a nice way to explain the book! So it will be interesting to see how that goes!

Mark McCann:

It's interesting what context you show. Whether you use the maps or whether you tell them the narrative around the map. For different audiences and people, certain things land depending on their exposure to the are and how familiar they are with it. Sometimes you can do away with the maps. As long as you keep them in your back pocket to help you with your talking points. And you can refer back to the map. But that approach might land better with an audience who are totally unfamiliar with mapping.

Mike O'Reilly:

right, knowledge should be good, it should be good. I think it's a It's a brave thing to do. But mapping is a technique that you can stand up on stage and show people. It's also a mindset. Here's how we think. This is the mindset. And this is why mapping works and you talk about that. Your talk will be recorded so people can watch it back and digest it if you they need a couple of takes to get it.

Mark McCann:

One of the best things about mapping is that invites challenge. So hopefully your audience will be debating if you have your components in the wrong spot. Then you'll having a proper conversation and inteaction. Because that's what you want.

Dave Anderson:

Exactly. We also do this in the format of a Learning Sprint's. So we will sit down with a table full of people which should be good. We can go through Wardley mapping and walk through that process. And see how the group takes to the technique which is always fun. DevOps Enterpise Summit is a great event, because it's super collaborative with lots of workshops.

Mark McCann:

It's going to be interesting to do that in real life again, after we've been doing it on MIRO boards and collaborative tools for the last three years. Doing it on paper changes the dynamic. Because it is so faimilar doing it online. Yeah,

Mike O'Reilly:

yeah, no, I remember being at an agile conference in Edinburgh a few years back. And Simon Wardley was running a similar workshop. It was a really good way of learning the technique and asking questions in a safe and comfortable space. The Team Topologies guys were there as well. It was one of their groups.

Dave Anderson:

Could be I That was XP 2016.

Mike O'Reilly:

You're right. Mike Skelton did a talk as well with a Drawing Model. If you want to learning about mapping

Dave Anderson:

One of the cool things about DevOps Enterprise why not learn about it from the guys who worte a book on it! Summit is they've been running for over 10 years. They have all their IT Revolution books, which are all brilliant. But what's

Mark McCann:

It's a fantastic and supportive resource for neat is the Repo on GitHub. where they put the presentations for all the talks. There are two events a year. So you have about 20 repos full of presentations on GitHub @DevOpsEnterprise, which is the name of the organisation. It's well worth looking at. There are hundreds of presentations. And it's an absolute goldmine of free information. There are videos as well on You have to register for it, but it's very unintrusive. Once you register, you get access. And they don't send too many emails. people trying to drive change. There's nothing more comforting than seeing something that resonates with what you're trying to do. And with the challenges you're facing. And you can send it to peers, friends or around your organisation. It can give you additional support and credibility for what you're trying to do. And it can drive adoption. That level of external validation for what you're doing can accelerate internal adoption of the change you're trying to drive. We've definitely benefited from that in the past. Don't listen to us. Go watch this video or read these slides. It's a great technique to the leverage.

Dave Anderson:

Or even our playlists, We have two playlists on IT Revolution's blog. One on Lean Engineering and another on Effective Cloud Adoption, with links to a bunch of videos. Years ago, you would have been hoping to get on a course to learn this stuff. Now it's on tap!

Mike O'Reilly:

You end up walking away from DevOps Enterprise Summit with at least 10 things that you want to try or at least look into. And you have repositories of resources available which are great getting your hands on. And then taking back into your own organisation.

Dave Anderson:

They say there's nothing new, it's just different! Yeah.

Mark McCann:

Have you practised your signature for the book signing. And having a physical copy of the book the event?

Dave Anderson:

Well, Mark, as you know, as a computer programmer, I can't write! So I'm going to have to do an 'x' or use a stamp. No one will be able to read my writing. So I will have to practice my signature. I have a couple of hundred books to sign so that will be fun!

Mike O'Reilly:

Just make sure you record the first signature and we can post it on social media!

Dave Anderson:

So that's the craic! I am looking forward to the DevOps Enterprise Summit. I'm sure there will be lots of videos and press. Keep an eye out for that. And have we look at our blog on Follow us on Twitter @ServerlessEdge. And subscribe to Serverless Craic on YouTube. Thanks very much.

Mike O'Reilly:
