Artistic Spirit

Revitalize Your Well-being: Banish Burnout with The 30 Second Reset

Katie Moran Season 5 Episode 13

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Dianne Andree is a keynote speaker, burnout prevention specialist, trainer, and educational consultant.

Key Points

- Dianne Andree guides listeners through a mindfulness exercise, encouraging awareness of body sensations and releasing tension.

- Dianne emphasizes the importance of small daily practices to manage stress and well-being, recognizing the limitations of grand gestures like yearly yoga retreats.

- The discussion touches on the significance of pausing and reflecting on daily opportunities to enhance overall well-being.

- Dianne and I explore self-care activities tailored to individual preferences, such as painting, writing, and connecting with nature.

- Dianne advocates for aligning actions with personal values, setting boundaries, and prioritizing introspection over external pressures.

Memorable quote:

"Dianne Andree (Guest) at [00:01:24]: 'Feel your back against the chair. And then I want you to take a quick scan of your body. Imagine the line above your head, and it's going to come down. And as you do this, I want you to note if there's any points of tension, and I want you to just release them.'"

Insightful moment:

"Dianne Andree (Guest) at [00:05:51]: 'You know, right from the moment we wake up, we have little opportunities all day long to manage our well-being. What are the little things we can do?'"

Reflect on:

How can you incorporate small daily practices into your routine to enhance your well-being and manage stress effectively?

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Find resources from her here.