America Next - Podcast for Democracy

AmNex Episode 119 - They want to punish the homeless and other news from the Crazy Land of the Republicans.

May 05, 2024 Vincent Vanlear
AmNex Episode 119 - They want to punish the homeless and other news from the Crazy Land of the Republicans.
America Next - Podcast for Democracy
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America Next - Podcast for Democracy
AmNex Episode 119 - They want to punish the homeless and other news from the Crazy Land of the Republicans.
May 05, 2024
Vincent Vanlear

Good afternoon, friends. This is Vince and welcome to America. Next. Today is May 4th, 2024. What I'm going to do today is bring you up, bring you up to date on some of the top stories that have crossed my desk. And things I think you should be aware of. So please sit back and enjoy. And I hope I bring some news to you. The first news item I would like to discuss with you is concerning the hush money trial for Donald Trump in New York. There were various witnesses that appeared this week, but one of them was very interesting. It was his former communications director. She worked with him during the campaign of 2016. So when all of this information began to leak to the press that there had been affairs with a porn star and a playboy bunny. She was there. She saw what Trump and his team did to hide this from the public. You see, this is important because Trump has been trying to make it seem like he, A, he never had an affair with these ladies, and two, If anybody was paying these people off, he knew nothing about it, but her testimony made it clear that he did know everything about it and he was a part of the scheme to hide it. And as I said before, my friends, the issue is not about him having an affair. The issue is about him falsifying his business records to hide the money that was given to these ladies to hide the affair. So this trial has much more to go, many more witnesses, and I'm sure there's going to be a lot more dirt that will be uncovered as we go forward. Another topic that I want to bring up concerning Trump is a recent interview that he gave. He gave a interview with Time Magazine, I believe a week before last. And he was talking about what he hoped to accomplish during his second term as president and basically he talked as if he's a man who is possessed and who's a man who, a man who has lost his mind. Listen to some of the things he had to say. He promised that he will start mass deportation of millions of migrants. Okay. Millions of migrants. He said also that, you know, how the United States support their friends around the world. He won't do that. If a country is, doesn't be bowed down to him, he's not going to support them. If Russia or somebody else attacks them, he's just going to let it happen. He also says that when it comes to the federal government, You know, he's going to want to replace all of those high level officials in the federal government loyalists to him so that he knows he can get things done. And he says he definitely will use law enforcement to go after those people that he considers enemy. Okay? That was in his interview. Does that sound like a democracy to you? It doesn't to me. And that's what this guy, he is bold enough to say that. So, think about that, when you're talking about he's not too bad, think about what he has said publicly. None of that stuff is about democracy. In his mind, if he gets in again, he's going to do everything he can. Now, let's talk about another area that Trump has been talking about. He mentioned that during his rally that when it came to abortion, he says, we should let the states handle abortions. Okay. Now this is the key thing. Listen here. He said he would allow the states to monitor women, track women, so they can identify those women that are breaking the abortion laws. And then let the states deal with them as they see fit. Monitoring women? Tracking women? Does this sound like democracy? It doesn't to me. This sounds like something that would happen in some communist country or some country that is run by a dictator. You see, Understand, people, what he is saying is very clear. What conservatives want, they don't care about this pro life stuff. They don't care about the children. What they care about is bringing women under control. That's all this is about. Make sure that you remember that. When it comes to abortion, did you hear what happened in the lovely state of Florida this week? Florida joined several other states with their almost total ban on abortion. Okay. Florida now says that you can get an abortion up to six weeks. Well, as many of you have heard, most women don't know they're pregnant within six weeks. And so. What Florida is doing is trying to make it almost impossible for you to get an abortion because by the time you find out, it's going to be beyond the six week timeframe. So, what does this six week ban really mean? To be honest, it's just a continuation of the hatefulness that the conservative Republicans have demonstrated towards women over the last couple of years, but it also expands a problem that they helped to create. There was a study by the medical community, looking at the United States for the last couple of years, since these states began to ban. Um, abortion like they have after Roe versus Wade was overturned, let's say two years ago. In the last two years, they estimated based on the data they have, the medical data, that probably in the neighborhood of 50, 000 pregnancies occurred as a result of rape. That's right. 50, 000 plus pregnancies. Pregnancies occurred from rape in the last couple of years across the nation. Texas, Texas alone had over 20, 000 pregnancies that resulted from rape. Now, in a democratic, caring, empathetic society, these women will be given the choice of whether or not to have these babies that are a result of being raped. But because we are being driven in many ways by these backwards, conservative individuals, these women are being forced to bring these children into the world. So the woman now has a choice. She can either raise this child that she did not want, or she can put it up for adoption. But either way, there are thousands, thousands of children that are being born that no one planned for or wanted. Let me add to this. Let's say the woman decides that she does want to keep the child. Guess what? In each one of those republica controlled states, They're not going to make it easy for her, even if she decides to keep the child. Why? Because they are cutting back on all of the social services that are available to people. Okay, let me explain. In the red states, in the states that are controlled by Republicans, they seem to think that the government gives too much support and help to poor people. When it comes to the health care, the after school care, the food stamp programs, All of those things and each one of the red states, they are cutting them back drastically. In some places, they are even talking about doing away with the traditional welfare type of operation. So here you are, here's this woman that was raped. She has decided that she got pregnant doing because of the rape, but she has decided that she's going to, keep the child and she's going to do the best she can, but guess what? She will get very little support whatsoever from the state. She's told you must have it, but don't look at us to provide you any support. I don't know about you guys, but that is clear to me that this has nothing to do with pro life. This is the conservative movement telling women that A, you are a second class citizen and that B, we control you. That's what this is about. All of you listening should remember that. And if you have trouble, think about this. If it really, really was about pro life, then these conservative politicians would be doing everything they could to help these abused women and support these unfortunate children, but these politicians don't help and that says everything. And the last example or news item that I want to give you today concerns the beautiful state of Oregon. There is a city in the state of Oregon that wants to use some of its laws to get rid of the homeless people. And how they want to do that? Well, if a homeless person is sleeping outside under a blanket, they want to be able to arrest them, charge them with a crime. Now, the city took this to court, the lower courts in Oregon, and the lower court said, no, you can't do that. That's cruel and unusual punishment. Well, guess what the city did? They decided to take it all the way to the Supreme Court of the United States because they want to have the authority to punish these people. That's right. They want to have the authority to arrest and punish people who are homeless. My friends, all of these examples I have given you just goes to show you what I have been saying all along, the conservative mega Republican, they have lost their way. They don't have a plan. They don't have an agenda. It's about chaos and hatred, whether they are trying to control women, take away their rights, whether they are trying to force a 14 year old girl to marry a 50 year old man, whether they are trying to stop certain communities from voting, whether they are trying to shut down the educational system. because they don't want the truth to come out. You see, their goal is really simple. They want to take away all of our rights and force us to think like them, walk like them, do whatever they tell us to do so that they can realize their vision of the future. But that's not America. We believe in democracy. We believe in equal opportunity. We believe in diversity. We are many that work together as one, e pluribus unum. That's what we are, but these conservative people don't see it that way. And as I've said before, we cannot allow them to take control over our society. You know what to do this November, make sure that you vote to keep them out. That's all for right now. As always, my friends, please stay strong, keep moving forward and keep fighting for our democracy. Talk to you again real soon.