Zee Michaelson Travel

Discovering Northern Italy's Enchantment: The Cinque Terre and Beyond with Denise from Globus

Zee Michaelson & Jay Lawrence

Are you ready to unlock the secrets of Northern Italy's most enchanting destinations? Join us as we welcome Denise from Globus to recount her unforgettable journey through the picturesque Cinque Terre. Denise shares the rich history behind these cliffside villages, originally built as fortresses to guard against pirates, and reveals how the construction of a train line in the 1800s connected these secluded communities to the outside world. From the bustling streets of Milan to the serene landscapes of Cinque Terre, Denise provides a comprehensive guide to exploring these stunning locales by hiking, driving, or boating.

Discover how traveling with Globus can transform your vacation experience. Denise highlights the numerous perks such as pre-arranged tickets to skip the queues, the guidance of English-speaking tour directors and local guides, and the organized schedules that still allow for personal exploration. With destinations ranging from Italy to Japan, Globus ensures a hassle-free and enriching travel experience. Key inclusions like comfortable hotel stays, breakfasts, some dinners, and site visits are covered, making it an ideal choice for both seasoned and novice travelers.

To make your travel planning even smoother, tune in for valuable travel tips, including the benefits of Global Entry and CLEAR for expedited security and customs clearance. Denise also excites us with details about an upcoming group tour to Italy in late 2025 and offers a special promo code for our listeners. Test your travel trivia knowledge and stay connected with us on social media for more travel inspiration. Don't miss out on this chance to dream big and plan your next adventure with insights from ZMichelsonTravel.com!

Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Z Michelson Travel Podcast. This podcast is devoted to the travel industry. Z says let your imagination run wild and start dreaming about where you want to go. And dream big, reach for the stars, and if you only get to the moon, at least you enjoyed the trip. Your guide to travel is Z Michelson, a travel advisor, and sitting at the controls is Jay Lawrence, your concierge of podcast travel. Now here's Z.

Speaker 2:

That's me. That's me. That's Z. Hey Jay, are you dreaming of traveling?

Speaker 3:

I am dreaming of traveling and I'm excited today because I know one of our friends, Denise from Globus, is going to be with us.

Speaker 2:

I know and she just came off a beautiful tour in Italy. She went to the northern part of Italy and it's amazing what she did. Oh yeah, oh yeah, yeah, we're going to hear all about it too Okay. So I can't wait to get into it, because you know she's a world traveler. Of course she works for Globus that she is and she's kind of enticed us to put together a group to go to Italy, All right. So we're going to be looking at that for 2025.

Speaker 3:

I know somebody else that wants to go back to Italy.

Speaker 2:

Gee, I can't imagine who Jay.

Speaker 3:

Hey, this podcast is brought to you by Coloss Travel Media Network, which does streaming radio broadcasting and Podcasting and travel information. Did I say, not say podcasting?

Speaker 2:

No, you said broadcasting. Oh yes, we're always broadcasting. Did I say not say podcasting? No, you said broadcasting. Oh yes, we're always broadcasting.

Speaker 3:

We always. You know, if you talk, you're broadcasting.

Speaker 2:

Of course, that's what I said. We're always broadcasting, yeah. So collagetravelradiocom has music and travel information, and zmaxradiolive the music we grew up with the 60s, 70s and 80s the music you want to hear again 60s, 70s and 80s the music you want to hear again. Oh yeah, and sing too.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

I always sing in the car to you.

Speaker 3:

You know my wife, my wife loves ZMAX Radio.

Speaker 2:

You know what I hear? We have a fan.

Speaker 3:

Do you know what I hear? What do you hear? She says oh, I love that song. I haven't heard that in a long time. Yeah, it's the music you grew up with, the music you want to hear again.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely, that's it. That's music. We love our music. I just love when we have guests and of course, we have great guests and, as promised, I have Denise from Globus with us.

Speaker 4:

Hi and Denise, you've been traveling around quite a bit, but one of the things you're going to be talking about today is your Italy tour. It was amazing. I just got back on Monday.

Speaker 2:

Oh really, it's Thursday. Oh wow, you just got back and here we are bugging you already for it. Hey, it's all good. It's all good, it's what we do, right.

Speaker 4:

It was a fantastic trip. I have always wanted to go to Cinque Terre, mm-hmm. And if you're not, familiar with Cinque. Terre.

Speaker 2:

No, I'm not.

Speaker 4:

Cinque Terre is. It's kind of off of like we went from Milan and then we did our tour. So it's these five villages, oh, five villages that sit up, it's Cinque right.

Speaker 2:

So five villages that sit up on it's Cinqua right.

Speaker 4:

So five villages that sit up on these cliffs, and that's all I knew. And usually when you see brochures, like I'm looking at our Globus brochure and it's Cinquatera is on the front, oh fabulous, Normally, normally that's what it is when you see a poster of Italy. So I didn't know the history of Cinque Terre. So these villages were built I don't know like in the 1600s or something like that, and they kind of represent like a fort right. So the homes are the fort.

Speaker 2:

Are the fort right.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, so these people had no access to the outside world, um, even though the water was there, oh um. However, they were afraid to come down because they were getting plucked by the pirates oh, they were being sold as slaves right so they were afraid to. Yeah, so they were afraid to go to the water. They were farmers, oh, and they lived off, you know, lived off the land.

Speaker 4:

Inside their fort Made them safe. Yeah, right, so in the 1800s they were building a train from Milan to Genoa, uh-huh, and the only way to do it was to go along the coast, which went by these five villages, little villages. So then they had access to the outside world. In the 1800s, now everybody, and their brother is going to chink with tara. Um, it is absolutely beautiful. So I mean, it is like a postcard. So it's walking, a lot of walking, uh, no, so you, um, so there's three ways to get there. Okay, right, you can hike between the villages. There is now a road, um, that I think was built in the 80s, um, and there's a boat, so that's oh the boat.

Speaker 2:

People normally give me a geographical locale. Is it the east side, the west side?

Speaker 4:

the south side Between Milan and Genoa. Okay.

Speaker 2:

So it's kind of mid-country yeah.

Speaker 4:

Well, it's northern Italy, so it's northern Italy, okay, so you're near Switzerland, oh, okay, yeah, so the trip I did was Milan, milan, right, and we did.

Speaker 2:

And Milan is known for fashion. That's like one of the fashion capitals.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, so they have, you know, the Domo, the beautiful church, the Domo, and then the Gallerias, those beautiful Gallerias that are covered with all the fancy, the Gucci, the all that.

Speaker 2:

So fess up, denise, what did you buy, what did you buy?

Speaker 4:

You know what I actually did? Pretty good, I got, um, I bought biscotti, we went to a rice you had a cookie. Yeah, we had a right. We went to a rice patty farm rice patty in italy yes for selling right for selling rice for selling, yeah, so we went to where they processed the rice. I bought risotto mixes. When we were in Turin they call it Torino we had a lot of free time, so we found a really good store and I bought some clothes.

Speaker 4:

I bought a purse, but I didn't go crazy. I didn't go crazy, I didn't spend that much money.

Speaker 2:

Italy is known for their leather and their gold chains and all that kind of stuff.

Speaker 4:

So you didn't go crazy.

Speaker 2:

I did not go crazy. Now, this tour that you were on, this is something that Globus can do for people.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, so it's Northern Italy and Cinque Terre. So we did Milan, we did Cinque Terre. We went to two out of the five villages by boat, by boat, and then we went to Genoa. Genoa, oh man, that is beautiful. There is 140 palaces in Genoa. 140 palaces, whoa.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 4:

And 42 of them are UNESCO World Heritage Sites and a lot of them are owned by banks like banks or they're privately owned and they're all, like, decorated on the ceiling. So were these excursions included? When they do the tours? All included, all included. The only optional excursions that we did were some of the dinners, like in a Tuscan farmhouse or dinner in a castle. But you know you don't have to do those. You could just go and do your own thing. We went to the Ferrari Museum.

Speaker 2:

Right, and you know where's your Ferrari? I'm waiting to see it. Did not buy a Ferrari.

Speaker 4:

They had the new electric one that they're coming out with. Oh whoa.

Speaker 2:

I can't even imagine Ferrari coming out with an electric vehicle.

Speaker 4:

It's going to go pretty fast, yeah, wow, so the whole you know. And then I saw the Ferrari movie so it was kind of cool. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. So it was pretty. You know you've got the best of both worlds. So if you're traveling with a guy and it's, you know, you've got the woman has all the the shopping and the wine tasting and the beautiful towns and the palaces, and the guy's got his Ferrari museum and you could do the wine tasting and all that good stuff.

Speaker 2:

Wine tasting is at top of the list. I heard you had a sommelier along with you. We did, yeah, we did.

Speaker 4:

It was pretty cool. The big thing too, you know, even if you're not Catholic and you want to go see where the Shroud of Turin is kept. The Shroud of Torin is not on display except for like maybe once a year. They're kind of afraid now to put it on display, just with all the crazy crap that's going on in the world. But you see where it is displayed and the history of it. And then there's a whole video about the Shroud Right and we did that. And then Ann was nice, genoa was nice.

Speaker 2:

Oh, our pharma where they make parmesan cheese, oh, yeah, I hear there's a lot of places in italy that make a lot of great cheese and I, I love cheese we were in this room that was wall to wall wheels of cheese, oh wow, and they showed how they make it.

Speaker 4:

You saw them bobbing in the water and then you saw them when they were done did you buy any cheese and bring it back? I did yeah I bought some you have to jano reggiano or something like that, and it probably tastes so fresh, I it? Yeah, you know, we had a little on our last night. We had a little egg. It was an appetizer, it was like eggplant parm, like a rollatm, like a rollatini.

Speaker 2:

Oh, like a rollatini.

Speaker 4:

Literally. It was, like you know, real small. It was the best I've ever had and we're like, why is this? But it was the fresh cheese.

Speaker 2:

So fresh, right it was.

Speaker 4:

It was the fresh cheese, the sauce.

Speaker 2:

Now you're making me very hungry here, denise, and and now I'm like going cold turkey, like yesterday.

Speaker 4:

I was dizzy because I'm not eating.

Speaker 1:

I can't even look at pasta or pizza again.

Speaker 2:

Oh and mussels, Fresh seafood, I understand.

Speaker 4:

On your way through Cinque Terre, you see all of them Now with this smaller town.

Speaker 2:

You know the Cinque Terre. You know where are you staying. Where does Globus put people?

Speaker 4:

We did not stay overnight in Cinque Terre, um, we just went for the day, so actually.

Speaker 2:

So we from Milan right, we left, so we, oh yeah, milan, milan.

Speaker 4:

So we got to, we got to wherever the town was I can't think of the name of it, spezza or something like that we take the boat and then we took the boat and we go past village one, like some of the villages there's, and this is something that you can pick when you're looking at these globus tours.

Speaker 2:

Right, you can say you want to do this. Yeah, yeah it was included.

Speaker 4:

So we went to by boat village four and we had about an hour. And then we went to village five and we had about an hour. And then we went to Village 5, and we had about an hour, two hours, and then we got on the train with the tour director and then, we went to Genoa.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean, these tours are fabulous and there's a lot of inclusions that people don't realize. And when you go with Globus, Globus gets the tickets in advance. So if you're doing all these things, you're not sitting waiting in long lines, You're kind of waving, waving past everybody and saying and it was all down to the tea.

Speaker 4:

you know like, I mean, we got to the train, you know like 10 minutes prior, and got on the train with our tour director and you know, while we were. It was funny. While we were on the boat going past all these villages, um, there was a couple next to me from Australia and he's like are you listening to somebody talking? I go, yeah, he goes. Well, can you tell me what they're saying?

Speaker 1:

So there I am on the boat, trying to enjoy my boat ride, and I'm telling them.

Speaker 2:

I'm like oh, you know, you became the translator. Yeah, yeah, yeah. They were getting kidnapped and sold to slaves. That is a big thing. People are wondering if they'll be able to understand their tour guides. Now, globus has tour guides. Oh yeah, we have tour directors local guides.

Speaker 4:

They're all English speaking and that was one thing that everybody got a kick out of was all the different Italian accents and their personalities. Like we were walking around Genoa and the tour director this guy was on a scooter and cut in front of the group and then he hopped up on the sidewalk and she's like complimentary compliment in her Italian accent you know you get the gold star. You know in her, in her Italian accent. So they were all absolutely wonderful.

Speaker 3:

So the tour directors are not with you throughout the entire group.

Speaker 4:

No, sometimes you have local guides, but our tour director was still there when the local guide was there just to make sure everything was going, kind of keep it organized for you. So yeah, so there's certain countries and italy is one of them, that the tour director cannot do the guiding um that you need a local guide, even though our tour director was italian.

Speaker 4:

Right, but you need the local guide of Parma, but the local guide of tour and the local guide but the tour director will direct you to the proper tour guide that you will have. So you're not. Oh, the local guide came on. She came on the bus, so she came on the bus, or she came to the hotel and we walked from there, so she was with us yeah, so you always know you're not getting getting sidetracked by some other tour guide. Well, that's interesting.

Speaker 2:

Oh no, she showed up, you know with the tour director.

Speaker 4:

Now, how long was this trip? It was nine days.

Speaker 2:

Nine days.

Speaker 4:

What was nice is we had a lot of two-night stays.

Speaker 2:

Oh, that's better, yeah.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, and we had a lot of free time. We had a lot of free time. We had a lot of free time in Genoa. We had a lot of free time in Turin, which got us in trouble. On the last day of the show, you got in trouble. I was totally planning on getting my hair cut, but I ended up just shopping.

Speaker 2:

Just shopping. There's your trouble. You spent a little bit too much money with your shopping. Yeah.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, but the trip was fantastic. I've always wanted to go to Cinque Terre, you know, like I know we talked before like I always wanted to go to Mackinac Island and I did that on a global tour and you did that right. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So there's certain places that I want to go. Yeah, you're going to see United States.

Speaker 2:

You're overseas you're all over and people don't know that. And they can contact their travel advisor and say, hey, you know, I'm looking, I want to go to Italy, you know. And they'll say, well, we can do, lobis. You know people don't realize that.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, we do Africa, we do Asia, we do Central America, South America, Africa, I'm forgetting North America. So United States, Canada, all continents except for Antarctica, Except for Antarctica it's a little chilly there. Yeah yeah, the most popular right now is Japan is hot Portugal is hot.

Speaker 2:

My daughter just came back from Portugal.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, it's a great place to go, but Japan is definitely back and back back in a big way back in a back in a big way.

Speaker 2:

We keep on adding more tours and more departures, and and we just can't even give us an example of what's included when somebody does a globus tour like the one you were in italy. Yep, the hotels, so your hotels are included.

Speaker 4:

Breakfast is included, some dinners are included all of your. If there is a site to see, you're seeing it and it's included.

Speaker 2:

That's fabulous we do have pickups from the airport and things like that. Can that also be a?

Speaker 4:

yeah, so if you're flying in on the day of the tour and flying out of the tour and you take our air right um, transfers are included if you're doing pre-nights and post-nights, then you need to add the um, add the transfers, because we don't have the motor coach that day, right right. So, like the trip I just did, some people were continuing on to the train station some.

Speaker 4:

Some people were doing this or that, and so we had transfers for them and we just did it in different ways. You know, different airport, there were two different airports.

Speaker 2:

So, yeah, either it's included, or or you just. You just add Right. They should always ask their travel advisor is my transfer included? Because a lot of people don't realize if it is or isn't.

Speaker 3:

Oh, you got to get someplace. When you get there? Exactly.

Speaker 2:

Getting it from the airport where.

Speaker 4:

It's so funny, because the last two times I flew internationally I had to wait for my friends to get in because they were delayed, and it's always funny to see people getting off the plane with all their luggage. They're tired and somebody's standing there with a sign just that, that sense of relief on their face right because they're like

Speaker 2:

oh yes, thank goodness somebody's here for me.

Speaker 4:

Yeah yeah, because even my friend I was waiting for the guy was standing there with her name and I said, hey, you know you can sit down because I'm here and goes. No, no, no, and he's standing there and she was like all excited, you know, and he's taking her, she's taking his picture. She's like nobody's ever had my name on a sign.

Speaker 2:

Oh really, oh she needed to hold it up more. Yeah, yeah, Now how many people were on this tour roughly.

Speaker 4:

So for Europe we have either small group departures, which we can max out at 28 people on a motor coach, or we have our standard size, which can max out at 42.

Speaker 1:

We had 37 on ours, oh nice and it was yeah, it wasn't too much yeah you know we have headsets on all of our tours so you can hear your guide.

Speaker 4:

Um, you carry it around with you all the time. It's a little bud that goes in your ear, right? You? Know, you can hear the guide, so right, and you said they're all speaking english.

Speaker 2:

They might have accents. Said they're all speaking English. They might have accents, but they're all speaking English, which is really good yeah, you can also on any of our Europe tours.

Speaker 4:

You can make it private and that's on any of our Europe tours. So what would they?

Speaker 2:

if they wanted to do private, would they say well, I want this tour, but I want it private and it would be private from one to 24 people.

Speaker 4:

If an advisor out there has, like, a family of 10 and they want to do it privately, right we need to. It needs to be on a departure date that we have and we need to have availability Right, but they can do it privately.

Speaker 2:

So this is something that they would have to plan make sure that there's things available. You need names, already I'm assuming that this is a little bit more expensive, a little more pricier than just the regular groups.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I mean if it's like 15 people. Sometimes it's only like another $800 to make it private. It's not that bad If it's just one.

Speaker 2:

It's like $10,000. If I want to go by myself, I'm going to do it then.

Speaker 4:

But you could do it, you could do it, but you could do it, you could do it, but it's got to be on a departure and we need to know that we have space and um and you need to have names.

Speaker 2:

There's no tba space on that either. Right and the other thing is globus. Does globus supply um insurance?

Speaker 4:

yes, so we do have a on insurance okay canceled for any reason. It's either you file a claim for medical. If it's not medical, then you get vouchers. So, whatever the penalty is, you get back in a voucher. Well, that's good.

Speaker 2:

So that's good. So there's insurance all the way around, which is fabulous.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah. So I mean there's a lot that people can do with Globus, you know, and, like I said, they can, they can find what they want to do. They can call their travel advisor and say, hey, listen, I've seen this is going on with globus, I want, I want in, and then they can start planning their trip.

Speaker 4:

How long in advance do you think they need to book out? Well, I mean, we're open for next year, so you know you need to kind of book it early, not wait too long. Um, on the river cruise side, we're definitely back to pre-covid sales, so you cannot wait on those um land. If there's space or space, that's great. But you remember, these motor coaches only hold so much like we just said. So many people right.

Speaker 2:

So if there's somewhere that you want to go, then you just need to book it and your motor coaches are air conditioned, equipped with wi-fi and all that other fun stuff. From my understanding, correct yes.

Speaker 4:

Some of them have outlets, some of them don't. It just really depends.

Speaker 2:

Depends on what it is, but they're nice and modern coaches and you won't be too hot. Now I'm going to have to put you on the spot and ask for your travel tip.

Speaker 4:

Yes, so my travel tip? We were laughing. I'm like, well, what kind of travel tip you? We were laughing, I'm like, well, what kind of travel tip. He said, oh, packing, I am not the one to come to for packing, right, that's for sure.

Speaker 2:

So we won't ask you for packing. We'll ask you for another travel tip.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, my friends travel with carry-on and that's just not possible in my world. I would say get Global Entry, it will save you so much time. I think it's still only $100. You don't have to wait in those crazy lines I transferred coming back through JFK Right.

Speaker 2:

So tell me people don't know what global entry means. So why don't you explain that a little bit?

Speaker 4:

Yeah, so global entry you apply for it and you go to the airport and you have a meeting. Make sure that you have a good person. Make sure you're arrested or any of that stuff Because I was there when people were like I was arrested in the 60s.

Speaker 2:

And I'm like it doesn't matter.

Speaker 4:

So you have a meeting and they, you know, they already know all about you because if you have a passport they know where you've been. So you need to kind of look at your passport and this makes them get through the airports a little bit easier, correct yeah? So you pay. I don't know what the fee is now. I think I paid $100, so you're already pre-screened.

Speaker 2:

And that's good. For how long A?

Speaker 4:

couple years, maybe six years. I think mine expires in 2027, seven years, maybe Is that like clear. It's like clear, but you can have global entry and clear, which then you get even through faster.

Speaker 2:

You can have both. Yeah, you can have both. You can have both. Yeah, you can have both. You can have both.

Speaker 4:

So global entry. You know, when you go through security, you have one line for TSA and you have one line for regular and when I was flying last week from Tampa, I don't know what was going on with the airport, but it was probably an hour just to get to TSA. I'm sorry, an hour to get through.

Speaker 3:

What time of the day was that?

Speaker 4:

You know what? It was 8 o'clock in the morning on Wednesday.

Speaker 2:

People are traveling again and I love it. And with Globus, we were talking about the Globus tour that you took for Northern Italy with Milan and Genoa and Turin, and of course you had called it Cinque Terre. So you went, yeah, so you hit everything.

Speaker 4:

But definitely global entry. You breeze through the lines and when you're going through customs, you also breeze through very fast, so that would be my tip.

Speaker 2:

That's the tip for the day Get global entry. Well, thank you, thank you. Thank you for that tip. We appreciate it. Thank you for having me and, yeah, it's amazing all the places that you're going to and, like I said, we're going to plan a group. Jay and I are going to say it's time for a group and we're going to look at Italy. You need to do it now. We need to do it. We need to start booking it now. That's right. We need to start selling it now.

Speaker 4:

Yes, yes, let me know what help you need.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I would love that, okay. Well, thank you, denise, for joining us today. I appreciate it.

Speaker 4:

Oh, don't forget about our promo If you book, oh, it's still good. Yep, it's $50 off per person and the code is Iris 2024.

Speaker 2:

And that's you have to contact your travel advisor and let them know there's a promo going on, so it's $50 off per person and it's iris 24, so tell your travel advisor iris 24, I get money off iris 2024, 2024. Yes, all right. Well, thank you again for joining us. You have a great day and we'll see you in the air. Thank, you bye, bye, ah yes thanks, denise right, denise did our travel tip today and we're going to be talking trivia question oh no yeah, we got trivia oh no did you hit the wrong music, jay?

Speaker 2:

no, no, I know you're my button pusher over there. I never know what the music is playing.

Speaker 3:

I got it oh no.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, she had to leave. Now You're going to be on your own doing the trivia question.

Speaker 3:

Maybe I should have had her stick around.

Speaker 2:

She probably would have known this. You may know it. Are you ready? Okay, name the largest art museum in the world. You got it.

Speaker 3:

I'm thinking France.

Speaker 2:

Okay, I'm thinking the Louvre, and you know something You'd be right, all right. Woo, jay got one today. I got one right. Yay for Jay, you got it, you got it. So the Louvre I would love to see the Louvre, and it's something that you just can't see all in one day. I'm sure, kind of like the Smithsonian, you can't see that all in one day Right. Right? So that's our question. The largest art museum in the world is the Louvre.

Speaker 3:

Wow, I can't believe I got one right. You did yeah.

Speaker 2:

And again we want to thank Denise for joining us today and helping us get our travel on.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, Thank you, Globus. Thank you, globus, and we're going to be putting things together. What I like about that is I hear that they've got the tour directors right there. They know where you're going Right.

Speaker 2:

They have tour directors, that kind of guide you to the tour guides. They monitor everything. So in certain countries they will have guides of that area and everybody speaks English.

Speaker 3:

And you've got a headset so you can hear. Yeah, I always hate it when I'm in a little group and someone's talking up there and I can't hear Right, what did they say?

Speaker 2:

What did they say? Yeah, you know, yeah, so they have all of that. So I'm so excited. So, yep, we are going to put together an Italy tour, all right. Yep and we are probably looking at somewhere in late September, early October.

Speaker 3:

That's in 25.

Speaker 2:

That's in 2025. 2025. Because it's going to take us all that time to get all of our group together.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

So if anybody's interested, they can contact me, zmichelson at gmailcom and say, yeah, I want to go to Italy, I want to go to Italy, I want the Italy trip, all right. Well, jay, that's pretty much it for today. So much traveling to do, so little time to do it in. You can tune in every week for more travel info, insights and just plain old fun. And please follow me and like me on Facebook. Do you have a favorite location or maybe an interesting travel tip? As you keep hearing me ask people for more tips, let me know at ZMichelson at gmailcom. Z is spelled Z-E-E.

Speaker 2:

I'm very excited to let everybody know that my podcast can be heard on your favorite podcast players. Feel free to give me a review. I'd love to hear what you got to say. Thanks for listening today. Traveling truly opens up the world to you. You learn all about the different cultures, the lifestyles and Jay and mine's favorite the food. Then we really, truly realize we are all the same Dream, dream, big, reach for those stars and if you only get to the moon, at least you made the trip. If you're looking for great places to travel to, feel free to visit my website it's free ZMichelsonTravelcom. This is Z Michelson, making your travel dreams come true.