Get Enlifted

The Greatest Hits REVISITED #1 - Ep. 59: The Superpower of Being Yourself with Captain Taylor Morgan

Kimberly Kesting, Taylor Morgan

Taking us out of 2023 we're going back to our favorite and most listened to shows. In this Greatest Hits REVISITED series I will be pulling up the best of Get Enlifted podcast and listening with you!  New intros & commentary along the way with new insights, updates, and a second chance to listen to the shows we all love, together.

Your best superpower: being YOU. Captain Taylor Morgan joins us today to talk about how to strongly step into your life, define your purpose, Make Thriving Standard, and how to unlock the superpower of being yourself that's waiting for you when you  bust out of The Victim Mentality.

P.S. we recorded this episode from my backyard while catching rays in our bathing suits sipping LMNT, cheers!

In this episode:

  • What happened when I walked in on Taylor and one of his clients immediately after an Enlifted Method coaching session
  • Taylor's purpose  to #MakeThrivingStandard after his former experiences as a Marine turned CrossFit coach who realized he could do a lot more for his clients
  • How does Taylor define "thriving" and how is that different from what is the current standard of health & wellbeing?
  • Live it instead of preach it: your role as a coach to lead by example and model the behaviors you teach to your clients
  • Why Taylor utilizes Instagram, TikTok, and a TV series to influence and reach the most people possible

Get more from Taylor:
Download the Captain's Code:
Instagram: @captain_taylor_morgan
TikTok: @captain_taylor_morgan
Watch The Captain's Lifestyle on YouTube
The Captain's Lifestyle Podcast

Get more from Enlifted Coaches: / @enliftedcoaches
Kimberly: @kimberly.kesting

Join the
Soft Talk Challenge, I dare you.

Speaker 1:

This morning my alarm went off 15 minutes before the sunrise and I did not want to get up. Not at all. I felt myself resisting so hard, even though I knew that I was gonna be walking out to see the sunrise over the Atlantic Ocean on Virginia Beach the most beautiful morning sight that I could possibly imagine, the one that I manifesting like. I would love waking up to that every single day. And yet my alarm goes off and I'm like, fuck, I don't want to get up. So I hear the internal dialogue in my head and I listen and I observe and I hear I don't want to do this. It's cold out there, it's so early, da-da-da. And then my inner dialogue gets taken over by Captain Taylor Morgan and it says Get up, kimberly. And so I muster all of the masculine energy in my body that I could possibly have and I got up and I put my Ugg boots on and I sweatshirt on and I treached outside to see the sunrise over the Atlantic and it was absolutely gorgeous. I took a walk, I enjoyed a meditation in front of my dream beach house and all thanks to me calling on the love and support of my dear friend Captain Taylor Morgan.

Speaker 1:

Welcome to the reshare series to take us out of 2023 with Getting Lifted. I'm gonna be sharing five different episodes across this next coming five weeks of podcasts that I loved, things that were really impactful for me in my life, conversations that were really impactful for me, and I'm gonna be listening along with you. So I'm going to give you guys a new introduction on the show with some real context about what's going on currently for me and or how this show has impacted me, has grown and shaped me, and I'm going to listen along with you and give you commentary on the episodes. So this is gonna be a really fun way for me to rewind the clock, look back at the last two years that we've been running the Get and Lifted podcast, reshare some of our favorite episodes, most listened episodes and the ones that have made the biggest impact on me. I thought that it was only appropriate to kick this off with a reshare of the episode the Superpower of being Yourself featuring Taylor Morgan, because I called upon the strength and power of Taylor this morning to get myself up and out of bed to see the gorgeous sunrise this morning.

Speaker 1:

Taylor has taught me so much about how to optimize my circadian rhythm, how to really and this is saying a lot coming from a woman how to really build discipline and masculine structure into my routines and habits and behaviors. And he's also just taught me a lot about how to put myself out there on the internet, how to show up confidently as a, as a podcaster, as an Instagram personality and as myself. So this podcast we recorded together in person in my backyard, in our bathing suits, in the sunshine back this summer and when Taylor was visiting for a period of time, and we had a lot of fun doing it. Taylor has always stretched me to show up and authentically and to speak my mind, speak what's on my heart, and to have like strong values to teach from what I believe. So this episode, which we're about to listen to together I'm recording this before re-listening, we're going to listen together, I'm going to give you commentary and I just want you to know that this is a awesome episode for you to take a second to check in on.

Speaker 1:

Am I showing up authentically as me? Is this the type of person that I want to be? Is this the life that I want to live, model and experience? And if not, how can you employ some of that deep discipline not motivation, necessarily, but discipline and structure to your life to start creating the life that you desire. Taylor has always been. Ever since I first met him has always been that person for me. When I need to call on some discipline and structure, I just think to myself what would the captain do? So let's dive in. It's a gorgeous day here in Richmond, virginia, outside with the sun, god, in my backyard it is I. The first ever episode of Get In, lifted, done from bathing suits in the sunshine, sunshine, drinking elementy, catching that vitamin D.

Speaker 2:

Speaking of sun signs, what's Aries Is?

Speaker 1:

that water, aries is fire.

Speaker 2:

Fire. So that's is that sun.

Speaker 1:

Well, so your sun sign is where the sun was in position, what sign it was in in the position in the sky when you were born. So your sun sign is the sign that most people identify as their astrology sign. So your sun sign is Aries.

Speaker 2:

Oh, look at that. Yeah, as is mine, of course. Yeah, just a couple of sun gods hanging out talking about cool stuff, just cupiddle sun gods hanging out talking about cool stuff.

Speaker 1:

So, taylor, let's open. Hot here. I want to. I want to know the story of what happened.

Speaker 2:

Oh, we've already opened hot.

Speaker 1:

I know we did, but even hotter.

Speaker 2:

If you guys, if you guys have access to the video you got to watch, you got to see this.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you do got to see this. So, taylor, I want to hear the story from your side of the street when I walked in on you and Corey the other day.

Speaker 2:

Okay, Okay, you just walked in on. You make it seem like we were doing something naughty. Yeah, corey is one of my clients. He graduated my coaching program about six months ago and we were both at V con together, which is Gary V's mega conference on entrepreneurship and personal development. A lot of the things I'd like to get into today, because I learned a lot there and we didn't get a chance to meet up there, but afterwards he texted me that, saying he lives in Virginia, so I invited him over for a workout, we got our pump on and then after we hopped into some impromptu storywork Like that's just where it flowed. And I mentioned, your spot is one of the greatest places for storywork magic to happen with all these, you know, abracadabra stones, the victim mentality, cheese board, all these crystals and tensor rings in the quantum block. Like it's just, it's a magical place.

Speaker 2:

He came to some pretty profound Realizations and decisions that he had been putting off, unbeknownst to him. Right, these things are in the back of our head primarily because of soft talk. Like I should make this decision, things like that. So that was, that was an amazing experience for me. I realized that I just love facilitating these transformations for guys, especially in person, when you can see the light bulb moment going on. You can see, cory, I don't want to throw you under the bus here, but, like there's, there's one point where just the sun hit perfectly on his face. There was some Odessa in the background. A single tear of joy came down as like, oh, this is, this is magical.

Speaker 1:

So and I came home, I got to experience the aftermath of it, which was really cool for me because you know a lot of what you just described the work that you do specifically with men and helping them step into that that purpose, help them make decisions, help them be more solid or any way that anyone's using the uplifted method. It's really special to see. You know, I hadn't met Cory before, but I could see all over him the impact that you've had on him and the leadership that you, like, have demonstrated to him and shown to him. And so then to start the conversation with him and he has no idea who I am, which was funny and just ask from a place of curiosity about you know, how your day was and what you guys worked on and what happened. And then for him to recount back to me from his perspective how transformative, how powerful, how clear he felt at the end of that session. And then, to you know, he hung out for another hour or so, we got to talk and just to see. For me, what's really gratifying about that experience is to see somebody who's utilizing the uplifted method, use it in a powerful way that's authentic to your style of coaching, that fits in with your, your mission, your values, how you're coaching men and to see the direct result in your client right in front of me, like that was a very special moment for me, because, you know, a lot of this work is done online and my experience of the result of Taylor's coaching, with the uplifted method that I got to witness and experience the other day and you know, the thing that I think about a lot is we all work in a space where transformation is the goal, right.

Speaker 1:

As a coach, the main thing you want to provide to your client is a transformation of some kind, and they want that transformation. That's why they're coming to you, that's why they're hiring you. That's what they're looking for. They're looking for your guidance, your wisdom, your experience, your personal flavor and flair, and they want to learn from you. They want to grow with you. They want to be guided to their best version of them, not necessarily to replicate what you teach or what you do, but they want to be inspired, they want to be educated, they want they want you to help them facilitate results.

Speaker 1:

And so when I got to walk in and see how Corey spoke about you and how, and to see how much it excited you too, like it was such a mutual exchange. You know it's not like, oh, this guy's just here and I'm here to help coach him or whatever. It's like, no, you're genuinely caring or invested in his success and in seeing him succeed, and so the opportunity to get to do that in person is special when we work in. A lot of us work in a mostly digital world, but then it was extra special for me to get to see it as an affirmation of like, oh, wow, this is the impact that lifted coaches have. This is the work that they're doing out in the world. Because when I work, I see the coaches come through our programs and have a transformation for themselves, and then my favorite thing to see and hear about is what how that ripples out to their clients. It's rare that I get to have. That was a very special experience for me to get to see, so thanks for sharing it with me.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, thank you for one inviting me into the magical space and allowing me to hang for a few days. And yeah, the court didn't know what he was getting himself into. He was like, oh shit, did I just walk into a full on story work session here when? When he finally realized where he was and who Kim is?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, well, that's fun. Let's tell the listeners who are just meeting the captain for the first time a little bit about you.

Speaker 2:

Okay, nickname is the captain. Real name is Taylor Morgan, also known as the sun god.

Speaker 2:

I prioritize sunlight. It is the most important thing that you can do for your overall health. So quick recap I was a Marine. For four years, was a machine gunner, deployed to Okinawa and Korea, broke my ankle before my second appointment. Being drunk and stupid, that was my main catalyst to completely 180, everything that was going on in my life. I started learning more about holistic health, became a CrossFit coach, started diving deeper into that world and sleep and nutrition and, most recently, mindset, you know, with the uplifted work and now even more so, the importance of light for our health. So I've got a podcast, the captain's lifestyle podcast. I do coaching, I host men's retreats and I've got a fun YouTube show that's coming up.

Speaker 1:

I'm so excited for the YouTube show Right. I'm so excited.

Speaker 2:

And to kind of close things on who I am. My purpose is to hashtag, make thriving standard. That is my purpose in life, and I define thriving as vigorous development of self. So vigorous meaning strong, healthy, full of energy development. We all know what that means. You know 1% better every single day and of self.

Speaker 2:

A lot of us and I was guilty of this for the longest time is, you know, especially as a coach, doing our best to help our clients and to help, not change or fix, but help improve our clients. And then when I realized that you can't help anybody who doesn't want help, or you can't help anybody beyond where you're already at, so then I realized, okay, I'm trying to tell everybody else what to do. And then I reflected that back on me how about I start doing everything that I'm preaching and, instead of just talking about it, actually live it? So my mission is to inspire others to live the captain's lifestyle. So inspiration is my one of my core values. Because of this reason, once you are able to fully utilize the superpower of being yourself, that inspires other people to ask you questions like hey, I've noticed you've changed over the past few months. You're so much more full of life and excited to wake up Like what's changed for you. And, instead of you preaching to them, inspire them to ask you questions about how you're doing it.

Speaker 1:

Model the behavior. That is absolutely one of your superpowers is modeling and living what you do, and one it's really fun to watch you on social media, but it's especially fun for me to spend time around you and to watch you and to see how consistent you are with how you show up online. And so I think a lot of people like I can imagine any sort of story that people would have about you when they open up your page and they're like oh, here's this pretty guy talking about these things and selling his supplements and yada, yada, yada, and I mean it's totally a reflection projection kind of thing, right of like what their own insecurities would be. So here's the deal. You hear me say right there that this projection of the stories onto influencers or people who are leading and teaching, who have a lot of followers, who look nice on the internet, who are making an impact it's so easy for you as a coach or a leader who honestly most likely desires that same level of influence and impact, who desires to show up that consistently, who desires to have the clean brand and the consistent message and the clear mission, as Taylor has outlined for us when you see influencers or coaches on the internet who are modeling that.

Speaker 1:

How does it make you feel? How does it make you feel when you listen to them on podcasts? How does it make you feel when you are watching and observing something that, from your perspective, is actually something you secretly desire? Interesting reflection point, an interesting way to see how can you be inspired by them rather than triggered by them. How can you step in more fully to what they're doing and be more you so that you can lead and impact other people?

Speaker 1:

Food for thought. But one of the things that I enjoy most about following you and being friends with you and seeing the whole thing in real time is it is inspiring. It does inspire me. It makes me. I see your flavor of how you are yourself and how you live into your mission and your purpose, and then it reflects back to me and says how can I do more of that? I really value having friends around me that are calling me forward and helping me be better at the thing that I do. A lot of the time, it's a lot of the stories about people on the internet that are influencers that don't know what they're talking about. You've heard them all. I'm sure you've heard them all.

Speaker 2:

It's really like why are people projecting?

Speaker 1:

that onto them? Why are they making it seem like they don't know what they're talking about or that it's all superficial, when in reality it's like you have a really, really strong desire to help guide and change and transform you, change and transform people into a happier, healthier lifestyle, live more fulfilled lives and to actually thrive. That's a big deal to think about, going from just being like okay, I'm healthy, no, I'm thriving, and that's the baseline. That's the standard. The standard is to be completely full of life force and enjoy yourself and have a freaking blast doing it, and when you look around at most of the world that is, they're not there.

Speaker 2:

That's how I came to the conclusion that make thriving standard is my purpose. After a lot of introspection, I first created my mission, my vision and my values, and then I added in the purpose once I learned about that. So I call it your MVVP. This is one of the things that I do for my clients.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Yes, MVVP.

Speaker 1:

Mission, values.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, mission, vision, values and purpose.

Speaker 1:

Great yeah.

Speaker 2:

And so that's how I came to the conclusion that this was my purpose to make thriving standard, because what's standard today is living on autopilot. What's standard today is being mediocre and average. This status from 2018, so the numbers have definitely risen after the lockdowns and everybody's staying inside, but the greatest hoax of all time.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, 75% of people are overweight or obese Type two diabetes, type three diabetes, which is Alzheimer's. The majority of people are overly stressed or anxious or depressed. A lot of people are struggling with lack of communication and real relationships. It's all surface level. So that's what's standard today, right? Standard is looking around at your friends, knowing that something's missing in your life. But then you look around at the people around you and they're also stressed out, they're also anxious, they also complain about their job and you're like, oh well, maybe this is just normal. And then we see other people, yeah, and so we see other people who are thriving and who are living their best life, and we project how we see ourselves and our friends around us onto those people. Oh, must be nice, right?

Speaker 1:

Right. This is the victim mentality and a telephobia wrapped up in the same conversation, and a telephobia is the fear of not being good enough.

Speaker 2:

So, it's.

Speaker 1:

I'm in the state of the disempowered, victim mentality state, because it's integrated in language, because there's a glitch in how people talk about themselves, how their language is constructing the wrong image and you're creating a story of disempowerment unknowingly, and then, because of that, there's a consistent underlying feel of I'm not good enough or I could never do that, or the must be nice thing, and that, right there is the crux of the whole thing. That keeps people from taking the step towards developing and thriving, because they're not. They're stuck in that right.

Speaker 1:

Like when we talk about your clients are stuck, people are stuck. It all will come down like the root of all of it will come down to that. The things that they will say, like what do you hear men say that are stuck right? Or that they're like just not fulfilled in their lives, before they really realize how to create that fulfillment for themselves.

Speaker 2:

A lot of them start with that like I feel stuck. I feel like something's missing.

Speaker 2:

Like I, you know like this is what everybody says is the right thing to do, that we've heard it a bunch of time. You know go to college, get good grades, get a job. I ask guys why they're doing the work that they're doing and a lot of them bring up money first, like it was a great opportunity out of college. It pays well and it's like, okay, well, do you actually enjoy it? So there's something missing, and I think that something is purpose. That's why I started thriving once. I found my purpose to make thriving standard for myself and then to inspire others to do that also. That now gives me a tremendous sense of purpose and passion and motivation and driving all the things that guys are looking for, because I know what I'm going after. A lot of guys who come to me they don't know what they're going after. They're like I know that this isn't it, it's something I don't know what, and so that's why the MVVP process is transformational for people.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, absolutely. And I think about my own story in this sense of like, when I was in that place right, working in corporate America, living in New York city, stressed out, drinking alcohol, eating shit food, hardly moving other than walking around the city Like I wasn't you know, I just I didn't. I felt empty.

Speaker 1:

I felt so like I was lacking something, and the thing that brought me back to life and gave me a purpose and gave me a mission was to get healthy. And so I went on a weight loss journey and I lost a bunch of weight, I got super fit. I started to like just become infatuated with how easy and how magical it can be when you put in that work and really start focusing on real food and all of the foundational things of holistic health and wellness. And then, at some point, I still hit this edge where it was like I know I, yes, okay, fine, I got fit, yes, okay, I feel healthier and I feel more energized physically, but there's still something, that there's still a hole here. And so that was when I decided to leave my job and pursue health coaching and go all in on helping other people find this fulfillment. And like the process and the journey of it is so is something you can really only teach once you've had that experience, because otherwise, like you wouldn't know where you're going. And so, like when you were, when you first got into coaching and you were doing fitness coaching, like where did you start to feel where something was missing or what was like? What was the link between before you found the purpose, before you really understood like? This is my mission. This is how I'm gonna support people. What was missing in your own life?

Speaker 1:

If these words are showing up in your coaching sessions, you got a big problem, coach. If they show up in your own internal dialogue, if they show up in your conversation what you're saying or what your clients are saying back, or in your clients internal dialogue sound the alarm. Okay, because these are the words that are completely undermining your confidence, are creating indecision, lack of clarity, lack of focus, that overwhelm, that churn talking yourself in circle style thinking and thought process, and it's a big deal. It will on your side of the street, coach. That's going to fuel your imposter syndrome big time. Am I even able to help this person? Am I actually going to be able to help them here? Can I get results? Am I good enough at this? And when your clients are saying them or thinking them, they're wondering the same thing. So I don't know about you.

Speaker 1:

That sounds like a nightmare of a coaching session to me, and the thing is is that there's an actual simple, simple, simple, easy, easy, easy fix, and I want you to have that info, soft talk. You got to cut it out. You got to eliminate it because it's talking you in circles and it's undermining all of your confidence. So I could tell you here what all the soft talk keywords are, and I'm going to do you one better.

Speaker 1:

I want you to go to and liftedme backslash soft talk, and they're going to go on a seven day challenge about eliminating these words from your language, understanding how they're influencing you and your clients, see examples of how this is fueling and where it's showing up, and then know exactly what to do about it. And over seven days you're going to walk out infinitely more confident. You're going to have a lot more clarity, a lot more focus and you're going to be able to identify and stop your clients from running through that same circle of destruction in their mind. And it all comes down to these simple words and all you have to do is delete them. You got to know what they are. You got to follow the process. Go to and liftedme backslash soft talk. Learn the tools of elite coaches, understanding exactly how to shift your clients mindset with simple changes in words, and experience what this and lift magic is all about. Check it out and liftme backslash soft talk. Take the seven day soft talk challenge and boost your confidence. Abracadabra.

Speaker 2:

When I was a CrossFit coach in Saudi Arabia is when I realized this. I'd have clients coming up to me saying, hey, I've been coming into the gym for a year now. Why am I not seeing the results that I'm looking for? And I was like, okay, well, I can see that you're being consistent in the gym. That's not the issue. What is your nutrition look like? How is your? How are your stress levels? How is your sleep Like? What are you doing outside of the gym?

Speaker 2:

And what I found was a lot of people are going into the gym using that one hour and thinking that it offsets the other 23 hours of their bad lifestyle. And you know it's like you can't do that. That's not how it works. So that's what led me to create the captain's lifestyle program and realize that fitness, and even nutrition, is not nearly as big of a marker for health as people think it is.

Speaker 2:

Yes, they are important, but again going back to what I said at the beginning, light is the most important thing.

Speaker 2:

Your light environment and that goes into circadian rhythm, and light is is a source of of energy. So if we're depriving ourselves from our energy source by wearing sunglasses, lathering up in sunscreen, excessive clothing, rarely getting outside, then of course we're not going to be optimally healthy, and circadian rhythm Like people know about how important sleep is, if you're not getting enough sunlight and you're under artificial blue light, your sleep is going to suck. When your sleep sucks, everything else sucks. Sleep is the rising tide that raises all ships. So once I dialed all this in for myself, I was like, oh, there's another level to how good can feel, cause I think a lot of people are stuck in their baseline. They think that a lot of people think that they might not have any problems, or might not think that they're overly stressed, or they think that they're healthy because that's just been their baseline for so long. But I can tell you guys with confidence that there is a whole nother level of energy and clarity and Feel good vibes.

Speaker 2:

Intoxication of life. Like you, you can wake up. Not every day, there are ebbs and flows, but you can be stoked on life and who you are. So that was a little tangent there. But once I discovered that for myself, I was like oh, I need to then teach this to others, and that was another transition point. For me was okay, it's not so much about the teaching and preaching, it's about embodying, showing and inspiring.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and then. So where, when you were, when you were teaching and preaching and you had the answers for people, what was happening for you as that teacher and coach?

Speaker 2:

It was stressful, right, thinking that I had to have all the right answers or be able to find all the right answers, and now, like I told you yesterday, I'd be like I don't know what the fuck's going on. I'm just, I'm just doing my best, right, and it's working for me right now. Yeah, but you know, the more that I learned, the more that I realized like, wow, like we, we really don't know things.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, and then to be able to guide, like I think that what's important, like that that could stop people in their tracks from even showing up and teaching and what I think is really important from my own lived experience, is that, like you're going to be teaching people, like, even if you are still exploring, like your next level of like detail and intricacy about how to optimize health while being whether that's mentally, emotionally, spiritually, physically you're you're going to be on that constant, vigorous development of self. Right, that's what it is to thrive. So, if we're going to have that constant evolution, like, the key is is like to be able to, like you know, throw rope back to the people who are a few steps behind you and help, guide them forward and be able to teach and lead from there.

Speaker 1:

And the thing is is that this is all play, this is all an experiment and if we take it too seriously and we're too focused on, this is right and this is wrong and this is what the science says, and this is the thing, like you're going to miss out on so much of the joy of life and so much of the pleasure of life. And, like when I think about where people are really like when you're coming to a health coach or you're coming into a CrossFit gym or you're going to work with somebody about your mindset, or you want to get better at something, like really, when we, when we break it all the way down to what you want, what do you? What do you really want? What do you really want? You want to be happier, you want to feel better, you want to have more energy, you want to have better relationships, you want to have more fulfillment in your life. You know that's like if you're going into the gym to look better, why, right, like it's, you can play that game where you just keep asking why until you get to a real reason and I think a lot of what bring it back up to that surface level judgment where we started this conversation about people who open up Tik Tok or they open up Instagram, they open up YouTube and it's like, oh must be nice for that guy. Like he didn't you know. Like, oh, it would be great if I looks like that. And it's like, well, you could, and oh, would be cool if I could have that lifestyle. Well, you could. And oh, it must be nice to you know, do a podcast outside in your bathing suits on a Friday, you could like. It's like, how hard are you willing to work for it and how much are you willing to challenge yourself, stress yourself and lean in to to going for it?

Speaker 1:

So here's something that it's interesting that pops up for me, as it's Tuesday at 1221, november 28th, as I walk on the beach barefoot, overlooking seeing some dolphins, listening back to this podcast, thinking about this is my life, this is what I do for work, this is what I get to do. It's yeah, I hear this understanding of what is possible to be created and I can understand the fear in it, the fear of living something far away from that, and I'm also going to tell you that as somebody who's living in it. Currently, there's times when the story pops up about do I deserve this? Am I worthy of this? Am I serious enough about what I'm doing? Is this making an impact? Is this helpful? And so I constantly have to check that story.

Speaker 1:

So, even as and I share this as an experience of if you are in a place where sorry for the wind in the background, noise, guys, this is real time.

Speaker 1:

If you are in a place where you're desiring that level of freedom, you're desiring that level of leadership and flexibility in your life to be able to make an impact from anywhere while doing the things you love, just know there's going to be stories that pop up along the way. Just because you've reached quote unquote the destination does not mean that all of a sudden the stories disappear and that you have to, that you get to stop working on your mindset. There's no finish line and point where I've made it. It's constant development, as Taylor said, vigorous development of self Love. That that's been a big theme that I've been talking about a lot recently. It's like when did you decide to go for it? How did you commit to this? Like, what was the thing? That was like yes, okay, I'm going for it, and there's always ebbs and flows in that too, Like it's being able to ride those waves and navigate, you know.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, navigate the dark seas Exactly Water Smooth seas. Never made a skilled sailor.

Speaker 1:

There we go, caps and references always.

Speaker 2:

Yep, always. The first key transition was when I broke my ankle. That's what really got me down the rabbit hole of not only health but lifestyle optimization. I realized that if I continued down this path of drinking on the weekends, staying out super late, playing video games in my spare time, like really doing nothing productive with my life outside of fitness which was the one thing that I did have dialed in I realized that I wasn't going to maximize my potential and I wouldn't be happy with myself. I would be living with regret, which is what I imagine to be one of the worst possible feelings a human being can experience, is deep regret, especially like when you're on your deathbed and you realize like I could have lived so much better. I could have allowed myself to be happy, I could have made such a bigger impact. So that was main turning point.

Speaker 2:

Second one was when I was in Saudi Arabia as a CrossFit coach One. I realized that I am an entrepreneur. I do not enjoy people telling me where to be, at what time, what to do. I am free. That is one of my biggest convictions is everything I do is for freedom, both for myself personal freedom and also to free others from the prison that they've constructed themselves in using, as you know, their words. So that was the second one was quitting my, at the time, high paying job in Saudi Arabia and burning the ships at the shore and going all in on me and my Brandon and what I wanted to do.

Speaker 2:

And, of course, there's been iterations along the way, but, yeah, now, even just yesterday, fully coming to the realization of for me to fully love the life that I live and actually be fulfilled as well as impact others in the best way that I can possibly do, I have to love what I'm doing and I have to love myself.

Speaker 2:

And so we talked about this yesterday of there's been this idea in my head that I have to show up on social media a certain way and sometimes I feel different, sometimes I don't want to, you know, be on like that, and so I can just talk in a different voice, or you know stuff like that. And another thing that I practiced yesterday, and I'm continuing to practice, is being more in my body as opposed to in my mind, because the mind is what tells me you're not good enough. The mind is what tells me you shouldn't post that you look weird or you said this thing wrong. You, you stuttered. Which was something that I struggled with as a kid and now something that's come up in many journaling sessions is life is literally a video game.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And I mean that quite literally life is we can go and we can go into, like the simulation theory, like I think it's fucking real. There's this guy who was on Tom Ville's podcast I'm forgetting his name, but he basically explained scientifically his theory of how he believes that we're actually wearing a VR headset, like yeah, I, so I caught clips of that.

Speaker 1:

I think it was like a five hour show.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it was long.

Speaker 1:

And it was like I caught like 30 minutes and it just made my head hurt and I was like, yeah, whatever, yeah, well, I think I whether it's true or not, I like it as an analogy because what I've been playing with and toying with is that same concept and understanding like, ok, so if life is a video game, if life is a video, cool. So I have, I have a team which is the players, the other characters in my life, and I get to pick each and every one of them. I get to invite people into my life and my space and my work and my play, and I get to pick every person who's on my team. So who do I want on my team?

Speaker 2:

And even before that, you get to pick your avatar.

Speaker 1:

You're right. So this is what I was going to ask you in the context of like, feeling like you need to show up on social media in a certain way, which I definitely relate to, like we, I think. How long have you been blogging or vlogging and posting for?

Speaker 2:

I've had my Instagram since 2012.

Speaker 1:

OK, so I started my Instagram blog in 2017. And so I've been showing up consistently on Instagram as this character of myself since the first day I opened that account, and it was. It was. I used Instagram as a tool to be my identity builder. Like I, I use that as I'm going to put my best foot forward. I'm going to put my best self forward. I'm going to show up as this version of Kimberly that I was constantly creating and architecting and cultivating, and so it was. It was very intentional and it helps me. It really helps me own my identity and step into my identity. So I was curious from you, from your perspective, like how has that, you know, thinking that you needed to show up in a certain way? Was that because of the identity you wanted to architect? Was that because of the tailor you wanted to be, or was because that the tailor you thought you had to be?

Speaker 2:

I think. I think the second option I was, and still this is something that I continue to struggle with at times is thinking that I have to show up a certain way because of how I want somebody else to perceive me.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Right, and what's? What's helped me is not caring what anybody else thinks because, like you mentioned, somebody can open my page and see one post and they do like you can go read a lot of the comments and they just automatically put me into this box and they think they know everything about me, right, right. And I was like, okay, well, there's nothing that I can do to change these people's opinions of me besides just being myself.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and even if you're the architected version like or the like, you know, like the Avatar facade version, that's like a little bit disconnected from who you are in real life, that is going to get criticism and praise. And then, but the real version of you is going to get the same criticism and praise, and so the I'm going to make an assumption here that, like the fear of the real you getting the criticism is harder to handle or is more difficult to unwinds, like it. That's how it would feel for me.

Speaker 2:

It has been, and now I realize that I don't care so much about that, like I'm very vulnerable now and I realize that All of me is me, like how I show up All of the time in any situation is me. Yeah, one of the things I love to do as a kid was dress up and kind of play these different characters and Real man doll coming to you soon on tiktok, stay tuned.

Speaker 2:

That's gonna be wonderful Little sneak preview for you there. But yeah, and so now I? I literally treat my life as a video game. I can be whoever I want to be, do whatever I want to do. I pick my Missions right and I put myself in challenges and overcome obstacles in order to get closer to achieving this mission. Like like a game, leveling up constantly.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. So it's like, so, picking your avatar, like even this comes down to like we were joking about it the other day. It's like, oh yeah, these are my outfits. Like it's as if you were a real man doll, and but I think about that too. In the sense of that, like, yeah, what character do I want to play? Like, how do I want to show up, how do I want to feel, how do I want to behave, how do I want to dress, how do I want to look?

Speaker 1:

I'm like taking pride in that rather than feeling pressure about it or shame about it or criticism about it. And like the when we're like talking about loving the way you look, and Even in the context of like as somebody who has not loved the way they looked for plenty of time in my life, and like I'm done with that, I'm over that. You know. It's like now I embrace my body. I love. I love making myself look and feel good, because I know that my energy is better. I know that I'm more like I not to say that I'm more attractive, but like I am like people, because I'm more embodied in me. I'm more like I'm truly myself and expressed in a way that feels good to me. So it's not about like, oh, you fit like a textbook, like, oh, you're attractive. It's like no, like I like that person's energy, I like being around them, they're comfortable in themselves, they're you know, and it's not cocky, it's not like some aspect of like an inflated ego, and so it's you we have notes here the superpower of being yourself.

Speaker 2:

Yeah please share ladies and men, one of the best ways to Attract your ideal partner is to be fully free. This is what I find most attractive in a woman is her ability to fully be herself, like not care what anybody else is gonna say or Think about her, because she knows who she is and she's simply being. Being does not require an explanation. You don't have to explain why you do certain things or why you are the way that you are. If you know who you are and you love the way that you are, you can simply be. For me, that's it's Seeing that it's difficult to explain, but just, whatever you feel like doing, whatever you feel like saying, there's that that voice that comes up. It's like, oh, maybe I shouldn't do that, that's a little weird. I'm saying to let that go as much as you can and be so comfortable in who you are. That is extremely attractive.

Speaker 1:

How have you cultivated that in yourself?

Speaker 2:

Realizing and repeating this in my head, that this is all just practice. We mentioned this earlier. We put so much stress on ourselves and on how to say things the right way and how to, you know, get the video right on the first take, and it's like no. Just realize that this is all practice. This is all a video game and everything I'm doing is to get one step better.

Speaker 1:

Said another way put in your reps, start and keep going. Huh funny how that always shows up.

Speaker 2:

So, for me, fear shows us what we need to do. I I that's from what's a guy's name who wrote the war of Steven Pressfield.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I love, yeah, it's. Oh, you stole that book for me. I did.

Speaker 2:

I did steal it from you. I have it, and I ordered another one on Amazon, but it went to the wrong address. That's fine, I ordered you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that was a book that I well I don't know the one that you so I stole it from my old neighbor, roddick, and then I gave his back to him and I bought a new one, and then, not long after I had bought, the new one was when you showed up in the fall, and then I was like, oh, taylor, you might like this and I gave it to you and I love and then, like within two days, you're like I'm keeping this. I was like okay.

Speaker 1:

Yeah yeah, it's a great book. I highly recommend that's my. That is my literal favorite personal development book.

Speaker 2:

It's wonderful, especially if you want to be An entrepreneur of any sort, or you are creative, which we all are and get creative with being yourself, right yeah, if you're afraid to dress a certain way, if you're afraid to Talk on camera or say certain things, fear shows us what we need to do, right. So for me, fear has been an indicator of what I need to move forward in doing so, when I notice that I'm Scared of a certain situation for me it's usually interactions with others or showing myself in some way I Realize that I'm like okay, no matter how uncomfortable this is gonna be, I now have to go do this thing. I don't have to and I'm going to yeah, so courage to step into it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah yeah, well, a lot of what we've been talking about and what I I'm sure is like a big theme in your coaching is like the willingness to get uncomfortable and the willingness of like I. There's going to be discomfort in this.

Speaker 2:

The thing is, the only way to experience comfort is to experience discomfort. The only way to experience pleasure is to no pain. The only way to fully enjoy the warmth and softness of a cozy bed is to Feel the. The discomfort of an ice bath, right Like. The comforts that we seek are so much more enjoyable after we put ourselves through the discomfort. It's. It's so much more enjoyable. There is no state of constant bliss and pleasure and the people who are seeking that through Addictions, alcohol, porn, drugs, social media, food they're essentially borrowing pleasure from the future. Oh, just like coffee, just like coffee addicts are borrowing energy From the future.

Speaker 2:

Right, it's like I want this now as opposed to okay, I can. I can I was gonna say suffer, but I can put myself through this short-term Discomfort because I know that on the other side of this, I am now a better, more resilient version of myself. Yeah and I want to get away from the notion that we have to escape from or avoid Quote-unquote negative Feelings. In fact, just the opposite.

Speaker 2:

Yeah any feeling felt all the way through is bliss. So this is something that I talked about on a lot of coaching sessions is a lot of what we're doing is distracting us From how we're feeling. So, for feeling stressed, if we're feeling anxious, if we're feeling sad, we Implement these distractions alcohol to numb, drugs to again numb and feel a certain way, to change our state. How about we just sit in In this state and really feel, get curious about the feeling. I teach this in the ice baths.

Speaker 2:

Ice baths are only as difficult as you allow them to be. If you get in and you're telling yourself this story of oh my gosh, this is gonna suck so bad, it's gonna be so cold, and you focus on like how much, how uncomfortable you are, and you're thinking about I can't wait to to get out and get into the sauna, and Right, if that's what you focus on, it's gonna be very difficult. So instead I say get curious about the feeling. What is cold? Where do you feel the sensation? What does it actually feel like? And if you can breathe into that and be present in the situation as opposed to Thinking about the future, I can't wait to get out of this ice bath. Then you can actually enjoy the experience. And then that's why I love ice baths as a teacher is because once you can Cultivate that in an ice bath, that then translates to all these seemingly negative situations in real life.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, and it's the ability to Talk about mindset in all of those lanes. So, whether it's like wherever it is that you're taught, you're trying to escape the discomfort that you're currently in. It's because you're not present to the current thoughts and it's because you're it's, or I don't say it's because it's the way I experience it is your thoughts and your mindset around the thing matter so much that it's foolish to think that it's the thing that's causing you the discomfort. It's not the thing that's causing you discomfort. You are causing you discomfort by fighting and resisting, and that's another Steve Impressorfield thing resistance, right, it's like how can I overcome my resistance? How can I go headfirst into my resistance? And so Well, I'll tell you your thoughts, your words, the way you're constructing your sentences, the way you're breathing, that Upregulated state of I'm this isn't I'm not. It's all focused on negations and projections and soft talk and all the conflict, language and Dramatics. I guarantee that's running through your head when you're in these uncomfortable situations.

Speaker 1:

And if we use the ice bath as an example, like I've been to a handful of Brandon Powell workshops when he's doing Wim Hof ice and breath and every single time I observe people get in and out of the ice baths. It's like I, I listen to what they say, what they're talking about before they get in. I listen to what they're saying, like the excuses they're giving themselves, or why it's gonna be too hard, or oh, it's not gonna suck, and it's. It's the same ones all the time. And then, when the person can get in, and then you know Brandon's up in your face coaching you to breathe, it there's. The thoughts have to dissipate at some point in time, but there's I, in my opinion, there's a better way to do it. It's get the thoughts clear.

Speaker 1:

First, prepare yourself mentally, understand what you're gonna go into, give yourself a mantra, give yourself something to Focus on, give yourself something that you can like, put your attention into, and then say I'm gonna go into this with knowing this. I'm willing to step into this discomfort to get the growth that I'm seeking, to get the adaptation that I'm seeking, to get the result that I'm seeking. And so that ice bath analogy is a great way to also look at it in your life. Like the resistance that you feel to sitting down to write an Instagram post, okay, like what's going on in my head.

Speaker 1:

What if I have, if I can get clear on that story. If I can create some space and I can say like I'm a powerful content creator Before I write the post or like have something that you can affirm yourself with, have some focus, attention, energy, that you can go into it and say, all right, I'm doing it. For this reason, I have this purpose, I have this mission, which brings us back to the video game thing, because when you feel like you're playing a game and you feel like You're able to, like, go into things and you're in control and it's not that serious, think about what you can really create from that. Think about how much you can architect from that.

Speaker 2:

Gary Vee, who I've had on my podcast twice now, shout out to the Captain's Lifestyle podcast check it out. He wrote in his book 12 and a half that he'd use business as a game. So that is a perfect example of how he has been able to create such a massive enterprise and his impact is incalculable. It's attending Vekon was extraordinary. The amount of reverence that I have for him and what he's continuing to build is so inspirational. And he's able to do that because he views it as a game.

Speaker 2:

People think he's so serious about it because he is very competitive, but he's said multiple times like if I really think about it, if something is going horrible in business and I think it's the worst possible thing, I just remember my family is alive, I have my dad, I have my wife, I have my kids, I have nothing to complain about. So if you operate from a place of gamifying your life and realizing that things aren't that serious, then that's when the magic starts to happen, because we cannot create from a place of scarcity and stress. We have to be free and open.

Speaker 1:

Let's take a second and really reflect and contemplate on that idea of life being like a video game and a game that you could play, and business being a game too. Because what would you act and behave like if you knew you were having fun and playing and it was something that was to win coins, right? I think about this quite literally is like if we were playing in a video game and we had, you know, a handful of lives, so we had a handful of opportunities that we could do and expand and play on. What would that be like and how would you show up differently? Would you in fact act and behave more boldly? Would you take bigger moves, bigger leaps? Would you show up more confidently? How would that look for you?

Speaker 1:

And, funnily enough, last night I was watching some YouTube videos about simulation theory and the ideas of totally unrelated to listening back to this podcast, I was like, wow, okay, interesting. And it made me wonder and think like, okay, am I enjoying the game of life that I'm playing? And plus, I have Virginia Beach, which is basically a real life monopoly game. The boardwalk, all the avenues and streets are the same as the board game and it's funny and it's interesting. And I'm like huh, I'm playing a game. Life is a game, and when I do that, it makes me a little more bold, have a little more fun, be a little more playful and enjoy it all that much more. So how does that translate for you, what does it sound like for you, and how would you show up differently if this was all just a game?

Speaker 2:

And I want to give two success tips that I heard from Tom Bill you at Vekon. The first one is he told us that 99.99% of entrepreneurship is personal development. It's figuring out where you're lacking, where you're struggling, where your weak points are, and correcting those, and a lot of people focus on that, but it's also going full in on your strengths. The second thing he mentioned is one of his keys to success is that he can be laughed at longer than anybody else, because, again, he realizes that this is all just practice. You're laughing at me now. I'm just getting started. The game is not over, so you can laugh all you want. I'm the one in the arena. I'm actually doing these things and failing and learning and implementing Right. That's key. So I no longer care about the comments that I get about negative DMs that I get. I really have empathy towards these people.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Because I see, oh man, like you're coming from such a place of hurt and projecting onto me. I have empathy for you.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Because I've been there. I used to do that. That was when I was surviving and not thriving.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, well, the thing that comes to mind from my perspective is that there's this aspect of the gamification can only happen when we create levity to our stories. And so what I mean by that levity? Like lightness, like playfulness, like it's okay. I'm not taking it so personally, that happens to me before, but I'm not holding on to it. I'm not holding this resentment, bitterness. I'm not holding the judgment, the fear, the anxiety, the pain, like it's being able to look back and create enough space and distance from the ouch and the staying in the suck that allows you to be free in the moment now. And so, like that gamification, I know my life has gotten. My life is very fun, I enjoy my life a lot, I have great people around me, I get to do what I want when I want. I get to talk about things I love to talk about. You know, I, like you know, create art with my food. I go on adventures. I get to do all this Like I love doing what I do.

Speaker 1:

But this wasn't possible for me years ago, when I was stuck in the stories, and I'm in a different set of stories now and at some point, you know, in the future, like I'll be laughing at this version of me, you know, and I'll be like, wow, so silly. So how did you believe that? Right, all of those things and the. But it's that constant development that we're looking for, and so the ability to observe where you get stuck, where you believe oh that's not possible. Where you're holding yourself back, where you're like where are those stories coming from? And just it's, it's really like it. You know, mark says it all the time it's like think about your thinking rather than just believe it. It is that. But it's also like getting curious and just being able to like to laugh and giggle about some stuff. That just is not that important. I mean, how much, how much joy have we been getting from the disco ball mushroom in my house that you upgraded with a rotating stand, and then we put the red light on it and it's like it's magical.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and not just. Not just those things, but like laughing at yourself yeah laughing at your mistakes, laughing at your perceived shortcomings and actually getting vulnerable and sharing those perceived shortcomings because, just like Eminem did in eight mile, like he put everything on the table, he's like this is everything that you're going to try to, you know, use against me and here it is Right. And then everybody else is just like, well, okay, like I can't make fun of this guy, he's made fun of himself, right.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So operate from from that place, like realize that you know life is, is is just a game, and one of the coolest things about this is it just takes one decision. Like you can wake up tomorrow if you're listening to this during the day, like right now. You can literally decide that you're going to become a different person, or not necessarily become a different person, but make the decision that you know that you need to make.

Speaker 1:

Whatever that, and we all know what they are, because we know what they are back of our head of like I got to do this, I've got to do that, I need to do this, and I guarantee you're using a lot of pressure language, which is why you're not fucking doing it. It's pressure language and soft talk, which is how you're talking yourself out of it.

Speaker 2:

We know what we need to do, but we disguise it with soft talk because that gets us off the hook for taking any action, for being responsible. You know a decision that you should make, so make that decision, write it down.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, and I want to like share from a place of like I do this every day and I practice it every day. I I'm not like immune to it, I still experience it. I notice where I'm getting in my own way, I notice where I'm blocking myself, and sometimes it's more infuriating that I'm doing it because I have the tools, you know. So it's like. And then I'm like ah, come on, and I, I can set myself up to be action prone towards the things I want by going through the same repeatable process, which is hear the thought that's in my head Okay, what did I say verbatim? What words did I say? Okay, heard it, I should get up early and watch the sunrise with Taylor. I should, right, and okay.

Speaker 1:

So what do I need to do to set myself up to do that? Well, first of all, like that just makes me feel pressure. I don't want to do it. I just want to stay in my cozy, comfy bed and that's it. But it's, it's okay, I could get up and watch sunrise with Taylor. And now it's like oh, yeah, that sounds kind of nice, right. And then being able to say like, okay, I could do it so well, what would I need to do to be able to do that? Okay, well, either ask Taylor to wake me up, set an alarm. You know those are two great options. They're going to ensure that at least I'm going to rise, I'm not going to just keep sleeping.

Speaker 2:

All right Kim sun's up. Let's go outside.

Speaker 1:

I told you I wanted the princess wake up, guys. I told you I had a call on this morning and is totally worth it. I should have just played the clip from this podcast. It's comical, kim.

Speaker 1:

So the idea is is like great, like it's like if I hear that thought, or I, I need to pay my electric bill, I don't know, or I've really got to make make, make it to the gym today. Well, like that isn't going to get you there, but it's a starting point. It's a draft. You can start to work with it and say Get more specific, use your language to talk yourself into things, rather than giving yourself this hall pass of ambiguity that is not going to get you where you want to go. And then and then practice it, and truly practice it.

Speaker 1:

Because, again, like I said, like I practice these things daily, I have a conscious observation of my own thoughts. I take the time to sit down and pause and write them down when I can feel that the overwhelm is building and turning, if the anxiety is moving through my body in a way where I'm like oh, I feel a lot of like I'm going to put myself, like I know how to remedy it. Now and in the past, I just would spiral out of control of shame, guilt, pressure, indecision, all of those things, and it really is as simple as the words that are running through your own head as a starting point, yeah, one of the coolest breakthroughs that I see in people is when they realize your thoughts determine how you feel Right.

Speaker 2:

For most people you have a thought and most people believe it. Like I had this thought of this story whatever. So I feel this way how you feel dictates how you act right. If you feel sad, you're going to act sad. How you act creates your personality.

Speaker 2:

That's a combination of your actions and your thoughts and feelings. So if you want to change your personality and you want to create a new reality for yourself, it starts with your words and your language, because if you change your words, that changes your thoughts. If you think differently, you're now going to feel differently. Once you feel differently, you're going to act differently, and acting in a new way creates a new personality and that, of course, creates a new personal reality for yourself.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, a lot of this is. I've been thinking about this and I'm curious to get your take on it, because you said earlier that you're practicing being more in your body, being in your body. That's tapping into, like your physical feelings, like what emotions do you feel within your body, what experiences are feeling within your body? But the body is a record keeper of your entire life, of your stories, and so those feelings that come up right, sometimes really what it is and this is why we do this in the uplifted method is we. Here's what's currently running through my head. These are the thoughts. Let me tap into the feeling. Where did I first feel that? Where did I first catalog that feeling? What? What did I sign that meaning? Because the thing is is like you've programmed the body, which is the, the record keeper, to act and behave a certain way. So it's like it's it's.

Speaker 1:

I want people to understand, listening to this, that there's more complexity to unwinding your stories than simply changing the words. It's about connecting it to your body and connecting it to the feelings and allowing those feelings to process and move, which is what happens in the four step method and what happens when you, when you really work the story, not just surface level. Change the words, because one of the things that I I think about in the context of you know, there's a lot of platitudes out there on Instagram. That's like motivational quotes and sentences and things, and you could just change those things around and you can then lift all of those statements and it might get you to take some actions. It might get you to start viewing yourself differently and that that is great, right, that's like. That's like surface level application of the lifted.

Speaker 1:

When you really want to go into the method of like, of re-architecting your stories and reprogramming reprogramming both your body and your mind and that mind body connection, where it's a two way street, to be clear, the ability to go and say, oh, I got this feeling, but you know, it reminds me of this thing from a while back. But you know what actually, like, I really cleared that, I worked that, so it's not holding me back anymore and that's what it is when we talk about creating that freedom from your stories is the emotions and the thoughts no longer run the show. There's some smarter part of you that can architect and say, okay, observe that, got it and observe it rather than believe it, and that's distinctly different.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I want to take that back to distractions, believing all those things are our distractions. And one thing I want to highlight for coaches and I fell into this for a long time is one of the biggest distractions that we as coaches deal with is the suffering of others.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Right, because we think that we are responsible for ending their suffering, and I've stressed myself out, put myself close to burnout and emotional pain through trying so hard to help someone who I know that if they were to implement these things, their issues would resolve. But either they're not open to it, or they're not ready yet, or they don't want to hear it.

Speaker 1:

Or they're just not doing it, even though they say they are yeah.

Speaker 2:

We are not responsible for ending others suffering, and I know, as coaches, that's difficult because we want to like. That's why we got into coaching is to change people's lives and to create a bigger impact, and what I've realized is that, in order to actually do that, you cannot make other people your priority, like, if they don't, if they're not making themselves their first priority, it's not going to work.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So that's why you know how we started, yeah.

Speaker 1:

I like that, that calling that a distraction and another way to say a distraction is a story that you're going to continue to ruminate on and believe you know in that, or that you're going to Spend your time, energy and attention on and that was almost universally true for me with my clients before learning the in lift and method was that I was very concerned and very focused on trying to get them out of their pain and feeling responsible for that is a great way to put it which is now I have so much distance from the people that I work with in the sense of that Like I'm going to give you, I'm going to present you with the tools and the methods and help you see reflections about yourself that lead you to your answers and lead you to your freedom, rather than me thinking that I have the answers to give you or that I am the one who's going to get you to do the things, when in reality, it's like total responsibility on the client to show up and to act and behave, and the responsibility of the coach is to have tools at your disposal that allow you to facilitate that for people and to help them get their pull the answers out of them rather than try to push answers on, as this is the result. And now, of course, like there's going to be somebody saying, but we're like, aren't don't you have to give some answers? Like you know that they don't know about red light and they don't know about sunlight and they don't know about spring water, like how you know? Yeah, of course, like you can teach from a place of like education and just, you know present structure and, and you know there is an element of education, but it's, it's, you know, leading a horse to water, right, does not? You've got, you've got to have more tools to help get that horse to be like, oh yeah, water's good, I want to drink it. Well, if you don't know about sunlight and water and magnetism, you're going to find out soon.

Speaker 1:

We're going on a trip to El Salvador in February. Taylor is invited and he wants to go down there to interview Dr Jack Cruz, who is the person who Taylor introduced me to. That I started to go down a deep dive on learning and understanding how important the basics of sunlight, structured water, healthy, vibrant, living water and magnetism were. And I'm still in this journey of learning and discovering and enjoying, and I'm really excited to keep learning, because the little bits that I have absorbed and applied have been game changers for me. So stay tuned for that episode of the Captain's Lifestyle podcast, when Taylor does in fact get to interview Dr Jack Cruz in El Salvador, abra Kadabra.

Speaker 2:

I want to really dial this, this point in, because it's not just coaches like nurses are a great example of this. Most nurses and doctors even get into the medical field because they want so deeply to help others, and nurses and doctors are some of the most burnt out and stressed and unhealthy people that we have, because all they're doing is giving themselves to others, and those people are still sick, right, right. So lowering our vibration as coaches to you know, trauma bond, or to take away from what we're doing because we feel like it's our responsibility to go help this person, that's the exact opposite of what we should be doing. So, again, that's why, for me, I've my first priority is living my happiest, healthiest and most fulfilling life, and then the people who come to me are the ones who want help, people who don't want help. I still help them by showing them how life could be once you prioritize yourself.

Speaker 1:

This is why I'm so excited about your TV show.

Speaker 2:

It's going to be fucking great it's going to be so good.

Speaker 1:

So shout outs Brooks Meadows, who was over here the other day watching Queer Eye with us and showing, giving me an image of what's possible for like an entertainment transformation TV. And Taylor, tell us, let's start with, tell us a little bit about what you do at the immersion, as like the understanding of people, so they can get an idea, and then tell us your vision for the show.

Speaker 2:

I'll go a little bit into the show. The immersion is incredible. It's truly transformational for a lot of these guys. It's an immersion into what it means to live the captain's lifestyle. So there's a lot that goes into that, but essentially all the stuff that we've been talking about today just becoming a better version of yourself. So it's five days.

Speaker 2:

I bring in a bunch of rock star guest speakers Chase Tallison, dave Robinson, brooks Meadows being some in-lifted coaches who are repeat speakers there and throughout the course of the five days we get unstuck. We are able to see our self-limiting beliefs, using the in-lifted method to put ourselves through challenges and discomfort and realize that we can be in this space of discomfort. And also on the other side of discomfort, like I mentioned, is pleasure and celebrating our wins and who we've become and who we are becoming. So that's kind of the flow of the weekend is identify self-limiting beliefs, challenge yourself, celebrate yourself and then set goals and integrate into your life, and so that's how we're going to structure the show. It's going to be a transformational show. So if you're familiar with Queer Eye, or any of those transformation shows like Home Makeover.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, stuff like that where you're taking people on a journey to yeah.

Speaker 2:

So we're going to take guys from soy boy victim mentality everything sucks and I hate myself to the captain of their own life. So, through the story work process and all the things that we do, and ice baths and workouts and nutrition and sunlight all these things basically take them from where they are to. Oh my gosh, I'm actually stoked about where my life is going now. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

The reason I love immersive experiences like that is because it really sets people up with the opportunity to get out of their own patterns and behaviors in their own life, jump into something that is they're fully guided. So it's like you're supported. We got you. I'm going to tell you what to do. I'm going to show you what to do. We're going to be in this together, build some of the Build deeper relationships and more trust, and just get that like literal immersion into that. What that will feel like, and then, when you're done, it's a matter of okay, now I go home and that's when the work starts which is the hard part, that people don't want to hear right.

Speaker 1:

It's like I see this with the Goddess getaway all the time. It's like it's really easy to be in your embodied feminine when I'm feeding you for every meal and Rachel's guiding you and Halle's teaching you how to move your body all slinky and sexy. Like it's really easy to do that when you're so supported and so guided. It's can I continue to take that energy and that work and bring it back into my life and integrate it. And I was talking about this with someone yesterday, which was that like we didn't like the word integration, we preferred the word practice, because it's like reps, like taking deep, practicing what you learned, keep doing the things we talked about. And then the reason that I'm like I just got immediately, instantaneously lit up about the idea for the show Once I like was you know, seeing your vision and hearing the behind the scenes is because it's really inspirational to understand, like, how far that reach can go. And so I think what, what I hear and see and get excited about in that context is that like there's and this is why I'm doing what I'm doing right now, which is talking on podcasts and leading other coaches is because like my impact as a one to one coach or even a group coach can only get so big, and I saw a bigger vision for myself than that, and so part of that the desire to lead and guide other coaches and to be able to help people really get like for me to have a larger platform for my voice to be more heard, to impact more people.

Speaker 1:

And like, yeah, podcasting is a really cool avenue to do that. And you guys talking about the show and talking about, like that, transformation entertainment, I was like, wow, that's inspiring to me to think about new and different ways that I can reach more people, because there's never been a better time to be a coach, like this is the time people are sick and unhappy and unhealthy and fucking miserable. And so, like, if you can offer them some sort of relief from that, whatever avenue you're doing it through, whatever tool you're doing it through, whether it's the language coaching that we offer within lifted, whether it's health and wellness coaching, business coaching, leadership coaching like wherever you can help people move one notch forward in their life towards more fulfillment and happiness, there's a market for those people. They need your help, like people need help, and so including us right, like we have people that we learn from.

Speaker 1:

We have people that are a couple steps ahead, that we're constantly taking information in from. So, like when I look specifically at that, like where I find, you know, a lot of people in the lifted community are around that holistic health and wellness or some aspect of that's our, that's all of our goals is to help other people feel that next step of life, when you want it. It's how? How many people can I help do that? And some, for some people, it is really about that one to one work or it really is about that local community work.

Speaker 1:

And I look at it and I think, like we need a lot of voices in this, we need a lot of people in this, in this mission. And how, how much can I step into my role within it? And how much can I surround myself with other people that are going to step into their role within it and like then feed off of each other and empower each other? I get so energized watching you do what you do because I'm like, oh fuck, yeah, I can do that too. Right, it's leading my example, but it's our own flavors.

Speaker 2:

I would like to offer a piece of advice that has helped me tremendously to all the enlisted coaches out there, and that is people follow other people who know themselves and who express themselves, because, as I mentioned, one of the main reasons why guys come to me is because they don't know who they are. They know that what they're doing now is not it. They know that something's missing. So think about who you go to to consume content. Those people, at least how they show up on social media, are sure of themselves. They're confident, they're comfortable. So, if you want to truly make an impact and increase your followers is something that a lot of coaches think about, myself included, which is it's really not about the followers, it's about the impact that you have. But anyways, be more yourself, like we talked about, like your superpower is literally being as much of you as you can possibly be. Like that is it.

Speaker 1:

Well, that's specifically our superpowers and our gene keys. We have that one in common.

Speaker 2:

Yes, yes, you're right, and that's one of our shadows as well. Well, I don't know if it was yours, but it's for sure one of mine is the shadow of distraction and transforming that into the city or the highest expression, which is intoxication. Like I mentioned, it's just being so infatuated and intoxicated with life, with all of it with what you do with seriously. Be completely consumed with living your best life every single day.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I like the way that that image gives me about, like just the excitement and the feeling that it gives me thinking about, like you know, just so infatuated with what I get to do every day and, as I already said, like I really enjoy my life, but I don't know that I would say that I'm infatuated with it.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I'd say that there's an opportunity for me to like be even more in love with my life.

Speaker 2:

You know, that's what I'm constantly asking myself.

Speaker 1:

It's like how can I really, really, really, every single day feel so lit up about it?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's an evolution and a practice and you know it has gotten better and better and better and better and better and better and better and better, and better, and better and better and better.

Speaker 1:

You know not to say that I haven't hit my pitfalls or my tough spots or my you know, moments of frustration or my like you know points of things that like I haven't succeeded at, or like where I got it wrong, or whatever it's like, how it's it comes back to me like the way I think about it is like how resilient can I be when I hit those bumps and how how well can I tap into myself, see what I need, give it to myself.

Speaker 2:

How much can you be laughed at and keep going, because you know what? It's never anybody who's doing what you're doing who's going to criticize you.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Nobody who's accomplished what you want to accomplish will ever criticize or condemn what you're doing. There's always the people who either want to do what you're doing or in that victim mentality and don't think that that's possible for themselves.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, even Alex Ramosy was talking about the victim mentality a couple of days ago.

Speaker 2:

That's good to hear. Yeah, he's got a big following, the potential for a big impact.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and in a lot of the, it all comes back to that self-responsibility right Cause the only person who can get you out of your victim mentality is you. We offer great tools for you to do that and you know you. There's a lot of people that you could that offer great tools to help you do that and at the end of the day, it's like they're looking in the mirror, buddy.

Speaker 2:

I've got a tool for you guys the captain's code, the 12 core articles that I personally lead my life by to fully embody my most healthy, happy, fulfilling version of myself. And so we we cover a lot of things that we talked about today sun exposure, cold exposure, training your mind and your body, observing your thoughts, language and actions not just believing them, accepting the uncontrollable, playing with life, connecting with your, your community. These are all things in the code, and so what I tell people is download the code, it's free. Look at all the articles and identify which one you're lacking in.

Speaker 2:

Most for a lot of people, it's been community, because we've been segregated right and then told to stay away, stay inside. So that's another reason why the immersions are so impactful is because these guys get to come together, see what brotherhood is actually like. Brotherhood is not just making fun of your buddies for double nodding his shoelaces, Right, it's. It's getting vulnerable with each other and overcoming challenges together. So, yeah, get the code, see which one you're lacking in and put some energy and attention into that category and watch. Watch how your life starts to transform by just adding or it could be even subtracting one thing.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, taylor's trying to get me to create a complimentary guide for women. Yes To the ladies handbook?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, the pirate queen code to hand to my future lover and say follow this, Follow these.

Speaker 1:

Follow these. I'm taking notes.

Speaker 2:

Freedom is is number one.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Remember freedom to to be comfortable and and free in who you are and express yourself.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, it's. It's a pleasure to be able to have this podcast with you out in the sun. Yes, embrace my inner sun, god and goddess excuse me. And yeah, the joy of our last four or five days together will be living on through this podcast for our friends and followers to hear. And yeah, the next time and for eternity.

Speaker 2:

With the spinning mushroom, with the spinning mushroom. So when you guys come to Kim's house, look for the spinning mushroom.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it'll be. Yeah it is. It is now my favorite fixture in my home. All things, all things to Taylor and an Instagram ad. All right, guys, I am back from my beach walk. I'm back from listening back to this full episode and what you think.

Speaker 1:

I had fun. I really enjoyed this process of going into it with an idea of what the show was about, remembering the conversation in real time and then hearing it back and and adding some little nuggets of commentary along the way. It's fun for me. I hope that you enjoyed the real time.

Speaker 1:

Us listening together me out on my beach walk, you listening wherever you're listening to and us having a deeper conversation on the wisdom from this podcast. Honestly, as I was listening, I was like what am I even going to say to add to this? This is such a good show so many nuggets, so much wisdom and there's one thing that I want to take us out with which is something Taylor mentioned towards the very end of the show, with about three minutes left to go, which was that nobody who is doing the thing that you want to be doing is going to hate on you, as you're doing it right. They are going to support you. They're going to call you forward, they're going to applaud you for doing the work and taking the steps and building upon and everything takes reps. Every single piece of this conversation is about reps, is about learning, is about showing up and consistently applying yourself, that constant, vigorous development of self. And if there is a way for you to consistently show up and do that, it is by doing things like listening to podcasts, it's by taking the courses, working with the coaches all of that Super valuable, super beneficial and something that I am sure that you will find more value in along the way as we gear up for 2024 with the Get In Lifted podcast.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for listening, thank you for following along, and if you love this show whether you loved it the first time, or if you liked the replay, the rewind, the revamp even more, please share it with a friend who could benefit too. Please leave us a review and a five star rating on your favorite podcast listening app and we will gladly be bringing you more and exciting content coming up here over the next four weeks of the greatest hits of the Get In Lifted podcast. Love you guys. Thank you. Talk to you soon, hey coach, ready to get your clients out of their own way and over their shitty mindset. Start by learning the words and make mindset coaching practical. Master the In Lifted method and guide your clients to lasting results by changing their words. To enroll in the next class of In Lifted Level 1 certification, head on over to inliftedme and click Get Certified. Let us know your love in the show. Subscribe, leave a five star review and be sure to share it with your friends.

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