Date with Cents

The Well-Pleased Woman Workshop

February 12, 2024 TorahCents
The Well-Pleased Woman Workshop
Date with Cents
More Info
Date with Cents
The Well-Pleased Woman Workshop
Feb 12, 2024

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I’m excited to announce a brand new workshop!

This episode is for you if you want to learn how to: 

  • Confidently ask for what you want while dating…and graciously receive

  •  Abundantly receive thoughtful gestures, acts of service, new experiences, emotional support and even material gifts from men. 

  •  Enhance your overall lifestyle by having men add value to your everyday life.

Join The Well-Pleased Woman Workshop - Join the workshop at the Early Bird Valentine’s Day Special price of $97 (investment increases to $197 by Feb 17th)

Interested in working with me 1:1. Book a sales call HERE to learn more about becoming a private client so that you can become in high-demand in the dating world…

…AND attract emotionally available and financially established men who desire serious commitment so that you can choose your life partner in as early as a year. 


Learn how to use your words to attract better men & create better dating experiences - The Conversations that Inspire Commitment Live Virtual Workshop

Read my online essay on why the way we date is broken- Modern Dating is Hard 

Learn the basics behind attracting quality men and what it takes to build a rotation. - The Cuffing Season Retreat Bundle.

Take a self-paced 6 month journey to do the REAL foundational work to prepare for the love life you desire - Formation

Follow me on Instagram for more dating gems at: 



Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Send us a Text Message.

I’m excited to announce a brand new workshop!

This episode is for you if you want to learn how to: 

  • Confidently ask for what you want while dating…and graciously receive

  •  Abundantly receive thoughtful gestures, acts of service, new experiences, emotional support and even material gifts from men. 

  •  Enhance your overall lifestyle by having men add value to your everyday life.

Join The Well-Pleased Woman Workshop - Join the workshop at the Early Bird Valentine’s Day Special price of $97 (investment increases to $197 by Feb 17th)

Interested in working with me 1:1. Book a sales call HERE to learn more about becoming a private client so that you can become in high-demand in the dating world…

…AND attract emotionally available and financially established men who desire serious commitment so that you can choose your life partner in as early as a year. 


Learn how to use your words to attract better men & create better dating experiences - The Conversations that Inspire Commitment Live Virtual Workshop

Read my online essay on why the way we date is broken- Modern Dating is Hard 

Learn the basics behind attracting quality men and what it takes to build a rotation. - The Cuffing Season Retreat Bundle.

Take a self-paced 6 month journey to do the REAL foundational work to prepare for the love life you desire - Formation

Follow me on Instagram for more dating gems at: 



Speaker 1:

What's up, love a girl? I'm just popping in outside of our regularly scheduled program to let you know that I have an incredible opportunity coming up on March 9th, saturday, march 9th. It is called the Well Pleased Woman Workshop. Let me let me let you know why this is so necessary. Because, from my experience, us women of faith, we tend to give so much of ourselves and expecting so little in return in so many different areas of our lives, especially when it comes to dating. So like, for example, we over accommodate to make men feel comfortable, right, and we, a lot of times, we forget about our own needs in the process. So we'll do things like you know rearranging our schedule to accommodating a man or his last minute changes, or we're consistently make ourselves available whenever the men that we like want to hang out, or even canceling the plans that we even have to like accommodate him and what he has going on, and we silently hope that these men will pick up on the fact that we're doing this and going above and beyond and that they do the same for us without us having to spell it out. So, when it comes to men being flaky and inconsistent, we are inconsistent, like we're so quick to forgive. We're so quick to give them the benefit of the doubt and provide all of this grace when we know that that's not something that we care to experience. Like we're programmed to be extremely graceful, even if it means that we end up feeling overlooked and overvalued I mean undervalued and when it comes to even the plans that are made. So men make plans and sometimes we'll go along with it, even if it's not what we truly want to do. What we'll say is well, I didn't mind doing that, I didn't mind it, but it's not something that, like, we're really, really excited about and so we'll do things like hesitate. We'll hesitate to express how we really feel. We'll hesitate to express what we really want to experience with this man because we think it might scare him off or come across too demanding, right, or make the situation feel uncomfortable, just so we can avoid conflict or rejection.

Speaker 1:

And then we listen to men ask for what they want all the time. Come to my house, send me a pic, right. They have all these things that they want us to do, but when it comes to us asking and requesting, we get real quiet, we get real passive, we get annoyed at their audacity and I'm like. Instead of getting annoyed with their audacity, instead of having our needs overlooked, instead of feeling undervalued and underappreciated, instead of just trying to keep the peace and avoid conflict because it's easier that way, you know, we decide to be audacious because it ain't even got to be that way. We deserve to have our needs met. We are worthy of having our desires fulfilled, especially while dating, and it's time for us to stop settling for crumbs and start requiring more from men, and not just men requiring more for ourselves. And so that's why I'm inviting you to this special opportunity to join me for the Well Please Woman workshop.

Speaker 1:

This workshop is for high achieving women of faith who want to feel well cared for and well satisfied while dating towards marriage, dating towards the commitment you desire. And in this workshop, you need to be prepared to confidently put your desires first while dating and ingratiously receiving. You need to be prepared to identify delicious desires that you want to experience on a regular basis. Be prepared to express these desires so that men show up for you and want to fulfill them for you. Create boundaries that honor and protect your desire so that you don't settle for less, settle for crumbs, overextend yourself, bend over backwards and then lean into the art of receiving your desires without feeling obligation, like you got to do something in return, without feeling resistance like, oh, is this what I should do or not? Should I be asking for this? Should I request this? Is it okay for me to do it? Will he think this about me? No one gives a damn what he thinks. Being able to lean into the art of receiving your desires without guilt Well, he's not really my man. Should he be doing this for me? Should he be taking care of this for me? Should he be handling this for me? Should he be paying this much for me? It's not about should he do anything. It's about what you want to do, because if you want to end the cycle of over-investing and finally allow men to invest in you, that has to be dropped.

Speaker 1:

I am trying to help you abundantly receive thoughtful gestures from men. They, just out of the blue, want to do things for you, want to show up for you or want to cook for you, want to bring you flowers. I'm going to send you and connect you with this partner of mine who can help you get your business off the ground. Acts of service I'll fix that for you. I'll get that fixed for you. Oh, you need a shoulder to cry on. Emotional support, right? Someone like you need some emotional support because of stress at work or someone dies in your family. New experiences where he's taking you to places and helping you explore new areas, even flying you out without you even having to give up the booty, and even material gifts like jewelry, like plane tickets, and they don't even join you on vacation. It's time for you to enhance your overall lifestyle by having men add value to your everyday life, instead of you being the one who is over accommodating, instead of you being the one who is over investing, instead of you being the one like so graceful and going along with the flow and not wanting to rock the boat like no, the boat needs to be rocked up, it needs to be tipped the hell over, because you are meant to receive, you were meant to have your desires fulfilled. It is time to step into your rightful, powerful place to do so, and that's why we're doing this workshop for you.

Speaker 1:

March 9th, saturday 2024. From 1pm to 4pm the link will be in the show notes and this is not a lecture. I'm not going to be talking at you. I just got some slides and you just listened to me the whole time and you take notes and you try to figure out this information on your own. Like no, this is going to be an interactive workshop where you will collaborate with me and fellow participants so that you walk away with tangible results Through hands on activities, discussions. We're going to be role playing. We're going to be providing real world examples of my clients who went from being overlooked, underappreciated, to receiving the desires of their hearts, where men were taking care of them emotionally, men were helping their careers, building up their careers, building up their businesses. When men were getting them gym memberships, buying them nice jewelry, making sure that they were well fed, flying them out, making sure they got trips booked to funerals that type of showing up for them. And you'll have the opportunity to apply the concepts we explore directly to your own life in real time.

Speaker 1:

While we are in the workshop and in celebration of Valentine's Day, I am offering the workshop at a special investment. The workshop is $197. But up until February 16, I am offering at a price of only $97. After the 16th it will go up $100. And there is an early bird bonus. The first 100 love of girls who register will receive and express your desire script bundle Along with what you will learn in the workshop, real time.

Speaker 1:

You will have something written to take away, with some actual scripts, a collection of written, powerful scripts and conversation starters designed to help you have audacity, designed to help you communicate your desires with clarity, confidence and grace so that men are excited and eager to fulfill them.

Speaker 1:

For you, and if you've attended any of my interactive workshops in the past, like you know conversations that inspire commitment like you already know you already know what time it is and how much value I'm about to bring for this workshop. And for those of you who, like Torah, I cannot attend live, the replay will be available. There will be a replay that's available a week after the event starts. So head to the show notes, click the link and enroll, and I hope to see you on March 9, 2024, especially if you are a woman who has been playing small way too long with these men, if you are jealous of the audacity of men, if you want to be one of those women where you ask for something and it's handled, you need to be at the workshop. Click the link in the show notes. I hope to see you there on this virtual zoom call Alright, love a girl. Bye.

Well Pleased Woman Workshop
Powerful Scripts for Audacious Communication