Date with Cents

3 Core Beliefs You Need For Men To Invest In You

March 14, 2024 TorahCents Episode 74
3 Core Beliefs You Need For Men To Invest In You
Date with Cents
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Date with Cents
3 Core Beliefs You Need For Men To Invest In You
Mar 14, 2024 Episode 74

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It doesn’t matter the strategies, tips and tricks you try to implement…you will not get what you desire with men if your core beliefs are not in alignment with what you want 

This episode is key if you feel scared, guilty or gold-digger-ish when it comes to asking for what you want…

Interested in working with me 1:1. Book a sales call HERE to learn more about becoming a private client so that you can become in high-demand in the dating world…

…AND attract emotionally available and financially established men who desire serious commitment so that you can choose your life partner in as early as a year. 


Learn how to use your words to attract better men & create better dating experiences - The Conversations that Inspire Commitment Live Virtual Workshop

Read my online essay on why the way we date is broken- Modern Dating is Hard 

Learn the basics behind attracting quality men and what it takes to build a rotation. - The Cuffing Season Retreat Bundle.

Take a self-paced 6 month journey to do the REAL foundational work to prepare for the love life you desire - Formation

Follow me on Instagram for more dating gems at: 



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It doesn’t matter the strategies, tips and tricks you try to implement…you will not get what you desire with men if your core beliefs are not in alignment with what you want 

This episode is key if you feel scared, guilty or gold-digger-ish when it comes to asking for what you want…

Interested in working with me 1:1. Book a sales call HERE to learn more about becoming a private client so that you can become in high-demand in the dating world…

…AND attract emotionally available and financially established men who desire serious commitment so that you can choose your life partner in as early as a year. 


Learn how to use your words to attract better men & create better dating experiences - The Conversations that Inspire Commitment Live Virtual Workshop

Read my online essay on why the way we date is broken- Modern Dating is Hard 

Learn the basics behind attracting quality men and what it takes to build a rotation. - The Cuffing Season Retreat Bundle.

Take a self-paced 6 month journey to do the REAL foundational work to prepare for the love life you desire - Formation

Follow me on Instagram for more dating gems at: 



Speaker 1:

Hello Queen, welcome back to the Date with Sense podcast, and I just want to just say that I am so happy, I'm so excited. I am still on a high from this past weekend because we finally well, I finally hosted the Well Please Women workshop and it was everything that I told you it would be, and plus more, because my workshops are amazing, but the room was packed. We had about 70 something women show up live on camera, ready to be present and engaged. We had breakout sessions and open discussions and hot seat coaching during the workshop and, of course, my favorite thing is during my workshops, we do actual work during the workshop. So there's never been a workshop that I have hosted where you have not done any work, and so one of the things that I had the ladies do because the Well Please Women workshop is all about being in a place where you can express your desires to men, knowing exactly how to express your desires to men so that you can get what you want, so that you can have them fulfill your desires, and even if one man wouldn't fulfill them, then you'd know how to just get them fulfilled, just in general, by others. And it was, of course, it's always bigger than a man, you know. So get your desires filled by your boss at work or by friends and family. But these tools are just used across the board, and so one of my favorite parts about the workshop was they had to take everything I had taught them, including the voice method of expressing desire, to actually express a real life desire that they had to somebody. If they were talking to men or they were dating and they just met someone, they shot a desire. They either call the guy we had like a moment of silence where they got to call whoever they wanted, leave a voice note, leave a text message, and some of these desires were so juicy.

Speaker 1:

One desire that was sent over was a woman wanted a spa date from her guy, a guy she was dating. And there was another lady who sent a message requesting that she be able to. You know, she wanted to sit in his lap while looking in his eyes and telling him the hardest parts of her day. And someone reached out because they wanted to and this was a cute one they really wanted to hold hands with this individual. They did not realize that they could because of, you know, good girl conditioning and how we need to be in relationships for romance. She didn't realize how much of romance she could experience outside of a relationship and she decided she just wants to hold this man's hand and I just thought it was amazing for her to even have that desire and put out there One young lady. She sent out a desire to her church requesting that you know she plays the piano and she wants the piano to be available between this time and that time and she wants this to be available for her during that time. People were just sending all the requests and that was the most beautiful part about it. The icing on the cake was when men responded back, saying sure, yes, I'm already, I'm about to set this up, yes, let's do it, let's make it happen. That was the icing on the cake, but the juice is these women being able to stand up for themselves, deciding that I'm going to learn how to be confident in my desires, I'm going to learn these methods and I'm going to be able to communicate these things so that I can have my desires fulfilled. So it was such a transformative workshop.

Speaker 1:

As I mentioned, the last day you could have gotten it was, I think, march 10th, saturday, and it is no longer available for the public for sale, and I don't know when I'm going to bring it back. I'm definitely not teaching it live again this year and not sure when I'm going to bring it back. But so and I'm saying that ahead of time, because this last podcast is another lesson, that is, that I decided to teach, because I've been teaching a series of lessons during these last few podcasts to prepare for the Well Please Women workshop, so that people could have a foundational understanding around what's stopping them from getting their desires, what will help them position themselves to get their desire, so that when they come to the workshop, they will be heavily, heavily, heavily prepped. And so I saw that most of the women who came to the workshop had listened to the podcast episodes, and so this last one that I have up I am promoting the workshop, but you cannot publicly buy it. Like, you won't have access to it. So I just want to put that out there. In case you're like I want to get the workshop, it's not available right now to the public. Anywho, without further ado, I'm going to introduce this upcoming episode, which is an Instagram live.

Speaker 1:

Another heavy hitting topic three beliefs that you need in order for men to regularly invest in you. All right, here's the episode, hello everyone. So today we're going to be talking about the three core beliefs that you need for men to be investing in you, for men to show up and put effort into you, for men to invest in you mentally, emotionally, financially and we're talking about everyday assistance, thoughtful gestures, acts of service, emotional support. We're talking about material gifts. We're talking about an enhanced lifestyle, new experiences. We're talking about all of the above. So this is going to be the last live in the series that I'm having about men investing in you, men pleasing you at this time, because our workshop is this upcoming weekend.

Speaker 1:

So this is the last live and this is the last week to sign up for the Well Pleased Woman workshop, and that is this Saturday, march 9th, from 1pm to 4pm central standard time. And during this workshop, you're going to learn how to ask for, how to ask men for what you want and get it. You're going to learn how to make sure that men that you date add tangible value to your life. And you're going to learn how to activate the generosity of men who are ready to invest their time and their energy and their finances and their effort into you. And if you are not a client of mine. This workshop is going to be the only way that you get a real time way to work with me, to have access to this content, to have access of your ability to work with me to do this.

Speaker 1:

I will not be offering this workshop again, at least for another year. I will not be offering it for sale again, at least for another year. I just won't be doing it. So this is the last week to get in. If you want to join, put desire in the comment section. It's $197. Drop desire in the comment section. You will receive a link to sign up. Yes, there will be a replay, but only for those who sign up by Saturday. After that, it is going in my vault and will only be available for people that I work with. Oh, you're going to be there. I love to see you there. Okay, awesome, it's going to be a great time. So, yeah, I won't be offering it for sale after that.

Speaker 1:

But, yeah, if you are new here, my name is Toursense and I serve high achieving, unchurched women of faith who want to attract higher quality men and date deliciously towards the partnership that they desire, and so today we're talking about the core beliefs that you will need in order to for men to invest in you. Now, if you've been enjoying this series, go ahead and share this live to people, get it out here. This is going to be the last time I come on here in this series to talk about this. Yes, it will be the last time. If you guys do have questions, please make sure you put them in the question box, and the last time we talked, we talked about boundaries and it was such an amazing life.

Speaker 1:

Today, I want to talk about beliefs, because us women of faith, we don't just have issues when it comes to boundaries, of protecting our desires, of prioritizing our desires and prioritizing our pleasure and making sure that we are not over investing and not expecting men show up for us. We also have a belief problem, and the reason why you do the things that you do and you expect the things that you expect is because of you. You have core beliefs. There are core beliefs within you. So if you see yourself out here not dating men that are investing in you, if you see yourself entertaining men that are not investing in you, if you see yourself giving men chance after chance after chance after chance and these men are not showing up for you. There are some issues with core beliefs that you have going on here, and so today I want to give you a few core beliefs that you need to adopt.

Speaker 1:

If you want to feel excited and guilt free, put it one of the comments. If you've ever felt guilty for asking men for what you wanted. If you've ever felt guilty for asking for what you desired, I'd love to know that and put a two in the comments. If you've ever felt like you would be a burden If you asked, if you put it out there and you laid it in front of you. And then put a three in the comments if you have a concern about being seen as a gold digger.

Speaker 1:

If you've ever felt like I you know I make my own money. I have my own thriving career. I don't want you to think that I'm a gold digger. I don't need you to show up for me like that, like I got my own stuff. I don't need you to think I need you like that or I'm using you because I'm not using you. I'm here for love, baby. I'm here for love, right Again, the problem with those beliefs is we're not getting what we want.

Speaker 1:

We're not experiencing what we want. The first core belief that I want you to adopt, that is necessary for you to adopt, is I am life force and life is invaluable. Life is priceless. I am life force and life is so valuable. I want you to think about a woman just being a woman yourself and you being the holder of life, regardless of whether you biologically can have kids or not. I want you to think about the biological function of women just in general, and how we hold life within us and how we care for life within us and how it is necessary for us to bring life forward, to bring a soul forward. Souls come through the body of a woman.

Speaker 1:

I want you to think of so many different things. Let's think of eggs and how important it is for this world. If we think of how much people are paying for sperm versus paying for eggs, I don't. I'm I first off before I get into this. I do not want to turn this into man versus woman. This is not turning. This will not turn into that. This is only to shed light on the importance for you to show up for you, because we show up for men and we go so hard for men. I want you to see how it is, how important it is for men to go hard for you as a woman. We're starting off at the biological place here. It's going to cost you way more to buy some eggs.

Speaker 1:

What is more detrimental to the body? Is a vasectomy more detrimental to the body or a hysterectomy? Which one is more detrimental to the body? We're literally, we're just talking about the biological aspects of a woman, regardless of whether your biology is working as normal or not. We're just starting that biology here. We don't, we don't, we don't bring in anything else and we think about what is more detrimental to the body. What do you think it's going to be?

Speaker 1:

The hysterectomy, because it is so important. Those organs are so important to sustain our lives, our lives as women, and when we get rid of them or when we do things to prevent having more children there, it's just more dysfunction in the body. There's a lot more dysfunction in the body. But you know what? Women are always expected to be the ones to tie our tubes. When it's time to stop having kids, we're the ones that are expected to have our tubes burnt, even though it is so much more detrimental than a man getting snipped for a vasectomy, which is an outpatient surgery, when she can be in and out within the same day, versus us being down for days and then our hormones are off whack forever. A lot of us would have to take pills to keep our hormones on track. A lot of us are still feeling the pains of periods and we can't even have periods anymore, and it's because the life force of women has been downplayed.

Speaker 1:

The importance of life force of women has been diminished under men, and I need you to understand. This is not a gender war. This is for you to step back in your rightful place of understanding. I am freaking life force. I carry souls through me. Biologically, I have been vitality in my system. I have electricity through my system and that is worth so much. So when someone is engaging my life force and they're engaging my electricity and they're engaging my vitality, they're engaging the divine feminine. That's more than conversations and phone calls. I'm spending my life force with you Every single phone call, I am spending my electric vitality with you. Every text message I send, I am expending my life. I am giving you energetic currency. I am giving you my attention. That's a part of my life force and we have diminished it because this world has diminished the life force of women.

Speaker 1:

The overly masculinized society has diminished our life force, what we bring to the table. It's diminished the attributes that come specifically with being a woman. If you understand that, it's a miracle for you to even be here in the first place. It's a miracle for me to have life in the first place. I be out, millions of other people to be here, of possible people to be here Trillions. I'm extremely valuable and because I am valuable, I see myself as such and I engage with men who see my value, and men who see my value want to invest in that. Men who see my value want to put effort towards nurturing that. Men who see my value are not looking to waste my time. They are looking to save me time. They are looking to make my life easier. They are looking to create an environment to where I can share more of my gifts without hardship. Right, that's what they're looking to do, hi, ariel. That's what they're looking to do. They're excited about doing it, and so I just want to think.

Speaker 1:

I want you to adopt the core belief that I am life force as a woman, just in general, at a biological level, I house life, I care for life, I nurture life, I am life. Souls come through me and in another level, I'm divine feminine and I create. I'm a keeper of the culture, I'm wisdom, I'm intuition, I'm freedom. But again, because of this culture and how it diminishes women and how it diminishes the divine feminine, we've forgotten all about that. And so, instead of showing up as I am life force, we show up for the men. How can I make him happy? How can I, how can I self-abandon my needs and my desire so that he isn't mad or he doesn't feel like I'm a burden? Sir, you are welcome to feel that I'm a burden because you do not see how valuable my life force is. You are so welcome to see that I'm a gold digger. You're so welcome to see that that's okay, especially since you have no gold. Like, be free to think that I'm a gold digger, because I understand that you feel that I wouldn't even be worth this amount of gold, even if you didn't, even if someone didn't have it. You're saying that I'm not even worth it.

Speaker 1:

We look at Sierra, who is married to Russell Wilson. They have been married y'all, haven't they been married like eight years now, it's gotta be at least eight years I know I'm not crazy and men are still devaluing who Sierra is as a woman. They do not see her as valuable. When I say men, I mean, like certain kinds of men, not in general they still see. They see her as simply a bad, like an object. They view her as an object. Because how could Russell possibly want someone who has a child already and who dated rappers in her past? Oh, because, of course, she's just not valuable. She's just an object. There's nothing about her that's worth Russell's protection. There's nothing about her that's worth Russell's provision, that's worth Russell showing up for her. Because they do not value her life force.

Speaker 1:

Do y'all see what Sierra's life force has created outside of children? Her artistry, the way she shows up in the world. Have y'all seen that? She helped create? She helped usher in a new style of like R&B. She helped do that. She's a pioneer in this generation of music. Well, what century we're in, I keep forgetting what century. And just pioneer there Of what her life force has created outside of Russell Right?

Speaker 1:

So it's very, very important that the first thing that you believe is I'm life force and it's valuable in itself. So these phone calls, these texts, me talking to you. This is where my life force is going. I want to make sure that my life force is going into a good investment. I want to make sure that I am dating men who care and honor and respect my life force. I want to make sure that the men in my life want to protect my life force Because they see that I'm a force to be reckoned with. I am a force to bring more harmony, love, joy. So that's the first belief.

Speaker 1:

If that makes sense, put a one in the comments. If you have any questions, put your questions in the question box If you can. If you can do that, the second belief that you need to adopt is in order to nurture, I need to be nurtured. In order to nurture, I need to be nurtured. So I want you to think of a garden. I want you to think of plants in the garden. The garden feeds people, but the garden just doesn't feed people. The garden heals people we think about. We have plants that feed us. We have medicinal plants that heal us. The garden heals us.

Speaker 1:

The garden improves air quality. Without gardens and plants, it improves air quality. The garden regulates freaking water, and that's what the garden does. But in order for a garden to do this. In order for a garden to consistently provide this, it has to constantly be tended to, consistently be tended to. There has to be a watering of the garden. There has to be a turning over of the soil, whether by human hands or by God's hands. There has to be a tending of the soil, there has to be a pruning, there has to be fertilization, again, whether by man's hands or God's hands. It has to happen In order for that garden to continue to give. It doesn't just stop once a seed is planted. It doesn't just stop there. There has to be a constant tending and as soon as the garden is not tended to, all of the benefits go away, all of the benefits of improved air quality, all of the benefits of the water improvements, all of the medicinal benefits. They just go away.

Speaker 1:

What do you think is going to happen to you if you do not require yourself to be tended to? What do you think is going to happen? Or what you already have experienced, because I work with high achieving women and I know what happens to you guys. I know what happens to us Exhaustion, overwhelm, right, we get dried and cracked, overanalyze, we're in our heads about everything. We don't even have time to be in our bodies anymore. What do you think happens? Exhaustion, hell, what has happened to you? And then that leads us to being resentful. Over time we put up walls because then we start feeling taken advantage of, and the reason why we feel taken advantage of is because we have not set an expectation for us to be tended to. We have not set an expectation for us to be shown up, for for us to be invested in. No one's to blame. We just need to take responsibility here and you are the garden.

Speaker 1:

Look at all the things that we do and how we improve other people's lives on a regular basis. Look at how much we add to people's lives on a regular basis. Look how much we do for people and we feed people and we nurture people and we support people. We help, make people better, we help. We're caretakers. Who would be taking care of all of these, these elderly moms and dads, if it wasn't for all of the women who would be doing it? Right, we're typically the caretakers. So imagine doing all of that in society showing up, supporting others, giving, giving, giving to others, doing favors, lending money, expending our labor, and then we're not having expectations that people do the same for us.

Speaker 1:

We're dating men who are not looking to invest in us. We're talking to men that are not interested. They call you a gold digger. They're not looking to make you, put you in a position of more rest. They're not interested in making your life easier. Why are we doing this? When we are gardens, you know what's going to happen your garden is going to dry the hell up. Hi Rachel, hi Sunday, it's going to dry up. And then what are you going to have to give? Nothing, just a bunch of exhaustion and overwhelm.

Speaker 1:

Because you did not require that men show up for you. You didn't require help in your home. You didn't require. You didn't require for men to take things off your plate. You didn't require that men come in and help you flourishing your career or your business. You didn't require that the men that you're dating help to make things easier with the kids. And there are men that be like that's not my responsibility. Those are not the men you date. You don't date men that just want to date you and are leaving your kids out of the picture.

Speaker 1:

I got clients that. I got one client she's dating a man and the man pays her mom's allowance. Now, does that mean that all the men have to do that? No, I'm telling you what's possible for you. I have a client just a few weeks ago.

Speaker 1:

Smart, successful woman didn't want to be a burden for men, didn't want to seem needy, and she was only attracted men who wanted to go 50-50. There was no wonder why she was attracting men who wanted to go 50-50, because she didn't have a core belief that I'm a nurturer. I need to be nurtured. In order for me to nurture, men be like I want a queen that's going to submit and be nurturing. Ok, how do you plan to tend to that garden? How do you plan to support that garden? A lot of them don't think that way, right? So I want you to adopt the belief that I am a nurturer and in order to be nurtured, I have to be nurtured. It's a requirement for men who come into my life to provide some.

Speaker 1:

I'm sick. Who is going to tend to me in my sickness? Who's going to send me some medicine? Who's going to show up with some soup? I'm exhausted at work this way. Who's willing to take something off my plate? Who's willing to do that? Is there anyone willing to help me meal prep or provide some meals. Who wants to do it?

Speaker 1:

And the thing is, men are feeding off of our life force every single day as they are connected to us. That's how they stabilize themselves. That's how they keep things streamlined for them. This is why, when men move from a relationship, they typically surround themselves with another woman very quickly. That is not what we do. We absolutely don't have to do that. Men stabilize themselves through the life force of women. You need to keep that in mind when men say well, why should you stabilize yourself through us? If none of us paid you any attention, you would probably slowly fade away. Someone says when their wife dies, they're remarried within a short amount of time because they need to. They need to.

Speaker 1:

There is a reason why we could remain single, and I mean not just single. I'm not talking about male single, because a man will be single and still be surrounded by women, right? I'm not talking about that kind of single. I'm talking about women. We can be single, single with no man around, and be completely fine and be completely OK. They aren't able to do it. They need to outsource from women or they will fall apart.

Speaker 1:

I need you to understand how important your life force is to men. I do not care what man tells you that it's not. I don't care how men try to convince you that it's not. They need you to believe them because they need to keep you in subjection. They need to keep you under their thumb. As long as you are under their thumb, you will continue to do their bidding, you will continue to have a lack mindset, you will continue to not require things of them. You will continue to settle for less. You will continue to settle for crumbs as long as you believe them. But if you understand that they absolutely need your life force to even sustain themselves, you would require more. You would require a lot more. If this makes sense, put a two in the comments. If the second belief makes sense in order to nurture, I need to be nurtured Put a two in the comments.

Speaker 1:

And the third belief that you need to have is men want to please me. Men want to please me. And it sounds so simple. It sounds really simple, but many of us do feel like gold diggers. We feel needy, we feel burdened, and that is why we don't require men to invest in us. It's like it would be nice if they could, but we don't require it. And if you've ever felt needy, if you've ever felt like a gold digger, if you've ever felt like a burden, the truth is you don't believe that men want to please you. At your core you don't believe it. You might think it's a great idea to believe it, but if you believe those things, you don't believe men want to please you. Because if men wanted to please you, that would mean your expectation is that men would be excited about showing up for you. And if he wasn't excited about showing up for you, it would be like oh, he's an outlier. That's so abnormal. That's so abnormal that this man is not excited about pleasing me. So weird. He doesn't want to please me. That is so weird. If you believe men wanted to please you, that would mean that it would be normal, normalized, for men to want you to feel special. It would be a normal. You would normalize that. Oh yeah, men want to make me feel special. Let me see how he can make me feel special this week. Let me see how he can make me feel special tomorrow. Let me see how I'm sure he wants me to feel special.

Speaker 1:

And this is not coming from a place of entitlement. I do not teach my clients entitlement. Entitlement has everything to do with insecurity and needing validation from men. I teach women how to get their desires fulfilled, and desires come from it. You're not attached to a man for feeling it or not, you just expect it. You're not attached to it, but it is an expectation. You don't need it. It's an expectation. You don't need one man to do it, because you know there's an abundance of men who can do it. So that's the difference between the insecurity and the expectation, and I am not here to determine what's too much for a woman and what's too not. The only thing I say is it's too much If I know it's coming from you needing validation and it's an insecurity for you. That's how I know. It's too much If you believe men wanted to please you. Expressing your desire would feel more like presenting an opportunity versus a burden. I'm presenting you, sir, an opportunity to make me happy. So what I'm going to do is I am going to request that this be the next date that we go on. I am presenting you the opportunity Because I'm presenting an opportunity for you to please me.

Speaker 1:

I had a rough day at work. I really just need to sit. I want to lay my shoulder, mean my head, on your shoulder, and I just want to cry. Can I just cry on you? Can I cry while you rub my feet? Can we do it with this vanilla lotion here and these oils? Can we make that happen? I would feel so comforted if I could just throw myself on you and cry and just have it out. That would be amazing. Hey, you know this week got so busy for me and it would be super, super, super helpful Because I know you're grilling this weekend Could you please throw me some chicken on the grill and help me with some meals this upcoming week that I could just pop in the fridge and eat when I go to work. I'd love it if you could throw some thighs on there, maybe some turkey wings. That might be nice as well, but that would make me really excited. It would really help me out and it's an opportunity.

Speaker 1:

If your core belief was men wanted to please you, that would mean men who don't want to please you.

Speaker 1:

You don't date them. You don't date men who start to scratch in their head when you ask them simple requests. You don't date men when they think that you are doing the most. You do not think men. You do not date men who feel like he has to be in a relationship with you in order to show up for you and invest in you. That way, you just don't date them. We don't fight with these men on the internet. We don't fight with podcast bros that are in disagreement, because that's my life force that I'm wasting. I'm wasting life force by arguing with y'all, niggas. In the first place, I don't need to waste my life force arguing with you, arguing with y'all. I simply need to take my life force and share it with men who value it. That's what I need to do. I need to take my life force and share it with men who show deep appreciation for it. I know you don't, and that's okay. I'm not going back and forth with you, living my best life. I'm not going back and forth with you, niggas. I'm living my best life. I'm not doing it. There's plenty of men out here that are willing to show up. You don't have to be one of them, that's okay. So put your questions in the question box. I'm gonna answer them.

Speaker 1:

But to recap the three core beliefs that you need to have if you want men to invest in you, you need three core beliefs. Number one I am life force and life is valuable. It's the first core belief. The second core belief is men, I mean. The second core belief is in order to nurture, I need to be nurtured. I'm a nurturer. In order to nurture, I need to be nurtured. And the third one is men want to please me. They really wanna please me.

Speaker 1:

Those three core beliefs you should write down. You should repeat them to yourself. You should remind yourself of those in the morning, in the afternoon and at night. You should remind yourself of them when you're updating your bios. When you're online dating, you should remind yourself of this before you go out on dates. You should remind yourself of this. When you're texting men, you should remind yourself of this. When you're having phone conversations with men, you should remind yourself of this at as many opportunities as you can, so that it becomes second nature, so it becomes who you are and you no longer have to think about it anymore. It just becomes you.

Speaker 1:

And for those of you guys who wanna take things to the next level, this is the last week to enroll in my Well Pleased Women Workshop this upcoming Saturday. This is the last time I'm gonna offer it this year. This is the last time I'm gonna offer it. It will not be available for sale after Saturday. If you type desire in the comment section, you will be able to get a link to join. It's $197.00. It is dirt cheap. And when I say dirt cheap, based upon the value that I provide in these workshops and how I show and how I pour into these things, it is dirt cheap $197.00,. You can also get the replay as well. But your last chance to purchase this will be Saturday, because then it's going into the vault and I'm gonna hold it until I'm ready to talk about it again. But it's going into the vault, I won't be talking about it anymore, I won't be promoting it anymore and it will not be available for sale. So if you wanna get on that now, put desire in the comment section.

Speaker 1:

And in this workshop it's gonna be interactive. It's not gonna be a lecture where you are going to do the work during the workshop. Whether you come live or whether you watch via replay, you are going to be doing actual work. So bring your paper, bring your pens, bring your brain. You are going to be active participants in this workshop so that you can leave with a tangible result a tangible transformation while we're there and that you can start having your desires fulfilled as soon as that day. Okay, I'm gonna teach you how to ask for what you want from men and get it. I am going to teach you how to activate the generosity in men. I am also going to teach you how to prioritize your desires okay, so that you can have your desires and your needs met as a woman. So let me get to these questions.

Speaker 1:

Someone said did you say unchurched, and can you elaborate on what it means in context of who you serve? Unchurched in this concept refers to women of faith who subscribe to assert like their faith, but they do not subscribe to a lot of the destructive man-made traditions that come along with it. So it's unchurched because they have not left their faith, but they have left behind a lot of the male identified traditions. They've left some of the harmful cultural teachings. They've left a lot of that behind because it ain't got nothing to do with God and everything to do with ego and everything to do with the misinterpretation of scripture. Someone said is this weekend's workshop good for someone who seems to be in a bit of a dating dry spell? Absolutely, because the women who, my clients who learn these things. They end up getting promotions on their jobs. They end up getting help at work. They end up having family and friends show up for them and making their lives easier.

Speaker 1:

What I'm about to teach you is bigger than men. It has more so to do with your ability to have your desires fulfilled by anybody. It could be with a man, it could be with your boss, it could be with your family members, it could be with your friends. It could be with whoever. But the women that I've used, they've not only used it with men, but they've used it to get raises. They've used it to get time off. They've, like one of my ladies, got a 90 day sabbatical paid, paid sabbatical, right. She's using these concepts. I've had clients have their bosses pay for things that they were not paying for for other people who were working there, right, paying for extra fringe benefits.

Speaker 1:

Because, again, this stuff does like your life force. Everybody needs to respect it, not just the men. You are respecting your own life force and we're not just having the men show up for you. Everybody's gonna show up for you. But this is in the context of men, because a lot of you guys are dating men who don't invest in you, and when you start there, you tend to see the world differently and everyone starts to show up for you. So that's a really good question. Actually, let me see if I can screenshot it. That's a really great question.

Speaker 1:

Okay, any more questions before I hop off, any more questions about today's lesson? No, let me know, cause I'm about to go cuddle cause I had a long, hard day and that is what my desire is to go cuddle. I've had a really rough day and I just wanna I do just wanna cry a little bit, not gonna lie. That's probably why I use that example, cause I do wanna cry. I do wanna lay in some strong shoulders and just please hold me. Today was so hard Cause it was. I don't see no more questions y'all. So are we good If we good put one in the comment section? If we good put one in the comment section, let me know. You put the questions here. This is either come here to put your questions or come to the workshop. Oh, thank you, melissa. You either put your questions here or you come to the workshop. What question do you have, kimon? Yeah, today was hard, it was rough.

Speaker 1:

All right, cass, you didn't post a question. You posted a statement. You said I've been having a hard time finding men. I don't have to explain that my major value was not in a sexual relationship. You just made a statement. I didn't see a question. I just saw a statement and your question is out.

Speaker 1:

And if that is your question which is not a question, it's a statement then it's outside of the realm of what we're talking about today, because you're talking about attracting quality men, and that's something different, because it sounds like that you have an issue attracting quality men which would need to be addressed separately. I mean, you can find them. You can find men everywhere. To date, the problem is we have not made an internal shift and, because of it, the external isn't reflecting what we desire to experience. Attracting quality men has nothing to do with the outside. It has nothing to do with going places. It has everything to do with your shift and your core beliefs and how you show up in the world, because you can meet quality men everywhere online. You can walk outside and meet them, but that's a different. I would need to be coaching, like asking you a bunch of questions to figure out where your block is here as to why you're not meeting quality men. That's a different type of play there.

Speaker 1:

If you go to my profile, I have some pieces that you could clearly look at that talk about attracting quality men and meeting them, and you can start there. I also have a podcast that can be very, very helpful there. So if you start there yeah, if you start there I've quite a few places on meeting quality men. If you start there, that would be a great place for you to. Okay, I don't, this isn't a question, but someone made a statement.

Speaker 1:

I feel like I have trouble giving my life force to the right people because I want to sleep with them. I mean, if you want to sleep with them, you have to be responsible for it. If you want to sleep with people and you want to give them your life force, you just have to be responsible for that. Okay, someone says is this a dress Saturday? I need help. I'm not going to. Well, here's the thing You're bringing in something that you want to do that's not going to be addressed in the workshop like something that you want to do, like you want to have sex with these men. And because you want to have sex with these men, I don't see the problem. I'm not seeing what the issue is here.

Speaker 1:

If you're doing something that you want to do, someone said do I have to nurture who is nurturing me? You ain't got to do nothing but stay black and die. You don't have to do anything but stay black and die. That's it. You don't got to do nothing. You ain't even got to eat. You ain't got to drink water. You ain't got to go to work. You ain't got to do nothing but stay black and die. All right, I'm out. All right, queen. That was the episode. It was so good I mean, they're always really good, but yeah, it was definitely good. Please take it to heart.

Speaker 1:

And if you were listening to this and you were kicking the table because you wanted to be at the Well Please Woman workshop and, for whatever reason, you missed it, you were not able to attend, for whatever reason, or grab the replay, no worries, because I have a new workshop coming up very, very soon. Hell, I might be promoting it within the next week. You're going to want to jump into this. It is Attracting Quality Men Online and I am going to be hosting this workshop to work with you and together we will create a experience of you online that men will experience with you, where you're able to attract quality men on the dating apps from your profile and your bios and even your pictures. Like really helping you piece this thing together, we're probably going to have like a kickoff call, and the kickoff call will happen in advance of the workshop, and this is where I will help you gather your assets, like what assets will you need to gather your assets? What assets will you need to complete your online profile and how you will present yourself so that you're pulling in the types of men that you desire.

Speaker 1:

And I've worked with plenty of clients who have made the shifts that I'm going to be teaching and away from you know, matches that they're not excited about to going on dates with men that they are excited about within a week, okay, so stay tuned for that and also leave a review. If you haven't left a written review, the podcast has blessed you. Please, please. I accept the blessings of you leaving a written review on the podcast. That would mean so much to me, but anyhow, all right, I'll talk to you next time. Bye.

Beliefs for Men's Investment in You
Value and Appreciation in Relationships
The Power of Self-Nurturing
Understanding Men Want to Please You
Investing in Yourself
Attracting Quality Men Online Workshop