Date with Cents

Setting Intentions For Delicious Dating Results

June 06, 2024 TorahCents Episode 87
Setting Intentions For Delicious Dating Results
Date with Cents
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Date with Cents
Setting Intentions For Delicious Dating Results
Jun 06, 2024 Episode 87

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As High achieving women of faith…we love to say we are “Dating with a purpose”

But most of us still aren’t getting the results we want while dating. 

We aren’t getting approached by the men we like. 

We aren’t having the conversations we want to have

And we aren’t going on the types of dates we desire. 

And that is because we aren’t dating with intention. 

Tune into this episode to learn what it truly means to be purposeful while dating and how to set small intentions that lead to huge dating results. 

Interested in working with me 1:1. Book a sales call HERE to learn more about becoming a private client so that you can become in high-demand in the dating world…

…AND attract emotionally available and financially established men who desire serious commitment so that you can choose your life partner in as early as a year. 


Learn how to use your words to attract better men & create better dating experiences - The Conversations that Inspire Commitment Live Virtual Workshop

Read my online essay on why the way we date is broken- Modern Dating is Hard 

Learn the basics behind attracting quality men and what it takes to build a rotation. - The Cuffing Season Retreat Bundle.

Follow me on Instagram for more dating gems at: 



Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

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As High achieving women of faith…we love to say we are “Dating with a purpose”

But most of us still aren’t getting the results we want while dating. 

We aren’t getting approached by the men we like. 

We aren’t having the conversations we want to have

And we aren’t going on the types of dates we desire. 

And that is because we aren’t dating with intention. 

Tune into this episode to learn what it truly means to be purposeful while dating and how to set small intentions that lead to huge dating results. 

Interested in working with me 1:1. Book a sales call HERE to learn more about becoming a private client so that you can become in high-demand in the dating world…

…AND attract emotionally available and financially established men who desire serious commitment so that you can choose your life partner in as early as a year. 


Learn how to use your words to attract better men & create better dating experiences - The Conversations that Inspire Commitment Live Virtual Workshop

Read my online essay on why the way we date is broken- Modern Dating is Hard 

Learn the basics behind attracting quality men and what it takes to build a rotation. - The Cuffing Season Retreat Bundle.

Follow me on Instagram for more dating gems at: 



Speaker 1:

Hello Queen, welcome to another episode of the Date With Sense podcast. If you are new, you don't know anything about me. Your friend just passed you this podcast along and you're just trying to figure things out, and I help. High achieving, unchurched women of faith attract quality men and date deliciously towards the romantic partnership they desire, whether that is marriage or a serious commitment, a relationship, whatever their desired romantic constellation is that is what I am here for. Constellation is that is what I am here for, and I just want to say that I'm happy you're here and I look forward to doing more episodes that help transform your love life, for sure, for sure. Now, today's episode is for you If you believe you are dating with a purpose, but you aren't getting results in your dating life. So your overall desire may be to you know, I want to get married, I want to land a committed relationship with a quality man, but you aren't seeing in like the results that you want to see, or you aren't seeing any results that you want to see that would prove to you or would be evidence that this is completely possible for you and it's possible for you to have it soon, for you to experience it soon. But before we get into that, I just want to thank everybody who wrote a review for the Date With Sins podcast in honor of my birthday. I loved it so much. I appreciate all of the reviews. I wanted to read one of them today. Of course, you know I'll be reading some more in the future, but just wanted to highlight this particular one that was written on my birthday, may 26. Shout out to me. It says best coach ever and it's from tons DFT. She says.

Speaker 1:

I've been following and listening to this queen for quite a few years. I know she's a quote, unquote dating coach on the surface, but trust me, she gives you so much more than that and it actually doesn't matter that your relationship status, what your relationship status is, because the wisdom she shares is so valuable to your mindset and can help you, whether you're dating multiple men or dating one man in a relationship, married or whatever. It all comes down to personal value and we all need the tools she shares to become aware of what we are putting out there, about how much we value ourselves and about how much we value others. So shout out to you, queen, thank you so much for blessing me with this amazing birthday gift. If you did not listen to past episodes. One of the birthday gifts that I requested was for a review on the podcast, so shout out to those of you who blessed me with such a gift.

Speaker 1:

But, yeah, if you aren't getting results in your dating life, or you're not getting the results that you want, you aren't seeing the results in your conversations that you're having with men. You're having conversations with them, but you're annoyed by them, you're bored with them, you're irritated by them. They don't go anywhere. You aren't seeing results in your dates. Yeah, you may be going on a date, but you're not enjoying the dates. They're not as fun for you, they're not leading to second dates. They are on dates where you feel like you could have just stayed home. Or you're not seeing results in the men that are pursuing you. So you are going on dates, you are talking to men, but you don't like them. Man, for real. They give you attention. That's fun for you, that's okay for you, that's entertaining, but you're really just truly not interested. You're just texting men you're not interested in. You're going on dates that you're not interested in. Or you're just not seeing results in your life period, in your love life period. You're not having dates, you're not having conversations, you're not meeting men, just period.

Speaker 1:

And I want to let you know that one of the biggest reasons why you aren't getting results is because you're not setting clear intentions. And I know us high achieving women of faith, like we love to pride ourselves on. I'm dating with a purpose, I'm dating with intention, and what we really mean by that is, you know, I'm dating for marriage or I'm dating to be in a relationship. That's the purpose of dating. I'm not just dating to just be willy nilly. But I'm telling you, most women of faith who are saying that they are dating with the purpose aren't dating with intentions. They aren't dating with clear intentions. I'll give you an example.

Speaker 1:

So I have a friend that I just recently started building a relationship with. She is almost 60 years old, but I mean, when you look at her, you would think she was in her 40s, right? She looks really really good for her age. She's very energetic, like really keeps up her health and everything. And she's single. Like she's single single, like she hadn't been on a date in like two years, like that's how single she is. And so we were just hanging out for lunch, just kicking the breeze and, of course, like she's a coach, I'm a coach and so we will talk about different things in each of our coaching arenas.

Speaker 1:

And one of the things that, like after we stopped talking about like coaching in general, she started like complaining about the dating conversation she was having on the dating apps, cause I think I bought up the dating apps or something like that. And she was just like, oh girl, I just can't do the dating apps, it's just, I just have a bunch of conversations. I've been on the dating apps for a couple of years. I have not been on a date in two years and I was like girl, I reached out. I was like give me your phone. Like just hand me your phone, give me your phone. And I took her phone. I said download hinge right now, cause she said she deactivated. I said, girl, if you don't read, download this. So she redownloaded it and I got on hinge. Um, and I just started critiquing some of the stuff that she had in her profile.

Speaker 1:

Number one. I noticed that her pictures were not on par. Like she wasn't really too intentional about the pictures that she was putting on there, but I was most concerned about the conversations that I saw in the app and I was looking at them and I'm like these are boring. Why are you saying these things? Why, like? Why are you entertaining this conversation and why didn't? Why didn't this lead into a date? Like what's happening here? Why were you on here for all these weeks? And she was like I don't know. I mean, I thought that's what you were supposed to say, or I thought that's what you were supposed to do, and I said there's like we're going to get you a date today. And so I took her phone.

Speaker 1:

I started matching with men in the app myself. I started messaging them myself right there at the table during lunch, and as I was messaging these men, within 10 minutes 10 minutes of matching on the dating app I secured her a phone call, just like that. I said, hey, this man I just matched with this man. I just messaged all of these men right here and this particular man, I just got you a phone call. Y'all are about to get on the phone in the next few minutes, okay, and here's exactly what I want you to say on the phone so that you can also go on a date with him. So I told her what to say. I said please stay on the phone for no more than 10 minutes, right? Just just get the pertinent information that you need, make sure he's not catfishing you and then let's move, invite him to pursue us to secure a date. And guess what? She got a date. She was so excited. And not just got a date Homegirl had got another date by the end of the week, using exactly what I told her and exactly how to maneuver.

Speaker 1:

And since that time what this was a few weeks ago that woman has been on several dates with several men and we were actually together yesterday as well, and we were actually together yesterday as well, and she was showing me this one guy and all his messages and how he's talking about, how intentional he's going to be with her and how he's been showing up for her. And she says I just really like him, you know, I really like those men who are passionate about, you know, the things that they're learning in this world, and he's already planning to cook for her. They've been on several dates, so she's just really excited. Mind you, this woman had not been on a date in 10 years I mean not 10, two years before this. Okay, and the reason why I was able to get my friend a date in a day, in two days, in three days because she was able to just keep getting dates when she struggled to get one in two years is because I set an intention ahead of time. I set an intention for how I wanted to move on the dating app. I set an intention for the conversation she was going to have, intention for the conversation she was going to have, and that intention was I intend to match with someone and move towards a date this week. And I just didn't set an intention. I then created an interaction that supported that intention. I created an interaction that supported that intention and the interaction included me matching with men and the conversation that I had a specific intentional conversation. So I set an intention and I created an interaction and my intention in conversation around that all centered around getting a date and she got one Okay.

Speaker 1:

Another example I have always always been known for setting intentions. When I go out and about to meet people, especially considering I'm a super introverted human being, I really prefer being at home. If I want to make new friends, if I want to meet new people, I have to be extremely intentional about it or I just won't do it. I have to be intentional about leaving the house or I won't leave the house, it just won't happen. I have to really like emotionally prepare for the event. But because I have chosen to leave, I'm setting an intention, and coffee shops have been an amazing place for me to set intentions, to meet people. I remember I was out of town, I was, I went somewhere out of a time from the state that I was in. I went to another state and, of course, I wanted to work out of a coffee shop and my intention was I am going to meet someone today and my other intention was I am going to go out on a date. On this trip. I'm going to secure a date.

Speaker 1:

I created interaction, like that was my intention and then I went to create interactions around it. So when I went to the coffee shop, I made sure to be extremely present in the coffee shop. I made sure that when I went in the line, I was watching who was coming in and out of the door, I was making eye contact with people who were in line. I was creating conversation with the barista. I made sure that the seat that I sat at was in an open space where I could be easily seen. There was heavy foot traffic, where people were regularly walking, so I wanted to make sure that I was in the center. And then also, where there was heavy traffic, where there were people that were constantly walking beside me. Those were the interactions that I created, and then I made sure that I was smiling and waving. That was my interaction, smiling and waving and even asking questions.

Speaker 1:

And within, I would say, 20 minutes of being at this coffee shop, there was this dark chocolate one. He stepped in, he was so attractive, so handsome, and he sat not too far away from me it was like a cross from me and he pulled out his laptop and I immediately made it my business to look up and smile and wave at him, made sure I held the smile and wave and went back to my work and from there, after the smile and wave, there was talking. That happened Like he asked me a question, I asked him a question, he ended up sitting at my table and, guess what? He ended up inviting me on a date. He left, he had to go, and then there was another guy that came in. He was a nice, handsome Middle Eastern guy and he also sat in the same seat as the other guy and I intentionally created the interaction where I smiled at him, I waved at him and I said hello out loud. And he sat there and I could tell he was like peeking at me with his eye. And so I look right at him and I said, hey, like what are you up to? You know, I see your laptop out. Like what are you working on today? And he was telling me about this app that he was developing. He was really excited about it. He eventually ended up buying me food at the place and then he asked if we could go out on a date later.

Speaker 1:

So my intention was I want to go on a date. It didn't even have to be on that day, but I intended I'm in this state, I'm outside of town, I want to go on a date when I'm out. And I secured two dates while being out of town and I had an intention I was going to meet someone new. Today I met two. Well, I met more than two people. It was two guys who I was attracted to, who asked me out on dates from a coffee shop, because I was very intentional about the interactions that I wanted to create. So I set the intention I want to meet a new person. I want to go on a date, and I met two people and I secured two dates because of the intention.

Speaker 1:

I remember going to a party that a friend invited me to. It was a lot of the people that she knew, lots of her friends that were there. I didn't really know anybody there, but what I did know is that there were going to be some fine ass men in the building, and so my intention was I was going to create a connection that led to at least a phone call with one of the guys. Right, at least that that's what I wanted to do. I wanted to create a connection that led to at least one phone call, Because, baby, if I get you on the phone, you're going to want to take me on a date. You don't want to go further, so I just want to get on the phone, and so I created interactions while I was there.

Speaker 1:

I made sure that I walked around the room, that people were able to get a good glimpse of me as I walked around the room. I made sure I created conversation with different people. Again, it wasn't just men I was creating conversation with. I was creating conversation with just strangers. Period, right Of creating an environment of connection, just in general, so that, no matter what, right, like even if I didn't have a connection, people would have felt my presence in the room, people would know that I was there.

Speaker 1:

And so I saw there were two guys there, two guys that I was like, okay, he's handsome. And then he's also handsome. I love the way he walks. I think he's sexy. You know, I kind of pinpointed these guys and I'm like, okay, I want to talk to them, I want to see what's going on with them. And I actually created one conversation with one of the guys while I was there and, uh, it was very, very brief, right, Because it was like a group thing, and then the other guy just watched from afar.

Speaker 1:

But here's what I did. I told my friend, I said these two guys, I think, are handsome and I like them, and I know that this is, you know, you know people at this party, you're friends with a lot of these people. I want you to put in a good word for me. I want you to pass along my information. That was my interaction, right. That is what I, that is what I chose to do.

Speaker 1:

And people might be like, oh my gosh, you are chasing them in and I'm like, no, I was creating an intention. I actually invited these men to pursue me. I let them know that I saw them, I was interested and I invited them to pursue something further, and so that included my number and each of these guys ended up calling me. Each of these guys ended up taking me out on dates. One of the guys flew me out it was like a what would I call it? What do they call a destination date? Because neither of us lived there. But he flew me out to a destination date and we just had an amazing time together. But I went on dates with each of the guys. I went on several dates and it was such a great time and I enjoyed myself so much. But it happened because I said an intention would have never happened if I did not say, like, I know these fine men are going to be at the party. I know you know a lot of these fine men. Can you put in a word for me, friend? Right, I'm going to make myself known at this party. Intentions can be anything.

Speaker 1:

So, even after I secured a date with one guy, so there was a guy that I secured a date with, um, uh, very handsome. I think it was an Indian guy. I believe it was. Yeah, it was an Indian guy and he, like we were messaging, I could tell he was really smart. Of course, I'm really smart and I'm like I want an intellectual date. I want a date where we're really talking about some fun intellectual things and I want to know what he's reading. And I want us to have a book date. And because my intention was to have an intellectual date, I let him know, like he said he wanted to. You know, go to this certain place and I said we can go here as long as it's a book date. As long as you bring a book, I bring a book and then we can talk about our books and go into depth about like what we like about them and like what we've learned. I love that. That would make my heart smile. That was my intention to create that. So, whoever the man was that I went on a date with, I wanted to go on an intellectual date. And this man not just showed up with a book, but he bought a book for me based upon what I was, what I told him I was working on in my life. He was just like yeah, because you said you were working on this goal and this goal, I bought you a book and I'm like this is what I'm talking about, thank you. Thank you for buying the book. I appreciate it.

Speaker 1:

Um, now there are other types of intentions too. There are intentions of what you are not available for, not available for, and one of my intentions is that I I'm going to go on dates with men who are intentional Like that is the intention. My intention is to only go out on dates with men who are intentional, like that is the intention. My intention is to only go out on dates with men who are intentional. And there was this guy that he sent me what we met on a dating app and he was like hey, I want, I would like to go on a date with you, you know this week, plan the date. Well, actually it wasn't true. Yeah, we planned a date. We planned a date because I was about to say did we have the location? I think we had the location, so we planned the date and, come time for the date, he cancels and I'm like okay, like I'm not tripping Right Again.

Speaker 1:

Me super introverted person, I always find me something to do at the house and I'm fine with that. And we just planned another date. We planned another date for the upcoming week and guess what happened? He canceled it. And it was at that moment where I was like oh, I'm complete with this, right, I'm complete. And he wanted to schedule another date and I said okay, I'm unavailable to continue dating you. We had two dates planned. They were canceled in a short amount of time.

Speaker 1:

I understand there may be something going on in your end, but I'm unavailable to continue dating Like I didn't have to. I didn't make that a big deal. I didn't make it a like oh, it's your fault, I didn't make it. Oh, he's, you know, he's wasting my time, he's annoying, it's just that. No, I'm just not available for that. Like I'm, I'm only intentional. Like my. My intention is to go on dates with men who are intentional.

Speaker 1:

Now here's the thing he may have had like a really good reason for why he canceled the date. But none of that is my business, because unless it's like true emergencies and true emergencies are few and far between people create emergencies in their lives because they aren't being intentional right. Like, for example, when you aren't intentional about your morning routine, you will find yourself rushing through morning traffic and being late for work, and you'll be like, oh, it was the traffic that made me late. Like, no, you were just not intentional about going to bed early. You are not intentional about getting up early, knowing that anything can happen on the road and therefore, because you were not intentional, you got stuck in traffic. That's what happened, like your emergency was not an emergency, it was because you just were. You wasn't intentional about this, right? And so if this happened two weeks in a row, I will give you one emergency, if it happens.

Speaker 1:

Again. I'm seeing not intentional, and that's okay. Being unintentional is not a crime. But I'm not going to date you, right, I want to date someone who's being incredibly intentional. So, because something could have happened where he had to handle something, but because he wasn't intentional, maybe in another area of his life, maybe he wasn't intentional at work and then he had to put a fire out. Maybe he wasn't intentional, in a way, when it came to his friends. Maybe he had a friend's birthday coming up and he had to handle that, but he wasn't intentional about his calendar, so he double booked. Again, none of this is my business, but you wasn't being intentional. So, therefore, I'm unable to continue dating you. It's been two weeks, that's all I'm going to, that's all I gave him, and so I can continue having my delicious dating life, instead of being annoyed and frustrated with this particular man, and have availability for another man, to other men, to pursue me Right Um, another intention that is true to me is I always want to put myself first.

Speaker 1:

I always because I know that I can't truly live a life abundantly and create spaces where people feel abundant unless I pour into myself first, and so my intention is to put myself first and I can enjoy my time with men later. So if, for example, there was this guy that I was just getting to know and I was really, really interested in him, but I had to put myself first because I had a lot of projects to get done, I wanted to talk to him. I was really excited about talking to him, and instead of feeling overwhelmed and anxious and obligated to respond to his text messages throughout the day, or feeling drained because I wanted to make myself available so that he knew that I liked him, instead of doing that I just my intention was I'm going to put myself first and I'll pay attention to him later, and so I just sent a text and I said, hey, I got to finish something up that requires my attention for the next couple of hours and you're so distracting, you're too distracting, I will hit you up back around 530. I really love chatting with you. And then he responds I love your honesty. He responds. I love your honesty. He says I love your honesty, I can be quite a time-stealing person.

Speaker 1:

Again, my intention simply to put myself first so that I can enjoy time with men later. So that was my intention and I got the results that I desired. Because I was able to complete my task and give him my undivided attention later, so that I actually was able to create a connection without feeling anxious or overwhelmed, and because I wasn't anxious and overwhelmed or like really concerned about like how do I keep this up, how do I keep the conversation going, how do I text them back and how do I let him know I'm interested. You know, like I put myself first. That was the intention and so I was able to again create like stay in a state of lover girl energy is what I would say lover girl energy, so I could date him and everybody else. Right, I was also.

Speaker 1:

My intention is has always been. If we connect, my intention is that we go on a date within the week. Within the week, we're not playing pen pal, I'm not going to be, you know, talking, doing like a long distance thing over the phone when you live 20 minutes away, like those types of things. And this is a story that I always tell. There's a guy, there was a guy and me and him matched on a dating app and from there I said, hey, cause, my intention was I want to go on a date within the week. That was my intention. I didn't like say it to him Like this is my intention. It was just like that was my intention, and we matched.

Speaker 1:

I said, hey, I would like to have a 10 minute video call with you. And he said, fine, cause I want to see if I, if I plan on going on a date. I need to know if you catfishing me, hatfishing me. I need to see what your forehead looking like. I need to know if, like what's happening there, like if you still look the same. You know, because men I've seen men put pictures of that was 10 years old, like I need to know if this is how you look like today. So, just 10 minutes on the phone and then I can vet the vibes, the conversation, your nonverbal body language and see if I would like for you to invite me on a date. So at the end of the 10 minutes I could tell he was already like he was so excited to talk to me and I was excited to talk to him too. It was a very nice conversation, very nerdy conversation, love talking to the nerds and, um, very nice chocolate sitting on the other side of the video call. So that was great. And he so I let him know I'm like hey, like I really enjoyed our conversation, I would love for you to invite me on a date. He was like, yeah, I'm gonna get that plan, I'm gonna, I'm gonna get that together. I was like cool, cool, let's do it.

Speaker 1:

So the next day he, after he gets off of work, he's like hey, let's jump on a video call. My intention is for us to go on a date. I don't want to get into the pen pal stuff ahead of time. I do not want to overinvest. That is not my intention. So I let him know because I guess he thought this was going to be a regular thing and I said hey, I understand that you want to video chat with me today, but I'm unavailable for a regular video chats and we don't even have a date on the schedule. And he was like okay, I get it, I feel, I feel I'm going to get this date together. You know, I'm going to let you know. I'm like okay, cool, date together. You know I'm gonna let you. I'm like okay, cool, like, and I'm not pressed because I got first of all, he wasn't the only one I was talking to and I got other things I got going on. So then he sends me a message. So that was so. We matched on a Monday, that was a Tuesday, so Wednesday happens. He sends me a text. He said good morning queen. And he said let's manifest the great Wednesday. And I said good morning King, let us also manifest a date.

Speaker 1:

I want to be very clear that I am unavailable to stay in connection if there is not a date planned. And I never heard from him again. But guess what? I also never from him again. But guess what? I also never over-invested. I never had a bunch of video calls taking away time I could be spending with other men who were offering, who were actually planning dates right, taking my time away from the work that I was putting in, like no, and people are so funny, they're like you gave them an ultimatum. I'm like no, ultimatums are all about manipulation and force. It's all about forcing someone to do something or manipulating someone to do something. What I just put is a boundary. My intention was centered around a boundary that I am unavailable to continue connecting. You can do whatever you want to do. I'm not here to manipulate you. I'm just letting you know that I can't stay connected to you If we're not going on a date. You can choose to do whatever you want to do, right, I created an intention and I created it in interaction. I set an intention, I created an interaction.

Speaker 1:

So everything that you heard me say, and like even my recent birthday trip on my baby, he just I had a clear intention of what I wanted for my birthday. So he was just like what do you want to do for your birthday? Right, he didn't know what I wanted to do and I was like I, my intention, right, I was like I want, I'm feeling adventurous. I want an adventurous experience. Can you fly me to Orlando? Can we fly to Orlando? Can you take me to the islands of adventure. I would love like that was my intention to just have a lot of fun, a lot of adventurous fun. And I said like, hey, I don't want to be pressed for anything. Um, can you please, um, invest in the, the, the passes where you get to skip the line, those, those express passes. He got those. I mean, I just spent the whole. I spent like 10 hours out there just really enjoying myself. I asked him to.

Speaker 1:

You know that I go kayaking and Silver Springs is like an hour and a half out, and this man made sure that we traveled an hour and a half out to just for a few hours of kayaking with the alligators and with the monkeys. It was just so good. He took me go-kart riding, so I just wanted a lot of adventure. It was just so good. It was like the perfect trip.

Speaker 1:

We did so many other things, but I'm just mainly talking about the things that I intended versus like what he intended. We did those many other things, but I'm just mainly talking about the things that I intended versus like what he intended. We did those things too, but like he wanted to do like a couple's massage, and we did that too, but like mainly what I wanted to intend it happened. So those were my results is I had a whole trip and then with that, I was like so tired I didn't want to stay longer. And I was like I'm so tired I really want to rest at home. And he was just like we'll just switch the flights, we'll check out of the spot early, I'll switch the flights and you can be back in bed. You can rest in bed. So all those intentions created massive results, created delicious results. And that goes back from the intentions at the coffee shop me meeting someone at the coffee shop when I went to the party, when I wanted to have the book date, when I was intentional about only dating men who are intentional.

Speaker 1:

I need you to understand that if you want delicious dating results, you need to set intentions and create interactions to fulfill those intentions. You are not dating with the purpose unless you are setting small intentions on a regular basis, on a daily basis, on a weekly basis, on a monthly basis, right? This is exactly why my clients have specific intentions and relationship goals that they have to set and they create interactions to reach those goals. Because when you set intentions, you don't waste time with superficial small talk with men Like you don't. You don't spend time in boring ass, dead ass conversations with men. You don't go back and forth for days or weeks on dating apps, for months on dating apps. You do not do that. You do not have a bunch of dead-end conversations on dating apps. You don't spin or spiral out about what a man is doing or not doing. I can't believe it. He wasted my time, like that's never something you would say. Because you're so intentional. You're so intentional.

Speaker 1:

You aren't wondering why you're not approached when you go out when you like, when I, when I go out, I know why I'm not approached. Because I create an environment where no one is going to approach me, because I don't feel like being approached. Don't do it. I always know how to get approached whenever I want to, because I always set intentions to get approached. I know how to get approached whenever I want to because I always set intentions to get approached. I know how to get approached, so I'm never concerned about why am I never get approached? I know when I'm not approached because I know like I'm a heavy introverted mode, I don't want to talk to nobody. I don't want to see nobody. You know nothing. I'm just going to put these AirPods in my ear. I don't want nobody speaking to me man, woman, child, nobody, right? So I understand when I'm not approached in.

Speaker 1:

When you set intentions, you aren't confused about what to talk about. When you're on the phone with the man, you're not like having anxiety around like what to say next. You're not trying to like, you're not confused on like what do we talk about now? Because you are extremely intentional about this conversation. You want this conversation to be about this. You intend for this conversation to feel exciting. You intend for this conversation to feel enlightening. You want this and you intend for this conversation to be in like um, evolving, like this is what you intend for this conversation. You intend to get to know these pieces about him as a man.

Speaker 1:

You're not confused when you set intentions. You are not going months or years without a date. You're not. People who go months and years without dates are not intentional. I don't care how many times they say they date with a purpose. It's just not intentional. And you aren't asking or answering random questions while on a date. I don't know how many times I have witnessed with clients in conversations or even like this recent documentary I'm a part of where I got to review dates of the random questions that are being asked on dates that are not intentional at all. We're just asking them because we think that we're supposed to ask them. We think that we're supposed to have these conversations about what do you do for a living? Okay, like, uh, what are your hobbies? Like what in the world? Like, why aren't we being more intentional with conversations?

Speaker 1:

And so I want you to think about everything I just talked about today and when you like, are out here wondering why things are not happening, wondering why you want not getting results. You can get amazing results if you start being intentional. So set a small intention and then create interactions that support that intention. If you want to get approach, if you want to go on a date, if you want to have a phone call, whatever, this is how you keep getting results right. And if you want help with this, in one-to-one coaching as a private client, you will learn how to set clear interactions for every stage of your dating journey, for every single stage. And not only will I help you set clear intentions, but I will work with you every single week to create interactions that are in alignment with who you are as a woman, so that you can interact with men to fulfill these intentions, so that you are meeting the men that you like, so that you are going on the dates that you desire and so that you are actually finally making real progress on your dating journey.

Speaker 1:

You're not concerned about will this ever happen. For me, you know it's going to happen. It's just a matter of when. You already had the evidence. It's staring at you in the face every single week Cause you keep collecting it for yourself. I'm going to stop having you have a bunch of idle chatter that fizzle out with men and taking a bunch of random ass items. When you I mean random actions, action items and when you work with me, you will start to intentionally create future opportunities that serve you romantically, even platonically, and I'm going to help you learn how you can gauge compatibility and if you're on the same page with the men that you are interacting with, conversing with dating no matter if it's with a new guy you just met or someone you've been dating for a while so that every interaction that you create, so that every intention that you make, every message you send, every call you make, every date you go on, has the potential to turn into something that is in alignment with your desires.

Speaker 1:

If that interests you, if my help interests you, I welcome you to book a sales call with me. Book a sales call. The link will be in the show notes. Or, if you can't hit the show notes for whatever reason, if you're listening on a different type of app, you can go to my Instagram page and click on the link there and my bio and book a sales call. And on this sales call, we will be meeting face to face on zoom and we're going to have a conversation about what is happening for you in your love life.

Speaker 1:

What obstacles do you have in your way a love life, what obstacles do you have in your way, and I will give you a step-by-step plan on what you will work on and what actions you will take with us working together. So go ahead and book your sales call. And also, if you love this episode, go ahead and go ahead and five-star it. Go ahead and leave a review and let me know. Let me know. You can even share on social media and all the things. But I know this episode was insightful, was enlightened, and I know that it's going to help you create more results in your life in love, romantically, platonically, whatever. But yeah, that's all I got for you, girl, and until next time, bye.

Clear Intentions Lead to Successful Dating
Setting Intentions for Dating Success
Navigating Dating Intentions and Boundaries
Intentional Dating for Better Results
Love Life Obstacles and Solutions