Messy Can't Stop Her

Thriving through chaos: A Naturopath’s Insight into the Healing Power of Faith

February 22, 2024 Judith Kambia Obatusa (JKO) & Dr. Lexi Lain Season 4 Episode 10
Thriving through chaos: A Naturopath’s Insight into the Healing Power of Faith
Messy Can't Stop Her
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Messy Can't Stop Her
Thriving through chaos: A Naturopath’s Insight into the Healing Power of Faith
Feb 22, 2024 Season 4 Episode 10
Judith Kambia Obatusa (JKO) & Dr. Lexi Lain

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Special guest, Dr. Lexi Lain, shares insights from her experience as a naturopathic doctor about the mind-body-spirit connection, and the profound impact of faith in navigating chaos. Don't miss the opportunity to gain practical tips for thriving through stress and trauma by joining Dr. Lexi Lain in Healing the Heart, a life-changing retreat in Tobago from May 13 -17, 2024. 

About Dr. Lexi Lain at

Dr. Lexi Lain holds a doctorate in naturopathic medicine from Bastyr University in Seattle, Washington, and a bachelor’s degree in biology from Oklahoma State University. As owner and CEO of Summit Vitality, an integrative and functional medicine clinic, she educates and guides her practice members to manage their stress and make their health a priority. A past international chair of the Rotary Club International of Davidson and 3-time half-ironman finisher, Dr. Lexi’s mantra is, “Stop asking me what you should be taking for something. Ask me what you should be DOING instead.” 

She has presented nationally and internationally through virtual events, locally for in-person conferences, and has been a featured guest on radio talk shows. Presently, she is building her community of healthy leaders through a 6-Step Get Your SPARK Back Masterclass and finishing her first book, “Get Your Spark Back in Health.”

You can have a one-on-one with Dr. Lexi at the 2024 Healing the Heart retreat in Tobago where she will be facilitating a full day workshop and a forest bath. Register now to get the early bird discount. 

Connect with Dr. Lexi on Linkedin, Instagram, and on Facebook at DrLexi Fan Page and Summit Vitality Davidson

References in this episode

Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod

Join the Messy Can't Stop Her Sisterhood at

If you would love to share your story on the #MessyCantStopHer podcast, click here to let me know.

Thank you so much for listening.

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Show Notes Transcript

Send JKO a Text Message

Special guest, Dr. Lexi Lain, shares insights from her experience as a naturopathic doctor about the mind-body-spirit connection, and the profound impact of faith in navigating chaos. Don't miss the opportunity to gain practical tips for thriving through stress and trauma by joining Dr. Lexi Lain in Healing the Heart, a life-changing retreat in Tobago from May 13 -17, 2024. 

About Dr. Lexi Lain at

Dr. Lexi Lain holds a doctorate in naturopathic medicine from Bastyr University in Seattle, Washington, and a bachelor’s degree in biology from Oklahoma State University. As owner and CEO of Summit Vitality, an integrative and functional medicine clinic, she educates and guides her practice members to manage their stress and make their health a priority. A past international chair of the Rotary Club International of Davidson and 3-time half-ironman finisher, Dr. Lexi’s mantra is, “Stop asking me what you should be taking for something. Ask me what you should be DOING instead.” 

She has presented nationally and internationally through virtual events, locally for in-person conferences, and has been a featured guest on radio talk shows. Presently, she is building her community of healthy leaders through a 6-Step Get Your SPARK Back Masterclass and finishing her first book, “Get Your Spark Back in Health.”

You can have a one-on-one with Dr. Lexi at the 2024 Healing the Heart retreat in Tobago where she will be facilitating a full day workshop and a forest bath. Register now to get the early bird discount. 

Connect with Dr. Lexi on Linkedin, Instagram, and on Facebook at DrLexi Fan Page and Summit Vitality Davidson

References in this episode

Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod

Join the Messy Can't Stop Her Sisterhood at

If you would love to share your story on the #MessyCantStopHer podcast, click here to let me know.

Thank you so much for listening.

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JKO: [00:00:00] Welcome to this episode of messy can't stop her. I am your host, Judith Kambia Obatusa, J K O. Last week, we were talking about faith and how it helps us to thrive through chaos. And we shared some scriptures about faith that we could, we could hold onto to use, to activate our shield of faith. Today, I'm so privileged to be sharing the space with somebody who knows how that journey of faith can help us thrive through chaos.

She is a naturopathic doctor. She holds a doctorate degree actually in naturopathic medicine, and she is the CEO of Summit Valley, an integrative and functional [00:01:00] medicine clinic. She has founded many health wellness support groups for people in community. So she's a community leader and an accomplished Rotarian, and if you know people that are accomplished in Rotary Club who are very into the club, they are servant leaders in their community and even internationally. Today we're so privileged to be sharing the space with the amazing Dr. Lexi Lain. Lexi, welcome.

Lexi: Thank you. It's a real pleasure to be with you today.

JKO: Thank you so much. So I just want to say a little bit about the work that Lexi does. She is very, very passionate about helping people thrive through stress and trauma by understanding their body, [00:02:00] understanding what works for their own body, not what works for all the people around. She customizes her prescriptions for particular individuals needs. She educates, she guides, and she helps you see how stressors creates imbalance with your hormones and creates chaos. She understands that life can be stressful but she helps you through it. One amazing thing about this episode is that we are going to be listening to Dr. Lexi to answer some of our questions. But we also have an opportunity to be in the same space. I'm going to share with Dr. Lexi life, where she will give us tips and tricks that we can take away and apply in our eyes. So I'm [00:03:00] not going to give you all the juice from the beginning. So we'll get into it.

So Lexi, I talked a little bit about your work as a naturopathic doctor. But could you tell us a little bit about that in a more detailed way? Because, you know, I'm not a doctor, so I'll be missing so many things. 

Lexi: Yes, so in the training, I went to in Bastyr University Washington, part of our training was to heal the mind, body, and spirit.

And what was interesting going through school was this debate on whether to keep spirit or not to keep spirit. Of course, in our training, we chose to keep spirit. Because we understand that to A person as a respect the, the natural processes of healing [00:04:00] and to respect what's happening in nature and to honor that we must also respect through the spirit what's happening to people in that regard.

So, it's a real gift and a joy to be able to work with people in their healing journey that can, we can have conversations. About their faith, we have conversations about those obstacles and there's challenges and in a space that we have the time. So we're not doing the 15 minute sign symptom medication.

We're doing an hour. Well, to really understand who and so the work of a naturopathic doctor is really 1 of what makes sense. How does this person need to heal right now? And what can I do to and oftentimes we educate. And we facilitate and we inspire and [00:05:00] we motivate we counsel and coach. So there's a lot of that goes on behind the scenes of doctor is listening to be heard and to hold space for that and to look at a patient and say, I believe.

And oftentimes that's all they need to hear is I'm hurt. And so as a natural doctor, that's what I do, you know, and working with people. And then I've taken that to creating courses to where I can reach a larger number of people because there's only a finite amount of time in a day. And I want to help the globe, the globe needs the light.

So so I'm using technology to reach more people.

JKO: Thank you so much, Dr. Lexi. So when you talk about the role of faith and belief in the process of healing, could you shed more light?

Lexi: on that? [00:06:00] Yes. So the first thing is, A patient or practice member will say, Hey, I don't know, for whatever reason, God has led me to you.

And so that's 1 avenue is that I don't know why or, but I see that person as there's something that they need that I can provide and that's divine intervention. And then when they aren't working with me or let's just say they didn't come to me through their faith. They just called cold and I can tell when someone is already saying it's not going to work.

Oh, this is just not going to work for me and I can provide them with the best care plan and it won't work.

And it's because I did. It won't work. So in the line of work that I do, I can see the power of the mind and the power of believing in something placebo. Why does a [00:07:00] placebo even work? It's because someone believes that it works and that's powerful. So faith. Is threaded in any care plan. Faith is manifested in this power to believe that you can heal, that your body knows exactly what to do.

So instead of saying, I am sick, saying instead I am healing, I am well. I am on the healing journey. That's the words I use healing because I want people to be thinking in that regard versus I am sick And so the power of mind and the belief that's therein lies the faith And the work that I do, I'm not talking about scripture per se.

Sometimes I do when it comes up appropriate, but, you know, if someone, you know, because patients, they all have different faiths or spiritual [00:08:00] beliefs, you know, and but I have to hold that space for the person sitting across from me and then find.

Food be thy medicine, the healing of the sunshine. So this earth that we walk on every day, God said, you have everything you need right here. Everything you need that includes medicine. Hmm. 

JKO: Thank you so much. So much for that. I really, I really like what you said about how the whole of this earth is at our disposal for our healing and the most important part of that process is in or inside of us, not outside of us.

And that's what I've been talking about in this in this series about thriving through chaos. You can be surrounded by chaos, but inside you can be whole, healthy and peaceful and you will thrive. I've read something about, I've read, I've [00:09:00] seen people talk about it. People who were really grievously sick and by the power of their faith and belief what the doctor said is impossible.

They came through it. Talking about faith in practical terms. Could you share something around that for women in chaotic life situations right this moment that are listening to us who are just like, Oh, she just saying all these good words. Are you sure it's real? Is it real? 

Lexi: Let's see. Oh, yes, it is. Gosh.

All right. So my personal experience is that. I started my undergraduate degree at 18 years old, and I got sick within a few weeks of being in school and the sickness is what I call it. The sickness, by the way, not I am sick, but the [00:10:00] sickness was something that just waxed and waned. I would always go to the doctor and it was come back negative, whether it was West Nile virus and meningitis.

And all the weird and and lo and behold, it was actually mono, but I was the small percentage of people who test negative for mono. And unless you run a blood test. And so I was given the wrong medication 1 that you are not supposed to take with mono and it was an overdose and that led to a very lethal.

Situation called Stevens syndrome where you have blisters from head to toe blisters all in your mouth. It's a pretty it's a pretty significant adverse drug reaction and it was this pink pretty pill and I didn't finish the course. But what ended up happening is that we were advised. I was supposed to be admitted into the hospital.

And my mom, she knew that that was not the avenue that she wanted me to take [00:11:00] at all. And so she flew me home and I think it was an angel. Do not remember the man's name. Germany. He reminded me of Santa Claus. He was like 120 years old. And, but just a lovely man and

he instructed me to water that he had created to sit under the spotlight of color and to visualize and to not touch any electronics at all. And to do this reiki and, and to do this red light therapy and, and all of this basic. Clearly was energetic medicine meeting medicine. And here's the thing is, I wanted to get better.

I wanted to get better. I wanted to feel good. As a 17, 18 year old college student, sorority, and you're gonna tell this person to not touch a cell phone, a computer, a [00:12:00] television, an iPad, that you are instructed to go straight to bed, maybe read a book, but zero electronics for two weeks. Could you do?

Wow. Absolutely did it. And I visualized and I said, I am getting better and I just believed that this, this avenue of medicine was going to work and I was better in 2 weeks. I was clear skinned. Everything was better. And it was in that moment that I realized, Whoa, there's something else out there to healing.

Then we're always being taught or provided. There are options out there beyond sometimes the understanding of the white papers. And examples, how Elrod with the Miracle Morning, he talks a ton about impossibilities. And this man has, is a cat. He's got nine lives from being told he was going to be paralyzed for [00:13:00] life to being, becoming a marathon runner.

I mean, there's so many examples in his book and then this is, this is not advertisement for him. Really great read to really believe and to see that this is not a one off. There are so many examples of when you believe that you can heal and when you can. Pray on that and have a community of people just pouring.

You have this deep desire to want to be better. Miracles are possible. You know what? And here's the thing. Let's just say you've got this age disease and it's not unfolding as maybe you expected. There's still a gift in that. And crisis is God's and I'll all I can say is what am I learning from this experience?

And what lives can you touch and inspire people with the experience that you're facing [00:14:00] and these come down to choices and mindset. So my personal experience, how well rods, and then through other patients and friends, I have seen that healing journey look very, very beautiful. And the final thing I'll say, Judith is that, you know, let's say that somebody is in their last moments of breath.

Can you be in your most healthiest self mentally and spiritually acceptance of where your, where your body is and in your passing last breath, you're at your healthiest peak. And I believe that that, that you can be in that place. Hmm. 

JKO: I want to ask one question before we go into where people can have this one on one time with you.

Women who are going through [00:15:00] trauma, what happens to them and in terms of how not seeking healing for your stress, giving up on yourself as they can stay in the situation and feeling that all is done with you is all truly done with a woman who is in a chaotic life situation. Or is there a way that she can live through chaos, or they're just words that I'm, I'm dreaming of.

Lexi: Yes, so a ship in the storm, raging storm lightning and oh, my gosh, you know, your boat is just it's just a sinking ship and we can feel that way. And so many ways. So there's a couple of things here is number 1. What do I have control over right now? Number two, what do I need now? What do I have control over?

And what do I [00:16:00] need? Because in a storm, no matter how raging and chaotic and painful and all the things. You can take a moment to just it's going to sound silly, but to just breathe, breathe into the pain. And as you're breathing into the pain, what can I control right now? What do I need now? What you can control is how you react to something.

Your, your responses control your behaviors. And those behaviors go back into your needs. Have you fed your body well today? Have you slept? Have you gotten fresh air? Have you done any sort of personal development in prayer? Have you practiced some gratitude? Have you taken some supplements today? So there's so many things that you can do to help your body to be [00:17:00] strong in a time when the storm is just, you're, you're, you're in the eye of the storm.

Yeah. Okay. So when life is feeling like it's falling apart. You are not falling apart. You are okay. And even if you are falling apart, and there's carnage everywhere, you are alive. And as long as you have air in your lungs, and as long as you see that sun rise every morning, you are not done. And so if you want to live and fulfill that God given purpose, taking care of this body that we've been gifted with, And that is a piece to stepping forth in your best self.

JKO: Thanks so much, Dr. Lexi. So, I don't know if you're listening to us today. There are some things that are like, things that have been repeated on this podcast. Lexi [00:18:00] talked about affirmations, when she said, I am healing. When she said, don't say I am sick. And don't say my sickness. The sickness. Those words that you choose.

So use regarding yourself and about yourself. We've talked about that in a previous episode, they are things that really, really work. Lexi mentioned something. She said, breathing isn't silly. So breath work is powerful, but there's something else. She said a community of people pouring out into your life when things are out of, you know, it seems they're out of your hands.

So. I talked at the beginning of this episode that Lexi will be available for you to have consultation, basically consultation, free [00:19:00] consultation with Lexi and be able to even come up with a plan that you can apply to your life after the time. I want Lexi to talk a little bit about that. And it is in a fabulous place is a place where you can take.

Believe that you're in a vacation, there'll be spa, there are other things, but you'll be having one on one time with Lexi. Can you tell us a little bit about that? 

Lexi: Sure. And are you referencing Tobago? 

JKO: I am referencing Tobago. 

Lexi: Okay. Yes. So, imagine fresh, clean, salty ocean air, the beach, looking off into the horizon.

And actually, you know why we get to feel so calm and in that healing space at [00:20:00] the beach? There's a couple of reasons. One is the rhythm of the ocean and is that somewhat of a heartbeat. 60 beats per minute and this rhythmic sound, this uninterrupted, that's white noise and it's very difficult to hear other noises.

When you look off into the horizon, the horizon is uninterrupted with buildings and things you just look off. Into the distance uninterrupted horizon is blue, like the ocean and blue, like the sky. So the colors, they blend together again. It's not busy. It's uninterrupted kind of sameness. So it's almost like this blank canvas and what it's doing is it's allowing your body and your senses hold space for healing.

It's shifting your nervous system. [00:21:00] From a fight or flight perspective down into this calming state of being just by being on the beach, which is why we've been drawn to Tobago through connections and we have provided this wonderful five day retreat for women such as yourself to come have a workshop a whole day with me.

And the entire day with Judith and an entire day with another powerful woman, and we have these huge hearts and we want to serve you and we want to hold this space in a place that one of our connections, she knows, she knows people. So we know where we're going, so we feel safe and everything is in, I will say, a somewhat controlled environment.

Okay. Yeah, it's still a place you can let go and allow yourself. Time to heal. And that is in Tobago. And I really would highly encourage you to take a look at this and really take this moment to say, you know, [00:22:00] this is a time to invest in me. And here's the thing, you deserve it. You are worth it. You're worth it.

And many women will sacrifice their health for everybody else. Here's the thing, arriving at a scene and you're learning CPR, the first thing they tell you is check the scene, because how are you able to save somebody? If, if you're going down, so you've got to step up to the plate and take care of you. So you are worth it.

I promise you will leave this retreat feeling empowered, lighter, ready to take on the world. You're going to connect with like minded women and we are opening our hearts up. I just hope that whoever decides to come on this, that I know you were meant to be there. And just by listening to [00:23:00] Judith, I've never met Judith in person.

But she touches my heart and you are a, you are a laser of energy and light in and of yourself, Judith. And I'm so excited for me to even be in a work with you. And I, and the spirit's definitely moving through us and you're interested in joining us to take a look at it and come on this journey with us.

JKO: It's 

amazing. Thank you, Lexi. But I want you to talk a little bit about the other powerful woman you mentioned and also the dates. That people should be planning for. 

Lexi: Yes. Debra Wright. She is a life coach and forgiveness facilitator. Another strong woman with a very strong background. And she's, I mean, we've all gone through our own trials and tribulations and we've gotten on the other side, a better version of ourself.

And so her heart space is in forgiveness. [00:24:00] And so Debra, she's actually from Tobago in Trinidad. And so this is her home and he called me up a year ago and I'm doing a retreat here and I want you to be a part of it. And I didn't even hesitate. And I said, absolutely. So she's another wonderful pearl to bring to the table.

And the dates are May 13th. Through May 17th, and so we start arrival is that Monday and Monday, you check in Tuesday. We jump right in with me. That whole workshop the next day is a whole day with Judith and mine. And then we have a whole time with Debbie and then you get to fly home. Of course, you get to burn stuff to, you know, leaving it behind.

Yes. Yes. 

JKO: Mm hmm. And you get to go out into [00:25:00] Tobago. Let's have fun. And 

Lexi: the investment includes the lodging and the food and all your materials, the 3 full days with us. If you want to set a 1 to 1 with me with Judith during the 3 to you. So be thinking about that when you're investing in yourself, know that you're going to be getting all of these wonderful resources right there for you.

And so the only thing flights, I believe, but everything else is, is taken care of and that's going to also include excursions. So a boat excursion private beach, we're going to be doing meditative walk in the forest. It won't be strenuous, but the walk will be, it's called forest bathing. And again, it's to help your nervous system to get away at response.

So I'm going to be teaching you how to get out of anxiety and panic and on a dime in a moment. And you can do that anywhere, but to be submerged in a tropical forest is [00:26:00] also very helpful. So so yeah, please join us. Please join us if you can. 

JKO: Yeah. Thank you so much, Lexi. It's been an honor having you here.

I'll put the link to the, to the information about the retreat and you can go look at it and sign up.

Lexi: Yes, please sign up. And we want to keep this small and intimate. So we kind of came up with a number that would not max out to where we're not getting that one to one time. So it's small, it's intimate, we can build relationships, and I promise you.

You will, you will go away with this feeling lighter and better. 

JKO: Thank you so much Lexi. It’s been an honor having you on today's episode and I look forward it's Joy to Tobago. 2024. 

Lexi: Yes. 2024. And that's May 13 through the 17th. Yeah. And Judith will put a link up. [00:27:00] 

JKO: As we come to the end of this episode, I want to say A big thank you to the incredible, Dr. Lexi Lain. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and insights on the healing power of faith with us. My sisters, you have the strength within to thrive through chaos. Take the time to invest in your well-being, and consider joining us in Tobago for a life-changing retreat. Check out the show notes for all the details. Your journey to healing starts with a step of faith. When you take that step, messy won’t stop you. Thank you so much for listening and see you next time.