Marijanel Show

Empowering You to Find Your Purpose // Redefine Success with Guest Carlie Zak

May 29, 2023 Marijanel Knight
Empowering You to Find Your Purpose // Redefine Success with Guest Carlie Zak
Marijanel Show
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Marijanel Show
Empowering You to Find Your Purpose // Redefine Success with Guest Carlie Zak
May 29, 2023
Marijanel Knight

070.  🎙️ The Marijanel Show Ep 070: Empowering You to Find Your Purpose and Redefine Success

🔹 In this engaging episode, Marijanel Knight invites special guest Carlie Zak to explore the profound topics of purpose, message, life calling, and success.

🔹 Carlie Zak, CEO of Acent Collective and creator of Vitality Habits, shares her insights and experiences in discovering and fulfilling her own purpose.

🔹 Tune in as Carlie introduces her newly launched podcast, "Clarity With Carlie," aimed at empowering others to uncover their true calling.

🔹 This conversation revolves around redefining success as reaching the intended destination and taking aligned action, emphasizing the importance of self-definition and breaking free from societal expectations.

🔹 Marijanel and Carlie delve into the pressure faced by creative entrepreneurs, the challenges of measuring success based on external factors, and the constant feeling of not doing or being enough.

🔹 They highlight the influence of social media in shaping our perception of success and challenge listeners to recognize their worth and value themselves irrespective of external validation.

🔹 The discussion focuses on embracing one's identity, staying true to oneself, and understanding that success should be defined individually rather than by society's standards.

🔹 Unlocking one's potential is explored as a lifelong journey that can be pursued in various aspects of life, even as circumstances and passions change.

🔹 The episode concludes with practical advice, encouraging listeners to take small steps, have faith, and follow their intuition to move forward on their personal path.

Don't miss this inspiring conversation that will empower you to find your purpose and redefine success on your own terms. Join Marijanel Knight and Carlie Zak on The Marijanel Show today! 🎧✨

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Carlie Zak:




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Show Notes Transcript

070.  🎙️ The Marijanel Show Ep 070: Empowering You to Find Your Purpose and Redefine Success

🔹 In this engaging episode, Marijanel Knight invites special guest Carlie Zak to explore the profound topics of purpose, message, life calling, and success.

🔹 Carlie Zak, CEO of Acent Collective and creator of Vitality Habits, shares her insights and experiences in discovering and fulfilling her own purpose.

🔹 Tune in as Carlie introduces her newly launched podcast, "Clarity With Carlie," aimed at empowering others to uncover their true calling.

🔹 This conversation revolves around redefining success as reaching the intended destination and taking aligned action, emphasizing the importance of self-definition and breaking free from societal expectations.

🔹 Marijanel and Carlie delve into the pressure faced by creative entrepreneurs, the challenges of measuring success based on external factors, and the constant feeling of not doing or being enough.

🔹 They highlight the influence of social media in shaping our perception of success and challenge listeners to recognize their worth and value themselves irrespective of external validation.

🔹 The discussion focuses on embracing one's identity, staying true to oneself, and understanding that success should be defined individually rather than by society's standards.

🔹 Unlocking one's potential is explored as a lifelong journey that can be pursued in various aspects of life, even as circumstances and passions change.

🔹 The episode concludes with practical advice, encouraging listeners to take small steps, have faith, and follow their intuition to move forward on their personal path.

Don't miss this inspiring conversation that will empower you to find your purpose and redefine success on your own terms. Join Marijanel Knight and Carlie Zak on The Marijanel Show today! 🎧✨

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Carlie Zak:




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Marijanel Knight:

Hi there, and welcome to The Marijanel Show. This is an exciting episode because it's my very first Marijanel Show with a guest, my good friend and another fellow podcast host Carlie Zak, is with me today. And we're gonna explore some pretty in depth, very unique topics to do with purpose and message and life calling and definitely a show you want to stick around. Because this girl is full of it. She is full of it in the best of ways full of wisdom and insight, a lot of intuition. I love, love, love talking to Carlie. So welcome to the show, Carlie.


Thank you so much, Marijanel Knight, I am so excited to be here with you on your podcast. We've been planning this for a long time. And it's finally happening.

Marijanel Knight:

Yeah, I just, I feel honored that you're my first guest on the show. And, and just I've talked about you in the past. So those who have listened to my podcast for quite a while and who followed my journey, they hear this name, Carly come up. And then they've also heard your voice when you introduced me on the intuition series, because I presented to some of your team members, I presented on intuition. And you gave me an amazing introduction. And so I played that on the podcast. And so all of my listeners are familiar with Carlie. But now they get to on YouTube see you face to face. And of course those on audio apps are hearing your voice and gonna get to join in this conversation. So I want to give you a little bit more of a professional introduction, just so that everyone knows the expertise and background that you come from Carlie, you are the CEO of what's called Acent Collective, you are the creator of something called vitality habits and you are also now launching a podcast called the Clarity With Carlie podcast, which is special to me because I got to be part of the formation of that podcast by coaching you. So one of the things that my listeners are somewhat, you know, they're just finding out about my mentorship programs that I'm offering and launching. And one of which I offer podcast, startup mentorship. And Carlie is one of those mentees, I got to sit with you and go through all of you know all of the makings of a podcast and really see you take off and sore. So tell me more about whatever it is you want everyone to know about you. But also, I really want to know how your podcast is going and what stage you're at.


Yeah, it's so exciting to just really be here and see that the dream is coming alive. And since today, we're talking about purpose, I think that is where the excitement and joy really comes from. Because I know that this is in alignment with my purpose with many of my purposes, and they all culminate here, in this kind of space where I can share my heart, my wisdom, and be here talking with people like you, who I respect and who I've seen, actually make a difference in other people's lives. And you know, you say as the mentor now that you help transform people's lives personally and professionally, and I have experienced that firsthand. So it's really a gift to be here. And what do I do? Well, I am the CEO of ascent collective, which is a company I started, where I've worked with other health and wellness experts, life coaches, business coaches, to kind of create this overall, online course and community where people can come and really reach the peak of their potential being supported in every way. And being a clarity coach. I know I tell people to niche down and yet what we've done in a sense Collective is niche up, where we can really have a supportive space for everyone to come together and really rise to that peak of your potential. That's why I love talking with you Marijanel because I know that that's so important to you. And we hold those same values to empower and equip people to step into their purpose and their calling. And I know that you believe with me that everybody has special, unique giftings and makes up this package of a human that is so powerful when we learn to competently step into that package of who we are, and what our purpose is.

Marijanel Knight:

Wow. While there's just so much to take in there just in your introduction, I love that You say the package of a human. And I feel like part of our roles Carlie and helping people discover their fullest potential is almost to help them unwrap or peel back the layers of their own humanity and look inside and see their potential. I have been saying as of late that the message of the Marijanel show is Unlocking Potential, and empowering people into their fullest potential. I love that you liken it to a peak, and you say rising to the peak of your potential. I also see it like unlocking a heart where you're kind of showing someone what their worth is, and really what they're able to be. And what's interesting, like you, you're aware that my podcast here has taken a rebrand in 2023, where it was purely my memoir cast. And I at that time, was not even interested or saw it on the radar at all to have guests on the show like we're doing today. And then with time, and with seeing the show evolve and my heart evolve. I began to say, You know what, I think that there's more space here in in what this podcast is to let it be a place where it's not only about my personal story anymore, but it's about the stories and the lives of others. And that have led me at the beginning of 2023 to talk about purpose. That's my, my word of the year. And how our purpose more often than not, when we really just dig into our purpose. And what I say our purposes aren't about ourselves. They're about other people. They're about living our lives as a gift to those around us. And so your focus on the humanity and the package of a human as you word that is so special. Is that what your podcast is about? Tell me more about what clarity with Carlie podcast is about what life has that taken?


Yeah, that is really diving deeper into the purpose, it really is along these lines. And I say that there's success strategies in there. And one of my goals is to redefine success. And when we think of success, like right now, the first things that pop in your mind, especially in our Western culture, are usually money, big house, whatever a yacht, I don't know, whatever pops into your mind. And success at its core definition is actually, to me reaching the destination that you intended to reach, if you can get there that's successful. So being intentional about where you're going, taking aligned action action that's aligned with where you want to go, and then actually arriving there. And even along the way, if you know the milestones you're hitting along the way, you're successful along the way, and it's kind of changing this outlook of, Oh, I'll be successful, once I fulfill my purpose. Or once I get this much money a year, or once I find the guy of my dreams or whatever it might look like to you, or once I get that lake house or the yacht or whatever, then you move beyond that into living into your success right now. So it's really changing the perspective into this definition of success, that is peace, and satisfaction and purpose. And understanding how that can bring success to you today. And the control of it is all within yourself. It's not waiting on an external circumstance to validate your success. So that's really what we want to dive into in the podcast, and why we're so excited to be here with you. Because you had asked earlier, what stage is my podcast at? Well, I finished going through all of the messaging and the tech with you and our mentorship earlier this year, which was so helpful, I would not be here doing it without you. And now I've been batching these podcast episodes. And it's really learning and finding my voice finding my style, which was your advice as well. And that is so helpful. I've been like taking my phone and just recording voice messages in it. And realizing that part of my style is to just share from the heart even though the audio is a little raw. And it's in the moment. And then I also have so I'm going to do two per week and the other ones are going to be more like this. So I'm excited to have you on my show as well, where we can dive more into the success side of the purpose.

Marijanel Knight:

Yeah, absolutely. I love you challenging us to redefine success. or let's say not even redefine, just define it for ourselves. I know that in the podcast mentorships that I do I have a section where I, I asked what would be success to you, like, choose your metrics. And I can transfer that over to life in general, where it not about podcasting anymore. But about the, the idea that if we don't choose our metrics, meaning if we don't decide what makes something successful, or what makes it be that we've reached our goal or a destination, so if we're not setting those goals, and we're not giving ourselves something to achieve, then we don't really have a definition of success, we might just have this loose idea that success, like you mentioned earlier, that it would mean money or fame or a big Instagram account, or, you know, what does that even mean. And when I have done my journaling work, and my audience knows that I stand behind the process of journaling as being one of the number one tools and resources that we can learn our identity. I call it journaling ourselves whole, where we can actually pen to paper, work out all of our, our inner thoughts. And one of those, I guess, as a journal prompt for today's today's podcast would be to start asking yourself those questions of what is success, because you'll be really surprised that it might not be what you think it is, you might think that success would mean money to you, or maybe it actually just means being out of debt, you know, getting out of a certain bill or a certain situation in life, and that would feel successful to you. And then on the other side, you know, even being a podcast host and being out in the public. I'm now on YouTube every week, and I'm on two different podcasts weekly, I actually have no desire to be famous or known or influenced. So it is funny that I'm in this position using my voice on a platform and being seen and heard because, to me success, it doesn't equal fame for me. I feel successful. And this I dig out in my journal as I journal it, I feel successful that I love the humans that my kids have turned out to be. I feel successful that they're amazing citizens as adults, like they're amazing people. And I'm like, wow, as a mom, that part of my purposes, is very fulfilled. And I feel really successful that these are amazing young adults, I also feel successful that I've been married for almost 29 years and happy to spend time with the guys still. And I feel successful to be in a space in my life where I'm using my voice. And what's interesting is that even if I don't see some of the YouTube podcasts have a lot of us or a lot of listens. I still feel successful, because each week I'm doing what I know I'm meant to be doing. And that leads me to word meant to. I've often been saying, as of late when speaking about making our message particularly in in the podcast coaching realm, I've been talking about our message work and really finding our message. And one of the things I've been saying is that finding your message and purpose can also sound like filling in the blank of I am meant to blank. Because sometimes purpose sounds so like super serious. And it is I mean it can be but just saying I am meant to blank feels a little more doable, a little, like more attainable. And so when you hear it that way, Carly, what what do you what could you fill the blank in, I am meant to?


Well, I've done a lot of work in this area. So for me, I know right away like I am meant to empower other people to do what they're meant to do. So I say my calling is to help you step into your calling. And that really is where the clarity comes in, is right along what we're talking about discovering your purpose. And your purpose is I love that you say there's more than one. And what you're meant to be doing is really a clarifying way of saying it. Because if you don't know what you're meant to be doing, then what are you doing renewing?

Marijanel Knight:

Yeah, and why?


It's just going through the motions and it's it's wasting the beauty of the time we've been given. Right and so that is a Big responsibility to know what you're meant to be doing. And yet, at the core of us, we do know, if you are a parent listening to this, you know what you're meant to be doing. You're meant to be loving those kids. If you own your own business, you do know what you're meant to be doing. You may not be doing it, you might dread doing it, you do

Marijanel Knight:

know that you might dread doing what you're meant to be doing. But you know, what


you're meant to be doing. And I think here, what makes this confusing is our conditioning, the way that we've been raised or programmed, or what's been demonstrated to us, as successful are measures of success that we think we should be measuring success on. And this is something I have, in the past three years done so much work on breaking out of that box of what a business owner does, how much they work, what they look like, even I went through a phase and if you take my course vitality habits, you'll see me in blazers, maybe I'll wear them again, but it's just I don't have to wear the blazer to play the part of the CEO of that owner. And so even that, like in the small things, we have these shoulds this should I should be doing this. I should be doing that. As a mom, I should be. I don't know cutting the crusts off the sandwiches

Marijanel Knight:

I have I have a podcast episode is just still in only on the audio apps at this point. It was be pre pre YouTube days for me. And it's called the voice of Mr. Should and I have the word like picture of this little like cranky little guy on my shoulder just being like you should, you should, you should. It feels like especially for the creative entrepreneur, that there's you shoulds everywhere you turn and you're not ever doing enough, or being enough like if you're successful on Instagram or why aren't you successful on Tik Tok? If you're successful over here, well, why aren't you doing this? And then oh, then if if you're I mean, it just the list never ends. And I've had to put on the brakes on the amount of information and opportunities that I get given as a as a content creator, because there's so many you shoulds. But what's also really interesting that plays into what you were just speaking about Carlie is that these measures of success, and I can, I can say this in the content creation world is that lately, when I'm opening my apps, and I'm looking like looking at podcasts or YouTube videos, there seems to be this measuring stick, where everyone is measuring against the figures of your income. So it'll pop up on my screen. This is the seven figure content creator learn how they did it, or this is the six figure, you know, YouTube strategy, or this is the you know, and and I realized that there's this this little world of measuring success against the figures. And I think we'll, you know, I feel successful without having to count the figures. And just knowing that I'm reaching the goals and doing what I'm meant to be doing. And that's where I guess as a mentor and a coach, I want to step in and say, I don't care who you are, I don't care how many figures you make, I don't care. You know, all I mean, I care but I don't measure you, you're enough. who you are today where you're at in life is enough. And there are small, easy, attainable steps that you can start making everyday to go towards goals. But guess what, if you don't have the strength, or what it takes to get to your goal or to be making progress, you are still valuable, you're still worth it, you're still enough. And I think what happens is affirming this kind of identity and just being enough as who you are, it begins to unlock the potential because those who are feel unconditionally loved who feel secure, they grow more confidence in the confidence. They take steps towards goals and in the steps towards goals, they gain more confidence and it grows and grows and grows. And suddenly they're becoming what would be seen as successful. And so it I boil it all down to just that unconditionally love unconditional love that you're enough if you dropped all you have a lot of different hats, Carlie and a lot of different labels, but I truly believed if you dropped all of them today, you would be just as valuable and you could still do what you're meant to do. Without all the labels, does that resonate with you?


Definitely what's standing out is that you said you are being enough and it really is in the being and not the doing and we measure our worth and our value And even if we're living in purpose or on purpose, by the external results, the money, people saying that we're doing good, even what you mentioned earlier MJ about your kids, and them being awesome citizens reflecting back on you. But I want to challenge that, what if they weren't? I was, you know,

Marijanel Knight:

well, there's been times, of course, there are moments and in that, I know that, that unconditional love and then being enough is still there. I'm, I'm really proud of who they are today. But that isn't necessarily a fit. And it does make me feel successful, for sure, in my purposes as a mom, but if that wasn't the case, I know enough about myself and my responses that I would just say, It's okay, we're gonna get through this, it's not going to be what makes or breaks my identity. Yeah. And so not putting our identity in other people or in external things, is really important that we just know who we are here, no matter what's happening in the environment, or the people around us. I mean, that was just an example of a way that I felt successful, that has nothing to do with money, or status, or identity or labels. But I also know that it could be a problem to that, I think that there's lots of moms out there who, you know, if their kids aren't doing the right sports, or the right, this or that it like, it makes them feel like, you know, they're they're not doing what they want as a mom. And so we have to be careful with anything that we project on other people that way. But um, did that answer your challenge? A little bit?


Yeah, definitely. And I think, you know, it really comes back to at the end of our life, or say, the kids are grown up, and we're looking at our motherhood or something, can we say, you know, I was doing my best and to remain in alignment, and to remain true. When I make mistakes, I made it right, I apologize. And so that kid, they're a separate being, they're going to do their own choices. And not all kids choose the right things, even with a great upbringing. And so that reflection on you, as a mother, that's such a great example, you were being a loving, present mother, and I do know that you were, and so your value, and your worth isn't determined upon what choices the kids make, your value and your worth isn't determined upon. If the boss gives you a raise this year, or if your business finally can launch and you're finally in that place of launching, it's more about being who you are, and being faithful to the core that I am this human package of goodness, yeah. And not everybody speaks that life into us. But the truth is, it's there, you were created for such a time as this, you are filled with goodness skills, even your weaknesses, are unique to you, and are an opportunity for great strength and transformation in the world. So really being in that zone of embracing who you are. And if something's not working, then maybe you're not meant to be doing that. And you really are responsible to tune in and feel, am I meant to be doing this? Is this on purpose for me in this role, and you're allowed to reassess and be honest with yourself like in your journaling? These are great prompts, you have two prompts. Marijanel What is Success to me? And am I meant, I am meant to blank. And as you're doing that, it might start with what you're not meant to do. I'm not meant to blank, and you can really be honest and explore those things in the safe place of your journal. And just get to the root of things. And as you're honest with yourself, that true essence of who you are, can start to really come out and things will be revealed. You will be surprised when you ask yourself questions. What answers come from your heart, from your mind and from the depths of who you are?

Marijanel Knight:

Yeah. Yeah, this has reminded me last night, I was actually making a public speaking presentation to a group of people interested in launching podcasts, and I was speaking to them about their message. And so it was really natural for me to share mine. And I shared with them how my message on the marriage and our show is Unlocking Potential and empowering people in their personal and professional lives. And I do that in a variety of ways. I didn't go into this last night but just saying here today. I do that in a variety of ways. Whether that's talking about people pleasing and the barriers it brings us or we've talked about growing our intuition on journaling, you know, resources. I do it in a variety of ways. I unlock potential. But what I said last night that kind of struck me even kind of my own words I came back, I was like, Okay, I need to ponder this is that I said to everyone that my message is Unlocking Potential. But if I didn't have the chance to do it on the podcast, I would be doing it in other ways. And so, and then I said, you know, I have lived at times without a podcast, but I was still Unlocking Potential, whether that was a conversation with a neighbor, or teaching an art class, or, you know, for a period of time I taught pottery, and I would unlock potential teaching pottery, or, I would, I mean, it was just kind of a variety of ways. And so, to box my I am meant to, into the package of a podcast. Yes, that's the podcast message. That's what I hope is the outcome. But I'm not boxed in if if my podcast stopped tomorrow, which is not going to everyone, the Marijanel Knight show is just gaining momentum. Here, fine tuning in. But if it was a stop, it's not my identity. And it's not my I was meant to that gets thrown out the window, I can still fulfill that purpose, I can still unlock potential and be the person that I am with or without a podcast. And then and then the same when I moved out of the transition, when I remember making the transition out of being a potter and teaching pottery, I was sad. I talked about the bittersweet changes. I was bittersweet about that. But it didn't stop me from being who I was. I just took that message and purposes into the next season of life. And so last night, I kind of had a light bulb moment as I was sharing this with the group there. I was listening to myself saying, Oh, Marijanel you're saying it so well to these people. But like, let it sink into your own heart here. Like remember where your identity lies, it doesn't lie and all the doings it lies in you know, it's about who not to do? Yeah,


that's so good. I love that you said, taking your message and purpose through different seasons. And I don't think there's another human out there who could really say that so authentically, is you?

Marijanel Knight:

What do you know about me that you're gonna reveal to my listeners that they've heard a lot of crazy stories about me because the whole 51st 50 episodes of the marriage Chanel show was formerly called curiosities apprentice, and I told all a lot of lies, not all of them, but a lot of my leg. Really crazy story. But tell me more. Carlie, tell me, your mind about me.


Knowing those things about you. And it just, it's kind of validating in this moment to be able to receive this advice from you of the being not doing because I know that it's like you've tapped into and maybe this wasn't right away, like you've learned to figure out what is that core essence, the message you're calling it, of my life of my like, what am I here to speak to do to bring to the world, to give to others to give to my children, my husband, like, what lights me up. And the fact that you could tap into that essence, throughout many different mediums and many different aspects. Right now. It's video creation. It's mentoring, it's, you know, being online, like you said, it's not really the fame, it's the art, the creation and platform to speak your message. And prior units just mentioned pottery. And that still allowed you to get to the core root of that, Unlocking Potential, and really discovering that and empowering others to do it, too. So I just love that. As you look back on your life story, there's an opportunity to see what are some of the common threads that have always made me excited, that have been at the root of my passions, and your passions may change, but you are the same person. So that's going to be present in whatever you're doing. If you're doing it authentically, not because you should be doing it.

Marijanel Knight:

Yeah. Your passions may change but you are the same person that's like Boehm to my soul. Because when you are someone who changes seasons and changes passions, it can feel like you feel wishy washy, or you feel like you're not gonna be taken seriously. But to have the permission and the freedom to change your passion, but be the same person. There's liberty in that and I remember a conversation you and I had quite a while back, where you talks about our uniquenesses as a person in this, this little humanity package that you you've talked about, you talk about Are uniquenesses. And I think for me, one of my uniquenesses has been my ability to change with the seasons and to make something of whatever's in front of me. Like, you know, kind of a cliche, saying, when life hands you lemons, you make lemonade. And when life's been bittersweet, I will focus on the sweet, you know, like, I just really try to make something of what the season that I'm in. And that has been something I think that's unique to Marijanel that I really want to bring through the marriage. And I'll show that no matter what you're in, in life, no matter where you feel stuck, no matter who you are, no matter how you feel like, maybe you have missed the mark of goals, maybe you're feeling like, you're not enough, I can say I've been there, I've been there, and there is always a way out, there's always a path, that you can just start putting one foot in front of the other. An d that is part of my life message is not only part of my life message as per my life experience, it's been my experience on this earth,


I love that one foot in front of the other, something that's been really resonating with me is that you might not always see the next steps. But you have to be in action in order to move forward. And so it's almost like taking a step of faith that you're gonna land on the next, you know, rock or the next piece of that path. And it really goes back to intuition, which I know is something that you really speak to Marijanel, that you have this feeling, it's deep inside, it's a knowing it's, it's really measured against your passion, your desires, the purpose that's pulling on your heart. And in that you can take a step of faith, and it might not be what anyone would recommend for you to do. It might be weird, but you can take it and as you come down onto that solid ground, there is something that is so satisfying and beautiful about it. And yet, you're gonna have to do it again and again and again. And you become an expert at feeling into weighing things against your purpose, and you can align those steps, they're still going to be steps of faith, like blind steps where you're like, I just know, this is something I need to do. And as you step out, things form under your foot and you land on that solid ground. It's almost like one of my favorite analogies is you can't steer a car that isn't moving forward. Right? You could sit in the parking lot and Squeak the wheels back and forth. And it's just a lot of wasted effort. So you do have to hit the gas, you got to take the step. And how do you get the confidence to do that? It's looking at who am I? What is my package? What,

Marijanel Knight:

Where am I going? You're using the analogy of the car? Where are we going?


Exactly like we're in the car, I want to get to the coast. Okay, point in the general direction. Even if you're on an angle, eventually you'll get there, right?

Marijanel Knight:

When you ride a horse, they say to look in the direction that you want the horse to go, yes. So look where you want to go set your eyes there, and you'll begin to go, go go forward.


That's a great analogy. I used to ride a lot. And when you look, you don't know it, but everything in your body speaks down because the horse can feel your body moving and your legs around it. And you don't even know the cues you're giving. But just that change of look and direction, and know what thing changes. You know what

Marijanel Knight:

cues I give the horse. I'm terrified of you. The horses knowing these cues, there's only one horse that we might because my kids grew up riding and we had horses and there's only one horse who would tolerate me. She was really old and she was awesome. She had a lot of spunk, but she was like, Oh, it's this lady again.


True. Maybe you're you know meant to be riding dolphins or something, you know, like maybe it's not. But if you sit on the horse of life and you're anxious and you're freaked out, then that is going to steer you in a different direction.

Marijanel Knight:

What a good analogy there for sure. There's something to ponder there. So Oh, Harley, there's just so much here that we've kind of been digging through and today's podcast that I think it's just even left me well not only with the journal prompts, but just left me with a lot to think about considering purpose and message and worth and the the definition of success where we're setting our our sights and our goals and figuring out steering life. And if we were to just leave off all the listeners with really what you would want to do To leave them off today with that, like Final nugget, that final thing that says if there's anything you remember about Carly's ag being on the Marijanel Show it is this, what would it be?


I'm tempted to say ride the horse of life confidently. By,

Marijanel Knight:

I'm going to quote you, and exactly what I


think, you know, from our discussion today, we really just touched on something that's very deep. And I would want to encourage people that it's just you, it's just you, it's just learning to know and love yourself and to be you. And as you discover the fears, or the shoulds, or the not enough that come up in that journey, that's totally fine. It's part of your story, it's going to uncover things for you, it's beautiful. So don't be afraid of the weaknesses or the fears that are undoubtedly going to come out. I'm speaking from experience. And it's a beautiful, worthwhile journey, to know what you're meant to be doing to discover your message and just to feel the fire behind it. And I want you to know, you do have a message, you do have a peak potential. And the beauty is, it doesn't end there. Once you get to that peak, you're looking out, and there's so many peaks to be discovered so many purposes. So be encouraged today. You're on the right journey. You've listened to this. And so even in that you are taking steps of faith, you're building that next step under your foot. And I just want to leave people with that excitement of all that there is to be discovered.

Marijanel Knight:

Absolutely. Thank you for that. I just received that for myself. Just yeah, thank you for that encouragement. And yeah, just like leaving us with those parting words of purpose and message and worth. So Carly, if someone listening is interested in connecting with you, either through vitality habits or a scent collective. Can you tell us a little bit more how to find you where and where and how they can connect? There will be links in the show notes, of course. But just tell us in your words, what is the best way for someone to connect? And you know, join Carlie's journey.


Yeah, thank you for that. So of course, you can find my podcast clarity with Carlie Zak. And you can find me on Instagram at clarity with Carlie. So I am in my DMs. I love talking to people directly on there. And actually Marijanel and I are going to continue this discussion on my podcast and get into some more of the practical steps in finding your purpose. So if this is a topic that interests you, definitely come over there and hear more. I'm going to drill Mary Janelle and get the goods out of her. We started today, but we you know, time is limited. So this was a great introduction. But I know there's more. What should I say gold to be mined here with Marijanel And I'm so excited to bring that to you guys.

Marijanel Knight:

Yes. Thank you for joining me on today's episode, you can find companion videos to this show over on my Marijanel channel YouTube. Please leave a review and stars here in your favorite podcast app to boost and show appreciation for the show. Reviewing and sharing is one of the best ways that you can help a podcast that you love. You can also support the show by giving a donation through the buy me a coffee link found in the show notes. I'd like to invite you to find and on Instagram @Marijanel Reach out say hi connect through my email list where I update about all my courses and community news. Until next time, keep on in the full potential of you!