Marijanel Show

Embracing Our Earth Suits: Conversation on Body Love and Self-Acceptance

June 19, 2023 Marijanel Knight Season 2 Episode 72
Embracing Our Earth Suits: Conversation on Body Love and Self-Acceptance
Marijanel Show
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Marijanel Show
Embracing Our Earth Suits: Conversation on Body Love and Self-Acceptance
Jun 19, 2023 Season 2 Episode 72
Marijanel Knight

Imagine looking in the mirror and confidently saying, "I love you" to yourself. Seems strange, right? In this empowering conversation with Carrina Trueman, health and wellness partner and leader of Shine Bright Nation, we uncover the secrets of self-love and embracing our true selves.

Carrina is passionate about helping women rediscover their self-worth and care for their health, without obsessing over their body size. We discuss the importance of setting examples for our children, particularly our daughters, and the challenges of overcoming our own insecurities while still leading our children in a healthy and positive way. 

We explore the concept of our bodies as "earth suits" that we need to honor and care for, and the dangerous trap of shaming ourselves when our bodies don't look or respond the way we expect them to.

Together, Marijanel and Carinna delve into the journey of self-love and confidence-building, sharing personal experiences and inspiring a newfound appreciation for ourselves. Carrina invites women to challenge their insecurities and redefine their self-worth through mindset shifts.

 So, join us on this enlightening episode and leave feeling ready to embrace your true self, with newfound love and appreciation.

00:01:56 Guest Carrina Trueman 00:03:38 The Example we Set for Our Kids 00:06:17 No Place For Shame 00:11:50 Bodies With Souls 00:12:53 Finding Confidence and Self-Love 00:14:19 What does it mean to be a person of confidence? 00:15:48 "I love you" in the mirror 00:19:28 Embrace True Self, Find Freedom 00:21:13 Freedom is linked to confidence 00:23:24 Deciding to go forward no matter what I look like. 00:25:55 not holding yourself back 00:26:00 Closing

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Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Imagine looking in the mirror and confidently saying, "I love you" to yourself. Seems strange, right? In this empowering conversation with Carrina Trueman, health and wellness partner and leader of Shine Bright Nation, we uncover the secrets of self-love and embracing our true selves.

Carrina is passionate about helping women rediscover their self-worth and care for their health, without obsessing over their body size. We discuss the importance of setting examples for our children, particularly our daughters, and the challenges of overcoming our own insecurities while still leading our children in a healthy and positive way. 

We explore the concept of our bodies as "earth suits" that we need to honor and care for, and the dangerous trap of shaming ourselves when our bodies don't look or respond the way we expect them to.

Together, Marijanel and Carinna delve into the journey of self-love and confidence-building, sharing personal experiences and inspiring a newfound appreciation for ourselves. Carrina invites women to challenge their insecurities and redefine their self-worth through mindset shifts.

 So, join us on this enlightening episode and leave feeling ready to embrace your true self, with newfound love and appreciation.

00:01:56 Guest Carrina Trueman 00:03:38 The Example we Set for Our Kids 00:06:17 No Place For Shame 00:11:50 Bodies With Souls 00:12:53 Finding Confidence and Self-Love 00:14:19 What does it mean to be a person of confidence? 00:15:48 "I love you" in the mirror 00:19:28 Embrace True Self, Find Freedom 00:21:13 Freedom is linked to confidence 00:23:24 Deciding to go forward no matter what I look like. 00:25:55 not holding yourself back 00:26:00 Closing

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Do you accept your body for exactly the shape and size you are today? Right now. Are you a woman in your forties who's coming to terms that your body doesn't act like it used to. Can you honestly look in the mirror and say the words, I love you. Can you even say the words I like you? In todays interview we're exploring learning to love our bodies and ourselves more. If you stick around to the end of this interview, you're even gonna be able to borrow our belief because we believe in you and you're gonna leave today's podcast feeling that you love yourself a little bit more. Welcome to the Mary Janelle show. So glad you're here. Let's get started with today's episode. I am so excited to be here today with Carrina Truman who is a health and wellness partner who is a leader of shine bright nation and I can't wait hear about it. I connected with you,, over Instagram. We didn't even know that we live in the same town. I'm so excited that you're here today. Welcome Marijanel the show.


Thank you so much for having me I'm pumped!


Yeah. You are so good at social media. You can light up my you like up my Instagram feed. Your reels are awesome. It turns out that you're in your early forties. I'm in what is now my late forties because I crossed over for tomorrow for me today. So I know. I know. And so you have this whole message on Instagram about learning to love our bodies, about coming into who we really are in our forties. And I tuned in on your podcast. Do you have a podcast called Rise Up and Shine. And there's so much that I love about it, but I tune into a couple episodes ago and your message resonated with me so much. And so thank you. Thank you for putting yourself out there.


Thanks for that so good.


Do you wanna tell do you wanna tell the on anything more about yourself before we dive into the topic of body love and self acceptance?


Just that yeah. I'm forty two years old. I've got two kiddos. I've got a twelve year old and a ten year old. Happily married for almost sixteen years. And I yeah. I live here in this shoes of salmon arm, originally from Kelowna. So moving to a small town of salmon arm was quite the big adjustment, but now I can literally never agent going back. And I'm just super passionate about helping women love themselves exactly as they are while working on being the healthiest they can possibly maybe.


That totally comes across in your message. I I was just taken by your message at designated with me. You were you were speaking on your podcast about doing your very best as a mom to lead your daughter -- Mhmm. -- and to not you know, body shame or speak poorly about your own body in front of her just raising her in a way that she would become a confident strong woman. And that sparked something in me because that's exactly how I lived as a mom or have tried to live as a mom. And I don't think it's talked about enough because sometimes as women, we have our own insecurities and it comes out when we're behind closed doors in our homes and our daughters over hear that. But when my daughter was young, I had prioritized and made, you know, I I'm an avid journalist, so I had made a lot of journalists. So kind of mom do I wanna be to this young woman? And one of the the real deep priorities for me as a mom was just to have my daughter grow up without baggage of body image issues. That was really important to me. And it's been tricky because I've had my own issues that I've needed to work through, but I've needed to work through them in a way that led her well.


Yeah. And I think that's so important. I I thought about it not only just for our daughters, but also for our sons. Right? Like, it's we live in a world that is so focused on the external on what we look like and how we're presented that I never wanted her to think she's seen me work out. They both seen me work out since they were babies, like just toddlers. And to this day, if I were to ask my daughter, why does mom work out? She would say to be healthy and strong. She wouldn't say to lose weight. She wouldn't say to get skinny. She doesn't know that dialogue. I mean, how's it been times when I stumbled there, of course, because I'm not perfect, but always showing that I care about how I feel. I wanna be the healthiest I possibly can be so I can be there for them. That's why I started working out in the first place was to keep up with them.


So good and I love it that you brought up the point of even what we portray to our sons because it was really important to me that our son would have a really healthy view of women and women's appearance and that it would be that he could respect women no matter what, no real matter who they are, what they look like that there would be that respect and it needed to come from me as the example. And so I've known that that's just such an important role that we play in our children's lives of of how we speak about our own selves. Whether it be about our bodies or just about ourselves, in general. And -- Yeah. -- so is there anything that you've really learned as


a mom, like, just how like, do you have guidelines for yourself or how you present to your kids? Absolutely. I my children will hear me say often that our bodies are the least interesting thing about us. Like, it is it's just our earth suit, I'll call it. It's our earth suit. It doesn't matter. If it does, we wanna take care of it. We wanna honor it. We wanna love it. But it's the least interesting about us. What makes us beautiful is our hearts and our souls and our words and our actions. And there was a time that I was following a particular nutrition plan that it it really restricted carbs. And my daughter, I remember her, she's she was having banana. She's like, oh, mom can't have bananas. At the moment, she said that I realized I was not giving the example I wanted to. And I stopped. I was like, nope. She needs to see that I can eat all food groups. They're all good for me. I I didn't want her growing up thinking eating a banana was a crime. Like, and how how messed up that I even thought that. Like that, it would be wrong for me to eat a banana.


Yeah. I know where you're coming from there. I want a thing you call it an earth suit. I've been referring I've been referring lately to my body a vessel and I've spoken on the podcast in the past about it being like a canoe that carries you through the rapids. And you might be familiar with that if you listen to the show. Yeah. And I love earth suit too. Hope you don't mind if I use


that at all. No. Very.


It's very picturesque of, you know, what it really is. We gotta wear this suit while we're on Earth, and we need to be thankful for it and treat it well. But there's also this balance between, you know, I was mentioning to a pre show about how my life isn't really set up or geared the same way as it used to be, where I used to have a lot more time in the gym and a lot more time to focus on really, you know, just staying fit. And life is a little bit different now. There's different seasons. And I think one thing that happens is I'll feel ashamed that I'm not in that season, but in fact, I need to embrace that I'm in a a different one and it might look different and it might play a different role on my earth suit.


Yeah. And also that there's no place for shame when it comes to our bodies. Like, that that is something that yeah. I feel like that's something that our generation was taught was that, yes, like, size was everything and that we would we received a lot of input in our teen years and early twenties that have formed how we might view ourselves now that will make would make us feel like, oh, I've gained weight, so I'm less than now. That's so ridiculous. It's it's it's it's not honoring where we might currently be at, what could otherwise be happening with our bodies, and how blessed we are that we still have our bodies, that we still have our lives, our health. Right? Yeah. Same true. Same true.


Yeah. Out of there. Out Kick it to the to the curb. I love that. It's something that I think we all need to deal with because what's really interesting, I've spoken about my twenty twenty two fifteen, the fifteen pounds that I gained in twenty twenty two, and it's a point that I brought up early in twenty twenty three on the podcast, I actually just asked my audience the question, why do I feel ashamed that I gained that weight? Because I felt like I stepped on the scale after Christmas and I was just so shameful. Like, oh, look at this and I don't know where that came from or what would have triggered me to feel that way, but it's actually something that I thought exactly what you just said here today was that no. There's no place for this now and I'm not gonna accept it. I will set some goals and I will work towards it, but I'm also not gonna do that like a fanatic. I'm not gonna go overboard and extreme and do crazy things to drop that fifteen pounds. I'm gonna do it thoughtfully intentionally and still maintain the season that I'm in, which is actually a really busy entrepreneurial season of my life. A lot is going on, and and I don't have the time that I used to have. So what's interesting is that I saw my tendency to lean towards shame. I caught myself and said, no. I don't understand why I'm doing that necessarily, but I'm not gonna accept that as my approach. To having gained weight.


Well, and that that whole concept that I mentioned to this to you pre show too is that when whether we have the time or seasons have changed for us or what have you, as we're getting older, it may not matter. It may not matter that you're not able to plug away at gym. Like, I literally work out every single day for anywhere from twenty to forty five minutes. I manage my nutrition very well. I take care of me. I really do. I get good sleep. I drink my gallon of water. If you were to look at a checklist of what you should do to lose weight or to maintain weight, I'm doing all those things. But in the last year, my body has changed quite dramatically. So I had to take my desire for that number to give me the gratification I wanted. And instead, recognize, am I doing the things I need to do to be as healthy as I can and I am? So if my body's not responding, that's a different that's a different journey. That's something else I need to explore, but it doesn't have any bearing on my worth. Like, I had to take my focus off the outcome and focus on the activities. I'm doing the right things for my body. I didn't give up on it. I didn't start heating it. But I just it it's I sometimes feel like it's against me. And that could be really frustrating, but it's just another thing to work through.


Yeah. Okay. So for somebody who has an area in their life where they do feel like their weight. The weight on a scale has a bearing on their worth. Yeah. Do you have a little bird for that person, something that you've experienced yourself of how you've taken that weight off of the the worth the scale and the worth, you know. Yeah.


How how does someone navigate through that? So I would say, like, it's a journey. It if you if I looked at like, I remember, it's it's so unfortunate that this is our life as women. I don't feel like this is a man thing. I feel like this is a woman thing. That I can remember what I wait before I had my kids. I can remember what I wait on my grad night. I can remember what I wait the day after I had my son because why would I weigh myself the day after I gave birth to an almost ten pound baby? I don't know, but it seemed like a good idea. But that number has become something we look at so often and somehow let it gauge how we feel about ourselves. So over the last ten years of truly pouring into my overall wellness, not my skininess, not my diet, my wellness, how I feel about this body, and so I can't give a, like, wrap around answer for immediate feeling better. But if you look at that number and just say, this number doesn't define me. Nobody else knows that number. I mean, I share my weight quite publicly on my Instagram or on my podcast. I don't care because it doesn't define who I am. I wouldn't look at you walking down the street and be like, I'm pretty sure marriage in Eloise x y z or I'm pretty sure, like, no one else does that. Yeah. I mean, yeah. So just releasing our selves from the burden of what we've let that number mean and realize it doesn't have any bearing on who we are or are her and soul. I I've said this before in my podcast that we are bodies with souls, not or we're souls with bodies, not bodies with souls.


I love that. And that's one of the things that resonated with me, Corrina. When I listen to your it's called Rise Up and Shine, find all the links in the show notes below for anyone who's curious follow Karina. It's actually one thing I've just a little side note here that I love about your podcast is it's short. It's short. It actually it actually made me realize that there might be some value in me doing like a midweek short one because the married and l show tends to be about that thirty minute mark. And I thought, hey, maybe a a midweek short one would be good because I loved it that I could pop on your podcast and I knew it was six minutes and it was just power packed. And so you had said there, bring me back to what we were talking about. You had said there in the podcast that What was it? Where where were we talking there?


Oh, just that where it was? We are souls with bodies. Yes.


Yes. Yes. Yeah. And that resonated with me. It it spoke to me along the lines of how I say it, like, I'm the one in the canoe. Yeah. The bot my body is the canoe and I ask it to go through treacherous waters and do all kinds of things in life. You know, sometimes I ask it to stay up all night for a certain contact or or, you know, go on a film set for three days straight or do all of these things. And I ask and request it, you know, we're going on a hike today and we're doing this and my body saying, you gotta take care of me, take care of that Earth's suit. And so I know that sometimes I think we just wanna take our bodies for granted. And my relationship with coming into working out and eating right has been to, like you said, to love me, to love my body, to thank it, to do it to do it while to serve each other, let my body serves me and I serve my body. Corina, I've been talking a lot on the podcast about finding our place to shine. And leading into the confidence that we know is there. Yes. You come across your social media, your coaching practice, everything you do, comes across with such radiant confidence. Tell me a little bit about your journey into confidence. Was there a day that you lack it, where you doubted yourself, and then here you are today, or what what does that look like for you? It


if you had told even thirty year old me that anyone would ever look at me as being a person of confidence or somebody that radiated confidence. I would have been like, what are you talking about? Because I have battled insecurities my whole life of of feelings of worthlessness and less than and I really used to struggle with what everybody else out there might be thinking about me. And somewhere along the way in the last ten years of my my journey and my business. Part of my business is I do personal development every single day. So reading all those good books that build up our mind and help reframe our minds. And that what anyone else thinks about me is none of my business. And when I heard that, I have I have held onto that, that I can't control nor do I even know whatever else thinks about me. And at the end of the day, they probably don't think that much about me because truthfully, people are most interested in themselves. They're thinking about themselves. Just like I'm worried about how I'm coming across. Somebody else is doing the exact same internalizing. So when I realize that freedom of if I'm happy with who I am, if I like me, if I'm living true to who I believe I was called to be, what anyone else thinks really just doesn't matter, and man was their freedom in that. Like, that it it doesn't mean I still don't struggle with insecurities. No, I absolutely do, but I also really like myself. And it's insane for me to be able to say that. It literally sometimes brings me to tears to say that to I challenge any woman listening to this podcast because this a step that I had to take and it feels super weird and you're gonna feel uncomfortable, you look in the mirror and you look at your reflection and you say I love you. And the first time I did that, I broke down sobbing because I'd never said that to myself. It was never a concept I'd had for my myself. But so if you look at yourself every day and say, I love you, you start to realize you really do, or you start to take the steps to make


yourself out as you do love. You know?


So I think that's where my freedom to confidence came.


That is that is truly profound, and I wanna put that out there. I love finding a challenge in all of the congress stations to put out to the audience. And I wanna make that today's challenge that can you look in the mirror and say, I like you. Can you look in the mirror and say I love you? And you know what I think about initially my mind wants to go to, oh, am I gonna be being vein? Or am I gonna be being, like, proud and puffed up? But, no, this is We're talking about something that is, like, god given love for ourselves. That goes beyond, like, oh, I love you. It's not that tone at all. It's I love you. I love you.




I love who you are and who you you created to be. Can we say that? Look in the mirror and say that to our that is a challenge. And I actually can say, Corinna, that what's interesting is we've talked about the battle of our weight coming into our forties, but I was told when I turned forty, it was not my favorite birthday. And I was told by a friend who was is a few years older. She she said, you need one thing you're gonna love about your forties is that you're gonna feel more comfortable in your own skin. And when she first said that to me, I didn't understand what she meant because maybe I was thinking in terms of literal skin and kind of like I was not feeling great at that time in my life. And I think now looking back that what she really meant was that I would come into more of the I like myself, I love myself feeling of being comfortable in my skin, and that she is right. Over the last few years, I have come more become more comfortable with I am who I am and I'm gonna celebrate it. I'm quirky and weird I chew out, but I don't like other people's chewing. I have all these weird little things about me. I know. And my family loves me for it and now I love me for it and I feel more comfortable with just saying this is who I am. I think at times I have toned myself down for people. I love people so much. I want them to feel comfortable. I also when I'm with a crowd that, like, the majority, it leans towards a certain preference, I kind of don't share mine and I'm kinda like, you know, I've got all these ways that I can't I go through life and cope. And now I'm kinda like, you know what, guys? Go to the beach. I don't like the beach. I'm fair skinned. I'm too hot in the sun. You know? And I'm like, no. I don't like that food anymore. I'm not gonna eat that with you. And, you know, like, I just am more comfortable being me, and I think it comes down to me being able to say, I Marijanel you, . I Marijanel you, . And it's not puffed up or proud


or arrogant to say that. It's it's coming to embrace who we really are and celebrating it. Well, and anytime that we make ourselves smaller to fit somebody else's expectations. We're we're dimming our shine. We're dimming who we were created to be. So to step into being like, no. Like you say, like, I don't wanna go to the beach. I don't like it. I I do, but I'm leaning towards shade now because I'm old. Like, it's that that child's embracing that who we who we are, like, you're saying, like, I have forever hated my laugh. Like, it's something I'm super self conscious about, but it's how I laugh. So what am I supposed to do about it? Right? Like, we just have to embrace who we are and realize every other person out there has their own little things that they worry about too, and we're not looking at them being like, well, that person laughed weird. We love their laugh. It makes us happy. Right? But yeah,


I love your laugh. I'm so happy that you've laughed on the married and


out show. I love it. And you know it is


It's true right there. Right there. It's true because sometimes there's things that we don't love about ourselves, but in fact, it's what the world loves about us.




And I think that's part of finding our place of shine. And I love how you said when we tone ourselves down, like I mentioned, there's so many ways that in especially group settings, I will tone myself down because I love other people. I put like, I want other people to be having the best time of their life. And so I don't say anything or do anything that might dim that, but in -- Yeah. -- then in turn, I'm dimming myself. Yeah. And I have come in in more and more freedom in my forties just being me. I kind of arrived and I'm like, this is me. This is how it goes. And it's it's actually so liberating. And I love it that you said that coming into freedom. Freedom was linked to confidence for you. And I love hearing that from different people's stories of, like, what links to their confidence? Because I know that for me, like, creativity is linked to my confidence. I know that my body image is linked to my comments. I know there's all these links. And for you, this freedom. And what does that mean? I think it's freedom to be ourselves, to be able to look in the mirror


and say, I like you. Yep. And that freedom








is something it keeps me going for like like how I show up on my social media because I want every woman to feel that. To it and to release themselves from that, like who cares what they weigh? Who cares what size they are? Nobody cares. Just love yourself. Like, and it's easier said than done. Don't get me wrong. I know it's it is a journey I've been on for ten years. To get to this place. Mhmm. And and it has been a struggle recently with with the waking and stuff to be like does this impact how I love me? And it can't because again it's just my body and I'm still serving it properly. So that would be rude of me to do it in my body. To myself.


Yeah. Yeah. I had said early on in twenty twenty three on the marriage and also I had said what was so interesting to me about the timing of my weight gain or let's say the realization of my weight gain. Right. Was that it was just when well, it was just when my brand was pivoting onto YouTube. And I had already made the decision to be I was previously, I had already been on YouTube once a week with another podcast I host called The Bold Artist podcast. Yeah. And so I was used to being on YouTube, but I had I had already made the decision to take the Mary Denelle show on to YouTube along with extra vlogging where I would be on camera. And this was a decision I made and then realized Wait a second. I don't really look how I used to look.




And I had to stop and make another decision that I was gonna go forward with what I felt to be called to do no matter what I look like. And that so we all want to present ourselves well. We all want to put our best foot forward and look good on a screen or, you know, there is there is a confidence that comes with feeling like we look good. But I I had to decide I was gonna do this call like, this call I felt was gonna happen no matter what I looked like. And that was hard, but it was actually a decision I made and a gift that I feel like I'm given the world, whether or not you guys feel like that. But I feel like it's a gift. It's a gift that I felt like I needed to to give that I was gonna show up no matter how I felt about myself. And even there's been a couple times my son does my my editing, and he says a couple times, like, hey, mom, there's some, like, some there's some bags under your eyes on this on this vlogger whatever. And I'll just say, you know what, be my quality control if you think if you think it's okay, I I'm not gonna I'm not gonna be the one to decide to hold something back based on how I look. I need to go forward. And that's been my decision and so we just keep keep publishing no matter how I feel about You know what I look like?


It is a gift. So thank you for not holding back based on anything to do with how your peer parents may be because I struggle with I I have struggled with that in that I have been recording myself for the last ten years showing up on social media in every different way shape and form. And there was definitely a challenge as I saw my body changing despite all the things I was trying to do for my body. There was a challenge, especially with my business being about wellness. I was like, are people I think get a a Instagram real not that long ago where I'm literally crying because I'm like, are people going to think I've given up? Are they going to think I'm not trying anymore they going to think I'm secret eating pizza every day, which would be fine if I was. But, you know, like, I I struggled, actually, it wouldn't be. But anyway, I struggled with how I was being perceived versus even for myself, I'll look at my Facebook memories of my body three years ago and my body now and the parallel is hard for me. That is it's a very big struggle to continue to be like, I'm still worthy. I'm still worthy in this size. I'm still worthy in this weight. It doesn't matter. So you not holding back your gift of what you're giving to your audience because of anything to do with yourself physically is beautiful and brilliant and it's what all of us women should be doing because I guarantee you there's no man out there that's holding back what he does for work because of the size of his body. It's so messed up that we as women battle that so much. Like, that is such a present thought in our hands. It's wrong. It's just wrong.


Yeah. And it needs to be spoken about and brought into light even if it's kind of a small way today. And so thank you for the role that you're playing in as well. As you've thanked me here, I just need to say that, Corina, you're reels are so fun and entertaining But even though they entertain me and bring me great joy, there's always a message. And the message is, you know, I'll leave your feed feeling more up blifted and not all social media does that. So as I scroll through social media, I noticed the highs and lows of how I feel on different reels and different feeds. And there's some that just drag you down and there's some that lift you up and Carina's feed is one that lifts you up. You leave feeling like you can say I like you in the mirror. You can say I love you to yourself. And And because I believe you're being real about where you are in your story, but real in a way that you're not it's not just down, down, down, like on your down days, you're still lifting up. And the purpose is to pull out of the down days and and move forward. And lean forward. And so that comes across in your message. And so thank you for being real and showing up and giving us good examples and, yeah, just being there for women and for the message of loving ourselves.


Welcome. Thank you for that. That's awesome.


Yeah. So in closing up and wrapping up today here on the podcast, is there anything that you'd like to leave off sharing anything about yourself, your business, ways to connect with you that you just wanna leave off with today.


Yeah. For sure, if any woman listening to this is in search of that support. I will say to my clients all the time, borrow my belief. Like, I believe in you right here, right now, that you're capable of achieving anything you want to when it comes to your wellness goals. And more than that, in learning to love yourself. That is my biggest passion. And, yes, I will give you tools to do that through nutrition and through fitness and what have you. But I think that you'll find what the greatest thing you'll take away from our relationship will be how I pour into you and help you to see yourself as a beautiful creation that you are. So look me up on Instagram, my podcast, Facebook wherever you want to. I'm I'm all over the place.


Same here, everyone. You know I believe in your potential. You know, I believe, and you be coming who you're meant to be. So borrow my belief. Take Karina and my belief in you and run with it today. Turn off this podcast just knowing that you're worthy, that you're coming into a place of wholeness and that your potential in your lifetime can shine, that you can find, and will find your place to shine. All of our links are in the show notes below. You can my website, marijanel dot com, look up Corinna Truman on Instagram or any social media of your preference. This podcast is on both YouTube and all audio apps on YouTube. You know what to do. Hit all those buttons. All of them. All of them. The subs scribe, the like, the bell, so that you don't miss a show, it helps the show to get seen and visible on YouTube on all audio apps. I'd love it if you leave a review. And connect with Karina and I find us on Instagram and chime into one. We're gonna post some reels that will be collaborative real, so pop Chime in, tell us your story, connect with us, we wanna hear from you. Until next time, keep on in the full potential of you.

Learning to Love Our Bodies
Guest Carrina Trueman
The Example we Set for Our Kids
No Place For Shame
Bodies With Souls
Finding Confidence and Self-Love
What does it mean to be a person of confidence?
"I love you" in the mirror
Embrace True Self, Find Freedom
Freedom is linked to confidence
Deciding to go forward no matter what I look like.
not holding yourself back