Marijanel Show

Discover Your Place of Shine: Uncover Your Call to Shine Bright

June 26, 2023 Marijanel Knight Season 2 Episode 72
Discover Your Place of Shine: Uncover Your Call to Shine Bright
Marijanel Show
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Marijanel Show
Discover Your Place of Shine: Uncover Your Call to Shine Bright
Jun 26, 2023 Season 2 Episode 72
Marijanel Knight

073. Are you ready to uncover your "place of shine" and unleash your unique potential? Join Marijanel on a journey through the challenges of rejection, self-doubt, and indecision to discover the space where your confidence, calling, and fulfillment align.

 From my personal experience of finding joy in dusting antiques as a child, to the invaluable role of hobbies and confidence, we explore various avenues to guide you towards your own place of shine. Why did I love dusting as a kid? Because even today as a mindset mentor, I'm dusting off YOUR true potential.

With everyone possessing a distinctive light to share with the world, it's essential not to lose hope in your quest for illumination. As we discuss the significance of confidence in our lives and I give you a unique challenge of questions to ask yourself.

 Be sure to check out our previous episodes delving into these topics. Keep your eye on the prize, and let this episode be your compass to finding your place of shine. Tune in for more inspiration!

Intro 00:01:00 Discovering Your Place of Shine 00:01:46 Shine is something humanity shares 00:03:33 We each have a place in this world 00:04:54 Shine is your confidence 00:06:32 Can I find my shine again if it grows dim? 00:08:42 Dim Seasons and Circumstances 00:10:40 Shining is vulnerable 00:12:16 Finding Your Place to Shine 00:14:52 Childhood Dusting 00:16:00 Shine Bright and Closing

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073. Are you ready to uncover your "place of shine" and unleash your unique potential? Join Marijanel on a journey through the challenges of rejection, self-doubt, and indecision to discover the space where your confidence, calling, and fulfillment align.

 From my personal experience of finding joy in dusting antiques as a child, to the invaluable role of hobbies and confidence, we explore various avenues to guide you towards your own place of shine. Why did I love dusting as a kid? Because even today as a mindset mentor, I'm dusting off YOUR true potential.

With everyone possessing a distinctive light to share with the world, it's essential not to lose hope in your quest for illumination. As we discuss the significance of confidence in our lives and I give you a unique challenge of questions to ask yourself.

 Be sure to check out our previous episodes delving into these topics. Keep your eye on the prize, and let this episode be your compass to finding your place of shine. Tune in for more inspiration!

Intro 00:01:00 Discovering Your Place of Shine 00:01:46 Shine is something humanity shares 00:03:33 We each have a place in this world 00:04:54 Shine is your confidence 00:06:32 Can I find my shine again if it grows dim? 00:08:42 Dim Seasons and Circumstances 00:10:40 Shining is vulnerable 00:12:16 Finding Your Place to Shine 00:14:52 Childhood Dusting 00:16:00 Shine Bright and Closing

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Have you been lost in your calling, lacking confidence and doubting yourself? Over the last little while Marijanel the Show has been talking about purpose calling and finding the confidence to step into it, And today I have an aha moment for you that will help you to discover your place of shine. Welcome Marijanel The Show So glad you're here. Let's get started with today's episode. What is your place of shine? What do I mean by shine? Here Marijanel The Show, we're diving into topics such as purpose, potential and confidence. I would say that finding your place of shine is finding that place of confidence where you belong. It is actually the quest of mankind, all of us, all of us. There's nobody exempt from finding their place of shine. Some of us find it and some of us are just always looking for it in life. And I even go to say that those who find it don't find it as easy as you think. Maybe it looks like they found their place of shine. Lucky them. They know what they want to do in life and they're shining at doing it. But it's not as easy as it looks. Finding our place of shine is having grit and determination, having singular focus and pushing ourselves. At times that it's just so hard We need to push through rejection, self doubt, lack of confidence, confusion, inability to make decisions All of those things stand in our way when we're looking for our place of shine. I think that you know exactly what I mean, because this is something that humanity shares. We share this, and when I begin to tell you stories of my own life, of how I have been on a quest to find my place of shine, and I tell you really what I've been through, you're going to relate. You're going to say Mary Janelle, i know the feeling. We are in this journey together. I've said that time and time again here Marijanel the show and back when it was Curiosity's Apprentice and I was sharing my life stories. I want to say to you that shine is. I actually looked it up in the dictionary and I wrote in my journal right here and going to read it a little bit to you What does it mean for me to find my place of shine? What does it mean for you to find your place of shine? Well, I wrote this. Everyone has a shine.


I remember singing let your little light shine as a kid and thinking you know what? I do have a light and I am going to let it shine and no one's going to put it under a bushel. But guess what has happened in life? I didn't let my little light shine at times and guess who put it under a bushel? Me, yes, maybe other people's words of rejection or critiques that I took the wrong way, or circumstances in life that shut me down or thwarted my dreams and hopes. Maybe all of those things dimmed my light, but ultimately I found it was me that put my light under a bushel Whatever a bushel is, i don't even know what that means in that little song that I sang when I was a kid in Sunday school. But I put my light under a bushel And you know.


The other thing I wrote is that we each have a place, a place in this world. I don't think that anyone just comes into the world just to be and not have a special place. We're so unique. Our fingerprints tell us that our fingerprints are all different. That's miraculous in itself. And if our fingerprints are different, the uniqueness of our DNA, personalities, hopes and dreams are all so unique that we each deserve and have a place. And I believe we all have a knowing that we know something deep, deep within ourselves. I've spoken in the past about intuition and the importance of knowing and listening to our intuition. We all have an intuitive knowing of our calling, which is also our place. I wrote this shine and make them wonder what you got. That was another song that I used to sing as a teenager.


Shine is our confidence calling, potential and fulfillment Someone who's really fulfilled and they're living out what they were made to do and meant to do. They shine, and I wrote the definition from the dictionary. It means to give out a bright light, direct light, somewhere, in order for something, someone to see in the dark. It's hard to read my own handwriting. It's also a quality of brightness when the light is reflected on something. The quality of brightness is your shine. And then it also is to be talented or to perform well. For example, she shines at podcasting.


People have said that to me after interviews. Marijanel said , you've really found your thing. Well, my thing that it factor I've spoken about in the confidence episodes that it factor is your shine. So are you shining? I think that would be my challenge of today's podcast is to ask yourself to take it to the journal. Are you shining? And if you aren't, if you're like, no, my light is under a bushel, I've put it there, or someone else put it there, or just like life has grown dim, i want to say to you that you have shine and you have a place to shine. I wanna breathe hope into you today, possibility that you would know that you're never at a dead end. There just isn't a dead end. You have the place of shine waiting for you.


And here Marijanel the show, what I'm hoping to do, through mentorship programs upcoming in the future, is create a safe place to learn how to shine or to reignite the shine, to reignite the confidence that's already in you, to bring you to a place of knowing your purpose and your calling. And I ask myself these questions could I find my shine when it was dim? And it took me a lot of self-work. I did a lot of it through journaling, and this is why I'm such an advocate of journaling or speaking out voice memos, recorded voice memos as an option for people who hate pen to paper, but processing an expression of yourself in order to sort out all the pieces and find the missing pieces, things that you hope for, things that you dream, what you consider failures and successes and sorting out these pieces in order to know the next step ahead of you, to find your place of shine. And I also ask myself not only can I find that shine when it's dim or gone, but I also ask myself not only can I find that shine when it's dim or gone, but I'll ask myself who or what took away my shine If I had it.


Let's say we look back to when we were kids, and weren't we think? you know? clearly I used to shine. I was so good at such and such or I was so happy doing such and such and I was really in my thing, my it factor was shining. But then something changed. Something came along and took that.


I asked myself questions like is it a season? Because sometimes tired moms of young kids feel like we don't shine at our thing, because we're tired moms of young kids? It's just that simple. There's a lot to do. There's little people asking questions like really I've written in my journal. My daughter used to ask me how do ants go pee Like? she asked me questions day in and day out, all day long. It just made my brain tired. I loved her and still love her to pieces, but I was just like I'm so tired There's no time to shine and anything else, because I'm answering. I don't know how ants pee Google it. So I'm just so thankful for Google because I just said Google it a lot. Now I didn't for everything.


I was a good mom and I tried to give really reasonable answers. That if I knew the answer. But here's that was a sidetrack. Here's the thing is that you are meant to shine and sometimes there's seasons that dim it and we can know that we'll come back out of a season. Seasons don't last forever and our season of shine will come back and do time. But other times it's different than a season. It's actually like where we've shut down. We've shut down the shine, we've let something wound us.


And let's just consider a diamond. And a diamond is so beautiful, but first it has to be polished up and then it begins to shine and then a big old truck could come by with some mud and just splash the mud on the diamond and once again it's just completely covered. And so what has been the mud? You know what has kind of splashed at you and been the gunk that has just completely covered you up. And sometimes we have to take that to the journal and pinpoint.


Okay, am I just in a season of not shining and I can trust that the season will change, or am I in a mess of a gunk where some things just really wounded me and I have to work through the process of coming back into my place of shine by doing some inner cleanup? Some cleanup could mean forgiveness, letting go, coming back to a place of trust and like the cleanup of self-improvement, and that's hard. It's really hard if, especially if, we feel like we've been the ones that lost, like we lost the shine, and it's really hard to forgive that and let that go. And then it's even harder to start to shine again, because shining is vulnerable. We talk about vulnerability. I love the work of Brené Brown that she speaks and teaches on vulnerability and what it means, and I won't dive into definitions, but being open and vulnerable is susceptible to being hurt again.


And shine and shining is that Every time I push, publish on a new podcast, youtube video, it's vulnerability. Every time that I write and put something out into the world and create is vulnerability. Every time that I shine and all of these things that I know I'm created to do, it's being vulnerable. The reward, though? the reward is that you shine. The reward is that you are being used how only you can uniquely be, and that is something that's irreplaceable in life. It's something that no one else can give you. That gift of shine, no one else can come along and push a button and be like boop marriage. Now, now you shine. It has to be my decision to shine and not let the season keep me down forever. Sometimes you have to accept a season and not let the gunk and mud and circumstances keep me bogged down like in the rut. It's up to me to pull myself out of that situation, polish it back up and say okay, i'm going to shine because I was made to shine. You were made to shine.


Now, all of us shine in different ways, and sometimes I've met people who will say but I just don't know where or how like I don't know how I'm meant to shine. I want to, but I just don't know what's my thing, what's my talent? I don't really have, you know, something that stands out, and some I will go to say that I see it like um, there's a whole bunch of light sockets Okay, they don't have light bulbs in them. There's a whole bunch of power sockets that the you know where you would put a light bulb and one of them is powered and a bunch of them aren't, and it's like you're the light bulb and you have to go around and get put into all these sockets until one of them lights up and you go. This is my shine.


That's part of the experimental process of finding what you're good at, finding what fulfills and brings joy to your soul. I've talked about hobby. I have a whole series of hobby episodes. The importance of hobby, the importance of finding things that bring you joy in life, that's part and parcel of finding your shine. And so if you think about life, like if you don't know where to shine, that light bulb metaphor is really important for you. Just find little ways to taste the little places of shine until one lights you up. Once you're lit up there, just stay there and begin till it shine brighter, shine brighter, learn it, grow in it, stay there and shine. And so that is just a little side note tip on, just like finding your place of shine, but some of you know that place, some of you know that place but the power does hasn't been there to shine, and that could be a season or that could be a circumstance. Either which way that it is, i encourage you to not lose the hope of shining, to say you know what in my lifetime I'm going to shine, i'm going to be in my place of shine. It's just a matter of time. Keep your eye on that prize.


Shine to me also speaks of confidence. It speaks of knowing that place to shine but having the confidence to do it. And don't forget, i have a series of confidence episodes. Just skip back Marijanel the show about I'm going to say they were probably happening about eight episodes back from this one And I have a lot, a lot of good nuggets of truth about confidence, some stories of finding my own confidence and my own place of shine.


I had a childhood memory come come back to me about one of my favorite jobs. You know how kids don't really like jobs. You know you give them, you give them chores and they complain and drag their feet or whatever. But as a child I was not young because I was allowed to use cleaning supplies, so I would say I was probably like from age 11 to 13. I really liked to dust. Now that's such an odd job for a kid to like. But I remember that. If you remember the episodes where I spoke of living in an elderly woman's home when I was little and you got to go listen to that that episode to know the fullness of this story.


But I was always around elderly people as a young person and their homes were full of antiques. My mom did some elder care and so I would be in their homes and help with the chores And their homes were full of antiques that were so beautiful, like beautiful wooden tables and end tables, and I was often given the job of dusting and I could use that lemon scented pledge or something like it And I really liked the smell too Weird, yes, i know, but I would spray the dust, the dust cleaner and dust with that soft cloth And I would watch not only the dust come away but the furniture begin to shine. That was my favorite job. I don't do it so much anymore And I actually don't own a lot of antiques anymore. I went through the antique phase when I lived at the farmhouse and that's kind of gone.


I'm more into the modern now, but you know I should really dust it more often than I do, the point being that I loved that because I loved to see the shine And I feel, like in the Mary Janelle show and through the purpose of unlocking potential, as I mentor people towards their potential, i feel that I'm still being like that young person, shining and dusting and showing something beautiful what's under all the dust, you know? showing that there is something beautiful under here. And if there's anything from today's episode that stands out to you, it's that. May I be a reminder, may I be like that dust cloth that comes and says look how shiny and beautiful you really are And maybe it's time to do some cleanup. Maybe it's time to do some work and some self-improvement. Which is going to be what my mentorship programs are gonna be offering is us to go through tracks of development together, one of which is being finding your place of shine, growing that confidence, getting over the lack of calling, the lack of confidence when you've lost yourself and you're like I don't know what I'm doing And when you've been doubting yourself. Finding your place of shine is really where it's at.


Thank you for tuning into the show today. You know where to find me my website and all the links are in the show notes below, and you can find me on Instagram at Marijanel. I also have an art account at Marijanelart. Hop on my newsletter list. Follow and stay tuned for all the upcoming mentorship courses that will help you find your place to shine. Please share the show with a friend. If you've enjoyed today's episode, pass it along. I love podcasting for you And by you sharing it or even seeing the link below where you can support the show, it helps the show to continue. Thanks for being here And until next time, keep on in the full potential of you. Thank you, thank you.

Discovering Your Place of Shine
Shine is something humanity shares
We each have a place in this world
Shine is your confidence
Can I find my shine again if it grows dim?
Dim Seasons and Circumstances
Shining is vulnerable
Finding Your Place to Shine
Childhood Dusting
Shine Bright and Closing