Marijanel Show

Exploring Realms and Seasons of Your Purpose

October 02, 2023 Marijanel Knight
Exploring Realms and Seasons of Your Purpose
Marijanel Show
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Marijanel Show
Exploring Realms and Seasons of Your Purpose
Oct 02, 2023
Marijanel Knight

082. Ever felt lost amidst the various roles you play in life? What if I told you that I've discovered being a parent, a professional, a friend or an artist.. these different facets of life aren't separate, but all interwoven into one beautiful tapestry that defines  purpose? Today we reflect on the interconnectedness of life’s seasons and we will embrace the richness of having multiple purposes. Through this you’ll have new found clarity.

I'll inspire you with my metaphor of life as a garden, where each flower represents a smaller purpose and how the different realms change with the seasons. My metaphor is not only poetic but it will get you thinking about your current role and season and how it plays a part of the bigger picture in your life.

As we navigate through life, we all encounter seasons that shape our journey and affect our purpose in a unique way. I recount my transition into the season of empty nesting, filled with an array of emotions and a sense of reinvention. I assure you, change can be beautiful, and it's our privilege in life to flourish in every season. 

So, let's embark on this journey together, exploring life's purpose, navigating through its changing seasons, and cultivating your unique, fulfilling garden of life.

00:00:00 Intro Announcement 00:01:01 Please Leave a Review 00:01:29 What Your Purpose ISN'T 00:02:32 Something I've Never Shared 00:03:22 My Garden Metaphor 00:04:22 The Complexity of Purpose 00:05:57 Realms and Seasons 00:07:54 Getting Clarity 00:09:31 The Many Purpos(ES) 00:12:19 Purpose Isn't Selfish 00:14:45 Be in the NOW Season 00:15:36 Find Me on Amazon 00:16:16 Closing

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082. Ever felt lost amidst the various roles you play in life? What if I told you that I've discovered being a parent, a professional, a friend or an artist.. these different facets of life aren't separate, but all interwoven into one beautiful tapestry that defines  purpose? Today we reflect on the interconnectedness of life’s seasons and we will embrace the richness of having multiple purposes. Through this you’ll have new found clarity.

I'll inspire you with my metaphor of life as a garden, where each flower represents a smaller purpose and how the different realms change with the seasons. My metaphor is not only poetic but it will get you thinking about your current role and season and how it plays a part of the bigger picture in your life.

As we navigate through life, we all encounter seasons that shape our journey and affect our purpose in a unique way. I recount my transition into the season of empty nesting, filled with an array of emotions and a sense of reinvention. I assure you, change can be beautiful, and it's our privilege in life to flourish in every season. 

So, let's embark on this journey together, exploring life's purpose, navigating through its changing seasons, and cultivating your unique, fulfilling garden of life.

00:00:00 Intro Announcement 00:01:01 Please Leave a Review 00:01:29 What Your Purpose ISN'T 00:02:32 Something I've Never Shared 00:03:22 My Garden Metaphor 00:04:22 The Complexity of Purpose 00:05:57 Realms and Seasons 00:07:54 Getting Clarity 00:09:31 The Many Purpos(ES) 00:12:19 Purpose Isn't Selfish 00:14:45 Be in the NOW Season 00:15:36 Find Me on Amazon 00:16:16 Closing

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Hey, welcome. Today the Marijanel Show, I've got a power packed episode, all about finding your clarity in the season that you're in right now in your life. It's about purpose and knowing your season, and you all know that I'm in a whole new season of my life. My husband and I have just become empty nesters and I'm taking advantage creatively of the time that I have and doing and pursuing some of my dreams, one of which was releasing and launching my children's book Wait Darling Wait. I am now a published author on Amazon. Last weekend was the launch and release date onto the Amazon platform, and I want to thank you for your overwhelming support the text messages, facebook and Instagram DMs and just the overwhelming. We're proud of Marijanel, . We can't wait to buy the book, and some were saying they bought five copies for everyone, that they knew all the littles in their life. Thank you so much, and I want to ask one more huge favor For those of you who've purchased Wait Darling Wait on Amazon, would you hop back over to Amazon and leave a review? Leaving a review for an author helps the page get found and encourages future buyers to indeed put it in their car and make the purchase. Thanks again.


Let's dive into the podcast and get clear on our current season of life and purpose. If you've been wondering what your big purpose in life is, I probably can't tell you, but I can tell you what it isn't. It is not an accident, it is not a mystery or it's not supposed to be. It's not selfish and it is not one thing. That's right. It is not one thing. We have many purposes. Let's get to the show. If you've been following the show for some time, you'll know that the year of 2023, I chose the word purpose to be my focus word, to set my intentions on and to dig into the meaning, not only for my own personal life, but for all of those that I mentor in the online space. We've been digging into the word purpose and how confidence springs out of purpose and how all of our life decisions hinge on what we really believe about our purpose. In a lot of ways, it connects to what we put our faith and trust in. There is so much to it. I want to dig into something more about purpose that I've never shared with you to this extent. You want to hear this, you want to know about what I call the garden metaphor. I've seen this evident in my own life. It's been so clear because I'm a seasonal person. My purpose and my purposes morph and evolve depending on the season that I am in and the realm and role that I'm fulfilling in that time. I have been contemplating and really reflecting, of course, journaling about these concepts for quite some time and have finally distilled it down to a metaphor that I feel I can share with you and that makes full sense. So, my purpose metaphor what is it? What is Marijanel ? Okay, so I'm going to just read to you what I wrote this morning in order to share with you how I've really begun to see purpose and purposes In the seeking of life's purpose, it's crucial to understand that purpose is not single.


It's not a rigid destination, but a multifaceted concept, much like a beautiful garden. Okay, that's where I got the garden metaphor from. Imagine your life like a large garden, a singular entity. Okay, garden is singular, but where there's many flowers blooming, and these flowers plural, okay, so many become the singular. These flowers, in their diversity, represent many purposes that make up the big picture, the garden. Each purpose, like a unique blossom, contributes to the overall beauty and harmony of the garden. Okay, so, just to reiterate, a garden isn't one flower, it's many. Your life purpose isn't one purpose, it's many. I want to stress this, I want to bring this across so badly because we, we as a collective community, seek this singular purpose. We want to sum it a tidy sentence into sentence. Or when we seek our why, when we look for a definition of why we're doing what we're doing, why we love what we love who we are, we want to sum it up in a singular, but it is plural, it's many. The many flowers accumulate to the big garden.


Now let's peer deeper into this garden. Within it we find various realms, areas, if you will. These realms are distinct sections, okay, each possessing its own textures, color, design and in the context of our lives. These realms symbolize different areas of our lives, of the roles that we fulfill, each contributing to the big picture of life, okay, so, whether it's roles as parents, professionals, friends or artists. We all play those roles in one way or another. These realms are interconnected, just like the garden's flowers. They're working together in harmony to create this rich and meaningful tapestry.


It's not one thing that makes it or sums it up. It's all of it accumulated and combined, but the garden isn't static. Okay, so I've described the garden and I've described the realms and the areas which kind of reflect our roles and our you know, different things that we take on in our hats, the hats that we wear in our lifetime. But it's not static. There's another element that adds surprise, and it's the element that's most out of our control, and it is the seasons. The garden experiences seasons, ever-changing circumstances and the natural ebb and flow of life. These seasons impact the garden's growth and the cycles of the blossoms In our lives. Seasons represent the dynamic and sometimes unpredictable, out of our control, forces that influence our journey. They can be joyful springs or they can be challenging winters, but they shape the landscape of our purpose. So the seasons, if you will, they're shaping the terrain, they're shaping the mood, the picture, the flavor that this garden is, and in this metaphor we see profound truth.


Purpose is not something that just happens. The garden doesn't just happen. Someone is tending to it, cultivating it. Much like a garden, our life is cultivated. Cultivating your purpose requires patience, thoughtfulness and an understanding that it is not a fixed destination but it's constantly evolving, an intricate tapestry of experiences and roles. So, as you navigate your life purposefully, remember it's okay to have multi, multiple purposes, to explore different realms and to adapt to the ever-changing seasons. Okay, that picture, that garden metaphor, brought a lot of peace and clarity to my heart because I've been grappling with all the dynamics of purpose. I feel a big purpose.


I've shared this with you in the past. I have God-sized dreams. They're huge and they're also about many realms. I couldn't tell you a God-sized dream that pertains to just one area of my life. It's many and multiple, and our realms, if you will, are all our areas of interest, the roles that we fulfill and the things that are in on our plate. We talk about having full plates. Well, what's on your plate? These are your realms, these are your areas, but there's also so much out of our control, which are the seasons, the seasons of the garden, and if you think about the life cycle, from the seed to the sprout, to the rooting down and growing up, and then the blossom and the fruit bearing. It can't all happen at once, but within that seed, everything, all of eternity, all of the entire process of that particular plant and the fruit is wrapped up in that tiny seed. It's in there.


That's when I talk about potential, and you know that I'm passionate about unlocking your fullest potential. And it's not supposed to be a mystery. I believe there's meant to be clarity and knowing of what we're to do in our life. But it's not just one big thing. It's the many, the many flowers that make the garden. It isn't selfish, and what I mean by that is that it touches back on that point of community. We're not meant to be alone in this thing called purpose. Our purpose is interplay. So if you think about that beautiful garden and how it is a vibrant picture, but the colors play on each other, if you've done any amount of color theory in your life, even if it was way back in high school or childhood where you learned about the color wheel, all of these colors play on one another. There is the complementary colors, that they complement each other. They're directly, they're actually opposites, they're directly across from each other on the color wheel. Does that mean that we as people perhaps we're opposite. We can complement one, each other, one another, absolutely.


Just a quick little intermission here in today's podcast. I want to give a great big thank you to all of you who have shown such tremendous support for my children's picture book Wait Darling Wait, being on Amazon. You're helping it be a huge success. I have one more request. For those of you who've purchased Wait Darling Wait, whether it be on amazonca, amazoncom or anywhere in the world, if you'd hop back over to that Amazon platform and leave a review. Leaving a review helps the others page be found and encourages future buyers. It would mean a lot to me and if you haven't purchased your copy yet, now is your chance. It's really easy to make that order on Amazon. Thanks so much, everyone.


Let's get back to the show. When you think about the beauty and the variety of a garden and yes, I've likened my garden metaphor to your life being a garden but in the big, big, big, big, big, grand picture of life and the universe, we're all showing the colors of this beautiful garden, bigger than a singular garden, and so I think of it as your purpose is not meant to be selfish. So there's many times in the year of 2023,. As I've dug into the word purpose, I have found myself thinking about it very selfishly and narrow minded, thinking and writing in Marijanel journal , what's your purpose, your purpose. And it became a me, me, me kind of one side of conversation with myself, and I've had to put the brakes on that train of thought. Stopping a train is hard. They come to a very slow halt, but those brakes have been screeching and coming to a stop on the track and I have been now looking through a different lens, saying, mary Janelle, this isn't about you, it's about the collective community, the ones around you, that we're all helping each other and our purposes become a greater purpose. And I also said that your purpose is not one thing.


Why are seasons and understanding the season we're in so important? It's important because we need to flourish in our season. If we don't learn to flourish in the season that we're in, our life will pass us by and we will be very discontent and I'm gonna describe it as lost. If you don't know how to flourish in the season that you're in and you're either stuck in an old season or you're wishing for a different one, you're not in the now, you're not present and you're lost. And so I'm determined I'm not gonna lose myself in this transition to empty nesting. I've been doing everything that I can to embrace it, to live it up and to do my best to enjoy it, although as anyone who's been through this transition, or as those of you who haven't. But you can imagine it it's deep and often sad and bittersweet and there is a lot of emotion. Yes, we can have big dreams and yes, we can want more, but that doesn't mean we're not enough and right here where we are today and that we can't flourish and bloom where we're planted in the season that we're in. Before you go Wait, Darling, Wait, don't forget . The links are below.


You can find this children's picture book that I've written and illustrated right in Amazon. You can put in your order today for the child in your life. You're going to love it. You know where to find me on YouTube, do all the subscribe hit the bell, the like all that good stuff. And on audio apps, you can rate and review the show. It really helps podcasts be found and recognized. There is a buy me a coffee link, which is a way that you can help to support the show with a donation and, as well, all my links below will connect you to the programs I have and my websites and what's going on in my world. Thank you so much for being part of this. Keep living whole and creative.

Intro Announcement
Please Leave a Review
What Your Purpose ISN'T
Something I've Never Shared
My Garden Metaphor
The Complexity of Purpose
Realms and Seasons
Getting Clarity
The Many Purpos(ES)
Purpose Isn't Selfish
Be in the NOW Season
Find Me on Amazon