Marijanel Show

The Structure of Self-Worth // Constructing Confidence and Shaping Achievements

December 11, 2023 Marijanel Knight
The Structure of Self-Worth // Constructing Confidence and Shaping Achievements
Marijanel Show
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Marijanel Show
The Structure of Self-Worth // Constructing Confidence and Shaping Achievements
Dec 11, 2023
Marijanel Knight

088. What if there was a blueprint to cultivate self-worth, construct a foundation of confidence, and subsequently shape your achievements?

This episode is a journey into the core of our existence. I, Marijanel, guide you through a visual illustration, starting with an innate sense of being loved as the terrain on which we build our trust, which further leads to the foundation of our self-worth. This intrinsic sense of worth is about feeling valued because of the trust in the love from which we were created.

Weaving through the fabric of the year 2023, our confidence quest has the potential to transform personal narratives.

We explore how self-worth isn't merely a stepping stone but a pillar holding the structure of our lives, shaping our achievements and dreams. With a focus on framing this house of self with confidence, you'll find the tools to muster self-assuredness from the depths of self-worth.

Unlock the potential within, frame your achievements, and unshackle the chains of perceived limitations to let your creativity flow. So gear up for a good look into the realms of self-discovery and personal growth in this very unique episode!

0:21 Living Whole and Creative 0:45 The Teaching of Self-Worth 1:16 A Look Back at Our Confidence Quest 1:36 Starting at the Beginning 2:04 The Terrain We Build On 2:31 The Footings 2:55 The Foundation 3:43 The Framing 6:28 The Roof 6:52 Your Success and Achievements 7:43 Have you Built Backwards? 8:25 Journal Prompt 10:13 Closing

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Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

088. What if there was a blueprint to cultivate self-worth, construct a foundation of confidence, and subsequently shape your achievements?

This episode is a journey into the core of our existence. I, Marijanel, guide you through a visual illustration, starting with an innate sense of being loved as the terrain on which we build our trust, which further leads to the foundation of our self-worth. This intrinsic sense of worth is about feeling valued because of the trust in the love from which we were created.

Weaving through the fabric of the year 2023, our confidence quest has the potential to transform personal narratives.

We explore how self-worth isn't merely a stepping stone but a pillar holding the structure of our lives, shaping our achievements and dreams. With a focus on framing this house of self with confidence, you'll find the tools to muster self-assuredness from the depths of self-worth.

Unlock the potential within, frame your achievements, and unshackle the chains of perceived limitations to let your creativity flow. So gear up for a good look into the realms of self-discovery and personal growth in this very unique episode!

0:21 Living Whole and Creative 0:45 The Teaching of Self-Worth 1:16 A Look Back at Our Confidence Quest 1:36 Starting at the Beginning 2:04 The Terrain We Build On 2:31 The Footings 2:55 The Foundation 3:43 The Framing 6:28 The Roof 6:52 Your Success and Achievements 7:43 Have you Built Backwards? 8:25 Journal Prompt 10:13 Closing

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Welcome to the Marijanel Show. This is a podcast where I talk all about living whole and creative. Whole to me means wholehearted, our whole, authentic, individual, being alive and well, as well as creativity being in that living whole and creative, because to me, creativity is super important and it's a topic I'm going to be talking about more and more in the approaching year of 2024. This episode here is a really quick recap. Okay, it's a recap that's going to clarify what I'm going to call a teaching. It sounds so very important the teaching of the structure of self-worth that I've been reverse engineering and deconstructing on the podcast The Last Little While. We've talked all about how successes and achievements are just outcomes of our confidence, they're just like branches, if you will, of what grows off of the confidence tree. All of these trophies and things that we want, what we could say we could brag about in our life, and really our goals, our BHAGS, our God-sized dreams all of these things spring out of confidence. We went on a bit of a confidence quest in the year of 2023. And then Out of like, studying and digging into confidence, as you know, I did a lot of reading, recommended some good books. It really was the question of backtracking, like what is our confidence founded in? It's founded in self-worth, and then backwards, even still, what is that founded in? And then, what is that founded in? And today I'm gonna work forward. Okay, so I have a little illustration and those on YouTube are gonna be able to Enjoy the illustration and those listening on audio you can follow along. I'll try to be as visually clear as possible, but on YouTube I'm gonna be showing here this visual illustration that it all starts with that sense of being loved Intrinsically and how that is sort of like the basis of all of it. Okay, it's like ground zero and From that love everything else begins to be built, because in the love we trust Okay, so we trust out of love, and that is the footing. So like, if you think of like love being like the ground, okay, the ground that you go to pick out a lot to build your home, and the that, that ground, that love, is going to be the terrain, if you will, of everything else that comes forward as you build. So then we all plant those footings into that love, and that footings to me is like our trust, it's like our faith and that's just like there we have a firm, secure place to put the foundation. Okay, so we got our trust in our love and the foundation is really what I see our Worth being.


So our worth is that intrinsic sense of self-worth, of not self-preservation, not self-protection, not like where we wall ourselves up and not be vulnerable, but it's that beautiful sense of being valued, the sense of being valued because we have trust in the love in which we were created from. And that sense of being value. That's what true self-worth is. And a couple podcasts ago, I told you how I was dropping off the word self, off the word worth, and I was calling it worth because if it's too wrapped up in ourselves, it gets tainted with all the like selfishness of self. But in just simply worth, it's the value of who you are and that's the foundation that all the other outward achievements can come out of.


But what's next, like what's after the worth? Well, we got to frame this house in. Somehow it has to have a structure or something to put all the finishings on. And that framing, that like framing and drywalling part, is what I call like the confidence, because we become confident people based out of our self-worth. As you know, I mentor individuals in lots different aspects of life, including journaling, things as simple as journaling, but also finding our voice, learning how to like present that on podcasts or radio or YouTube, and then in other ways. I mentor even in the aspect of like instilling creativity into children, like encouraging parents to do so and like the whole kind of like Educational entertainment realm for children's content creation. And where does kids confidence come from? It has to come from a sense Of worth, like I dive into all of these things in the mentorship realm and that confidence. That confidence is what we all seem to start to focus on. Okay, it's like that framing, that, that sort of like Part of the house that people can see.


You never walk up to a house it's that's just been built and say, wow, this has a nice foundation. Or wow, look at the dirt you built on. The dirt has to be there. It's like such an important part of the build. The foundation is crucial. Without it, your house is gonna wash away in the first flood. But no one ever notices those things. They focus in, they dial in on the confidence, and I've talked in the past, particularly in the spring.


We went into some episodes about how, like you just know and notice the confident person in the room. Like when the confident person walks in is like they light up everything. They just they walk in Confidently not. And I'm not talking about ego, I'm not talking about like you know, I don't know just all that like Puffed up ego stuff. I'm talking about like true, just like being comfortable in their skin, kind of person who knows who they are, and just like and that doesn't mean they're Tocative or boisterous or take over the spotlight kind of person. It's just as confidence, and confidence is just something you can't describe, but you know it when you see it, the know when you see it, kind of confidence is Built on the sense of just knowing our value, and the value is once again like set upon a trust in who were loved and who were created to be how we're loved and who were created to be, and so the confidence piece is huge.


But I think that, like in today's day and world, like the coaches and mentors and like even even myself, I was tempted to go down this path of just like promoting and instilling confidence, and yet it needs to be dialed back even further into the place of where it originates from. But what comes even after the confidence? That's where we can really begin to reach our dreams, our successes and begin to become productive people who are making a difference in an impact. It springs out of the confidence and so that framing, if you will, that entire like body of the build holds the roof and the roof is like the protection of it all and the like finishing peak of the build, the success achievements, and you can just kind of like finish the whole thing with those wonderful roofers right. And so there we go, we've got this structure of self worth.


This is what I'm calling my little build here, the structure of self worth, and it shows this, this picture of as like, as a mentor, this is what I really want people to know and understand of all of these different components. Now there are ones who are fully developed and kind of like understand their love and their origin and like they have a faith and a trust in it and we don't have to spend so long kind of diving deep into that area and yet we need to talk about, like, the value of you and how to build your confidence and how to reach your dreams and successes. But then there's others that have a little bit like built backwards, where they're currently experiencing all of this outward stuff, but it's built on nothing of strength, nothing of lasting value rooted in love, like founded in that place of unconditional love. And so, then, what they're building, what they're experiencing in all of their doings and all their outward actions and successes feels empty and lifeless without the knowing and being unconditionally loved or a sense of it. And so I like to paint this picture as an illustration and give the challenge for you to like draw this little diagram in your journal and begin to detect the areas of your life that you're like really feeling the that maybe your build went a little shabby in a certain area. You know like, if you've ever experienced a house build, like sometimes you're like, oh my goodness, those drywallers have messed up or, oh my goodness, the foundation crack. I remember a time pouring a foundation when it was like raining and we had to put things on hold. Like there's times that we pushed forward in building in life and we've kind of like let things slip inside a little bit. And we need to take a look at this grounding's footings, foundation framing and roof of our life the grounding's footings, foundation framing and roof of our life and ask ourselves the question like have I done a good build here, and what stage of the build in my ad and what area do I really need to focus on right now? So that's my challenge to you, and this is my summary of quite a bit of what we've talked about in past episodes. And I can tell you this that as you look at the different aspects of your life the grounding's, footings, foundation, framing and roof which is the success and achievements, or, like the outer siding of the house, what everybody sees on the outside I'm going to say this that there's podcast episodes here on the Mary Janelle show that reflect and build out every single one of these aspects, and so I just want to encourage you to get out your journal, dig deep into this, discover your intrinsic value, let your confidence be built on that and let your outward actions shine, reach your fullest goals, but in a way of knowing that you're unconditionally loved and your successes don't measure who you are. Thanks for joining me on this quick recap show today. There's a little teaching time that we've had here.


You can find all of my links below, all of my happenings, everything that I'm up to creatively and in all realms and seasons of my life. You can find that in the links I have a new release of a children's book on Amazon Wait, Darling, Wait. It's adorable, heartfelt, a story of patience and positivity. You'll love it for any kids in your life. I'd love if you share it and leave a review as well. I have a children's YouTube channel called MJ and Missy May. It's in the beginning stages of development very, very, very new, but I'd love subscribers there. Some support there. You can find all of my links and I'm on Instagram at Marijanel. Now, until next time, live whole and creative.

Living Whole and Creative
The Teaching of Self-Worth
A Look Back at Our Confidence Quest
Starting at the Beginning
The Terrain We Build On
The Footings
The Foundation
The Framing
The Roof
Your Success and Achievements
Have you Built Backwards?
Journal Prompt