Marijanel Show

Dare to Believe It: Convincing Creativity

January 15, 2024 Marijanel Knight
Dare to Believe It: Convincing Creativity
Marijanel Show
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Marijanel Show
Dare to Believe It: Convincing Creativity
Jan 15, 2024
Marijanel Knight

Are you adaptable, versatile, resourceful, or open-minded? If so, you're already creative. In this episode, I reveal the accessibility of creativity in your life, beyond traditional artistic expressions. Whether you've showcased resilience in challenging times or embody characteristics like adaptability, your creativity is already at work.

 Join me on a journey to redefine creativity as more than just imagination; it's the force behind your adaptability, versatility, and resourcefulness. By the end of this episode, you'll gain a new perspective on creativity and how it shapes every facet of your existence, potentially transforming your approach to life's challenges. Get ready to embrace the creativity within you.

This episode is a heartfelt reminder of the role creativity plays in achieving wholeheartedness, authenticity, and fulfillment. I share personal anecdotes and insights into how nurturing your creative side can open doors of opportunity and serve as a beacon during challenging times.

 For those looking to leave an inspiring legacy and spark innovation in future generations, tune in to this thought-provoking exploration of creativity's boundless potential in shaping a life rich with expression and joy.

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Show Notes Transcript

Are you adaptable, versatile, resourceful, or open-minded? If so, you're already creative. In this episode, I reveal the accessibility of creativity in your life, beyond traditional artistic expressions. Whether you've showcased resilience in challenging times or embody characteristics like adaptability, your creativity is already at work.

 Join me on a journey to redefine creativity as more than just imagination; it's the force behind your adaptability, versatility, and resourcefulness. By the end of this episode, you'll gain a new perspective on creativity and how it shapes every facet of your existence, potentially transforming your approach to life's challenges. Get ready to embrace the creativity within you.

This episode is a heartfelt reminder of the role creativity plays in achieving wholeheartedness, authenticity, and fulfillment. I share personal anecdotes and insights into how nurturing your creative side can open doors of opportunity and serve as a beacon during challenging times.

 For those looking to leave an inspiring legacy and spark innovation in future generations, tune in to this thought-provoking exploration of creativity's boundless potential in shaping a life rich with expression and joy.

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✷ Music →by Marijanel and Norm Strauss

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I have a question for you. Do you consider yourself to be adaptable, versatile, resourceful, open-minded? Do any of these pertain to you? Have you demonstrated resilience at any time in your life when facing a challenge? If you've said yes, do any of these characteristics? I've got news for you. It means that you're creative. Now hang on. I want you to hear me out, because what I'm about to reveal to you about creativity and its accessibility to you is going to change your life. Today, I have news for you.


Creativity is not limited to artistic expression. It is for everyone, it is accessible to everyone and you have it. You have it already and, in fact, you're already demonstrating it in your life. You say how? Because creativity is imagination in action. It's whatever you imagine and envision coming to life through what you do. So everything you do that you've imagined beforehand, if you've thought about how you're going to style your hair, what you're going to cook for breakfast, the book you're going to read to your kid at night all of these things are your imagination in action, and that is creativity. Creativity is problem solving, analyzing, being able to critically think through a challenge. It's resourcefulness, it's the ability to change, versatility All of these characteristics that I mentioned in the beginning are creativity in action. Okay, so let's just revisit how I've described wholeheartedness in the past. Wholeheartedness is living authentically yourself, in the present moment. It's living the fullness of who you were created to be. It's living in genuine sincerity, growing into wholeness in body, mind and spirit. It is taking one step at a time, growing into the place of being wholehearted. Okay, so if that's the definition of wholehearted, I truly, through and through every core fiber of my being, believe that creativity is intertwined into all of that, just like a system of the human body. So if you think about the systems of the human body, we are made of all these systems I won't name them all Respiratory, digestive, nervous I've recently had an encounter with my muscular system.


I've had a sore shoulder. I've told you about it in the past. It hurts so bad that I could hardly get to sleep and I was going to physio for my shoulder muscles, my rotator cuff, and then it was suggested to me that I would also visit the chiropractor to look at my skeletal system. Now why? Because all the systems are intertwined. By going to Cairo and having my adjustments there, it has actually benefited and really helped heal up my muscle. Why? Because it's all intertwined. And why didn't I think about it sooner, I don't know. I went through about six months of pain and then someone said, hey, have you visited the Cairo? I should have thought of that.


Well, I'm here today to be that person and say hey, have you thought of your creativity lately? Because it is crucial to coming into a place of whole heartedness. Are you feeling unfulfilled, dissatisfied in your life, bored, just needing a change? Look at your creativity as you begin to acknowledge it, give license to it and nurture it so that it comes into a place of thriving, growing, blooming. This creativity has the ability to totally change your life for the better. Okay, I believe it does that through opening doors of opportunity.


In my own life and world, I have seen so many opportunities be made available because I had acknowledged and acted upon my creative visions, my thoughts, my innermost imaginations. And I'm not talking that it has to be in the realm of art. Separate the word creativity from the word art and let creativity be connected to all actions, all imagination that you hope for in your life, even if that's planning your vacation, you're being creative. Okay, so I have seen the doors of opportunity open through creativity in my life, I have seen creativity be a safety net, for in times of trouble, in times of desperation, it's been a place of soft landing and I feel that those doors of opportunity and that place of safety and creativity needs to be offered to our future generation. This is one of the main reasons I'm passionate about demonstrating my creativity to the fullest in my life is because I care about who's coming next. I care about my own children that I've raised, who are now adults, the children that they might have someday, the children that are all around me, the ones that I'm impacting over on my kids YouTube channel, mj and Missy Mae.


It matters to me that I'm number one, demonstrating my talents through creativity, but also inspiring theirs, whatever they may be, because, you see, we're not all going to have mirror images of duplicate, you know, creative journeys. We're going to all have our own self expressions through the mediums of personal preference, through the way that we want to express ourselves in this lifetime. Mine won't be yours, yours won't be mine, but the common thread through it all is creativity and imagination. When you give license to your imagination and you recognize that your actions, whatever actions you take on those dreams, is creative, even if that's where you walk the dog tonight. Okay, I'm trying to simplify this and blow the lid off it at the same time, I hope. I hope I'm doing what I've intended to do today to bring out from what's inside of you to the outside, giving you creative license. Your actions are creative because you're the one who thought of them. The more you dream or plan on your actions, the more creative they become. The more you practice your self expression, the more talented you become. Dig into that a little bit. I'm not going to unpack that one, but we call this imagination, we call this vision. So creativity is your imagination and vision. Come to life and all humanity has that. So you see, it's not set aside for the elite artist, it's accessible to everyone.


I want to level the playing field on creativity. I want the kids that are coming up in the next generation to know creativity is level. There's no higher ranking in being creative. It's what do you want to do with it? It's just like you have a muscular system. What do you want to do with it? Are you going to exercise it? Are you going to go as far as being a competitive bodybuilder or are you just going to be fit. It's up to you and you get to do as you were designed and you feel inclined to do.


I also want to take a moment and recognize all of you who felt like you've been in a bit of a box creatively, where you've thought you know, my career in life that I chose isn't very creative. Maybe you're an analyst or maybe something like in the field of numbers, like an accountant, and you feel like it's not very creative and you're wishing to be at home in your sewing room or something along those lines. I want you to know that what you're doing in the world of strategy is no less creative than any other realm. It's just your mindset of how you approach it, because if you give yourself a license to be creative in whatever action is in front of you in that moment, you're going to breathe life into what you're doing. And so if you're feeling stuck in some kind of really you know spreadsheet driven world, you can have the most creative spreadsheets ever and still and be able to thrive.


I tell myself that whenever I have a left brain kind of day, that kind of day where I have to sit down and get my office work done, and I'm not feeling it because I'd rather be doing something to me funner creating. I'm like no, no, no, this is creative too and I'm going to approach it creatively and let the doors of opportunities swing wide as I create in that space. My journey is your superpower in problem solving. It is honestly like if you were to strip away all of my arts and talents, which I have a lot of them in my life. If any of you have known my journey, I am a multi-form artist. I've experienced many, many very unique opportunities creating in life. But if you were to separate it now, just so you know, it's not separated from me. I am, I feel, whole and fluid in how I've experienced my life. So I don't try to separate.


But if you were to do this dissection and separate, move over here all of Marijanel's art and talent and just take, like the everyday mundane and like the basic things I do, or like maybe the most dull employment I've ever had, and say to me can you still be creative without any of that talent? I would feel 100% yes, I could make the best of my life without any artistic talent. I feel like I have before, but because, if you know any bit about my history, I have run dry, I have burnout. I've had seasons and periods of time where I've had to like set aside the art stuff and be like I gotta take a break and that's healthy, that's healthy, that's good. I mean, I don't think it's healthy that we get to the point of burnout, but if we do, sometimes we just need that break and I've been able to take just that regular you know no talent situation in my life and still feel like I was being the most creative.


We went through a period of time six months where I built a house. I was the general contractor. I wouldn't call that one of my most artistic endeavors that I've done in my life, but it was surely creative. It was so creative organizing that bar chart. I remember the day that I made the big bar chart and I held it up to a lot of the contractors and they were like whoa, that thing's a work of art because, you see, any thing that we're bringing out of our imagination into existence is the work of creativity. If you're solving a crisis in your life right now, if you're facing some huge, shattering challenge that you just don't know what to do about it, I can guarantee you that you're tapping into your creativity as you think it through, as you walk through the event in your life, you are relying on your creativity.


The sad thing is that many of us don't acknowledge our creativity and through not acknowledging it, we're not giving ourselves permission to grow it, to celebrate it, to enjoy it and see it come into its greatest fruition. As I've mentioned, living wholeheartedly is living in the present moment fully and authentically yourself, and to be authentically yourself. We've got to acknowledge creativity as being a part of that, because it's for all of us, it's an open door for all of us, and there is a scripture, a proverb, that says where there is no vision, the people perish. To me that's like where there's no vision or imagination, or maybe we could even stretch it to say creativity where that creativity isn't given any license, the people perish. Because vision and the action that we take on it is our creativity, and so the seed, the seed of creativity, is the vision, and so where there's no vision, the people perish. And so I want to urge you to acknowledge, give license and nurture your creativity.


Take all negative self-talk out of your vocabulary. No more saying things like I don't have a creative bone in my body or, you know I'm not that creative one. No more saying anything like that, but embrace the fact that you're creative. Creativity is a level playing field. The opportunity is there and accessible, not reserved for elite artists. It is for you. Have I convinced you? Have I made you see how important your vision, your imagination, the thoughts and desires of your heart? As the one who created you, gave you a call on your life to be creative, whether that includes artistic talent or not?


All my links are below. You know where to find me here on YouTube. Do all those things that YouTube needs. Hit the bell, the like subscribe. You can find my other playlist that might have some interesting creative content for you to explore. I have another channel, MJ and Missy May, where I release my creativity in the form of children's content. With my hedgehog puppet named Missy May, I've also recently published a children's book. You can find that link to Amazon below Precious, precious, timeless story that you will love to read to the children in your life. Until next time, keep being whole and creative. You are creative.