The Present Teacher Podcast

A Guided Meditation to Start Your Teaching Day Calm and Prepared

Helena Hains Season 1 Episode 108

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Start your morning off with flow and ease with this 14-minute guided meditation for teachers on letting the school day be easy. In this meditation, we will manifest a relaxed and automated day through visualization.

Listen to this video as you get up in the morning, get dressed, or during your teacher prep. Morning meditations and visualizations are a great way to start off your morning with ease and flow.

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I’m Helena, a coach for new and first-year teachers sharing knowledge on how to have a thriving career and personal life.

The Present Teacher Podcast is a resource for classroom management, classroom organization, time management, and teacher wellness. Follow along and learn how to thrive in the classroom and in life.

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Helena Hains:

Hello and welcome to today's guided meditation. My name is Helena and today I'll be guiding you through a guided meditation for teachers. Go ahead and get yourself in a comfortable position, either laying down or sitting up, whatever feels best for you. In order to get started, take a deep breath in, hold at the top and release, and again take a deep breath in and let it go One more time Deep breath in and out and out. Now let your breath return to its natural rhythm. Now, starting at the top of your head, we're going to slowly relax each muscle as we go down Relax your forehead, the muscles in your jaw. Let it hang loosely, if that feels best for you.

Helena Hains:

Down your neck, down to your shoulders your arms down to your hands, going down to your spine, down to your sit bones, down your legs and all the way down to your feet. Let's just take a moment to rest here and feel the contact between you and the earth and feel the support it provides for you, knowing that you are supported right now, that you are driving to your favorite music. And this morning you are full of ease, you are relaxed, with a slight buzz, ready to go, go and excited for the new day. You're parking in the parking lot, grabbing your keys and slowly walking in to your classroom. As you unlock the door, you are immediately welcomed with the warmth. As you step in, the room smells fresh and clean and you start to feel at ease and relaxed, excited for another day with your students. You head over to your desk, your desk is clear and clean.

Helena Hains:

And on your sticky note for today, you only see one thing lesson planning. You are less planning, not for this week or the next week, but three weeks ahead of schedule. You find yourself smiling with a deep sigh, knowing that everything is planned and prepped, ready to go for the next two weeks. The next two weeks. You head over to your light and turn on the lights, plug in your twinkling lights, and you head to your desk and put on some relaxing music as you sip your coffee or your tea. You find the morning easy and still and at peace. You log in to your email and you see your inbox is at zero. Everything else has been done already. You take a moment just to be and relax and to fill into the fillings of everything already being done the papers done, the papers printed, the slides prepped and ready to go. Your small groups planned and prepped. It's all done and now you can just be. You look at the clock and notice your students will be walking in in about two minutes. You slowly stand up, you slowly walk to the door, you prop the door open and stand outside waiting to greet your students as they come in with smiles on their faces. You take this time to breathe in the morning, the ease of the morning, and you let it out. And as your students walk in and greet you with a warm smile, you return it back with a warm smile. You return it back as they come in and work on their morning work, already prepped, ready to go. They're working quietly, with a slight buzz of excitement for today's day. They're all on task, they're excited to be, and you simply stand in the hallway and sip in your coffee, knowing it gets to be this easy. After greeting your students, you provide the lesson for today. The materials are already pulled up, they're printed, ready to go, your paper passers pass out the assignment and the lesson is full of engaging conversation back and forth. You see the light bulb moments hit your students as they learn something new. They're raising their hand, adding to the conversation, supporting one another.

Helena Hains:

While it seems quiet in your classroom, there's a slight buzz of excitement about what they're learning and as you release them to finish their assignments, on their own or with a partner, you sit back and sip your coffee. As they silently move from one thing to another, they start working together on the assignment. You walk around and notice that your students are getting it. They're getting the answers right. When they are not, you simply ask them questions to help get them on the right path. They are being guided to help get them on the right path. They are being guided, supported and loved.

Helena Hains:

You continue your day in this manner of everything being prepped with ease. All you have to do is show up and be and release during your prep. You sit back, sip your coffee or tea and start on lesson plans three weeks from now. You finish them during your prep while you listen to soothing music and you already have the materials for tomorrow ready to go to be printed for tomorrow, so you can prep the materials for that week. As your day comes to a close, you check your email. You see a couple of emails from parents and families asking questions about an assignment or just thanking you for being such an amazing teacher. You respond to the two or three emails with ease. You put them in a label in your inbox and your inbox is at zero. You write your to-do list for tomorrow and all you have to do is prep the materials that you planned out today.

Helena Hains:

You turn off the lights, close off your computer. You leave your teacher bag. It is two minutes past contract time. You lock the door behind you as you leave with a sigh of relief, knowing that today you made an impact. Today you made a difference and it was easier than you slowly walk back to your car. You get in and you head home and as you drive home you reflect on what a perfect day today was of all your students, how much they learned the ahas, how easy it was, how everything was prepped out ready to go, how big of an impact you made, how rewarding this job is. You remind yourself this is my life. It gets to be this easy Teaching, gets to be this easy Teaching gets to be this fun.

Helena Hains:

Now I want to invite you, when you're ready, to slowly bring your awareness back to your body. Want to invite you, when you're ready to slowly bring your awareness back to your body, slowly start wiggling your fingers and your toes, maybe rolling out your neck, and a sigh of relief, thanking yourself for being here, and you slowly open your eyes.

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