That Girl Radio

JanYouary: Promise Is In The Wait

January 18, 2024 Rikki Lee Season 3 Episode 24
JanYouary: Promise Is In The Wait
That Girl Radio
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That Girl Radio
JanYouary: Promise Is In The Wait
Jan 18, 2024 Season 3 Episode 24
Rikki Lee

Have you ever found yourself pacing the floor, waiting for that one email or phone call that could change everything? We're talking about the heavy cloak of anticipation, and let me tell you, it's not just about killing time—it's about enriching every moment with patience and faith. So, sit back and get ready to discover how your mindset in these suspense-filled intervals can be the magic ingredient for the success you crave.

In this heartfelt discussion, we strip away the frustration of the waiting game and replace it with a spirit of resilience. I'll be sharing tales from my own life where faith and a supportive community became my lifeline. We'll explore how embracing the waiting seasons with grace can sculpt us into living testaments of our deepest desires and dreams. It's not just about enduring; it's about thriving in the uncertainty and coming out stronger on the other side. 

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Have you ever found yourself pacing the floor, waiting for that one email or phone call that could change everything? We're talking about the heavy cloak of anticipation, and let me tell you, it's not just about killing time—it's about enriching every moment with patience and faith. So, sit back and get ready to discover how your mindset in these suspense-filled intervals can be the magic ingredient for the success you crave.

In this heartfelt discussion, we strip away the frustration of the waiting game and replace it with a spirit of resilience. I'll be sharing tales from my own life where faith and a supportive community became my lifeline. We'll explore how embracing the waiting seasons with grace can sculpt us into living testaments of our deepest desires and dreams. It's not just about enduring; it's about thriving in the uncertainty and coming out stronger on the other side. 

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Speaker 1:

Hey guys, and welcome back to that Girl Radio. It is your girl here, ricky Lee, also known as that Girl, and for today's episode of January, we are going to be talking about how what you do in the waiting room determines your appointment. I don't want that to go over your head, so let's just go straight into it. We've all been there, okay, you're very anxiously awaiting what the end result is going to look like, metaphorically speaking. You've been in the waiting room of an emergency room check-in. You've been in the waiting room waiting your results from some testing. You've been in the waiting room of your boss's office waiting to hear what they have to say to you. They've summoned you and you're just so afraid. But it is in that very short period that can determine the results ultimately, because how you prepare your mind and your spirit often is what's going to present you life and or death, because you can pray or you can worry. You cannot do both, and so many of us want to be appointed to the next level, right? We want to hear the good news. We want to be the world renowned influencer. We want to be the best-selling author. We want to be constantly booked out as an esthetician or hairstylist, but we screw up by behaving so poorly in the waiting room, or rather the waiting season. God wants you to be the patient servant. He wants you to be a faithful servant and understand and know that is what's for you, cannot miss you and that everything that is happening to you is not necessarily happening to you, but it's happening for you and for your good. And so, no matter what the outcome, you will be okay. And you have to learn that early, because there are going to be numerous occasions when you are going to be sitting in the waiting room and you are going to be awaiting some crazy results and you're like, oh lord, I don't know what's going to happen. I'm so scared, I don't know what's going on. But you have to trust and believe that, no matter what, you will be okay. No matter what, if it's the worst of the worst results, no matter what if you know you don't get what you were exactly looking for, no matter what, you'll be okay. You'll be okay. I know for me.

Speaker 1:

I am in a waiting season right now, playing a waiting game. I don't know if I'm going to grad school. I don't know if I'm going to be working in corporate America. I don't know if I'll be working for myself, but I know that I'm so full of faith that, regardless of what I end up doing, I'm going to be okay In this waiting season and in this waiting room.

Speaker 1:

I am going to have so many people walk out of several doors and tell me no, but at the end of the day, I'm not going to get up and walk out on myself. I can't. I have to sit and be patient and wait for my yes. Wait and be patient and just wait for the good results, because they're coming from somewhere I don't know where, but they're coming from somebody and I just have to wait it out. I have to wait it out because so often in the waiting room we can become such nasty individuals. We can start talking to people crazy like I need to know what's going on. You know I need some answers. That's what we sound like when we're talking to God. We're like God. I need some answers.

Speaker 1:

Alright, I've been sitting in this waiting room for 72 days and you ain't said nothing yet. What's going on? And it's just like he's like hold on now, sister. I'm running some tests. I'm trying to figure out what's for you. I'm weighing the pros and cons of all of these said scenarios and I don't want to give you wrong results. I don't want to give you an anticipation that you know this may be something and we're not sure yet. So give me a second, let me cook. Let me cook, girl, you need to relax and if that's, you Do just what he said. He said relax. Okay, it's gonna be okay. Regardless of what the results, you're gonna be all right.

Speaker 1:

There is nothing wrong with sitting in the waiting room and just being patient, because so many of us have allowed waiting to change our minds. We don't get the results we're looking for, we don't hear anything back. So we think that his silence is a no, and that's not necessarily true. A lot of times, his silence does not mean denial. His silence doesn't mean it's not for you. Sometimes he just wants you to wait. Like, just wait for a second. It might not be for you right now. I'm trying to create the perfect conditions for something like this to thrive and with your current attitude, with your current track record, with your current patterns, I don't think that this is good for you right now. So I'm gonna just, I'm gonna just be quiet. Okay, we're gonna. We're gonna keep it cool for now because you can't handle it, but when it's ready I'll give you the results.

Speaker 1:

The waiting room for a lot of people can get so crazy and you have to keep your cool. You have to remember who you are and who's you are, no matter if the result is good, no matter if the result is bad, you're still his, you're still blessed, you're still favored. And in the waiting season you're gonna get rejections, and it's in how you take the rejections that's going to determine your appointment, because God likes to test us sometimes just to see if we're ready. And if he gives you a little taste of something and you abuse it, well why would he give you the full thing? You're not ready, and so you're gonna be stuck waiting for another season, and so that's why I say what we do in the waiting season determines our appointment.

Speaker 1:

You can't be appointed to the highest judge if you're out here practicing ill morals and you have no ethics. No ethics Like you're just out here, moving crazy. He's not gonna appoint you. He's not gonna appoint you to have a platform to be able to speak to millions of people if, when you speak to just one person, you speak crazy. You have to consult yourself and your attitude and your posture and your spirit in your waiting season, because it's so often when we don't get what we want that we really show our behinds and he's like, oh girl, you're not ready. You are not ready, we're gonna. He's like talking to, he's like he's talking to your angels and he's like, ah girl, she's not ready. She thought she was ready, but she's not ready.

Speaker 1:

I've been there, guys. Why do you think my platform is as small but as large as it is? Because I wasn't ready. I lacked the ability to be truly consistent. I would start and then I would stop, and then I would start and then I would stop. And God has been teaching me that to have this sort of platform is precious. To be able to speak to people and over people is a lot of responsibility and you cannot take it lightly. And so, just as easily as I've given it to you, I will certainly take it away and he's taken it away.

Speaker 1:

I got my whole account hacked and I didn't have it for three months and he had to realign my goals, realign my mind, my spirit, everything, to re-centering him in all that I do. And I had to re-centering him in all that I do. And that is when I didn't have any social media that I birthed that girl radio. It was in my waiting season when I showed him that I had a posture of grace and faith that I was giving given the most beautiful blessing of my entire life. It was in that waiting season when I exercised crazy faith Okay, I'm talking bodybuilder faith. It wasn't no baby faith. Okay, it was strong, big body and he was like, okay, girl, I'm gonna give you that girl radio and look at what it's doing today.

Speaker 1:

Like I got appointed to what I think is the best role in my entire life, which is getting to help thousands of women design their best life on the principles of God and faith and just working hard. You know, like it's so simple. But because I was patient in my weight and I was understanding in my weight and I was willing to pour into myself in my weight, I Sat in that waiting room and I was like a little angel and he was like okay, girl, I think you're ready. But I didn't get what I expected, guys. Like I didn't get what.

Speaker 1:

The results I was waiting on. The results I was waiting on was getting back my Instagram. Ultimately. I was waiting on given, being given hundreds of thousands of followers. I was waiting on being able to say I have a business that has 10 employees at 20. I was waiting on that, but he didn't give me that. He gave me something even greater. And now I get to say that I advise Over because I have 60, over 60,000 downloads. I advise over 60,000 people on how to design their best lives Like. Ultimately, that is the greatest designer I think I've heard of in my lifetime. I Am a life designer. That is the greatest, readest role I've ever been appointed to, and it was because of my posture during my weight that I got this blessing.

Speaker 1:

So I'm imploring all of you to really check your attitude, to check your spirit, to check your faith in your waiting room, because there is an appointment, there is literally a role that God is designing perfectly for you and he's waiting for you To show up in the glory that he planted inside of you. And that takes sometimes stepping away from all that we know. That takes Removing all of the negative self-talk, that takes Reminding yourself that anything that's worth having is worth the weight. It takes all of those things for you to stop being the bad kid that's running around crying, banging on all the doors, waiting for your results, to just sit down and become the well Poised, graceful, faithful woman that you are. Sit there like that girl and wait for your results and they're gonna come. You and sometimes you need your friends to help you in your waiting room, to remind you that it's okay that you're not going to have all the answers today. You might not even have all the answers tomorrow, but you cannot walk out on yourself. There are so many people who have been waiting on results for years or waiting for an answer and they often walk out on themselves and they give up. But you cannot. You can't give up on yourself Because there's something out there for you. You just have to wait. Sometimes we're not ready yet and I thank God that he didn't give me what I have today when I was younger, because I wasn't ready yet. As much as younger me would have liked to say like she was ready for something like that. She wasn't ready.

Speaker 1:

I had some life experiences and some growing pains to grow through to be able to stand here before you guys and speak over this Yeti Nano mic and talk about how I became that girl. I had to go through having weight struggles. I had to go through being bullied. I had to go through being told no coming second, coming third. I had to go through all of those things to become better. How do we become great if everyone that we encounter tells us we're great? We have to be reminded that it takes work to be exceptional. It takes work to be that girl. You don't just become her because you put on some cute clothes and you get this and you get that. It's no, it's a posture, it's a walk, and you have to go through fire sometimes to get on the other side.

Speaker 1:

And so, yes, he's putting you through hell in this waiting room. I know it's hard because you want to know what's happening and what's going to come next, but you have to be patient. Patience is the greatest virtue and some of us are lacking in it in so many regards. And if it was easy, everyone would have it, and I know I struggle with patience a lot. I talk to my friends about my plans after school and I'm like I don't know what's happening next, like I'm a little scared, and they constantly speak over me it's going to be fine, everything's going to work out.

Speaker 1:

And when you think about when you've been in a waiting room and you've been anticipating one of your family members' results, or even your own. It can be very scary, but it's always that one nurse, or it's always that one person or that family member that's in that waiting room with you that brings you back to earth and grounds you and says everything's going to be fine, everything's going to be fine. And even if you have no one else to tell you that everything's going to be fine, tell yourself everything's going to be fine, because I promise you, life didn't end when I was 12 and I was overweight. Life did not end when I was nine and I was bullied. Life did not end last year when people were trying me and I felt my lowest. Life only got better. It got so much better.

Speaker 1:

I feel like I have not peaked, necessarily, but life has gotten exponentially better over the past 17 days of this January sprint that I'm on, because I didn't walk out on myself. I refused to give up and I decided to wait on what God had for me in this waiting room, because I knew it was so much greater than what I had been experiencing and so, no matter what the results, no matter what it was going to say, I knew that it had to be better than what I had right now. He had something better for me. And look at me. Today I stand before you and an embodiment of everything that I once prayed for. So don't give up, don't walk out on yourself, don't walk out of that waiting room. Sit down, relax and await your results.

Speaker 1:

Well, ladies, that concludes today's episode on what you do in the waiting room determines your appointment. I really do hope you enjoyed and if you did, make sure to screenshot and share that you've been listening. And if you're not already following that girl radio on Instagram, make sure to do so. It is the name of our podcast. And if you're not following your lovely host, ricky Lee, make sure to do so. You can find me on Instagram at Ricky Lee dot co, and also on Tiktok at the Ricky Lee. I love you guys and I'll catch you tomorrow.

The Importance of Patience
The Power of Waiting and Believing