That Girl Radio

JanYouary: Being a Favored Girl Ain't Fair

January 19, 2024 Rikki Lee Season 3 Episode 25
JanYouary: Being a Favored Girl Ain't Fair
That Girl Radio
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That Girl Radio
JanYouary: Being a Favored Girl Ain't Fair
Jan 19, 2024 Season 3 Episode 25
Rikki Lee

Ever feel like some people just have all the luck? I'm not just talking about good fortune; I'm talking about living with intention and being able to distinguish between opportunities that are merely attractive and those that are divinely appointed. Get ready to tune into your own frequency of favor and learn how to be poised for when God's call arrives in your life.

This episode is a heartfelt call to amplify your life's blessings through a combination of deep spiritual connection and humility. We'll discuss the transformative power of being a vessel of favor, not just for ourselves but for those around us and our communities at large. Expect to leave this episode with affirmations that will strengthen your sense of favor and encourage you to shine your light as a beacon of positivity. Whether you're in search of personal enlightenment or looking to uplift those around you, this conversation is your invitation to a life where blessings and purpose meet in perfect harmony.

Did you enjoy today's episode? Leave Rikki a voicemail about what you took away to be featured on the next episode.

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Ever feel like some people just have all the luck? I'm not just talking about good fortune; I'm talking about living with intention and being able to distinguish between opportunities that are merely attractive and those that are divinely appointed. Get ready to tune into your own frequency of favor and learn how to be poised for when God's call arrives in your life.

This episode is a heartfelt call to amplify your life's blessings through a combination of deep spiritual connection and humility. We'll discuss the transformative power of being a vessel of favor, not just for ourselves but for those around us and our communities at large. Expect to leave this episode with affirmations that will strengthen your sense of favor and encourage you to shine your light as a beacon of positivity. Whether you're in search of personal enlightenment or looking to uplift those around you, this conversation is your invitation to a life where blessings and purpose meet in perfect harmony.

Did you enjoy today's episode? Leave Rikki a voicemail about what you took away to be featured on the next episode.

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Follow our host Rikki Lee

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Speaker 1:

Hey guys and welcome back to that Girl Radio. It is your lovely host here, ricky Lee, also known as that Girl, and for today's episode of January, we are going to be talking about being a lucky girl, or rather being a favorite girl. As God's girl and that girl, a lot of us walk in such light and spectacularness that we're like a magnet and so many things just kind of come to us easily because we're not trying really hard. It's like we're walking in our purpose, we're walking in our light, and to a lot of people who are spectators it may seem kind of unnatural just how things fall into place. But when you serve a miraculous God and you are a faithful woman and you are walking the straight and narrow path that you know is less traveled, it can be very confusing for people on as to how you've acquired the things that you have, and sometimes it's even confusing for yourself. You're like God. Why are you so good to me? Like? Why am I living in the prayers that I once prayed like? You just never cease to amaze me in how you allow everything to fall right into place just as it should. And please excuse the sounds of my washer and dryer in the background. I am but a girl. I do have to do weekly chores in order to keep my space clear, my mind clear and for the sake of consistency. I definitely needed to get on here on this mic and talk to you guys, and I'm just so happy to be doing laundry at this point and it's okay If it bothers you. I'm so sorry. There's always 30 other episodes that you can listen to without my washing machine going, but for today's episode that's just going to be our little background beat. Alright. So first things first.

Speaker 1:

I feel like a lucky person is someone who just happens to have things fall into place when the odds and statistics and you know life, everything else has shown for that to not necessarily be able to foresee itself. It's like you roll the dice and the odds of you rolling the same thing twice are going to be very slim. But when you serve an amazing God, it doesn't matter what the people say, it doesn't matter what statistics say. You're going to roll that dice and it's going to be the same thing because time and time again, he's going to show up and he's going to fulfill his promises that he has for you, and so many of us who feel unlucky feel like the weight of the world and so many other things are going to determine your fate. But I'm here to tell you that it doesn't.

Speaker 1:

Things flow easily for people who are quote unquote lucky or what I like to call favored, because of the simple fact that they're not just waiting on a whim or you know things to just line up just perfectly, for them to have things happen. They're truly in alignment. I know that doesn't make sense, but I'll get into it a little deeper. So let's say, for instance, I was waiting for the the stars to align for me to be a rapper. This is very far-fetched for me because I have done no sort of like lyrical work. I don't even write rhymes like I don't do anything. So for me to feel like I should be lucky in that area, I should just meet a record producer or someone in A&R from like uh, some record label and them to sign me. Like that's not gonna happen, you know. So when you feel unlucky, perhaps you're looking for luck in places that aren't for you, in spaces that aren't for you. I feel like I started to become a lucky girl when I started to truly align myself to the things that made me me Like I stopped fighting the grain or like trying to go against the current, and I started to just flow with who I am and flow with the gifts that I do have, and I started showing up in that and things just started to naturally flow for me. I started to have more intentional conversations with people who were in the spaces I wanted to occupy, in spaces that I actually was really good, like I was good at this stuff, so it just made sense and as I started to just accept what God has called me for, it was like the calls just kept coming through. You get what I'm saying. It's like once you accept what he has for you and you realize that there is no other life that you get to live in this life but yours, then things will start to fall in place and in a manner that you will really, really appreciate, and now I have a much better discernment for things that are in alignment if the call is from God and if it's not, if it's not a calling from him, I'm not answering. You get what I'm saying.

Speaker 1:

There are a lot of opportunities and things that a lot of people might think are lucky, like you might think that, wow, this is such a great opportunity, I should jump on it, but you have to be able to discern from what's good and what's bad, what's a good idea and what's a God idea. Right, like so many of us are lucky. We are. We have at the at our disposal lots of resources, lots of opportunities. You may be living in an environment where there are tons of parties and events and networking things that could potentially put you in the place that you want to, but don't rely so much on worldly tickets to get you into the space that God called for you.

Speaker 1:

You get what I'm saying Like wait for his call. That that is when you truly are a lucky girl. When you wait for his call and he calls and you're ready and it's right on time. I feel like that's when you are the most lucky girl in the world. There are a lot of fake calls that you may receive over time. There are a lot of you know, deceiving opportunities that that can come your way, or things you might see online or like the way another girl did it that and she looks extremely lucky. You see the way she did it and you're like, oh well, I should do it that way too and be weary, be very weary because you know, everything that glitters is not gold and that's why I say there's a difference between being just a lucky girl and being a favored girl.

Speaker 1:

I mean, anyone can have luck, but not everyone is a believer, not everyone has favor. And I have so much favor over my life because I have conversation with God. You know, I might not go to church every Sunday and be a part of a church community, but I am in relationship with him. I have a very deep relationship with God and I've cultivated it and I put him at the center of literally everything that I do. You guys see it, I'm talking about him on tiktok. I'm talking about him on my instagram. I'm talking about him on on that girl radio. All the time. I talk about him in friends, like in my friendships. I talk about him when I work on group projects. Like you know, I want to start meetings with prayer and end meetings with prayer, like that's just the fabric of my being and that's who I am.

Speaker 1:

So I would be remiss to say that I am where I am by luck or just by chance. It's by God's grace and by his miracles and his favor that he's had over my life. He's had his hand and intervene in such what I think are wonderful ways, because what I thought was supposed to be good, what I thought was the lucky draw, like the number one pick of opportunities for me, god resteered me and he was like hold on now, baby. Let me remind you that rejection is God's protection and while you may feel like you're unlucky right now, just know that that is his favor. He has so much favor over your life and he loves you so much that he won't allow you to indulge in the things of this world and be in certain sections with certain people or popping bottles in this club or hanging out at this hookah lounge. He makes you feel bad. He plants seeds of. You know the extreme hangovers and your body feeling aches and pains and stuff like that, because he's trying to let you know Like this is not the life that I want you to live and if you keep playing with this, you won't have any favor left. Like you'll feel like I'm no longer near you and he's going to be always with you, but he might go radio silent because he gets tired of trying to tell you the same thing.

Speaker 1:

So for those of you who are feeling unlucky right now ask yourself have you talked to God? Have you been avoiding him? Because a lot of times when we stray away from him, we try to avoid him, and that's when we need him the most. That's when we need to get on our hands and knees and we need to pray and we need to say, god, like I need you in the atmosphere, I need you to guide me, I need you to speak to me. Tell me what it is that I need to do so that I am back in alignment, that I'm back walking the straight and narrow path, because right now, I've been in the wilderness. I've been in the wilderness of this world. I've been doing this, indulging in that, and it's taking away from my ability to tap in with you daily and ask yourself like why do I constantly feel unlucky? Why do I feel like nothing in my life is going right? And almost always, the common denominator is either one, your attitude, two, your habits, or three, the lack of relationship with God.

Speaker 1:

I feel like anytime that things have started to go so wrong in my life and things just pile up and they're happening in such terrible ways, it's because I've strayed away from Him and I haven't been in conversation with Him. How else am I supposed to know why he's doing this or why he's taking that away, or why he's removing me from this environment, if I don't speak with him? But once I start speaking with him, everything becomes clear and he's like okay, I removed this person from your life because this is what I need to reveal. I didn't allow you to get this job because I wanted you to actually be put up for this role.

Speaker 1:

You know, like once you start having conversation with him, everything will start to reveal itself and you will be reminded that you are favored, that you are lucky, that it's not just by happenstance that everything around you is happening. It's happening for you, regardless if it's good, regardless if it's bad, because, I realized, not everybody is in a lucky girl season, not everybody's in a favorite girl season. It might be the craziest storms going on in your life, girl, but I'm here to tell you that Everything is going to be okay. He will never Lead you astray, he will never leave you alone. He's always with you and if he's not with you, you're. That girl community is with you, like we're here to uplift you and love on you and remind you of who you are and what you're called to do, even when you forget yourself.

Speaker 1:

And so I Feel like I am the most favorite girl in the world, because anytime where I doubted myself, god always brought Home like three people. It's always around three people that come and they remind me of who I am in the smallest ways. They'll compliment some of my previous work or talk about how someone else has said something about it, or remind me that what I am doing is so much bigger than Ohio State. It's so much bigger than this apartment in Columbus. It's so much bigger than Me being from Cincinnati. It's like there are people in South Africa that are listening. There are people who have met my professors and my mentors out of town and talked about how they know me, and that just reminds me that I have to show up regardless, because that in and of itself is Lucky. That in and of itself is favor. I'm 21.

Speaker 1:

There's no reason why I should be able to reach people on such a large scale, and not just reach them on the surface level, but be able to go so deeply and plant seeds of inspiration and growth and so many women is what I call favor In favor ain't fair, you know, sometimes you can look to your neighbor and see what they have and feel discouraged Because you haven't acquired those things yet. But just think about the prayers that she prayed in her prayer room. Think about the sleepless nights she endured to get to this space, to be able to even handle the blessings that she has today. So stop looking to the left and the right and Start looking forward to what God has for you. You can't look forward to what he has for you and prepare yourself for the blessing If you're so busy, caught up on what your friend just got or what your cousin just got, or what she's doing or what she's not doing. You have to focus on just taking one step closer to what God has for you, and that in and of itself makes you a lucky girl.

Speaker 1:

I Don't see anyone who is extremely lucky or favorite questioning why, why, if anything. I see them saying thank you, thank you so much. I like I'm I don't know how I'm deserving, but like thank you. Things just work out. And Things don't just work out for people because they just work out for people. They work out because they have some prayer warriors in their life. They have some guardian angels. I know I've gained a lot of guardian angels over the course of my college years and I am almost certain they are whispering in God's ear on my behalf, asking him to move mountains for me, because that's just the type of people that they were on earth side so I can only imagine how they are in heaven. And then, when I think about my mother, when I think about my sisters in Christ, when I think about that girl community, like I know, I have so many praying warriors and people who are praying over my life and praying that things fall into place just as they should.

Speaker 1:

And when you have that sort of shield and light over you, darkness cannot reside in any of those spaces for long. It's going to get tired of being out outshined, you know. So you have to just walk in that, walking your light. It's going to rub some people wrong, it's going to be confusing. They're going to question it. They're going to question it so often that it's going to start to make you question it.

Speaker 1:

But you have to remember that your source was never just an institution, it was never just an acceptance, it was never just a yes, it was the approval and the sign off of God, and that trumps what anybody earth side has to say. You might not understand it, you might not like it, I might have leaped over you to get into the position I am today and I'm so sorry, but at the end of the day, favor is not fair. It's not fair. And if you want to be favored too, let's talk about it. Let's talk about how you can grow a relationship with God and he can start to bring all of these things that your heart desires to life. But it's not going to happen overnight. But you have to have an attitude of grace once you do have that favor.

Speaker 1:

I'm not still favored today because I brag and I boast every chance that I get. I'm favored because I'm humble. I'm favored because I'm not a gatekeeper. You know, I'm willing to tell people the secret sauce. And the secret sauce is just talking to him. It really is. It's having a relationship with him and having him at the center of all that you do, and at that point that is truly how you become favored. You become favored because you become an embodiment of what, of what having a christlike relationship can do for you. It makes you favored, it makes you lucky, it makes you loved, it makes you light, it makes you the salt of the earth and the light of this world. I feel like that truly is what favor is.

Speaker 1:

Favor is being able to walk through and walk into a room and the darkest person in there gravitate towards you and walk away with a little bit of light, and walk away feeling lighter, like the burdens of life are uplifted just a little bit more because they experienced you. That's favor. Luck is just oh, you're lucky and you know. Things just so happen to go right for you, but you at no point are willing to extend that luckiness to anyone else. But a favored person is favored and they realize it isn't fair, so they're willing to give a little bit of that favor away. And it just trickles down and it's favor after favor, after favor after favor, and one thing leads to the next and you see a room full of favored individuals and Then you see a city full of favored individuals and then you see a Country and then a world, and I feel like in a dream life that's what it would be like. But so many people are lucky and they've gotten so many good choices after good choices, after good choices and opportunity after opportunity and after ToonDee, and have not been willing to extend that favor and luck to other people. They bottle it up and they and they keep it for themselves. But that girl is a girl that is favored and is willing to do favors for others around her, because she realizes that to be blessed is to be a blessing. And so, before I part ways on today's episode, I want to give to you with some incredible affirmations that you can recite every morning before you go on your way, so that you are reminded of just how favored you are and reminded that you should be a favor to other people, ready when you are.

Speaker 1:

I Am a favored girl. Good things and God things come to me easily and effortlessly. God is always working in my favor and for my good. I Am open to receiving abundance and wealth. I Trust that everything is unfolding perfectly for me. I Am worthy of all the good things and the God things life has to offer to me. Favor is on my side. I Am a magnet for success and happiness. I Attract opportunities that are aligned with my purpose and my goals. My life is filled with abundance and joy. I Am walking on the straight and narrow purpose path. I Am, I am loved, I am light, and I am Not only that girl, but God's girl.

Speaker 1:

Well, that concludes today's episode on being a lucky girl, or rather a favorite girl. I really do hope you guys enjoyed the episode. This was so fun, and if you're not already following that girl radio on Instagram, make sure to do so. It is just the podcast name. You can also follow your lovely host here, ricky Lee, at Ricky Lee dot-co on Instagram, and you can also find me on tiktok at the Ricky Lee. If you haven't already rated the podcast, make sure to do so. It allows us to reach more incredible women like yourself to help them design their dream life. I love you and I will catch you next time.

Alignment and God's Favor
The Power of Favor and Luck