Uncommon Freedom

Just Do It: 3 Simple Steps to Accomplish Great Things

January 04, 2024 Kevin Tinter
Just Do It: 3 Simple Steps to Accomplish Great Things
Uncommon Freedom
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Uncommon Freedom
Just Do It: 3 Simple Steps to Accomplish Great Things
Jan 04, 2024
Kevin Tinter

Ever wondered how to craft a year that's truly extraordinary? We're peeling back the curtain on the importance of goal planning and intentional living that's been a game-changer for us and our community. In today's  discussion, we share the transformative experiences from our "Best Year Ever" workshop and the powerful yearly reflection worksheet that has been a cornerstone in navigating life with purpose. Whether it's the essential guidance from mentors or the inspiration drawn from a community of like-minded individuals, we lay out the steps you need to join us on this journey of growth and purposeful living.

Don't miss the chance to grab our exclusive offer – our lifestyle design workshop recording, now available at a special rate to set you on the path to an extraordinary 2024.

Kids New Year Goal Setting Worksheet

Yearly Reflection Worksheet 

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Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Ever wondered how to craft a year that's truly extraordinary? We're peeling back the curtain on the importance of goal planning and intentional living that's been a game-changer for us and our community. In today's  discussion, we share the transformative experiences from our "Best Year Ever" workshop and the powerful yearly reflection worksheet that has been a cornerstone in navigating life with purpose. Whether it's the essential guidance from mentors or the inspiration drawn from a community of like-minded individuals, we lay out the steps you need to join us on this journey of growth and purposeful living.

Don't miss the chance to grab our exclusive offer – our lifestyle design workshop recording, now available at a special rate to set you on the path to an extraordinary 2024.

Kids New Year Goal Setting Worksheet

Yearly Reflection Worksheet 

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Get my book "The Seven Disciplines of Uncommon Freedom" on Amazon!

Visit bekandkev.com today to sign up for our email newsletter.

Access our Free health assessment HERE

Speaker 1:

Hey friends, welcome to the Uncommon Freedom Show. I'm Kevin.

Speaker 2:

And I'm Becca, and we're your hosts, here to help you reach your potential and maximize your impact in every area that matters. Let's get started.

Speaker 1:

Alright, friends, welcome back to the Uncommon Freedom Show. This is our first podcast of the year 2024.

Speaker 2:

Becca happy new year. Happy new year.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's exciting and we just wrapped up a two-day workshop. We called it our best year ever workshop. It was two days, two hours per day, so a mere four hour investment of time, and what we did is we took people through our yearly reflection worksheet, which is available on our website, and this is a refinement of all of the different goal planning documents and tools that we have used for roughly the last 20, not 20, 12 years. Wow, yeah Not 20, 12 years, yeah, and it's. You know, we've heard about goal planning for years.

Speaker 2:

We call this goal planning on steroids, because it was less about just setting a couple of goals but really about creating the life you want. We call this lifestyle design. We want to live a life of intentionality far from perfection, of course, but intentionality and that takes the time to reflect and then also to embark on the next phase, which is what we spent some time doing.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and this workshop came together rather quickly.

Speaker 2:

Yes, it did.

Speaker 1:

It was probably six weeks ago that the idea came to me. I was actually listening to another podcast and someone shared how they threw together a last minute workshop for their community in their space. Didn't expect much, but had a surprisingly good turnout, and it was really the way that she described. It was like a party, and it's kind of what we had is. We just had this community time with a handful of people. We spent two hours yesterday, two hours today. We had already gone through our yearly reflection worksheet for 23 and 24 and wanted to coach people through it, because we have hired people over the last 12 or 13 years to coach us through things that we needed help with. We know that when you have we still hire people.

Speaker 1:

Yes, we still do, absolutely, and we will until we die, because we learned that having mentors, having coaches, having people that you have some skin in the game with make that financial investment makes a huge difference in the follow through you'll have.

Speaker 2:

Exactly, and you know, the saying is that most people spend more time planning their vacation than planning their life, and we know that we get one precious life to live. And what's been really cool about the last decade plus is that we have been starting to live more and more intentionally, so we've been able to create an impact, more people, I think, and live a more rich, full life as far as the quality of our life, because we've been measuring and intentional with what we're doing. So, again, what we're not talking about is creating a perfect life that doesn't exist. This last year has been a hot mess in many areas, but we were still able to accomplish goals. We still were able to move our health forward, we're still in good relationships and a lot of it comes from the growth that we've done through this process.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and this year I I when I look back on the last probably five years or so actually, since we moved to Arizona, because I feel like our goal setting has kind of gone up a notch or two since we moved here. I was part of a men's group.

Speaker 2:

It's matured, it has, it has.

Speaker 1:

And I can you know, 2023 was a very challenging year in a number of ways. Yeah, Relationally I can honestly look back at the last several years and say that every year has been my best year yet. Yeah, and what we realized is we wanted to share this because this is, this is a discipline that we've embraced. Now it's kind of a muscle that we have exercised, that we're not afraid to flex, and we have calendared.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Goal setting, and we also know that, you know, it wasn't until we were in the right community that this even occurred to us, and so if we could create a community for other people to understand the power of this and to just take them through the process, that, yes, you and I, when we do this, we spend a lot more than four hours right. But you can get a lot done in four hours, two hours per day Start somewhere.

Speaker 1:

Got to start somewhere in that people would be significantly I mean everyone that did this is a hundred percent further than they were, because most people didn't do this, so just have three simple tips.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and I just wanted to say really, um, if you're not surrounding yourself with growth minded people, then it's time to change associations in your community. And really, you know, 15 years ago we had good friendships but we didn't necessarily have a community that was moving us forward. We weren't, uh, into personal development, and not just personal development for the sake of it Like there are personal development junkies that don't actually apply or move the dial forward but really the application process and the enriching your life process and this has come through our coaching community. I mean, it's really the culture of what we do as OptaVIA coaches is, you know, it's a growth mindset, it's learning and getting better in our physical health journey, our mindsets for our health relationally finances, and then we've transferred a lot of that to really our coaching business and then now our family, our friends in our community.

Speaker 2:

So I want to encourage you get involved in a, a business that you can do, that causes you to grow as a person, and that's why we love what we do day in and day out, as we create impact with people and we get better every year, hopefully a little bit every month, and um, and so we just we have this amazing community. We want to make sure that you know you're invited. If you're not a part of the coaching community yet, have a conversation with either someone that you know that is connected to it, or reach out to us. We would love to connect with you about what we do, why we do it, how we would do it and just have an honest conversation about that. Or maybe you need help in your personal health, and that's what we're really good at and we're here for it.

Speaker 1:

So the title of the podcast is just do it, and the point is the way that you get things done is you do sponsored by Nike? Just kidding? No, definitely not. The way that you get things done is you just do them, and a lot of people they overthink things and so want to give three simple tips to help you succeed in 2024.

Speaker 2:

This is good for me to be on this podcast, because I really like to plan, I really like to do things in advance and it makes me very uncomfortable to do things last minute. But again, what's the saying?

Speaker 1:

I don't know, tell me.

Speaker 2:

I think we have it written down. It's something about like a well executed plan. Is that one of the tips?

Speaker 1:

Yes, but I did. We have a lot of saying, so I didn't know what you're talking about.

Speaker 2:

Yes, what I was going to say is you know, someone who likes to prep and plan can end up spending a lot of time on that and not getting the execution piece.

Speaker 1:

So the first tip is do things that scare you. Don't wait until you're ready to do it, and the saying that you're talking about is a good plan violently executed is better than the perfect plan that never gets executed.

Speaker 1:

So, as a prior Marine and former police officer, that the violently execution violent execution aggressive language, yeah, but what we're talking about is just get it done, and so many people, they wait, they wait, they wait and they never execute. And what we've learned is and I talk about this in the book is that it's easier to steer a car that's in movement than one that's stationary.

Speaker 1:

So it's a simple test Go outside right now and try to, you know, turn the power on your car. So you have power, power steering. And if you try to turn the wheels on that car and it's not moving, it's very difficult. But if you get going three miles an hour, it's much easier to turn the wheels, and that's what we're talking about is to just do it, get things into motion. So when I heard this podcast, immediately I was like, wow, this yearly reflection worksheet is an awesome tool that we have. It's not in the hands of enough people.

Speaker 2:

Not enough people are usually shared it before, but we haven't actually, like walked people through the process.

Speaker 1:

But if we could just create the community for people to do this together, it would be much more effective. So we did it and we didn't have enough time to plan it. It wasn't as smooth as we would have liked it to be. Yes, the perfectionists and both of us it was. It was a trial right there.

Speaker 2:

Essentially yes, so it was the first annual, so we hope to do more and we will get better with time.

Speaker 2:

And one thing I wanted to say before you move on is you know I think it was Maxwell who has the quote that when it comes to firing, you know a weapon, so to speak, it's ready aim fire. But a lot of people get that out of order and they just go ready fire, you know. So then they literally aren't doing any planning and they're just spitballing and that can sometimes turn into kind of a catastrophe. But then on the other end of the spectrum are the people that cannot get out of their heads as far as the execution piece and they're just like ready aim, aim, aim, aim, and they never pull the trigger. So we're saying it's better to do a little bit of aiming, even if you have to adjust along the way. What is the saying about musket balls? Do you want to do that?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it comes from Jim Collins good to great or great by choice, maybe both of those books, but he talks about you. Want to test things with a musket ball?

Speaker 2:

which I guess is small, because we don't use musket balls.

Speaker 1:

Exactly, exactly, but the idea is a bullet shot bullet before bomb bullet before essentially so he talks about musket balls versus cannonballs. You kind of you test things out with the musket. Yes and then you can launch the cannonball. You get your trajectory based on firing the musket. So that is a great tip. But if all you do is try to figure out how we're going to launch the cannonball, you're never going to get there.

Speaker 2:

Hey friends, here's a quick reminder that if you're finding value in this show, would you do us a favor and subscribe, Share with someone you think would benefit and give us a five star rating. We make nothing from this show and invest a lot of time and money producing it. All we ask is that you help us get our message to more people.

Speaker 1:

So the second step is to just schedule it and tell people. So when we came up with this idea, we kind of looked at our calendar, said what does this make sense to do?

Speaker 2:

We committed to it before we were ready.

Speaker 1:

We did. We. We publicized this yes, not as much as we would have liked, but we got it out there. We manifested it, yeah, and we told people this is what we're doing. And that was the key step, because we could have said, okay, this is a great idea, we're going to spend all of 2024 getting this planned out and we'll do it in December of 2024 instead of December of 2023. But by putting it on the calendar and getting it scheduled and telling people, it really left us with no choice, because even just a few days ago, we were feeling a little unsure about did we make the right choice?

Speaker 2:

And we knew we had good content. So that's the other thing we knew we could deliver value. One of the things that we care a lot about is showing up with value. If we're going to give, if you're going to give us your time, we want to give you value. Because we both value time highly more than almost more than money or anything else that we value our time and it's a very precious resource. But we knew we had good content. It was just turning that into something that you know was scalable, something that was duplicable, and those are the things we're going to be working out in the future but getting it done, showing up, knowing we could provide value. And people registered. So they were obviously interested and, from the feedback we've gotten so far, they had a really great experience and we look forward to making it better, yeah and then the third step is to get help.

Speaker 1:

You got to hire a coach or someone that can guide you through the process, help hold you accountable. So is, soon as we came up with this idea, we messaged our friend Jordan, who helps us out of story for us. Yep helps us produce this podcast. They helped us write my book and we needed that and this would not have come together without them. So, jordan, ashley and your team, thank you so much.

Speaker 1:

Thank you but as we think about what most people are starting to focus on right now, it today is the 28th, I think, of December. Yeah, this will publish it's 2024, so happy new year. So some people, many people, will be focused on their health. They're gonna have that diet mentality. What we want to do is really help you apply these principles to your health. And so, number one, do thing. Do something that scares you.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so.

Speaker 1:

Do something different, right? It's going to intimidate you, but just make that decision.

Speaker 2:

And if you failed at you know, losing weight quote-unquote, dieting we hate that word, but you know that's part of society and the culture and the way that a lot of Americans show up. If you've tried to lose weight in the past and you have failed, don't quit. It is so worthwhile. And if it scares you to try again, we challenge you. It is so worthwhile. Try again. Use a better program, be more committed, have better accountability, find a better community, whatever that can be for you. We have so many success stories of people who have taken one, two, three tries at it, but they get back up again and when their mindset is ready and they've made a quality decision, they're willing to do the work and then they start to see true freedom and breakthrough in this area.

Speaker 1:

Yep. And the second step is to tell people. So public accountability. Beck and I got the dates on our calendar. We started spreading the word on this.

Speaker 1:

But if you're going to work on your health this year one of the most important things you can do and I know for many people they're hesitant because it's a little bit embarrassing yeah, you don't have to take a bikini before and after or before photo. You don't have to post your toes on the scale, but what I encourage you to not do is to keep your health journey to yourself. That accountability is important. You want people to know that you're making changes, because people will drag you down. They're going to, you know, encourage you to have that drink, to have that junk food, to have that extra serving of whatever that you don't need, and so Getting the word out there, creating that public accountability, is Huge if you're going to get healthy.

Speaker 1:

The people that I see that are most successful are accountable to at least one person every single week, and many Utilize social media to talk about their journey. And you know what the haters? They're not going to support you anyway. So I encourage you, don't worry about them. Yeah, find the people that will support you. And then number three is to get help hire a coach, a health coach, a trainer, someone that will help hold you accountable, that can guide you through the process. And once again, the skin in the game is essential.

Speaker 1:

Right, we have I mean there's just so many different times in the course of our life where we wanted to improve in any area.

Speaker 2:

We hire someone that can help us and it's a game changer right game changer, and that's really what we've been able to do for the last 13 years. We've built you, we've built the opportunity to reach out and assist people who are looking for help. Our doors are open. Our business is open. We would be honored. We're only working with people that are really motivated and passionate about changing their health habits or building a business around health.

Speaker 2:

But, man, because we're good at what we do and when someone's ready, we have a system already set up we would be so honored to come alongside you, and so we hope that you'll take that opportunity to move that step forward and just decide that just doing it this year is the right time and make this the last time you go on a weight loss journey and make it about health creation. Moving forward which is another part of what we're really passionate about is not repeating the same behavior cycles, whether it's in your finances, your relationships, your marriage, your parenting or your health, but really continuing to progress forward Even when you have setbacks. Just continuing to progress forward and reset the dials so that we can always grow and improve from month to month and year to year.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and by the time that this podcast is published, you'll be able to get access to the recording of our workshop for only $19. That is dirt cheap. It's a ton of value.

Speaker 2:

Introductory offer, first year since we're working out a lot of the kinks.

Speaker 1:

we wanted to make it really affordable, since that's $5 an hour to design what you want your 2024 to look like instead of just really accepting what you've done every other year, If you've already mastered this awesome you know.

Speaker 2:

Share, Send us some tips?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, whatever's working well for you Post below, but we know that, statistically, very few people plan their life the way that we're talking about and we think that this is the recording will literally take you through the questions in this worksheet and you'll fill it out. We give you time to fill it out while we're talking.

Speaker 2:

It's a guided process.

Speaker 1:

It's a guided process, kind of like guided meditation type of thing, but this is a guided lifestyle design process and we'll coach you through kind of what to do after the fact. So, happy new year. We came in at well under 20 minutes for our first podcast of the year. Yes, but, our goal was to just really encourage you and inspire you that 2024 can be your best year ever, in spite of the looming political crap that's going to happen in the new year, yes, and the nonstop arguing.

Speaker 2:

I'm not looking forward to the world is messy and we can't control all of that, but we do have certain things in our control and it's how we respond to it. And that's really about why we're creating the life that we want, because our life isn't about creating a space with no chaos. It's about navigating the chaos with good habits, good relationships, good tools, good resources, and when we get our physical bodies in line and then our mindsets in line, it's amazing. We've had a very stressful last quarter of the year Both exciting stuff like our Valoranule and your book launch and really hard parenting stuff, and our emotions have been all over the place.

Speaker 2:

I actually went to the doctor yesterday and go to a naturopath and had a bunch of blood work done. I had my blood work done right in the middle of this crazy season and most of my numbers were really good and she's like, wow, now, if I continued living in that crazy cycle for long, I would probably see some more challenges. But because of the life we've created, the habits we have, the way we currently care for our bodies, my body was really resilient during that time Actually, both of ours. We didn't end up terribly sick. We didn't end up going off the deep end, even though we were walking through some really hard things, and so we want to help you create that kind of bulletproof marriage and a lifestyle that you can really thrive. Even when things are hard, you can still thrive in them and not just be in survival mode all the time.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and we talk about being the dominant force of your life, and that is the purpose of this workshop. It's the purpose of the worksheet. So we will put the link to getting the worksheet in the podcast notes and we will also put the link to sign up for the recording in the podcast notes. So if you want to do the worksheet without the guided process, you can do that. It's a free resource.

Speaker 2:

You're going to miss a lot of tips and even the strategy of not just we don't just fill this out and stick it in the file drawer. We have a process we go through all throughout the year to actually co-create together and really to enhance the value of what we write down. Because how many of us have written down things over and over again, only to set it aside and find it again nine months later and realize, man, I didn't really move the dial forward and now I'm out of time and so we have a process for that. That's really what you're paying for, that value for, as well as the accountability of just if you're doing it with someone else at the same time. It helps you actually go through it and not also just down, like how many of us have downloaded things and then set them aside and actually never filled them out.

Speaker 1:

So awesome. All right, friends. Thank you for joining us again. We're looking forward to an exciting year of podcasting to offer you tons of value to help you reach your potential, maximize your impact, make the world a better place, and we will see you soon. Happy New Year. Thanks for listening to the Uncommon Freedom show. We believe freedom isn't man's invention. It was created by God. If you are enjoying the show, please give us a five star review on the platform we're listening to us on, then subscribe and share with friends and family that you think will enjoy the show. You can connect with us at beckandkevcom for more resources to learn biblical principles, essential disciplines and the winning habits that help, once average people, lead the life they want instead of accepting the life they were given.

Goal Planning and Intentional Living
Tips for Successful Execution and Accountability
Creating Your Best Year Ever
Uncommon Freedom Show Promotes Biblical Principles