Theskool Podcast

Od nuly k 10 000 € mesačne: Časté chyby a tajomstvá úspechu

Petra Boteková

V tejto epizóde sa s tebou podelím o svoje osobné skúsenosti a rady, ako som vybudovala úspešný online biznis od úplných začiatkov až po stabilný mesačný príjem 10 000 €. 

Budeme sa venovať bežným chybám, ktorým sa treba vyhnúť, a odhalím tajomstvá úspechu, ktoré ti môžu pomôcť na tvojej podnikateľskej ceste. Či už ste začínajúci podnikateľ alebo skúsený profesionál, tento podcast ti poskytne hodnotné informácie a inšpiráciu, ktorú môžeš ihneď aplikovať do svojho podnikania.

Tu je čo sa dozvieš v tejto epizóde:

  • Zisti, prečo počet sledovateľov neznamená automaticky zisk.
  • Nauč sa, ako správne osloviť tvoju cieľovú skupinu (nie len) na Instagrame.
  • Prečo potrebuješ pevné základy skôr, než začneš automatizovať svoj biznis.

NOVINKA: Prihlás sa do Biznis Magnetu
Viac info tu:

Speaker 1:

I will not sing, even though I went to school at the primary school but I don't know if I consider myself a good singer, so I won't test it in this podcast. Anyway, this is the topic of today's podcast. I am very happy about it. There is so much I want to tell you and before I start, I have an amazing news. If I had such drums, that would be great. So we opened the door to the new business magnet course.

Speaker 1:

Business magnet, ah, business magnet. I would know how to sing songs about it. Why? Because Business Magnet was created as a course for businesswomen in services and coaches who want to create regular 5-10 thousand euros a month. And to do that, of course, you need a proper strategy goal, know who you are talking, to write good texts Likewise these texts and psychology marketing texts and use your content in psychology, marketing or psychology and in this way, automatically get clients from the network, especially from Instagram, because Instagram is a platform where I mainly create.

Speaker 1:

I want to introduce you to this whole system. Why? Mainly because in the last few years, I have collaborated with over 300 clients, coaches from various areas, and I noticed the most frequent mistakes I make and, at the same time, these are mistakes I made myself. I told myself, hmm, so we should sort it out somehow, and we will be talking about those mistakes today. And, if you find it, if these are exactly the things that may not work in your business, which you need to tune out, and, mainly, if you know that you want to build a stable income and get automated clients from Instagram, then this is for you, and I will put all the information in the description. Let's get to it. So the first common mistake and I'll start with the story right away we learn the best from the story and that's the fact that I'm and also many of my clients. We focus and I have focused on virality versus what really generates the return.

Speaker 1:

What do I want to say? You have definitely heard that followers are not automatically money, and I learned it on myself, in my own mistakes. A person learns to cheat. A cheat is only stupid when he learns on his own mistakes, and I learned it in my own mistakes. You learn to be a fool only when you learn to be stupid in your own mistakes. I have learned to be stupid in my own mistakes. Of course, everyone can take some of this from their lesson, but it's great that I can tell you this because you can avoid it.

Speaker 1:

And that's when I started creating. I thought that how I would build a successful business I already knew that I wanted to do business and to find clients was by creating content on the network, and so I would focus on some topics that I like and I would start talking about it, I would start sharing it on the networks, and clients would be happy, they would send me money, I would be happy, I would give them a job, happy ending, and so on. So I startedť na YouTube, začala som tvoriť videa každý týždeň. Som vytvorila jedno video, a věř si predstavit koliko časom mi to zabralo keď som každý týždeň tvorila jedno YouTube video script. Seo, optimization, such a mood picture, which is very important, of course, as such recording, not to mention about those preparations for each recording of the video. That means whether it is already techniques or perfect makeup, or we can't see people imperfectly. So it was simple. I spent hours and hours a week every week. Well, fortunately, I enjoyed it, otherwise I would have coughed at it. But what was very frustrating was at the beginning, of course, I didn't see any results at all, because I didn't know what I was doing Until gradually. When I started to learn how YouTube works and I improved a little in the video creation, I started to see results. And that was mainly when I started to answer questions that were coming to me, even though there weren't many of them yet. But as soon as I started to get some first followers and some reactions, comments I started to focus mainly on answering these questions. I created a content that was answering these questions and here, as it gradually progressed that means about a year later it seemed to me when I look back, I have a feeling that it happened overnight. And it wasn't overnight, but simply I had 10,000 subscribers, I had more than a million views, a few videos were released. It became viral.

Speaker 1:

Zrazu. Som mala 10 tisíc odberatilov, mala som vyše miliona videní. Nekoliko videí vystrelilo, stalo sa virálnymi. Takže bol na paráda. Takže som pokračovala, tvorila, som tvorila, som tvorila. Som A stála.

Speaker 1:

Jsem čekáva že kedy príde ten zlom, že vlastně začnem predávať, ľudia si budou koupať moje produkty. Už jsem mala I nejaký magnet darma. Jsem viedla ľudí do mojej databáze aj jsem hovorila o tom že vlastně nejaké služby ponukáme. Atď no, a nič. Aj keď se někdo náhodou ozval, it was not clear that they would think about it and they would not answer to anyone. Well, and so I was shocked by it that, okay, that's strange. Good, I worked on it for a very long time, I called it a lot of effort and I took a few lessons from it.

Speaker 1:

First of all, the whole thing I created was unbearable. Why? Because I created it by the fact that if I wanted to support the growth of this network in this case it was YouTube I started to answer what people asked me, but what was the problem? It wasn't the topic I wanted to focus on. That means I was talking about how to facilitate the connection to Austria, especially for people like me who came to the abroad, lived abroad. I lived in China, in Germany, I was travelling.

Speaker 1:

I experienced it several times that I was moving to a new country and I needed to create a new life in that country, and I talked about it and that was my topic. That I really enjoyed. But the algorithm works, of course, so that he wants to lock you up and you want to go to one box. So I noticed that the best video works when we talk about some specific country, whether I started talking about Austria or I connected it with the fact that they started creating our application, which was supposed to simplify the connection to the border, specifically to Austria and then to other countries, and I started to ask questions like well, how should I get a visa, or how should I find a job in Austria? And those were all legitimate questions I was talking about in Austria, and those were all legitimate questions because they were absolutely not my topics.

Speaker 1:

And despite that, I started making these videos and, of course, the more I made them, the more people wrote to me that they want more topics. And I started to turn around that and, as they say, you can't create content for yourself but for others. So I did it and in the end, I found myself in a blind alley where I created content that didn't make me happy, which didn't express the goal with which I actually wanted to cooperate, and so on and so on, and that was a big learning for me. I could do a few things. I could, at that moment, either say, okay, I'll create a product for these people, which would not be sustainable because I did not like the topic, or I could start creating another content, but the algorithm would not like it.

Speaker 1:

So I was in a blind alley and it was very frustrating, and I want to tell you that there is such a thin line between creating content, but creating content in a way that you can do it sustainably, and that's what I want to help you with in business course. That means we won't just deal with how you should create content that will be viral and that will become viral. I'll fix it for you If you become viral. That would be great, but the main thing would be that the content would be just a part or a tool in your whole package, of your business strategy, which is around you. That means around how you want to, of your business strategy, which is it revolves around you. That means around how you want to create your business and that it serves you, so that you are not a child of social media but, on the contrary, so that those social networks, and specifically Instagram, serve you. That is very important and that leads me to other things.

Speaker 1:

I have many times and many times I get the question well, what are the current trends and what should I do? What kind of videos should I create? And I will tell you that in the last years, because I had more projects, I created various videos. I was looking for my authentic style. And even now it happened to me that I had to audit my profile and I got a feedback that I should create such and such videos, and that was exactly what. I know very well that these are videos that again don't serve me. Why? Because sometimes that's another mistake.

Speaker 1:

Sometimes I created an educational content, mě neslúžia Prečo? Pretože kedysi to je ďalšia chyba kedysi jsem tvorila edukativní obsah A to ti presne poví alebo odporučí každý človek ktorý ano má skúsenosti so sieťami vie, ako byť vidět na sieťach, ale mož client and build a business that has some sustainable income, regular income, and that can last a long time. Because, yes, it's beautiful to create content that educates, but independent educational content doesn't sell. The fact that someone thinks that I'm going to give out information and those people automatically go to me and write to me that, jesus Peti, that's great that you just sent it, I need it, and here you have 500 euros, let's work together. So it doesn't work because, simply, that educational content is only educational content. People like to hear it. They say, oh great, thank you. They give you a like, they write to you Jesus povedia si a super ďakujem. Dajú ti lajčík. Napíšu ti ježiš, to je také super. Ja ťa tak ráda sledujem, ale nenakupia, nenakupia, hlavně pokiaľ nebudu vědět že vůbec niečo predáváš. To znamen orientated in such a way to build authority and to use psychological triggers, triggers like triggers that people need to hear so that they start to perceive you as someone they want to learn from.

Speaker 1:

I know that most of you who listen to me are probably coaches, or simply you help other people and you want to be in their eyes so that they buy from you. Yes or no? I got it wrong. I'm just saying that many of you do, and that's exactly what it's about. Just because you will share an educational content, you will not have more clients. Maybe someone will return it to me, I don't know, but that's exactly what I built my whole strategy on, and there was a stage when I thought about it. So I started to offer, for example, career coaching, and I said, well, at least I delegate it in some way. At the end of the day, it's not what I sell. And now I'll tell you what I sell. What I sell are results.

Speaker 1:

So, especially today, when I can put a lot of money into GPT and ask for it, the information is not interesting at all. It's fine. I sometimes watch some interesting videos. When someone shares some interesting tools, some new videos and these types of hacks, small agreements, right, small. Where are you? If you were to build a business, what would it be?

Speaker 1:

I don't know content that gives information. If I create it, I can buy it on Chibity, but if someone buys something from me, they buy it from me because it believes me that if I trust my hands, that I save him time, money and help him achieve a specific goal. So, for example, or he can achieve a specific goal. So let's take an example.

Speaker 1:

If, for example, I don't know someone copies my course and at least it was like that people try to copy my things and I want to say that if you hear it, good luck, because it all has to be authentic. It's something you can really give authentically and you know what to teach people and, at the same time, you know what you're talking about. You know how to help the other person reach the result. Or you just repeat what someone else said, or you saw something and it's not your topic and you're just trying to do it because you think you are more successful. That is the biggest thing you can do. So, even if someone copies it, at the end of the day, what my course sells for example, the automatic are its results. That means that when you see that not only me but also my clients achieve huge results, whether it is already six-fair turns and it is only from one course, fully automated, without having to be constantly on the networks and so on In the case of more advanced entrepreneurs. But these are the results we have achieved and on which we have a system and therefore we know that if we follow this system and connect it with a good product, it will work.

Speaker 1:

It's not about getting information. I don't think it's about buying full information. It's about buying full transformation, full change that they want, they see in their lives and they want to learn from someone who has already done it, achieved it and is also able to replicate this statement with other people. So that's what it's about. Therefore, it is very important to create content that, as I said, will be authoritative.

Speaker 1:

There is a lot of work to do and that's exactly what I want to focus on in Business Magnet, also, because it's a very long and very important topic and you really have understand the marketing psychology and the psychology of the brand to understand what is going on. For some people it's only a lot, but it's not much to enjoy Because they are professionals who have 100,000 followers. But, for example, I have a 6-star business. Thank you for having a 6-star business, because they are people who are my target group, who want to work with me, and I don't need to have 10,000 to have a beautiful, sustainable business that generates 10,000 plus turnover. So it is very important.

Speaker 1:

Okay, now the thoughts have passed to another topic, so I don't know if I forgot to say something, but maybe it still bothers me. But let's go on. That means that what I want to say further is many people want to automate. They say, oh my God, I don't want to create a website, I don't want to write an email, I don't want this and that I have so much of it. I have children and I just want to automate everything. But they are very much ahead of you because you can't automate something that doesn't work or because you will use an overrun functional strategy. It doesn't mean that you will take it both ways. The main thing is that at the beginning of the business, you need to have a base, an overrun product that is being sold, and then you can automate it.

Speaker 1:

And where I see it the most that it is the core is messaging. That means your communication, how you communicate, how you manage your product, what is your content, what you have on the sales page, how you write emails, etc. All of this is very, very important and, at the same time, whether there is a connection between your content and your products. That's a big mistake I noticed that my clients make. For example, they create content that talks about something and then they have a product that doesn't refer to it. That means that many times, even when you have a good product I've seen it many times that you have a good product that could be sold and everything is fine. But, for example, when you serve your client whether it's for free, in an ad or on the web you are talking to a client who potentially does not buy buy the product because there is no good reputation.

Speaker 1:

Let's take an example. Now we are talking about a girl with a client. She tried to Katia. I don't know if I'm doing this. I'm taking the anonymous part, but I think it will help a lot of because it is a beautiful example. It is completely normal.

Speaker 1:

For example, she wants to help people to be healthy because it doesn't only have the benefit of being thin, but simply that I am healthy, I have more energy, I feel good. Therefore, of course, the whole family feels better, and so on and so on. She just didn't want to focus solely on being thin, but then actually at her sales, at her webinar, she talked about being thin, and when I asked her where she got that idea from, she said that in her webinars she talks about weight loss and then she talks about building habits, because those are the ways that Katka sees that it is possible to maintain the weight and at the same time, we have to keep on exercising for a long time, so we develop some habits and it helps with that. Then Katka fixed it, changed the presentation, started talking about healthy habits, and I was very happy. I was not happy, but I believe it was very beneficial for her. I said okay, katia, but I realize that health care is just a tool for the specific goal that the client wants to achieve, and that's a big disappointment, in my opinion. And I asked okay, katia, if you're you want to attract clients, what will you do? What is their plan? And she said well, 99% of them will lose. And I said, uh-huh, and now imagine that you are actually hosting those clients and you are talking about the tools.

Speaker 1:

I have heard this example and I think it is a great example for understanding this topic. So when I do a promo for a drill, I will not talk about what a drill is great, that it is yellow and sexy and how it performs, but about being able to do it myself and how it is effective, but also that I can make my own life. I can hang a picture or anything. I can just throw a hole in the wall and thanks to that, I can destroy my life. That's the transformation I want. I want to be at home and I need to put a mirror in the wall, and that's what the drill is for. But the drill is just a tool, and the health food is also just a tool for that.

Speaker 1:

It's interesting that we are on our own path, because we have a feeling that we want to talk about a topic and show people what really works. The problem is that people listen to what they solve and when they start talking about health issues, I want to get rid of it. How can I get rid of it? The only way out is to talk about the attitude towards a specific goal. We need to tell people what they want to hear and give them what they need. So I will tell them about relationships, for example.

Speaker 1:

When I want to find a partner, I have to work on myself. Maybe I have a vision of a relationship, or I have a relationship, I have a trauma, or I make a mistake, or they don't have self-confidence, and then people just ignore it. It's simply a process of working on yourself, but of course, that's not what the person wants to hear in the phase when they're looking for their partner. What they want to hear is okay, what should I write down in case someone has a ghost? Or how should I address the topic whether we go together or not? These are the topics that the person is currently dealing with and I will address him where he is. But then, for example, further in the customer's path, that look, you can know exactly how to write, but if you don't work alone, you won't attract a partner who you could have if you worked with me.

Speaker 1:

So again, this is an example of who I am talking to and who is my ideal client. So this is another topic and one of the reasons why I created this course, because I saw that it is a big stone in the way, and if this doesn't fit, if it doesn't connect to itself, then I won't continue to sell. I can't communicate with my ideal client. I don't know who is my ideal client and my communication doesn't connect to my product, because the product is about something else, but I communicate it in a way that it is about something else, or at least I communicate it that way. So that's a big stone in the way I see it. Okay. So I think I've been talking about this for 24 minutes now. I swear Okay. So I think those were three big things Virality versus money, virality versus the opposite, then the communication healing and what it actually sells. So I left the business market as I left it to cover all the important topics, and I was left as a system that you can apply step by step to your business and create the basis for a stable business.

Speaker 1:

Your company, 5-6 thousand euros per month, and then suddenly we will learn how to create a funnel, which means that it is great to set up a specific automation, but when you start creating automation, you want to build on the right basis, on the basis that you have the basics. It's like when you build, build a house and you don't have proper basics, you know how long the house will last. But when you have good basics, you can gradually build, build, build. You can eventually I don't know if you can eventually it on the real world, but I know what they can do. So, yes, we will learn how to handle simple automation and then automatically discover clients on Instagram and then they go to our panel and sell them, but already on the right base and therefore it is completely different.

Speaker 1:

Now you may ask yourself what is the difference between this and online automation? First of all, if you are an online automation, if you are a current one, if you feel that you don't have these topics completely covered that is, the whole messaging, sales, communication, simply content creation which really speaks to the ideal client builds, authority, etc. If you feel that you are not really caught, jump on it. There are already online automation clients there, right? So it's not the same. There are two courses and everyone has a different intention. Also, online automation is already specific to creating online courses. For example, when you are in the phase of expertise, you have clients and you want to transfer it to the course and then automatically sell this course, then online automation, because it is a business magnet For those of you who are not in one course yet. This is an ideal basis for the position of the exit and then start creating courses when I have everything set up so that I can start creating the course with a clear mind that I know who I am going to create it for, for whom I am going to create it. I know that people want it, that they understand the topic, etc. So it is an ideal situation for me to start creating courses. So I think it makes sense.

Speaker 1:

If you have any questions, please write to me, send me a message or email me. I have Instagram. You can find me there. Yes, I know that Alex Hormozima is now a community school. What should I do? I have to say that Alex Hormozima is copying me. Of course, I don't have a security card for that, so I won't say anything. I might have to rename it sometime, but anyway, the email is infosk, so write it down, record a voice message and on this Monday at midnight a bonus is paid. An actual bonus is we create 10 ideas for your business. And no, we won't throw it into chat GPT and not just send you something, but first, you fill out a questionnaire where you tell us exactly what you are dedicated to, who inspires you, and so on and so on. You send us your profile currently, if you already have it, and we recommend you specific ideas which will not be just like either I'll go to GPC or I'll go to TikTok and I'll open TikTok, and now I'll give you one hashtag and, based on that, I recommend you a video, which most people do when they recommend it. But we'll will look at what products you offer and we will suggest you a mix of videos that build authority, that educate, or we will look at your style, and that is another thing.

Speaker 1:

What is your style? You may notice when you follow me on Instagram that I try to make the topic as easy as possible and make it as fun as possible, and that's what I like. And then I have a problem. On the contrary, I'm happy when I record a video with Miška, because that's absolutely the highlight of my week. That's what I like the most, because it's fun, because I don't have to force myself into it.

Speaker 1:

It's not something like I have to sit in front of the camera and talk about something, but it's really natural. It's of course. It has a head and a butt. For me, it takes a lot of time to prepare what should be there, to make it functional, to sell it, but the shooting itself is great because I got it. I simply know that I'm authentic in the fact that it is my style. So that is definitely a thing, that when you let us know that someone inspires you and so on, so we can look at what type of videos would be nice to make. Okay, so that would be all from my side. I have already been talking for half an hour, so I hope you are beautiful. Give me some feedback and let me know what you are currently dealing with if you are not sure. Thank you.