Studying Success

Ben Lerer, Managing Partner at Lerer Hippeau, Former Founder at Thrillist, Former CEO at Group Nine Media

Will Burkhart Episode 23

Today we are joined by Ben Lerer who is a Managing Partner at Lerer Hippeau, an early stage investment fund that targets New York based businesses and that has invested in the seed rounds of companies like Casper, Venmo, and Warby Parker. Before Lerer Hippeau, Ben was a founder at Thrillist Media Group which provides city guides to nightlife and restaurants in cities like New York and LA. Thrillist later acquired media businesses such as Now This and the Dodo to form the holding company Group Nine Media where Ben was the CEO. Group Nine Media was acquired by Vox in 2022. In this episode we discuss how Ben built Thrillist, what it was like to run Group Nine Media, and how Ben meets great entrepreneurs. Stick around to the end to hear Ben’s stories about his close friend, Gary Vaynerchuk. 

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