World-Class Consumer & Retail Brands: What right do we have as a brand to be in that business? (Episode #15)
How I Made it in Marketing
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How I Made it in Marketing
World-Class Consumer & Retail Brands: What right do we have as a brand to be in that business? (Episode #15)
May 02, 2022 Season 1 Episode 15
Daniel Burstein

Replace the claim with the reason” – that lesson comes courtesy of Website Wireframes: See real webpages optimized for marketing conversion (

 It’s far easier to make empty claims than provide true reasons for customers to buy. Especially if you’re a copywriter, designer, or junior-level brand marketer who doesn’t know a compelling reason the customer should buy.

But customers are far more likely to act if you provide them compelling reasons instead of empty claims.

So, our latest podcast discussion did my heart some good, as Derek Detenber, Chief Marketing & Merchandising Officer, Batteries Plus (, discussed specific stories of how he helped shape brand positioning and define the purpose of a business – leadership that can help the marketing team and supporting agencies clearly communicate a reason for customers to buy.

You can listen using the embedded player below or click through to your preferred audio streaming service.  

 First, a little background… Batteries Plus is a consumer electronic retailer with more than 700 locations.

Stories (with lessons) about what he made in marketing

Some lessons from Detenber that emerged in our discussion:

  • A quality product isn’t enough, you need to craft experiences.
  • Understand the economics of the business.
  • Don’t just focus on your direct competitors.
  •  Sweat the details.
  •  Be strategically consistent and tactically agile
  • Understand the purpose of the business.
  • Leadership requires talent and passion.

Related content mentioned in this episode

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About this podcast

This podcast is not about marketing – it is about the marketer. It draws its inspiration from the Flint McGlaughlin quote, “The key to transformative marketing is a transformed marketer” from the Become a Marketer-Philosopher: Create and optimize high-converting webpages free digital marketing course (

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