Marketing Operations: Process is the foundation for success (episode #58)
How I Made it in Marketing
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How I Made it in Marketing
Marketing Operations: Process is the foundation for success (episode #58)
May 08, 2023 Season 1 Episode 58
Shruti Joshi

How I Made It In Marketing is underwritten by MECLABS Institute, parent organization of MarketingSherpa. To learn how MECLABS Services can help you get better business results from deeper customer understanding, visit

Marketing is such a tricky endeavor.

On the one hand, success is predicated on creativity. Think of some of the most memorable and effective marketing campaigns through history, it took creative brains to pull them off.

But creativity without execution never sees the light of day. And history is littered with great creatives who were never able to get it done.

Which is why a lesson from our next guest is so valuable no matter what role you have in marketing – “process is the foundation for success.”

Not flashy or glamorous, but certainly essential.

I talked to Shruti Joshi, COO, Facet (, on the How I Made It In Marketing podcast to hear the story behind that lesson, along with many more lesson-filled stories.

Facet raised $165M+, led by VC firms like Warburg Pincus and Durable Capital.  Joshi oversees the sales, marketing, planning and member experience organizations, a total team of 180. 

Stories (with lessons) about what she made in marketing

Some lessons that emerged in our discussion:

  • Process is the foundation for success.
  • Data is the decider.
  • Authenticity matters.
  • There’s no substitute for mastery and grit.
  • To get an entire organization to follow a concept and execute as intended, the concept(s) must be simple.
  • There will never be a good time to do this, just get it done.
  • Create a meaningful people-first culture.
  • Bring vulnerability and emotion into the workplace.

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