The EXTRA Club
We all want to contribute to something greater than just us, something unique, something EXTRAordinary, something that makes the difference by our involvement.No one was born to be average or ordinary...No one was born not to succeed…You were born to be EXTRAordinary, to make THE difference.We all have a true purpose that inspires us; we all have a reason that drives us.This is the opportunity for you to be on that journey to being the Influencer and agent of change that you were born to be.We will help you find your EXTRA that will make you EXTRAordinary by exploring what holds you back and how to overcome those challenges.Each episode we will give you hints, tips, tools and strategies to find that EXTRA in life that you have been looking for.
The EXTRA Club
Episode 25 - When you've lost your way in Life
Mark and Nicky
Episode 25- When you've lost your way in Life
We often think that we are the only ones who lose our way in life, get stuck and don't know how to get back on track.
In this episode we discuss the reasons that this happens and tell you what you can do to either avoid this happening or get yourself back on track.
Curious to find out more, listen now!
If you would like to find out more about NLP and how it can improve your life or if you are interested in being trained or coached by Mark and Nicky just head over to our website and send us a message. Speak soon!