Web3 Warriors

Web3 Warriors Episode 108: Hakim Draper, CEO of Artist Intelligence Labs, discussing web3 music, gaming and culture

D. A. Koroma Season 5 Episode 108

In episode 108 of Web3 Warriors, Krome reconnects with Hakim Draper, CEO of Artist Intelligence Labs, Managing Partner of Link Media Partners and Chief Strategy Officer for DataToLeads, to discuss his views on the future of web3 music, given his background in the music industry. The conversation covers his new on-chain copyright platform, SongSecure, and a new web3 game he is advising called CthulhuVerse.

With nearly a decade in the blockchain space and several decades in the music industry, Hakim is a wealth of knowledge who shares some insightful advice regarding web3 music and gaming during this interview.

Tune in to prepare yourself for the future of on-chain music and gaming! View the video on YouTube for a look at the metaverse. Sign the guestbook in our Web3 Warriors corner of the metaverse for a free wearable.

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