Web3 Warriors

Web3 Warriors Episode 109: Zoe Osborne, 3D Spatial Designer with Mahogany Design Commune, discussing 3D NFTs and the metaverse

D. A. Koroma Season 5 Episode 109

In episode 109 of Web3 Warriors, Krome connects with Zoe Osborne, 3D Spatial Designer and Founder of Mahogany Design Commune, to discuss her web3 journey and thoughts on the future of on-chain 3D spaces. Zoe lives in Toronto and has experience exhibiting NFTs in Barbados, where she was born and raised.

The conversation covers her journey into NFTs and success selling beautiful 3D works of art that showcase her Barbados roots. We also discuss the growth of crypto and NFTs in the Caribbean, and how Zoe was able to get web3 on the Prime Minister's radar in Barbados.

Tune in to learn about the limitless potential of the on-chain metaverse and the opportunities that it creates for 3D designers. View the video on YouTube for a look at the metaverse. Sign the guestbook in our Web3 Warriors corner of the metaverse for a free wearable.

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