Dose of Depth

Re-imagining the Feminine: A Chat with Jen Degnan Smith PhD, author of The Shape of Water: An Eco-Psychological Fairy Tale (March 2019, Ecopsychology magazine)

Deborah Lukovich, PhD Season 2 Episode 28

In this episode, I’m excited to have a chat with a fellow PhD in depth psychology and alum of Pacifica Graduate Institute. We’re going to talk about two of my favorite topics combined: the feminine and film.

Jen Degnan Smith has a Ph.D. in Jungian and Archetypal Psychology, an MA in Applied Psychology, and a BA in Economics. Her career spans the US and Europe, focusing on where psychology and business intersect and teaching Organizational Behavior to MBA and undergraduate students. She is currently co-teaching a Ph.D. course on the psychological and cultural impacts of technology at Pacifica Graduate Institute.

Jen is dedicated to healing and empowering the feminine principle within individuals and cultures. She writes, consults, speaks, and teaches about how to find a new feminine through myth, images, dreams, synchronicities, and place. And Jen also works with people to find their soul's calling, as connecting to soul is a key part of empowering the feminine.

So, let’s get started . . .

Deborah Lukovich, PhD
Depth Psychology Coach, Author, Podcaster & Blogger

Jen's article: The Shape of Water: An Ecopsychological Fairy Tale
Jen's Instagram:
Book: Terrapsychology, Craig Chalquist
Book: The Interpretation of Fairy Tales, Marie Louise von Franz
Book: The Cultural Complex, Samuel Kimbles and Thomas Singer

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