Dose of Depth

The Deeper Meaning of the Republican Party Emerging as a Symbol of the Wounded Masculine: A Path to Healing

Deborah Lukovich, PhD Season 3 Episode 15

I'm super excited to share this very timely episode, my chat with depth psychology colleague and friend, Dr. Craig Chalquist, former psychotherapist and current Academic Program Director of Consciousness, Psychology, and Transformation at National University. Congratulations to Craig for recently securing his second PhD in philosophy and religion. I will do a follow-up blog post that includes lots of links. Click here to subscribe to get notifications.

This episode is for:

Survivors of domestic abuse who are feeling re-traumatized by the current political situation. You're NOT crazy!

People seeking to understand the root of the current climaxing of division and intolerance and how to transcend it.

Republicans who feel that their party has abandoned them.

Democrats, Progressives, Leftists who feel taken for granted by the Democratic Party but now are projecting onto the party the need to save us. Also, Democrats who find themselves triggered too and fall into the trap of Othering and demonizing those swept up in intolerance and hatred.

Others who have been swept up or know people who have been swept up by what can be considered a cult of personality led by Donald Trump and funded by right-wing billionaires who have a Christian nationalist fantasy of reshaping our government without our consent.

The spirit of this chat is one of seeking deeper understanding of dynamics without demonizing individual people, except the right-wing billionaires who are exploiting the divide and conquer strategy.

Towards the end, we discuss the path towards healing, which involves self-reflection, collectivizing, and allowing ourselves to be a vehicle for the expansion of consciousness, which always manifests creatively.

Deborah Lukovich, PhD
Depth Psychologist, Author & Host of Dose of Depth Podcast

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