Extraordinary Work: Conversations about Creating Change

Ep. 58 - Discovering and Embracing Your Personal Power with Claudia Wyatt

Terry Yoffe Episode 58

Have you worked for a toxic leader? Probably - more of us than not, myself included.

Do you remember what that felt like, how your self-esteem and confidence plummeted so, when you thought about changing jobs, you were too afraid - thinking these feelings you have had are really true? Also very important, all leaders should listen to see if they qualify as a toxic leader.

Meet Claudia Wyatt, Founder of Wyatt Coaching, LLC, and a dynamic and high-powered woman.

Claudia lays out a road map as to how she works with teams by empowering and inspiring people to believe in themselves and to take back their personal power.

Claudia's contact information:

Please visit Terry's website at https://trycoaching.com/

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