Force Material: A Star Wars Podcast

Christmas in the Stars

Force Material

Find out why Jon Bon Jovi owes his career to C-3PO in this very festive edition of the Force Material podcast!

Did you know that without Star Wars, there would have been no Slippery When Wet? We’d never have heard of Tommy and Gina’s hardscrabble lives in Livin’ On a Prayer? One of the world’s most legendary recording studios would never have existed? And the musicals Nine and Titanic would never have made it to Broadway?

If you are in desperate need of respite from the raging social media wars being waged over the reception of The Last Jedi, we can offer you an (almost) safe space. Pour yourself an egg nog and join us by the fireside this week on a festive Force Material podcast and we’ll spin you the almost-unbelievable tale of Christmas in the Stars.

It’s the story of two plucky risk-taking record executives, a frustrated Broadway wannabe playwright, a fame-seeking actor confined to an uncomfortable golden suit — and an ambitious young man with a broom in his hand who gazed up at the stars, knowing he was destined for something greater. His name was Jon Bon Jovi. You may have heard of him.

Come with us on a journey back to 1980s Manhattan and discover how a schmaltzy, kitschy Star Wars-themed concept album about C-3PO and R2-D2 running Santa’s workshop got made – just two years after George Lucas swore he’d never attempt to make any connection between his galaxy far, far away and Christmas, EVER again.

For more on Christmas in the Stars, check out CBC Music's oral history of the album and Forbes' interview with Bon Jovi himself.