Breathing Open Motherhood
Breathing Open Motherhood
The Breastfeeding Rollercoaster with Erin Bailey.
Todays beautiful conversation was with the beautiful Erin Bailey!
A friend, fellow Naturopath and Breastfeeding Coach.
We really tried to not go down too many rabbit holes but you know what im like! We riffed on;
- The rollercoaster of emotions with breastfeeding
- The social support for breastfeeding mummas (or lack thereof)
- My experience with 'Dysphoric Milk Ejection Reflex and Insufficient Glandular Tissue'
- The most common concerns Erin supports
- When to seek professional support for your breastfeeding journey and what that support may look like.
So. Much. Gold!
Please check her out in all the places and spaces at;
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/erinbaileynaturopathy
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/erinshealinghub
Website: http://www.erin-bailey.com/
And connect with me over at https://www.instagram.com/charmaine.newmark.nourished
Big love,
Charmaine xxx