Breathing Open Motherhood

The 5 Pillars of Great Gut Health

Charmaine Newmark Season 1 Episode 16

Todays conversation is a podcast version of my Seminar from the Camden Wellness Expo where I riffed on my top 5 Pillars of Great Gut Health! 

This is real deal stuff, not fancy probiotics, gut cleanses, special broths of juices. Before that. The foundations of great gut health. 

#1: Chew Well

#2: Only eat when your actually hungry

#3: Mindful eating

#4: Avoid over eating

#5: Eat a variety of Fruit and Veg, at least 5 serves per day

Please email me for a copy of the postcard to print out and put on your fridge! 

Also, the Gut Club details are here for those of you that want to join us! Gut Reset Programs — Charmaine Newmark - The Nourished Naturopath

Big love and thanks so much for listening!

Charmaine xxxx