Apostle Cindy Jarrett Podcast

Dynamic Touch |with Apostle Cindy Jarrett presents |Grace given to all Men

Apostle Cindy Jarrett

God's grace is usually defined as undeserved favor. It is said and believed that Grace cannot be earned; it is something that is freely given.

There is a grace that is given to all men, women, and children from all walks of life.

Grace is given when things are wrong and when things go right, so, how can God in his immeasurable power and wisdom give us grace when we don’t deserve it?

As we reflect on 2023, the fact that we are all still here to see and hear about what's taking place in the news, and around the world, some are facing wars, and crimes, others are facing various challenges & personal issues, while others may be experiencing sickness, famine, or financial battles, but through it all, we can still thank God that we have life. Dont be deceived by the world system and the daily news, dont allow the pleasures of this world to overcome or captivate your lives, obey God's commandments and you will experience his grace.

Don’t you think that right here, right now, as you read this, he is still extending grace to you and 7 million of us?

As you are about to welcome 2024 with open arms, pray for your family, loved ones, neighbors, and friends that in this new year, they will all find God's Grace. 

Don’t take God's Grace for granted now! 

Remember, while we were all sinners on Earth, not only did Christ die while here, but he came to die for every one of our sins and to give us hope, his love, and his mercy that is waiting for us to accept.

God's pure grace can be found in scriptures like Romans 5, Philippians 1 & Colossians chapter 3, now listen today to Apostle Cindy Jarrett as she delivers today’s message on Grace given to all Men.