Just US: Before, Birth, and Beyond

Season 2, Episode 12: Voice of a Father

MAHEC Season 2 Episode 12

Join us in listening to Michael Hall illustrate the importance of fatherhood, which is an angle we don’t normally hear from in the maternal health realm. Cindy McMillan asks Michael about his experience as a father through the whole process of bringing new life into the world. He discusses the importance of practicing “Hands on Fatherhood,” and how this change can make the birthing process and postpartum healthier for the mother and the child. If you want to hear more about Michael’s personal experiences as a father, tune into “Voice of a Father!” 

TED Talk on Trauma and Resilience by Charles Hunt   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3qELiw_1Ddg

What are ACEs?  https://developingchild.harvard.edu/resources/aces-and-toxic-stress-frequently-asked-questions/

Generation 2 Generation (G2G) Facebook Page: 


My Daddy Taught Me That Website:


Sistas Caring 4 Sistas:


Trinity Methodist Church, Asheville, NC  https://trinitywavl.org

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