Alpha Uncut

"Extreme Capitalism"...MONOPOLY

Nick and Dino Episode 7

Featuring guest Joey Rantz 

If you are an ANTI-'WOKE' curious person who loves freedom, entrepreneurship, success, and the opportunities available from free-market capitalism, then you'll love our show. We approach these topics with passion and a strong conservative point of view with the infusion of history. Nick is a TWICE self-made millionaire entrepreneur, author, and speaker (started at age 19) who built a real estate investing business primarily focused on flipping homes and buying commercial properties. He is extremely passionate about all of the topics on the show and he will convey ideas and current trending topics through his unique 'free market entrepreneur' perspective….The show is a similar format to Patrick Bet David, Joe Rogan, Robert Kiyosaki, Tim Ferris, Gary Vee, etc.


S. and it's out, fun gut, and we're live here We go. We're just talking, but articulate Tdorials. Um, Joe. nobody got to steal that name. That's uh, intellectual property that is out of here. That's i. P. we know we got we got all the paperork. Don't even worry about it. I'm hard. I got guys at a wackcom heart. The premise would be that, Um, you know, I was saying that A I'm a handy guy. That's you know, kind of what I do for a living, but a lot of guys. aren't you know? they't grow up with that right here. I, Rey. Sky, You have other skills. But or you might still be like Dude, I don't want hire somebody. It'sossible to hearre somebody. I, I can't wait six weeks right now. I want, or you might just be like Dude. I want to try and do this myself. I. a real man would do this themselves. So what's the first thing you do? You go to a Youtube video right with the D I y. Nowadays is huge. I mean, obviously you wouldn't be the first guy to do this. but but you have your own unique comedia, your own style. It's all you. It's your wors and I, I don't know about that. I appreciate what you saying that, but the niche for this video for these series of videos would be that you actually think about what you're going to say. You have watch one of these D I y ras, these guys. Oh my God, is I got to be honest. Inful the level of interest I have in those is very low. Okay. Well, that's just point blank. God is me because I'm not learning any of that stuff. Why of guys that watch it ale, part of his business is remodeling and I never watch. I mean construction, but my hands turn everything too mush shutsnick. But a lot of guys who watch a show are actual meth, So they try there you go. St. it point themselves. It's a good point. I hire everything out. My kidss make fun of me. I'm telling you, when you watch these videos nine times out of ten or more, it's they're doing the craft correctly or close to correctly. but they. they don't know how to speak. Yeah, like a human being, it's like I'm not expecting you to be like Ivy League articulate, but they like a. a. uh, and this are shuffling stuff around and and it's like Yes, come by mes, I on. Come where does that nut go? Come on, and I'm just you, smash up there there. There's a level of showmanship and I believe you have that skill. It's kind of like the cooking right. it's I. It's very parallel to the cooking niche which is on Youtube. People love that two beautiful foods. You can be a great chef. But if you don't have the personality, you ain't gonna have a cooking shell. talking about panash. I'll just come and eat your plates, But as far as you being on camera's your place, Sp. Asashza ▁x factor, whatever you want to call it, to have it to be on media like you need you need to like. And if you don't have the personality, I do genuinely believe that you can develop more of it than people think. It's not necessarily youre bom of it or're not, But what you just said is accurate. The d i yitch is huge, But if you can combine a unique personality like yours to it. I, I appreciate you saying that I wasn't fishing for compliments about that, but well, that's say, but he joy. when. uh, when everyone retires here, we'll take N on some jobs. Yeah, exactly well', learn up to. It's fulfill instruction. Ill notal. Here's the thing I know. It's fulfilling. the stuff I have put together from Target felt good to be like. Oh, no, those don't feel good at all. They don't is, But of that you' ape immediate. That's right. In fact, in one of my businesses, I, I own a a concier handyma business where we do handyman tasks for affluent people who you know a lot of times. I, I'll deal with their assistants or their secretaries, Semi celebrity types too. Yeah, low chrlotte, yeahup, right, Yup, and people, just like I need the job done. I need somebody who's going to come in here. Youll scratch it and raability. Yeah, get the job done, overcome adversity, No excuses. Oh, these tradesmen just love these excuses. Oh, I couldn't do it, Ys, or there was a pipe and no, overcome heres no. and or here's your invoice. I did the job. You never knew I was there. Those people are happy to pay what I right up. and I was going to say that there is a a quality financial exchange for you for that like you can value proposition. it is. I will pay you more to have no headaches, and there's a. There's a. There's a need for that. I I love them'm. not a gouger. I, well, no, but I know you're not calling me that, but like yeah, I, I like to play the long game. Well, eventually you know the the economy goes up and down. You can share a sheep a thousand times with skin 'em only once. Yes, so I, that was also Nchm. If I know you're a c, e o or a buck player, I'm not going to be like. Oh, I know your salary iss playing, because I can look it up, and no, no, no, I want to be your guy. Yeah, I'm going to deliver value for even though it's going to be a little bit more Ma than your average Craig's list. dude, Um, I'm going to charge you a little bit more, but you're gonna get that value. Yeah, and five years down the road, maybe you're not in the position. Maybe you don't have as much money. Maybe you know the trades are cheaper. Now you could go somewhere else, but you know what it's like. Joey did a great job. Yeah, I' showed up on your time, especially incause. You're communic. There's so many a offs and construct, but hold on communication. There's so many jerk offs in construction, and that's really a huge thing. and that's not me. That's not hyperbly. That's not me throwing around like deno. Come on, I mean, Oh my god, and I work. you may construct'. believe thatcade some believe I've been doing it my whole life again. I, I want to be clear. I don't physically do construction, but as far as construction management, the majority and again, if you're listening, and you'reing your livelihood is construction management. My my light, literally, construction management is how I've made a living from day one, but if you're listening, I'm not like calling you a jerk off. if you're in the construction industry. In fact, if you're listening to this show you're on Mad, you're automatically at the higher level of person. Because you're listening to men, you'll testify too. There are certain people that if they do do the right thing you're you're blown out of the water and it lovely. It's amazing how I have to over the top applaud good work when it's like wait, do you? I maag you' paying you for the good way. Im must more too. I want to. but I'm saying all things where are we? Just you know, it's a perfect example and here's how our world is going. You go to Starbucks and someone smiles and like cracks a joke, and really is extra friendly. It's like and I, I, I do applaud that. Hold on though, but yeah, I want to tell you. I want to tell you I go with this. I applaud and I'm like. Oh my God, Like what a breath of fresh air. I love you. thank you, Baba, Bob and I love those interactions. I call those micro moments in life and I truly enjoy those. 'cause I, they're inc. contagious light. It is contagious, but what I will say is unfortunately we're in a world where fifty years ago that was the standard when I walk into a coffee shop, or ▁x y and ▁z. And now it is the anomaly and that's what disappoints me. I love it and again I try to extract that out of people. I'm always ballbsting or like cracking jokes, because I love those environments and I love those situations. You see a real time reaction from those people. It's nice it can be. It's the best I love to like the best I love that experience and I, maybe it's just like self gratified, but it's in a in a good way we'll go to target and I can tell that the cashiers in a bad mood shet a shite. whatever. I'm gonna reverse it quickly. I'm like. it's like a game I know. Can I ha, that can I get a smile at her? Yeah, my wife, my wife made her, but my wife makes a lot of going. Not. It's not just self serving. It's actually a complete winning scenario that actually puts a ripple in the world that is beautiful. anyway. take somebody's li do. Does Liz do that well? No, No, Liz. Wh. Liz is naturally kind of does that, but she makes fun of me. If I'm doing that, Say we're checking my go, too, Are nice Dis you going to be best friends with the Ki? You know, I'm a nice personor, I'm making. I'm making them oncomfort muscle and I'm oh, my God, you know, Did you just say that it must be a wife thing, but is literally I walk into a joint crazy just over the top, having a ball and they're all like like you you make. Are you going to be best friends or why? I'm like You know, they just handed us a bunch of free stuff. Like what are we doing over here because you know what happens and I was just talking to somebody about this. The lucky thing going back to that somehow good stuff just happens. I don't go in expecting a free coffee or this or that shit. but somehow they just like. It's just natural. Like Wow, That felt like a good interaction. So then you're just like here. I'll throw you a bone and then you remember that as a contagious can, who doally do and then that person goes and does it to a next person. And what about the next person? What about pay for the guy behind you changein? Do you ever got those? I love the pass around the holidays too. I' I do that like crazy and dude, sometimes six dollars like it's not of money thing. It's a Tth. I was in Marco Island, Uh, a coup like a month and a half ago or whatever, And I was at the Starbucks real early in the morning and I've and I started one. So I bought my thing and then I'm like You know whatevers I said. How much is you own't? already have Starbucks A Marco Island. I started the chail. I go to work. I. I. I freak. I started the chain of pay for the. For those listening. There's those things you pay for the person behind you and then it keeps going And then you and the cashiers like, Do you want to continue this and you feel like a smuk up to say no, But the point is I start. I go. Who? whatever's behind? I just was feeling good that day. I'm like the person behind me. I got that and then I pulled up to away for my coffee Was one of those were like Culvers type, or you like, Wait in front. I don't know. And she pulled up and she's like, Oh, my jee, this, I don't. and she's like you pulled over there to watch every no swe to guy. I was waiting for my coffee and then she's like, Oh my God, thank you, like you. It just was O, and that's like a memorable moment. That's beautiful. I was. Didn't you do that another time where like you thought it was this big bill or something? And then it was like a dollar, something like a cops or something like that, And I did stop me somewhere And it was like they got the cheapest thing and like, and you were willing to eat. Buy 'em for twenty bucks. What they bought like a soda. I make sense right, I know a bowler. I know I felt like a shock when they're like a bills on the ▁x. Is. I'm glad you brought this up and I came up organically because literally on the way here I was like I'm a tradesman, so I'll forget to eat and like I'll be in my job and andrewist on I will. I'll forget not to drink up water and everything else, and so sadly, I go to a lot of fast food places and today it was like I'm going to be healthy. So what's chickfuling? C. Plus it was like noon, and you know if you go to any fast food place at noon, it's gonna be a total shit show unless you go to chick Fl. right, which they're good. I was think. Oh my God, you know what. My thought was driiveing away from there before even tell you about the experience which I don't need to. Who's amazing? I mean, I was looking at this operation and we deserve to close on. She asked me to pull around'cause it didn't go. They do. St asked me to pull aroundund, and the woman came out with my grilled chicken sandwich today. Oh, do don't I look all healthy? Are you like turning vegan on it? I was baing on it and I was goingnna say grill the chicken sandwich from that like I said To your health right there. I noticed it, said District Man or whatever, her operations manager and I said. You guys are ridiculous and her face like went white and I'm like, No, no, no good, ridiculous. I'm like. I don't know how, but you guys figured this out like Forget the food. I'm like my whole day is brightened by just watching and everybody I spoke to was like engaged, not just doing their job over and above Like the guy who took my order was like. Do you actually had a few seconds for next carum? Up's like you know the origin with the roasted barbecue honey sauce. It's a funny story. I'm like that guy's engaged his jobs and that's what. I. My thought process was like, you know how like Coca Cola and Mcdonalds like, guard their their recipes, and the crids like, Well, yaholy grey. Oh, without a doubt. Yeah, you know what. Uh, they should be guarding their hiring process. Yeah, yeah, whatever that is should be written down and locked in a safe because they're but you know what is? I want them to share with everybody to be selfish like I notice. Yeah, it's their edge man. Well, you know it boils down to one word culture. They have culture from top down, work, color or culture correctcause. Let's not be mistaken. Well, I'm a wondering. popcn. you. No, they're not incorporate. Well literally every ethnicity was represented even at that, so say okay, let me backck up. let me back everybody from different walks of life. Like culture actually means a lot of stuff. Though I didn't mean anything called treer. You didn't. I don' know. It's important to mention like like, But the corp with the corporate culture from, and that's topped down. it's it's topped down. They produce a culture that produces happiness and a lot of businesses are starting engage more in this 'cause they want to see. I want to see. I'm sick of seeing frowns when I freak can go up to jazz. I'm sorry when I buy coffee. If I go to Chickflley or if I'm checking out a target like I'm sick of seeing pissed off people. Honest, I, God and I will say this part of it is climate. We live in a northern climate. You go down to I. I was in Markco Island. Everyone's freaking happy. Go lucky. I mean the sun makes you have this sun. Does you make? Not? not just because, because I, vitamin D and I science, I owe I your diammind d every morning, so overdose some vitamin. Do they just pop it? They're like five years. Yeah, what screed up? Oh yeah, pills, ra, or or we, we have droppers, but um 'cause science Yeah, ' cause science, I know, but on a mask'cause 'cause science kids need to wear the masks 'cause science. I'm a circle back guy, so I'm going to go back to. We're talking about tradesmen. Yeah, and you said. Uh, forget what you said. You could roll back, but you said something like God. these tradesmen Uh. what. they're all jerk off. Yeah, Yeah, talking about you. and of course most of them are jerk offs. You can push. my. So the comic talk you want. The reality is it's true. I, I don't want to talk shit about my fellow trades, mean, because I know so many really really good tradesmen great guys, and of course I'm biased because those are the guys Angs, who I chose to sur. Of course, so I' was sitting here thinking. Oh, they're all great. Well, the way you are, you know you with, or you're in the upper Achelland of that world. I mean, have I got to start that right so well right, but I've collected this this great group of guys and gals, mostly guys that not only like really good at their craft, but straight up good people like. Yeah, you don't need to worry about them in your home. Yeah, they are not going to gauge you. Yeah, I saw that that outlet was hanging out the electrician like I just fixed it for you. Let it's not looking like. Yeah, All, I need to get an extra seven dollars. I then to hand in the key to your house that that, Thely, that's a big deal. So there are great tradesmen and you know this country was built on people that work with their hands. So these people are out there. The problem is now so well, So often you come across it and it's really disheartening. Yeah, and what I will say is what separates being good at your craft is clearly very important. Like if a guy's really nice and you like him, but you know all your pipes leak. Yeah, still not going to hire what separates the men from the boys? Well, getting good at your craft is just a simple matter of repetation. Typically, I mean y, you can teach a recess monkey to eventually do a task really well. Repetition is the mother of all scale. Some people will never get it just because that's not their nely. that success. Repetition is the kid where you are going to succeed as a tradesman or a person in the trades is Um. with, And I said it before communication. Yeah, well, as you saying, you need to be punctual. you need to do what you said you were going to do, or at least try your best shit changes like we didn't know that this was a load bearing one would have ever known, and when the audible comes up clearly conveyed, a lot of guys are scared because they don't want to piss off the hall, Ownner, and it's like you're going to do anything like. Now you're going to piss them off when you try to hide it, or uh, we're sheepish about it and you didn't bring it all right. Great, you have to God. I let me. I only speak on them for one second always. I don't mean to cutch off, but oh, you have to C. me. Well, I want us go forever. Yeah, well, No, because I went to school for I, the technology degree Right certain, So the the The theater preached the whole time. Where know does all this stuff? And here, the thing they preached the whole time was your social skills. That's what's going to keep you out of place. So that's all right that? Yeah, it's your social skills. But then I think about it and then it's like. But in the programming world to those people, ever kids, university or programs, the ones that know them like this, Like you're saying, the university setting, They, they pushed the social skills and stuff. Well, I got a lot of comments like that. Some you have really good social skills. You're going to have no problem getting the job. That's what the okay for? Yeah, but they're not teaching it. Yeah, you' have already had it. I feel. Skip over them. No, they don't teach. They don't teach it, but they remind you how important it is. Well, just and just to finish that. What industry? is that? Not the case? though, if you think about it, it's everything. except for programmers. Programmers can get away with being insane, because what they do is insane. Well, what I'm saying, even when I talk real estate, I mean, I'm like. I'm actually kind of not in the real estate business. I'm in the people business. you' and I find commercial real estate when I'm flipping houses. Whatever it is, I'm in the people business. And if you know like me, I have a big problem. you would have. I'm out of business. You did in almost any business. Well you would have. this is the man you chose, but I like you were passionate about this. You know, I probably had some early success that you know made that drove this path for you a little bit. And and that's what you end up doing. But honestly, I mean, I know you. I don't need to make swell your heading. No, No, I like the guy, but I've always laugh. You would have succeeded in any arena where you have to talk with people. What I like to say is build and maintain relationships. That's right, and I love. I love that. I love that. I love that, too. Yeah, and that's and mywhere, it's by the way. bulld. may you set you hit it on the head, though nurture maintain slash up. You know I like like I'll meet a guy. and it's like No, you have to keep doing lunches with them. You don't like. hit it off and joke around and have drinks at the bar and then call them a year later and be like Hey, dude, let's ah, make sure I'm number one on your list. Who have to? I, number one on your list. I have to buy. We have to keep doing lunches, and the the you know beer after work type thing you follow you not only have to keep doing it, you almost have to like doing it well right right Exactly it, because it's not sustainable if it's just like Okay out fourth. I got a call. Yeah, do you know again and yes, bullshitqu, Ill be hoest life To keep this account. No, you' to succeed. Really, just like it. you have to be passionate, but here's the beauty. here's the. here's why. To me. It's not hard to like people because regardless of your socioeconomic status, your racial background, your gender et cetera here's what I always caliriate back to which me, which makes me I guess a people person. There's shit in your life that you've experienced that I know nothing about and that alo. I, I guess I'm an an intrigued, curious guy to where whoever walks through that door right now has something cool and intriguing that I've never. even they don't have. Bef. Definitely know something you don't know that's right, and that that's ex exact. They know should, I don't know. they've experienced it. I've never experienced, and that alone is like Damn. that's pretty cool. I mean that might sound crazy to some people were like. What do you mean? do they're now simplistic? I adm. it's not. I think. that's uh. That's like a hi. I. I think most people have that. maybe they don't recognize it and therefore they don't do it as often. Yeah, but meeting a new person hearing and learning about new experience any onee. that stuff is like, like that's real endorphins like. Yeah, really. that's a great high. it, it, it really, and it se gos me into something I was talking to you about over the phone over the last show. Um, maybe the scripts agree. Get us to talk about some cool and it's linked to the trades as well as I think. Uh, I've done a couple of drugs in my life. Nothing crazy Thehuannna, Maybe a, we all have. I've been. Hi. Let me say that, and the high I get from personal satisfaction is to me is like the greatest high supersedes any drug. Any anything like, Let's be honest. real chemicals are being released from your brain. Letly. this is science. Yes, there's a They. There's a state called Flow, and I think we touched on on the last show. There's a book about it. It's called. There's a book called Flow, f, ▁l o w. It's an actual state of mind, a guy. There's a book called The Rise of Superman. I read a lot. There's a I. I love this kind of stuff and this stuff intrigues me. In fact. well, eventually what I like to do is have real scientists behind things that we're talking about on show to really extract the knowledge. Love the authors. We got a lot of things planned, but the guy wrote you, superf there Scientists that are watching this right now. Yeah, an authors. Yeah, but any know later on come, hold on though, firere s smallthy, you can come on so no, check it out. Check it out, though, here's the reality. He, the guy cured Parkinson's from flow, so they actually reverse engineered Fluck. Float. Flow is a state of mind where And we've all had this. We've all had it, but we've had it on accidents. See here, I'm learning something new. Mhm. This, I mean, a flow is a real thing. This is not like some like weird weicism. it. it's this is a real science thing, so it's kind of like a, like a great mountain climb or something you get his, So so so let let me explain. So flow is the state where number one. there's a series of I think four or five chemicals that do physically get released from the brain. It's a cocktail of Nora and Ephraim, adrenaline, saraton and dope mean at, there's four or five and they all are combined at this moment Like we get releases of each of those in different scenarios in life. You know what I mean. If someone's like trying to steal your kid, you got the adrenaline. No, An Efm. You don't have to open me necessarily, but you know what I mean. So this is the cocktail. I'm like God. I might have dobed mean, and somebody tried to steal some of my kids. Well, I it. depending where their total terrors and I'm just well, I was going to say he' right, too. my right's. Hes so great. Yeah, thought for me, dope, dopea, mean is that burst of pleasure? Don't I mean? Is a chemical? That's that burst of pleasure. You know what I mean, we. We're like they talk about like a a screen time. Uh, the the pleasure you get from like looking at your phone or wing again and it's a paving. it' a screen what Facebook likes getting Facebook likes. So Yeah, what it is is it's not even the phone. It's the like little red Um number you have Like someone responded to my shit. Yeah, They, in your on Facebook. Somebody liked it. They comment the like, Oh, ys, Mich, and you, I'll I'm going to. I'd be ▁lying. If I said I don't. I feel that those micro dope and I ha, those, my do dope. I mean, hits are like. I don't want to see an email. I don't want to see it. I honestly, I don't want to see a phone. All, I agree with me a lot. and because of my life in this industry, I'm the same industry. Want is delete. I'm probably going to delete Facebook. I have no reason to have it. I don't want it. I die on Alway Se. Like you know why I social. I'll get back to what you're say. I don't want to hear about flowb, but flow, the reason Facebook works for me. I mean, I wanted to drop at so many times for political reasons and for bullshit reasons, Et Cterat Cetera For all the reasons that people watch the show would long and drop it, but I I wa. I'm laughing at something Bill Mar said about that relates to this. By the way, I'll hit that fuck and delete button like a machine gun lock bock pop, Yeah, mock by. I know, and you know what. It's even people like that have the same political views of me, and that's all they're talking about. That's I. I'm not I. I personally decided Facebook is not that for me. For me, it's I want to see your kids 'cause I don't have you know, my buddy, M. uh, Bill that I haven't seen the I school. It's a way for me to connect with, but fortunately he his cowed, so you're kinda like a. But where do you say you have to work? As much as I want to see Bill's kids? Is the clouding of the other stuff. I mayly it to where the whole things just now Iilate it. Andno it. You have to get really liberal with the beleeing and blocking, and almost like a mantra. You have to be like you do. don't even read it. Yeah, are most are Facebook friends women then, because I know women in ▁. Im in my well, so she posts anything. that's herf, That's it. I do you know what I'm a dude? I'm a manly guy. Well, Bill Mo, I love that I love seeing people's kids. I know only when you're in Florida. all they up north they went waterers. I' love my horse. It's cool it is. It makes you feel good. Don't well me. hold on. Hold on. so Bill Mar, who we know is actually C on the other side of how I have, and he says how I are thing. So here's the thing I aboutove I've always liked him regard. Here's the thing about Bill Marart, This is you. Okay, not a dummy. First of all, I made a statement recently that said I haven't changed. My party. Has, and I happen to agree with that very wholeheartedly. but he also said that he has the ball. Yeah, so he's not. He's not pigeon. Hold into this thing where everything I say has to be left wing And that's what I like. The same'm with Russell Brand recently. Oh, he got, without a doubt. Well, he's been red pilled like you can't believe. Yeah, okay, but but well, let's go back to Billmar, So he's a guy that I don't align with politically. I think everyone at this point knows that I'm I'm a conservative, lean right right wing guy. Um, and again, You know what I hate about saying that I'm right wing C because people have been indoctated Think that means right wing extremely. I'm so careful to say, worry k, k, like, Are you your right wing? You must be in the k, K, K, like that's That's it a miracles. All you own stereialist, or conservative, just because it's like Yeah, I, when I'm in the closed room and I explain to somebody I. I. I choose to use that word. Otherwise it puts me in this box that somebody else is design. Onlycause. Someone else has designed it, but going back to Bill Marar, so he's like. So Facebook, he was talking to someone he's like. So I'm sitting there on on a online platform arguing about politics with some guy I sat next to in chem class and like in high school, and I'm like, Yeah, I was a little engagedment, but I was like True statement, The guy. You're sixty years old and you're fighting with the guy that you sat next to in Cam class Like he just puts things in the Im. usually to change that person's mind. What are we doing here? Well now, I, now I retract my comma because my wife does that with people in the school district. She's a teacher. She's right before bed. She'll be going back and forth with these people. Uh, unfazed by that'. so unhelpful it is. it's it's I don know. it is so unhealthy, It's so unhealthy. So my point to you is and just I want to finish off on Bill Marr, I actually applaud his critical thinking and his open mindedness. Okay, he's a straight up Trumpter and that's one thing where I'm like dude, But if you look at the policy bro like some, we go and natural contradict is trumpeting. Did you? Yeah? correct li? a lot, a lot of peoples, and he'll say this policy. Oh my god that like, for example, I love the liberals in Florida. Okay, Like who, Like and again, we were talking about this like your friend who lives in Florida. You start talking policy and it's all conservative, conservative check check, checker, check all, Trump, Trump, conservatativeism like that and then, but I hate him, but that'll not really offer either. What tru tr? what are you talk? Just going full Bolard The other way too well, there's no. there's no going extreme in any direction. I happen. I like to say super obvious things Coralin. it's all bell. I, we other remind people were balanced individuals on top of it. All right right, we're ▁ultim minded at where I'm in, I'm open minded on things. I'm skeptical on other things. Okay, I think we all are. I think we. we look at things objective. The bottom line is, and this is what I teach my kids. Be a critical thinker push back on me, kids always. I tell my kids push back on me. I wish, Ma. I me, just have an argument behind it. Don't say I don't want to let. Tell me why? Well did they ever hear? Did anybody watch sixty minutes By chances? We hope so. I don't watch it often and I just happened to see this clip. Hey, they did something real cool where they bought brought people back from the Holocaust in holograms, So they actually talk to them. Ask them questions. Good. So sixty minutes so I'm sorry. Oh, okay, six nine, There go. and um, that was good radio right there. Keep that out. That was a good radioically. people putting many people in the parae mindsets Oh, you gotta do this first galacaust. Interesting, how is our, but that's now I brought up. I brought it up because there's this guy who does these books. I don't remember what the name of the books are, but he gets two people call and author. No, no, no, he does these. uh, no, no, no, he. What the heck is the name of it? He had guys that does. Li. looks. check it out. this guy he pulls these two. he pulls these people together. They have a conversation with each other. They video record it and then he makes books about. He's well known very well. No, Okay, well, he, he does it now with people on the opposite sides of the political structure. Okay, but they don't ask him any political questions. All the questions are not policy related or politics related. And all of a sudden just like that, you realize how these people overla. Oh, their values are probably almost always alive. their values in line. and all of a sudden they just about that. they're like the media is the media's one of the big. I was. The whole point up there read Media being a culpri And it was really cool. You guy should watch that. I love that idea and I'm I'm goingnna, watch that because I like that type of stuff towards the end, but where my mind's going with that already is okay. So they're in this space four hours to make this video. They do this thing and the, and they, some professional, him or whoever, shows them how their value's actually align, And they should be the same. and and they actually maybe hug it out and have this like real ethereal moment. The second they leave those doors, Boom, they're flooded with social media. The news, Everything else, and people will just like a rubber ban and bounce their act to their shit. And but he feels like a sole mission. He's like, Uh, he has a mission. He's like I got across this divide. God that' They turning across the V. Yeah, well, let's be honest. we're more divided in America. There's some people listening from all other countries. America's more divided than anything I think, And I'm forty one. I was born in eighty one, so I can say what that I've seen, but big deal, I'm only forty one. I think people who are twice my age are like, Yeah, dude, this is you'. Be you De minded? Do you think so? yes? okay, Oh, I think you know. I think people did think fith. They're the most divided, but they think they okay. Well that social media, the fact that we can fight with anyone in two seconds by picking this up. that's already a problem. So the devi. How did you fight with people before this? Well, the tmul is Tovi. all the guy. Hey, dude, your shit sucks. Let's so I like it now. it's like. what? What is that guy in Nineteen fifty four say? Ohs, Well, joy is' morevied now Because we have telephones and you didn't have that. Then you only have the telegraph and I understand. No, we're going to get your take. But what? next? Yeah, na, she, Nick is saying no. I'm no. It's dialling seven digits on a rotary phone And I mean like I need to do it. So where do you stand on this Shi. Because the year's f is that are one in those room, but seriously, the ease of it's like the path of least resistance. That's how anything works. Make the path of least resistance. Nothing. We the D standing up to turn a dial on a t. V, like we just do. We didn' we touch a butt. The this is life's remote control. I want food. I want it now being so caring and here's like it, Say a family. Can we come? Can we turn that to good connection? Because you're saying the instrument of devisiveness is has gotten so big that it's really hard to turn it off? The instrument is bigger than it's ever. But I think even we turn faster will anything. and that's be fortunate. I think it's possible, not probable, and to go back. Uh, because I don't want people to think. Oh, Joey doesn't think we're divided. I do. I was being a little bit of devil's advocate, like when I said you can have anything. Do you want people wa know? I believe me'll, come across this. Just bike you right now, boy. Um, should I well do it. If if you disagree too much, I'll stand up and slap you. Keep that. keep that argument out of your mouth're. we are to keep that argument out, your mou. We are toc talk about the We. everybody has. I dont know burger. It's murdered. Every like literally Da slapped. As hour was La, were lazy with this, Will Smith was wrong. One hundred percent the end. the end is all rightrect. Yeah, well and not, Apologck is a comedian that was paid to roast people at the Oscars like they've done for ninety three nine, a four eing years. But I was doing his job. It was a weak joke and you know Act physical. How many? I'm going to say, make joke. I mean surf, not even depth to it. Surf homely joke, young boys, Y Will Smith has been such an influence to young men, especially young African American men, and now they didy him as he did stain his image. And now how many young boys saw him play the You better respect me card, you know, like I hate when people say that he stained in on top of this. Did he ever? did he ever actually apologize to hear this? He is. It was real, leasted, An apolog. Was it horible? Is it me? eat, or did he call? the guy? was written all right. So to me, I mean, I scanned. It sounded like his puish wrote. You know. Yeah, no, No, he would have at least apologized to him on that stage that night. It would have gained a little of a little bit of it should have been. Oh my God, Oh my security. No doubt, you know, I know he. we are so angry. Why? okay? this is like the definition of that Hollywood Eliotism Because if anyone goes and does that to, I mean there any other W. wait? let's back up. This is assault. I mean that's Are we missing something here? This was in a. S. This. it was actual assault. That is, is the crime. If I walked up to a guy of Mar and F. Shit, he could press charges with me, though, I'm saying if I walked up to a dud in a bar who hit on my wife it was like whack in the face like technically with cameras and stuff like he couldres. charges you literal charges, thin line. but that would be more acceptable. You're at a bar. Oh, that would have done more arena like. sometimes you have to expect a little bit of that to happen. Yeah, this is kay for shit. Yeah, dude, if I was at whooser words, notch your hand. I'm sitting in the front rock, Kevin Hart. I'm sitting at the front row, Kevin hart, Kevin hart, uh, freaking bust my wife's ball, St. or something. none else. I like God. No, no, oh no, but it but that, but why is it different? It'll be all him, so I'm not for what that to happen. Hold on. so I go see Kevin Hart. Me and my wife are not famous. We just bought front Ro seats. He bust my wife's balls and then I go up and all alb him, but no hold on. Is that a different legally? Is that different legally And I go off and slap Kevin hat and say Wellow By the letter of the law. No, no, no, here's the question different. there's the question. Wait, I got back up. If Kevin Hart decides he doesn't want to press charges on you, can anybody else because they're claiming that sentence. Since uh, he didn't want to press charges on Will, there's no charges that are going to be pressed. You absolutely can the state come or me. I thought if I murdered somebody and that or somebody murders my wife, and I say I don't want to press charges. They're just going to drop it. No, Well, it's buing honor, The Oscar corporation or whatever that is, has rights here. It's not just Chris Riyer saying I'm good. There's more to it. I hope they have some balls with this. Yeah, they need a set a precedent. I don't care how if Fa president is to be set, because again I look at it like if me and my wife and the front ro of Kevin hat and go up and waack ken hut in the face, how am I going to be treated? I'm going to be escorted out by security and he probably will engage in some kind of lawsuit Who know. Put it this way. I'm hearing from his attorneys immediately, along with immediate ejection from the theater. Am I wrong? You're not no. Tell me I'm wrong. you're not you're absolute. Am I crazy for thinking that you're well, you noller, Now you are comfortably in his tuxedo. That's why everyone hay away. Well you. He got to give his acceptance and then he go and then he gets the award. It's it's asstonite. What kind of world are we living in And I'm going tell you we don't even know the indoctrination that's subconsciously been placed inside of us because of how far we are. The fact that most of the world is blowing this off scares me because it's like whoa. We've really had some programming done over the last however many years that that that somehow is an acceptable situation and he gets to ball his eyes out. I think the only redemption and I'm just off the cuff here. The only redemption for that was him to go up there with his Oscar ball his eyes out, and include the absolute bawling apology to Chris Rock in that moment and I think I help. I helped. I don't think that's full redemption, but that's the closest thing to actual redemption. I think that he could have done at them and he's getting to me like you know what, and he could have just went into something super heartfelt. And I think the world and Chris Rock would have clearly appreciatecause. He had some weird twet after we a collegeloed, and how geology goes so far, But then the other question is, and it's no excuse. But like a lot of people said He really got lost in this character. We don't care. It doesn't matter'. Not good to have use fighting seconds more to talk about this. We're going to bore people. You know what we're done. We're done. No. what? No, No, no, I don't care. No, No, there's no character stuff here. Okay, No, no walkcked on stage and slapped the guy of the book. came Youre everything, and I'm a go on lock going in his head. Clearly, he's a broken mo. No, no, no, clearly he's I mean. all the mees are like dude, And then you like Didn't do anything to the guy that likes supted with there. Don't know. Here's not no li. Wait minute. now he's doing. Wow. this is a legitimate point. I'm not saying it's okay. I'm not giving an excuse, but I'm saying like, do you see the irational? I seen the machinist with the What's his name? Where you? Los sale? Yeah, he lost all that weight to where he wasn't even like a feather. You know, like some of these people get into these parts. I agree where I don't know that they can just come out of it's not. I'm not excusing him. I'm saying, I think this Richard guy in the movie. I didn't see the movie'. guy. he' His respons, he says, Oh, I's a guy still is resons. I' internotive, an older. I guess I'm asking you. I know who I love. Jey, You know how I love in Hollywood, who has not getting mixed, gotten mixed up in any of this shit and just the Hollywood of Lee James Wood's hooked. Let's let's that less obvious. Okay, John voy, um Denzil Washington. I've always appreciated his commentary. Just throughout the years. I've seen some of his interviews and he. That's a solidude and he is not caught off in this Hollywood eliotsm. Kind of christ, him, Yeah, I, I' not really. I'm miitual. I'm a not An of Denzil Washington, and you know he told you know what he told, Will, he's like you. turn on this moment. The devil comes for you, correct, Will Smith is obvious, Ended a little too late. Well, somem it will summon up here because obviously everyone has heard the commentary. but we're we're. We're running a show and people might wantnna hear how we think about it. And I'm telling you right now it was wrong on every level, and which should be be clear. What Will Smith fan before this? Uh, have always been? Is that a real question? I loved the man from he. one. We have no pre, I, li, Will Smith Since I wasmazy twelve years old. when fresh Prins came out and me a wait a minute old. I was born in eighty one. It show was in the late. I was like nine. I got to say, I gotta say I'm on the friend It is when he was on fresh print and when him and uh Jazzi Jeff came out with their, You know some some sim, But I never thought that I believe. Over the years I, I have seen a a real increased ego and I think it came out on the on this new. I don't know Ied to people. you know, I, aunt, Because you know why The you know why the aunt Vivs switched? Do you know that story? I know that they switched. You know that well, No, you don't. well, no, no, no, what is? so basically Um, she approached Will the the first end, Viv, You know the andvve. Everyone was the Aunt Viviz, which I guess people listening maybe too young. But Aunt Viv was one character and then it was another. so she approached Will and said Hey, a director, a different actor and never an actress. So she approached Will and goes all these other white shows. Were you know white people? they pull together and have you know that leverage of like Hey, we all want higher pay or we're all like, Go to you know. Walk away. It was almost like a micro union like the five main characters of friends, or like, Oh, yeah, we. you need all that before. like, Oh, So we want more planos. And so so she said, Why don't we all do that? And I guess his response back then was Ya got Y deals and I got my deal and that's that. And like I, I think you respect. you respected this. No, Oh no, I'm saying he could have pulled up and really teamemed. But I think what happened was She thought that was so selfish of, like every got my ideal right, every man for themselves. So so she wanted to team up and say Hey, they all of us together. There's no show without us, so let's all pull together and I'll get because he was making more. Probably, probably that's how I changedph. it' the fres fri spand more than the rest of theiring is the fresh pers of feing. So the point is he? uh, I guess he was like. I got my ideaal. You got yours going back one million years ago. Go to when you said Most divided. Um, Yeah, I'm not just agreereing with you like I said. I was just being Dev's advocate that we may be, but I also feel like that's a echoed sentiment. That's every generation has said. You know, like whether it was the civility movement or whether it was. well, Yeah, right, right, major political issues you know, with Nixon et cetera know it' a the Vietnam war. The problem is this, and I'll stand on that. it's been and I, those in here holding, I'm I'm holding up a phone. It exponentially increased. it perhapss again. I can't fight with someone on the phone, like again, dialling someone going walking over to a telephone on a wall and dialling a number and fighting with someone. It. That sounds crazy. Hardly the reason I was being doubles advocate about that is because I still have such hope. Yeah, well, I'm optimistic about. not. only. I hope I'm optnoptimism, I believe it's going to reverse, because well, I spendent a lot of time in the northwoots, the Northwoods of Wisconsin. That's why I' be listening. That's why you still have so much hope. which it be. It's God's country. up'm in in Wisconsin, or in Midwestt, Wisconsin, In particular, for people listening all over, We call it up north, right, north, Right, universal term. You don't even think about it. You say well, here're not north. Everybody going again. We have a lot of listeners from a lot of place. Yeah, Yes, and up north, northern Wisconsin, is you know? just Hundred foot Pines, the whole deal or whatever they like, basically the way God made. Still, yeah, you know, and it's it's yeah, the judda of Christian thing and they tend to be a little bit more conservative, but more than anything it's just like almost every interaction you have is like the interaction of trickfy. Everybody is so polite. you know, like, almost to a fault, they haven' law ao shop like. Oh, what's your name? How many children do you have like? Jeez, Well, you're I think ay, but you know' always amazing. Let's jog. I think what you're saying is they haven't lost the idea or the fact that we're actually all family, And you know what I don't agreed a hundred percent, but I don't think it's even conscious. No, I don't think thatars making a con. Yeah, there, you're right. They're not making a coash decision. Well, I'm going to hold on to this because it makes me know just the way they live, and that authenticity is what really makes it. Yeah, I guess's what made America literally medicinal. Yeah, Oh, there's an energy that's produced up there. That's that I believe is liter physically, some aura based. Err, whatever you want to call it. There iss energy there. Well and it's everything like their is legit Cleer. Yeah, so there'. like when you make it to the Pe. lighter people, What you just alluded to Joe is something that's bi in the realm under the umbrella of self governing. Remember if we go back to government and I, I like to trace this back to especially American history, and especially Founder ideology. Have you read the book The Five Thousand Your Leap, Mhm, No, you love early American history. It's one of the best early American history books I've ever read. The Five thousand Your Leap, Everyone should read it. It's cool because it goes into the thought processes of the founders. Should we have three presidents? Should we have one A? those otherptballing sess Blhah, Should we have Congress this way? Do we need a hundred senators? Why should we have an electoral college? It breaks down like we all know what what we have? This goes into why it was structured the way it did. It's so interesting in particular. It'sing When you read some of those documents, it is untruly, the word unbelievable, the forethought, these people have the founders. I don't. what I know. A is so genalous it applies. Yeah, yes, Oh cool. it really does. Founders were geniuses, so I want to say, though, about um, about the founder ideology, They believed in something called self governing, and I think that's I think what you're talking about with those interactions is under that umbrella of like, of course you're opening doors. Of course, if you see garbage on the floor, you pick it up. We don't and that's where they. they. T. They trusted us to self govern in a way, and part of that goes back to that like we're talking positive interaction. People trust each other right right like, of course I'm helping you. Of course you're helping me. and again, I look at the simple thing of. I see the garbage on the thing. Of course I'm picking it up. That's called self governing. The problem is we have. I believe that's where a lot of our breakdown is that there's not a bunch of self governing. The government has gummed up so many things in a in a crazy way and no one has respect for you. Don't have respect for me, and on and on that cycle goes. It goes back to what I said, though it's a division at that point of me versus you, which is our main problem. You know, up north it's not me versus you, so we'd like to go hunting and sit on the boat together. Maybe I be, it's closer to Laoe. Where is the We? It's closer to love my neighbor, Asself, which by the way is, if you sum up the Bible, and and not, I mean what they say, If you, if you take the Bible and condense it down to one sentence, love the neighbor as irself. I mean the neighbors up there, I have. I've gotten to know my neighbors, et cetera, but there's five neighbors that we just were acquainted by like three hellos. I, no question, I could call them right now be. Can me plough my driver? You absolute. I mean, that's how far do you want me to go? right? Yeah, like it's very. That's a real. veryy. in and mine too. I belong there. But how much of it is okay? So how much of it is? A is a time thing Because I am that person too. I will do that for you when you call me, but then at a certain point it's like I have ▁zero time. I mean his life's slowed down a well, you knowf, intentionally St. structured their life so that, and I was going to say major, ▁urban metropolis type of areas that is not existent because it's the fast I picture. like New York City, Chicago got to get to the next place. Baba Bob. There's a slowness there. Okay, so we gotta. I mean, I think our. I think I hear us. a Baba Pop came out. Yeah, I think it can be one of the first t shirts like ▁urban May next week. You got to wear your tee. I think it's just going to ha. Go top cubed. Yeah, that's genius. Thought you hes up on the chats comedy Genius, not Bob cube. That is boss. Hey, I have said Bopp Pop one hundred thousand times in my presence in the last twenty five years. I probably ha. And you know what, I still love it, Bob. to the three thousand power, we put out a video. That's that was of a snippet of a of a full episode that and in the and the headline says, Are straight white men allowed to speak? Okay, That's the headline of the the of the thumbnail, a guy commented. And I appreciate it. I want to say this. It's not because of us non white folks, as in the person commenting is not white. I think white folks have caused this to white folks. Don't blame us colored people, he said, or don't blame us colored people. blame the woke among you. You know what my response was. The they we wantnna, guess I'm going to read it. What do you? I didn't quite understand what he was saying there, can you, boy? I was clear on like our straight white Ma males allowed to speak anymore. That's a problem because they're so restricted. I, I agree with him, my responal. My agree with what what we said or was those scouts you said, Don't blame us, non white colored fol, colored people, he said, ▁quote, unquote, blame the woke among you as in the woke and all the white. Yeah, my, my respondent availablel, my mine juges, Jos. And why are even thinking? I didn't even think I said we fully agree these woke extreme white liberals are one of the biggest culprits of this. They specializes. They specialize in being offended on behalf of other group. Yeah, it's disgraceful and that was my response. Woke. White liberals are the worst people because they literally make it a point to be offended on behalf of this group and on behalf of this group. And if they actually listen to the group, they ▁quote, unquote we' protecting. they would say, Go away, dude, we don't need you. And that's that's just the truth. virtue signaling virtue. sicking, is what around the most nauseated things, nauseating say, it's disgraceful in my life. it's disgrace hand stand. It's a stain on society. you live, you have nine servants, you have people that do the law, you know people that do your laundry. You have people and you're acting as if you're this like person of the masses that understands everybody. And your, oh my God, go even like I. I think I feel like care about this and I care about that. It was like well, they can't even point to Ukraine on a map, but everything's Ukraine. Ukraine, Ukine, Ukine, Ukraine. Your next he, pull out a globe, Point to the thing they don't know. I mean it's seriously it's it's the virtue Signaling is at a point orlygustering. I hate. it's just so authentic. It's just you're so fake. Yeah, all right, advise me and saying. what else do we go? Yeah, I agree with that guy. Yeah, I. I. I immediately agree. I mean. what's your taking? you know I, my knee jerk. I was like. Yes. Well, I mean When all this? how do I say it in an easy way when I'm in a very affluent area. you know O, near our suburbs where we live, And you see Uh, an older white lady walking around with a black lives matterd, sign. You know I dont. I don want to put down what she's standing for, but it's kind of like What are you actually doing to stand out here with that sign to try to say that to put me down. You know what I mean. Well, are you helping black people? Are you helping black? Like? Are you tangible in the way, but immeasurably helping black people in some way Because you know what they are great, but the point is like. It's just yeah, like you know what this goes back to that. I think that culture we're talking about that that white culture is dying so hard to be a part of something else. Whether that's because the culture's T you know, Point, painting them in a negative libalism. Tri, we all, but everybody wants to be part of of something. so this division is like to take aside Is so easy. It's just so easy to take aside and say I'm part of this side. now. Yeah, but we, we don't think about it. Do they understand their side? Do they don't? they, don't, they. don't. People are very reluctant to be silent. It's like, Yeah, you have to take aside. Yeah, it's like. Well, maybe you're just thinking about it. Well, I always people say. Why are you conservative? I say, because I actually understand the left wing ideology better than every last leftist I've ever met. I tr and I and I don't mean to brag about this, but it's so simple for me because I literally have studied the Left, the left ideology Socialism, Communism, I've studied Marx Solonsky, I've read their books. I understand the way liberals think more than the actual real liberals. I mean, I truly do, and I, which is justly what it is. So when a de liber wants to come after me or like Tob, debate me, it's just you can't win. I. I know what you know how you. I know how you're say. it thinks before more than you do. Well, you know you're just mad at me. What Young just said is what makes it so ▁ultimately scary. The fact that there there's there any for something they don't understand and what they don't understand, and what is in place is is unbelievably detrimental to freedom and I don't even understand. Stop confusing me with facts. G already made up my mind. Yeah, I mean it's like go to Cuba, go to Venezuela, go to China, go to North Korea. This is what socialism uh at at its most evolved point, but Nick always' done the right way. Well, hey, I, in our business I have. I've met a lot of works if it's done the right way, and even just in the reason, you know what. the that's that's that I know Ive heard of A hundreds. It's the as by warument. it, Gus, what I just said, But here's the bottom line Soon as somebody says something like that, I'm just like I on. Well, not a hold on, but, but the state, but the statement of absolute power corrupts, absolutely has never been proven wrong. Okay period that it's N you. If you know history, I always tell people you want to know what's happening today. Read history, not the news, because history tells you exactly what's happening today. A, and and what happens with socialism, Which, by the way, the entire point of socialism, as any ha, leading thought leader in this world will tell you is to get to Communism. Socialism is the bridge to communism. Well, and and that produces absolute power at an absolute concentrated form at the top. And and it, it will corrupt and know what I has. It always will you find me on one. You're absolutely right, Nick, and you find me one person who left communism to come to America, that is in the extreme liberal. You. You show me that person and I will. I'll be blown away. They don't exist because they know darn well that that is not okay. Yeah, I met a bunch of old Russia. I was wearing my Make America great, Ah, ha, and gun had at the gym. Uh, and these older older Russian people were' like, yeah, yeah, yeah, they came over talking. You're having a great time and they fled the Soviet regime. Like E. I mean, Stalin was a monster. Okayy, perspective. Yeah, but it's like. What has Cuban's like that? That one fighter that came from Cuba, pit bull, pit bull, the rarapper. Okay, well, he's very outspoken about this. He's like you guys don't get how this works like you, Pro social and socialism youngsters like you don't understand it. Oh, okay, and what they're called is useful idiots, like you mentioned the other day and Mark coined that term. It's a real term. Google the term useful idiot. That's it's a real thing and they use these people as pawns to subvert regimes and move into a new whole regime change. America's not going to stand for it, And here's where I feel optimistic. America will not stand for it. There's too many freedom loving patriots And you know what? you know? what I like. That's why I was. I seuing the the of North thing. Yeah, gives me hope about the patriots. Heres you, we'reing more you. There's more island, We, silent silent patriot I wear. I like Texas. Yeah, I wear my hag. Know I wear my make America great againh. because I'm I'm proud to it, and they're like I like your hat. It's always a whisper. and then I and then I say, People always worried likem like if shit got real, there's a lot of us. Yeah, and and our values are so strong that they will lead us through. But why whisper? My question owes to that person. Where's your hat? Okay? I only whisper if I'm tired. No, No, Im going. Oh on. Don on. Feel like fighting, but my my point view is this, Yes, the societies where you had to whisper in corners about your religious or political beliefs. How did those turn out? Oh right and I don't. I don't. I'm on a podcas, right of conservative value, so I don't whisper. No. No, I'm noting you as in so times I'm like. I don't want to have this argument with the but to corlaate in common sense and like play the devil's advocates to what you guys just said, Though The the sheer amount of people who are in the liberal agenda in colleges who are becoming useful idiots. it's a scary number, man, and I, No, it is. It's a scary number, but you know what those people are eventually going to grow up and eventually have to pay taxes and eventually have to deal with the real struggles of life. Wheth, there's the old sayment will change them. You're a liberal. Maybe notre. Totally, you're a liberal till you get your first paycheck. Yeah, then youre conserv. it. You're like Wait. They take all this out. Yeah, I I work. Yeah, agree, I wantnna, I want the green new deal. I'm a free college, but wait, that means they take all my money and put it in this big pool to pay for it. That sucks. I thought the government pays for it. The government produces nothing right. innovative citizens do. the government has never produced anything like literally. I watch these. you know videos where they like interview college kids and they're like. Well, the government will pay. Like who's going to pay for that? Oh, the government they don't. The government doesn't create a dime. Us innovative citizens do. okay. I always use the Ela Musc example. The prick in a couple of years blew away Nassa, the gumed up government organization on. like dude, a key La man seven time one manj, That's just one man's brain. Let's talk about that guy. I'm always a amount of our time. leasts a man of our time. Yep, he is I you. He's like the love child of Uh, Hubardt, Hughes and Alber Einstein. Yeah, this Gu. I mean, no, I. I joke with my friends, like at the bar, I'm like there should be an organization, a world organization, not just our nation, and they should fund a group of physicians That their only job is to take care of Y land. musk. Yeah, and a group of security guards like a secret service. It just to protect the I must, because he is advancing our society. Yeah, faster than any other hundred men. That guy is a marvel. Yeah, faster than any government ever could space, You said about the space agents. Yeah, very sex. Unbelievable. Yeah, you know, Um, his boring company. I, I think I'm going to design a company that can up or under cities as right, Did it in five minutes. That's right than anybody ever did. That's right. Um, star link. I mean narrow, Lin. You just want up. In ten years. We just got starling up north. It's like it's better than my butern. A friend of mine just told me he's got it up north, too. He's guys two and ten years, Pe. Anybody who doesn't have Starlink is going to be like. W. What? what is that? he's an ex of? He's an extreme visionary that we can't live without At this that works time, which, by the way is the product of capitalism. Okayy, perhaps he is working in a capitalistic environment where he is rewarded. and in he's incentivevised first and then when he does it, he's rewarded P. sachtrist. So do though reward. He' doing reward heres about money that. Oh, he's a here. S. He transcends a lot of it, but my point to you is Yes, Outside of all of that I would listen him a go, Capitalism. He is not the Eline authorer that we all know. Capitalism like right. the very reckless Donald Reagan said has unleashed the ability to innovate greater than any other. that's right, Civilization and Earth, That's right, Socialism, and any form of it On the spectrum gum. S up. I like how that we had Bob Don of and Mior Candida, and he put it where a government. It was a good visualization. The government gums everything up, and I it. it. just it clogs it up. I mean it's it's we need human innovation and capitalism is the only way to unle Okay, and let that be upon a sincere question. Is there a level of where the push to create goes too far Because we werere saying up north, you know this up North area compared to the inner city of New York, Like you were saying in the speed of how New York runs, And it has a takes an effect on people's. There's a downside to exponential growth of technology Of that's where you're going. A downside is extremeer capitalism, extreme capitalist. It could push hers more and more more On what I mean. it. Well, explain what you mean by Iom capital. What I don't like is crony capitalism, elitist capitalism, monopoliistic capitalism, which actually is in capitalism By the way that capitalis and breaks monopoly. It is is George. book. At one Lexzataka, Look right, I love that example. I, a A Or, and you don't even know what That in the first up in the first man, I't the first monopoolist, John D Rockefeller. Okay, the first real monopoist that's recorded slash government and intervened et cetera where he was gobbling up oil companies. Oh Carnegie, too, right, Yeah, I mean. so so the point is Mo, monopoly is uh, in in, I think these tech people in Silicon valley. You know you know a Facebook picking up what'sa picking up an instigram and blanketing, and they controling and throttling speech, literally changing electric results and ideology results, et cetera M monopoies not capitalism'. A long winded way of saying that of course there's a element of Cap, extreme capitalism that you know, screws up the whole thing put well, you know, in general, vast, vast general, it's a catalyst for success and and hard work rewards. well, like the Inca, extreme capitalism, almost to unnite communist to socials. What do you mean by extreme Ca, as in more of like an oligarch? You know, the way you, you put it the right way when it turns into a monopoly where where horrible people. I don't like our tow. Correct. Yeah, that'. It's like because you're 'cause right right exactly because what you're referring to is. so maybe government's not the like communist dictator control, but the, the, the tach oligarchs and a couple of people at the top of corporate control. This, because the concern now is there's five corporates at the top. That if they decide to get together, Apple, Google, Amazon, and for some reason they decided to puol their services and say we want this together. We got a prop. Well, look at parlor, The The, The social media app That was like free speech. Apple, Apple took it down from their download store. The Uh, Amazon was their server. They, so they took it down and they literally were able to. They cross on and destroy a free speech app. Um, they crushed who. from there. You know what I do? You know what Lexoa is? I actually don't know, so Lexotica and niicky can jump in here because you have some backgro with this if I screw up, but Luzoica is a conglomerate they own. They started, you know, with eyeware huddy spell it Do you know? Don out ▁x ▁l U. Oh lugs, Okay, loxotic E you ▁ Luz. Yeah, y, I think it's seem like a play off for azataka. Yeah, but um, they started with eyeware like prescription glasses, and then you know they started to buy sung glasses. Well, Leontica now holds, and I think the stat is eighty seven percent of all Sun glass and eyeware brands like from the gas station, Quick Trips, sunglasses all the way up to the Gucci products on Gray Band are used. Say also own every single store, Sears highware lenscrafters, Sunlass Hut, you name it. That's the They go it. Yeah, let me end. They own the eye insurance company whole, and that's a problem. And so niick. So your brothers have all everything. Your brother's have eye glass store right. Yeah, So how much of that store do you think comes from this place Leotic? It' Ja percent. Yeah, it's really just Laoael conglomerate in the Iowa industry. And uh it's it's Mala. It's monopoliist. Do. I mean they're located in Europe. I don't know how to know the story with them and Oakley. Maybe you can tell it that I Id have hope was like one of last holdos. You know Oakli was a ho by Luxotica And and they're like, No, we're We're not going to hold out. The Luzaa. basically just tanked their stock until it was worthless and then bought them, which is, Didn't I just not know any of this, which is Johny Rockefeller style That, where he also de beers. Yeah, right. Yeah, like Rockefeller gobble up oil companies. And and then, if you guys have got all diamonds before, Yeah, don't to everyone out there listening. Do not watch a documentary on to beers before proposing to your girlfriend. Yeah, well, that will sting blood doing. you know theirwelve thousand dollar diamond is word lay eight cents. Yeah, blood Ds a whole lot time and doesn' a good do. it's. it's a much made market place. It's definitely. there's a dirty aspect to that too. and that's very real too. but it. it's a Ba market like it's like. Yeah, totally ma, a kitle go, A couple of dudes control the price of diamonds. They literally have salt mines, mountains of uncut down. Well, I've wondered that too. as far as gold, I mean, why gold is W. The gold is not this in the same caallic. Why is gold at worth? It's not the same as diamonds because there's actually not that much gold, but isn't silver worth like. If you, if resource wise, silver, silver has more tangible and um, um, utility. Yeah, silver has more utility, but at the end of the day, gold is something everyone flocks do in tough times And they say that if you took all the gold and entire world and it feels like a couple of olympic size pools or something, it's like an Olympic Si swimming pool. The entire world, something like that. I don't know the exact. Maybe it's a couple olympic size pools, but yeah, come back to the beers, but they. I don't know the stats, but they. I like a Wisconsin place dub beers. Yeah, but they own like everything through and they have one of the most brilliant marketing tooys in history Obvious, and it was like the eighties or early nineties, where everybody wants diamonds. Everybody, I meanlthough. they had a real problem. Yeah, because a diamond is a million years old, right? it doesn't degrad. So their problem was secondary market of diamonds and they're like the. The markets can be flooded with secondary market diamonds and they're going to be much cheaper. Why would anybody buy a new diamond from our retail stores? So somebody brilliant in their outfit came up with a diamond' Forever. You would never sell your mother's Dion. Yeah, you would never sell your grand diamond. You put that in the chest and a drawer and you leave it there forever, and there's basically no secondary market. Well, extreme marketing, extreme marketing it. it wars. Bl that guy, your gal, Though that was brilliant. You're You're in this extreme situation right now, right, Everything's ex extreme capit. Notice it. I'm just like all right we' literally. So like when, Talk about Diino's go to let know the extree meergion of this is thep, of extreme Al. I'm like, I love all like ma Aly, like, of course it was for him. It's like. Oh yeah, extreme marketing was like, of course, so continue, you know with the Extree market be Su. Marketing is out the window. You guys were asking me earlier. We' were talking about up north and you askedk me. Really? About sure. Oh yeah, you're not an outdoors. You got to you got extended a little bit doreo. I haven't seen there plenty of listeners who won't be able to see it, but it says the only flag, I kneel for. Um. and that is a. From what I understand, a ice fishing flagke's a tip up, a tip up for the ice fishing. I have no knowledge of this world whatsoever, E fishing, so don't tell me to go outside and freezing and fish for somebody here with your buddies, And I know I get the whole feel I'm out. Okay. It's one of those things you literally have to do and have a really fun day doing it. I get enjoy. I was going to say, there's probably a threshold I could cross her like. Yeah, this isn't too bad. Does your wife encourage ice fishing? Uh, she I? she embraces, So I'm not a huge sport. Are you Laon? Do you ex? You do extreme? I sorry. all right. go ahead. Go ahead. let me tell you. I ask you. Dream knows wrong. ▁quieiz fisher. Let me tell you. I ask me because my wife said she dated somebody like Before me, Not you was you, but she said that this guy was so into ice fish. he said, Basically he would not do anything with joys. you. No, I know Gu like that. Like say, want to live out there? Do generally and you know I'm so, what I was saying is I' getting divorced over this. I'm not a huge sports fan. Like televised sports like I watch packer games and stuff, But like I don't okay. I can't tell you everybody on the Brewers rostra. Yeah, these guys, but I'm more of a sportsman. I love to hunt. I love the fish. Love. really love the Ffth. Yeah, Yeah, you got a nice fishing. Snow buillling, I, you know eighteen that those are my. Think, They have no sports. What? and uh, oh, my God, it's unbeliev. the ice fishing, guys, they, I. they're out there. they're extree. It's like a religion. six to six like it's a religion. It's a religion. Yeah, seriously. there's some. It's no joke. I know a guy like that and he's like Dude, it's eighty degrees. You got the shanty and the Bubba Bob. Like no, No, thank you. there's nothing I, speaking of that, though, I was at a little Barth birthday party recently, and apparently like sturgeon, you spear foya. Yup, and there's a guy you mongous. humongous, So surgeon that prehistoric fish. whatever this guy was telling me, and I know nothing about a an aquatic dinosaur. Totally. that's right. And and I know nothing about this kind of stuff. But I was like I go. Uh. Also, how many you usually get Like When you go out he goes. You usually get he goes. Dude, if you get one like in a decade, you're like good. I didn't know. That's how like extreme it. What, extremely very hard. Somehow everything's in. You know how Anddno's vibe is going to make everything be extreme now. But anyways, but anyways, he's like Dude, it doesn't work like that. And its when you get a sturgeon from a spear that is like a insane like trophy right, like, if you spear a sturgeon you put a lot of work. You're like. it's kind of like you' a guy who bull hunts bears right. That's exactly right. You have to get the tag and then some place here. I, we out ready to get the tag. So it's years before you get the bear years. you know what? if ever, Oh hunting, I would say, and I'm not an experience puller. I' bo hunted. but I'm not like these guys have to hunt bunter. Pe. I mean, let's back it up even a little bit. I mean pe. people who don't hunt who have never hunted in, like in particular, like the vegan crown and stuff it' like. Oh, you just go out, turn and your shooe and have it is hard Imp, Probably where I hunt. I hu way up north, there's no corn. There's no, nothing like we don't get a lot of deer like we're up there for the camaraderie with the boys. and you know, et cetera et cetera like I've hunted thirty seasons and gotten like two dear. Well, wasn't it the argument there right too many? Yes, isn't it the argument that there' at too many to deer anyway, these dear do not in that part of the state but in general, Yes, you, you. That's the whole, another here. I'm saying like, why should we do you? answers. Yes, you have to harvest for two de two, dear. And how many or thirty years? doesn't that? sorry? You? sure? you're just not a badd hunter. I'm probably like. No, I mean, my uncle, dear, Hon, I don't I gre up. People like here really are sometimes and nothing. I grew up with the my uncle who deer hunted every year, And I feel like you always pulled one almost every year. If you're hunting the middle of state, we're all the corn. Okay, who's in? Why pack up? He you? That's like really good spot. Oh, is it what pack watches bucks fight? Okay and'm like. Oh, go. Is there some? I like deer country, like for real ink be. I don't know. I don't know. Is there some guy? think about where the food is grown in the state. The corn horn and all, he also are back. Oh, let me ask you. This is that just where you go up north, or is there some kind of honor to to hunting up there? Because of the way it is. I wish I was that cool. Um, it's because we've always gone there. We were allow of thes scalg to the supper clubs and to the Yeah resort we stayed at. You know a lake. we stayed out. Where is they? By the way? Can we same roads? My dad's ded. Well, so I have a connection to when I go. I believe, think at his sple for curing the stele up there. I get that by the way. That's that's yeah. That's something that is irreplaceable and I can't even imagine a whiling you get when you're there. Can't even imagine I can go to the grocery store. I mean, I like fresh eer meat, but's like it's a bitch. You got all that sucker out of the woods. You got a gun. What they sell Vnient at the grocery store. No, but I'm saying I'm not starving up there literally up there To do you know what I do? here's a sick mass, Myero. here's a sick fantasy of mine And unless it's farm grown, here's an only see sick fantasy. Tell me if you relate. if you can't relate, Call me a sickle, I, I want to know how deer guts grown up. A sixick fantasy at doll, All right, There's something inside of me and maybe it's truly like the primitive innate man that I believe could in all men is that I want to be stripped of everything except like a ha, a a knife and be thrown in a wild environment And see how long I can select Theyll catch it. It, just stuff like that and we all. Yeah, we're right. Like could I like, and again I, it's maybe that endorphin thing, Adrenaline it, and I, I probably would with four days. If so, I know what it is you're saying I couldt build something over my head to stop the rain. Could I get warm with some kind of hide? Could I skin an animal? Could I figure it put it this way? Could could. could human nature take over, Because clearly I'm out way outside of. I don't even hunt for sport. Could human nature take over And this is a real question? Could human nature take over in survivalism? To where that? could? I could make that of a product of you not being sparted or resourceful enough. It's I couldn't do that and I've grown up doing this stuff and they're doing it for sport as all I'm telling you right now. Like tell me why, though, tell me why, Because I've walked. It's the shrapping, because I watched the show alone on the History Channel. That's why. But it's Trapp, and they do this and they film themselves and they're legitimately. The show iss like you want you caught in some, and these are like survivalist killers. Allr are people that have been like making fires with both strings for twenty years, and they're girl, and they can't do it. A weaken in their cry, A girls could do is that right, bare girls could do it some wise. Oh, I want to know why, Because if they can make a fire, they can kill an animal that can chop in. It's fifty of these things that compound at once. Number one, their snares don't. It's not my job. Work. it's a different landscape and they didn't. They thought they were going to catch rabbits, but they're not catching rabbits. Everything's too wet. They can't get it dry to even get the bow string to work Now it's day three. You're on a chlooric, just total dumb. You have no energy. you can barely stand. You're totally demoralized by not being warm and not having a fire, So your effort sucks now, And your technique sounds guy. and the more, it's exponential. It every hour that goes by, your Y less's likely. Yeah, you go check your fish net. There's nothing in there. You're literally starving like you said. The demoralization takes you down to all these people that fail on that show And it's a representativeation of people who have died in the wilderness. All these people are feellling show. It's It's always mental, but it's always small. It's all the point. I. we talked about that, but I think it all inish day I you. Oh no, when it finished, but I think it all like I can't. even. It also depends on where you start, though, I mean, if you start in the middle of the summer near a body water, you can probably live a lot long. Yeah, let's I mean optimal conditions. Maybe it's warm and it's I mean, they the highest spring boy be my spring. You harm outside. I believe that I do know. Oh, of course, and again, I, when'. Obsessed with hunters and gathers, That's why you want to know if he could actually be one, And he wants to know if he could carry over his skill of you know, financial literacy over to the world. Yeah, exactly, get you cat for a weekend. I, I think you would really enjoy it, but I'm a financially litter and hulier gatherer. You really have to like. put your like drive up north and put yourself in a. put my cell phoneone, in the drawer. I, a whole different state. we both ne. We ga, need that. actually, I do, too. I' not engaged in any of that my life in Milwaukee area. I am now up here. I'm detached. Yeah, I literally am up here to like. enjoy the smell of the decaying leaves. Yeah, like you have to be in that mindset. Yeah, to like fully absorb everything that has. Well, it's grounding. They call it almost grounding, And there is a spiritual aspect. Was that a real thing? I o toical, mere foot on the ground. Well, I don't know around that you know. Yes, but that's not. I meant. like, Yeah, fare foot on the ground. You literally receiving energy from Earth Scientific. I wonder if that's true be cause. I feel that way. I. we spendent nearly my wife's an educator, so I own my own business. Where does she work? E? y, don't tell Mely. No, I' private school teacher. Yeah, kind to, but barefoot on dirt. so we basically spend. I mean a cy, right to that, we basically spend the whole summer at our cabin. Oh, and I think it's so. What are we going to do about the show? We'll figure out. Um. I start. like. No, Just think, continue. Uh, and we do that by design Because you know our kids get our kids are involved. but we, we are not those people that are like. we go from violin to soccer to karate like we dial back a little bit, but third ball, But I think it's so important for my children's America. I can do what I want and for my four kids to go up north in June. No, T. V. unplug go out there, get dirty, catch frogs, spend the days on the woods without that and then combind with each other on the other side and they'll think stare at the stars built, smell like a fire set a word bonding. Though the bonding in three days is worth micro nights for three hundred and sixty five days at home. Yeahp, that three days is worth more than a year of bondy, ▁quote unquot bonding out all the summer. It is like I love that it. I think it is spiritually so cleansing for them, but also very uh. it's imp. I think it's really important, especially because we're talking about how exponentially busy our lives are getting to give them that perspective. The perspective. Yeah, and Nick, I, who held up the phone a couple of times and you're like you're in some iring me more. By the way. Yeah, No, me, No, me too, and I know that I love that a lot of have don't done it in years. They I really love does sum up a lot of the this sums. I say. Oh, I have to. '. It's real. it is. I have to work really hard throughout the year in order to hold that, afford the time to do that to pull it up, and I'll still keep some jobs and come well, you know we'll go up for like two weeks, come home for through and then go up for a week and come home. But just the idea of pulling our kids away from from from these like, even if you did it just a week here and there may well also, but also pulling them away from the agendacause. Let's not forget kids nowadays are overbing. kids today are booked like adults. A calendar looks like that of like a busy business man. It's and I'm a I all leaveers, I going to our last show, but we're talking about. Uh, you know, the fire, um, farm, a table, the far, laa, Ah, no, no, no, you were talking about like anxiet. And depression is booming. and oh yeah, sky rocket is sky rocketing and the easiest world we've ever lived in. I think we of the least amount of fresh. subconsciously we collectively are subconsciously like creating major anxiety in our children by having these ations. And and not even like you must bring home at a. But like you are going to be involved in these eleven things. I don't think people were meant to be involved in that much crap. Well, people we know kids weren't people, May be certainly an all children. And then right, you know so many kids like I've dealt with anxiety in life. It's really crippling. and to have it as a kid like, I know. That's why it's so. I think it's so important that if you're able to manag, it's a tight way for them to unpug. It is right. It is a tight rope. Okay. I agree, I have four kids and I want the best for them. I do know that certain disciplines are gonna produce an output as an adult that I think they'll be happy with, 'cause the reality is the person that does that sits home and meditates all day long. I don't know if they're happy either. No, okay, No, you know what I mean like, no, nom, No, it isn't But it is a balance 'cause I've gotten caught up like if there's a spectrum, I've always gotten caught up in more of the achievement side. Okay, and then I, and, and as earlier in my adulthood when my kids were younger, I probably was more into that ▁quote unquote achievement world, whether it's school academics? Uh, you know sports. whatever, but I have scaled back. Okay, and I'm goingnna throw a shot off to my wife and 'cause she is not as much like that and she's open my eyes to some things. Am I going to change? I think a hundred percent the other way. No, but you're so right, is she or you say they're over mosts. more like Hey, Nick, Get well, just peel back on the kids and this and that 'cause I am more of like tougher. like this needs to be done. That needs to be done. but it it. It's a tricky rope because there is a level of co accountability kids need, and I'm not even saying what we're looking, but like I need to, I need to them to militantly know that, like, for example, you can't leave your violin out on the floor. It has to be in the case all those kinds do all those same things, but no, no, un stricter. No, but I'm saying I also want them to scrape. Just go outside and like get grass stains and do the whole thing with frogs, which luckily we have frogs in our backyard and they have a fun with the thing with that, but my po. and, and like, for example, here's one thing that I felt I had to bend on. We're getting animals out of our ears in our house. My, we have a snake. We have two bunnies. we have a hamster, we have three tree frogs. I didn't want any of them. I don't even what my dam do. dogs. Okay 'cause I o. my mind goes to who's going to watch them when we leave and travel, But here's what I'll say. They're learning so much. Okay, they're experiencing things they love and passionate about. And yes, it's a pain in the neck, and the rule is as soon as you stop taking care of them, goodbye're gone, but they're learning to take care of a personal responsibility. Correc. so they're not pretty militant. but but I'm like. No, we don't need this bubble bob. That's dull. but but like this is what they're passionate about it. So be that's an example. maybe a weird example. like for example, I wanted them to do ju,▁jitsu, big group. I really want my son to do. We. We just got in the car and literally had to make a U turn 'cause it got that bad where they just were like Daddy. Please will do anything. We just don't want to try you. ▁jit. So I actually had ' watch one session and then I had them. Um, and then I was going to have them to a trial. They had. They just were fighting in a way that was more than just I don't wanna. It was like tears in the whole thing and I'm like real real deeal. It was like you know what. I'm going to make a you turn here. There's other things they can do. sure, but I wa. I mean I have daughters. Okay, they're going to walk on college campuses one day, which are a huge place for targeted. Um, and they're going know like a so beautiful girl too. They're so they're very pretty. They're intelligent among, among other things, and these college campuses worried about the Ruuis girls and they're goingnna be pretty tough, but not all they will be pretty. No, the reality is, though our co, college campuses, Um, are a huge, like sess pool of like sickos that are listed. I assault women. So like the fact that my daughters could have some skills of juijitsu. I was like you learn discipline. you get in shape. It's a lifestyle. Ohd, yourself. I fullly teach them how to buy a pistol one weeken. Yeah, well, right exactly, I know, but it's like I. I wanted that for them so bad, and then I'm like You know what he want. Brother fill out the c, c w, for. It's really easy. I want this for them. but you know what this is such a battle. We're goingnna have to go in another direction and I've learned to bob and weep. If this was ten years ago, I would have. I would have got like their battles right. But if this was ten years ago when I was um, not as mature of a parent. it would have just it would have happened. I would have. I would have pushed them in with tears rolling down their face because I'm like, No, this is. You're goingnna try it. 'cause my philosophy was like food. You try if you spit it out. Okay, you tried it, jujitsu. You try it and we peel back. But they were so adamant and I'm like You know what? Let's not do it. We're huge on the food thing trying it. Yes, yeah, I I can't stand when I meet another guy my age and I'm like. Hey, what do you think about ass? Carargo, never had it. Yeah, I'm like you're forty two years old. There's things you haven't had like by having tonas. Aren't you curious? Well, you know what I'm curious about? Oysters Never had. it never had. Oh my god how I feel. I wanna try him. Okay next time is super ba, Mark, our mutual friend says. If I'm going to the electrical chair, that's what I want to eat before I die. He, not how much he largess, he, he says, Oysters are his pre death. Me is lasts. they're absolutely delicious. I don't kind. If who cares't, you want to try, and I do wantnna. try him. I always say to my kids, but won't he tell? Like, but come out all you. You suck him down and they taste like nothing. This is what I say to my kids. How do you know it's not your favorite thing. You don't know you do it. My son is not my son is not going for that ever. I get them one of the most pig and I'll eat anything. He is one of the most pickiest really individual from Mom, But my point came from many things who get on then and another. Did youjit you? but then I look at what you just said, which is why doesn't that roll over into Juijitsu and I' this mine game. I' find my everything thing until you'm like you could try it and love it. But again, I just so it's like I look back. I'm like I don't even know if I did the right thing. I believe in that moment I believe I, I help my daughters, but I look at that and i go. How do? what? if this broke some kind of thresholder, They're like. This is kinda cool and could be my thing. I' never know, and that's what does still bother me about the De that jujitsu. This. Well, guess what jujitsu is? It can still happen Some dam. I have a story slap on the algy, that willll tie this together really well and I think you'll find entertaining if I cannot put you. it. Um, and this was something I think I either read about or saw you too, But it was basically a story about a gentleman like a uh, an academic or some type who went to a conference. There was a keynoe speaker. It was something on like astroodynamics, something you know. absurdly Acaem. And then his two sons were also keeny speakers at this thing. Okay, and the guy tells a story like. I wanted to make sure I was at the dinner table with that father so I could ask him about. Like how he told you know his sons were charismatic and clearly very passion. I treasly du. to do. say this. What did you do? give me a little. I have young kids. Now, what was your theory? He's like I, I raised him on the dump trick through the wet, the dump truck theory and can't wait later. Her explain. He's like I had this theory that my kids with my sons would come home. They' like I'm really in a hockey. Put him in the backyard dump, a whole dump truck of hockey on him. Here are the sticks here, the class, you know, what's a metaphor. here, the here, the classes have girls. I sat him up. Here's everything. Eventually he'd climb out of that pile of hockey. they'd be uninterested He'd be interested in. I was interested in piano. I, back in a dump, Trup, dump a piano in him. He's like I knew when to stop when he didn't climb up, and he's like once that kid Beca. I gave him every opportunity and gave him a lot of new chances. But once that kid didn't want to climb out of the pile, he was passionate about that and I knew that was what it was for him handle. I love that. Let let them decide, But but give them out on to him. Yes, so so then going back to? should? I haveve made my daughters duy just through that day. Well, in your case, No, No, that was the dump truck. They were going to get the Ge on. They were going to go on the floor. That was the dump truck. I'm like it. There is on the chart. I mean go. No, but I'm okay as I room. but so going? How does that? so I look at that. I'm still. I'm still not confident I made the right decision in that story. Yes, that's the right answer, but I also know that you engage your daughters on a lot of things, so it's now I like. Well, true, boy, I messing up to your kids or lazy bums, vow? No, your kids do a lot of St. The odds of their passion being to ▁jitsucause. it was dumped on them or ispably low, especially because they are a. They already drawn to the arts. They, they' artists like You can't believe they're musicians. Uh, acting singing. They're in that we all. You already have a vein that you should tap into correct, but its just I. You know, I thought it was like a good, like cool fitness manning' argu man plan, but you can't dump every dump truck on him like. Oh, well, I, I never got him into crocheting. Well, you would have never thought to do that so you can't do everything, but the idea is, but I get your point. It's a good. Them lots of options that came out of your college campus fear, so we can't kind. Let them show you what their passions are, and then feed it. Yeah, right. I agree. I agree with that idea, and and eventually narrow that down to even just the du thing like you, just go all in. I am. I. I love that I love. I mean, I think in your situation like your your oldest daughter, I mean, Her thing really is art. She's really really good, but it's danced too, and she's actually getting back with emtence, or well, Shes good it all away yet, but I'm in drawing art. Shes. She's a mazy's, and centra in Sane This really, But if you had to like umbrella, it's the arts. My kids love the arts, my older two, my younger, two different ball game. There's still you know. There's still. it's almost like you're pushing liberal agenda over there. We are. I'm more artistic. I, I think it's rightpe brain right, Im more ripe, brain, more artistic or creative. You know what's G? You know. it's cool. I grew up at handded. I'm not no, I'm I'm a lefte, which is boom, otherwise known as I grew up where I couldn't drop. I couldn't draw a picture. No, I mean, I couldn't draw a picture. I couldn't C. her in the lines. All that stuff. Something happens somewhere along the way where my brain really switched over and I notice thing it. It really is. Well, you can't train yourself. It's craft right. it isc. some day I want to talk about the distinction between Uh artistan craftsmanship, Mm, cool artistry and craft. What do you guys think? The distinction is the difference. They articulate the difference between being a craftsman and an artist in the world of construction, or just everything, has a cra? A craftsman really thinks out what he's going to do before it does it. Well Is artistry more of the creative side, and craftsmanship is more of the hands on tactics. I don't know. are they? You have the answer. I have what I think, my aunt. Go ahead. I mean, are they and the next question before I answer is are they mutually exclusive? No, and no, they not clearly overlap each other. I. I thought they were the same darn thing. I mean, I would say a craftsman is proficient at their C raraft through time and experience. Okay, and an artist creates something that can't be taught. Okay, so you can be both you can to be a great crashman, violinist was our audit juliard, and you have perfected your craft, But then you compose beaut beautiful symphonies that nobody could have ever done knowledge. And wisdom doesn't matter how much you taught them, but that's the are distinction. That's the ideaistide. Yeah, so like him, I'm a cabinet. Okay. so okay, Start didn come from more raw talent in Nate, raw talent. I, I wouldn't even call it talent. I would say it's just raw material that's in you. It's jolly Roma here that was in there. I would call that talent. I actually think talent is raw material in. I fact, if it's not, but in' call it, I would call gifts, but you could be a craftsman to be talentituded, because you're just so good at it. Okay, Well is talent. but his talent. skill in his skill, talent is a square rectangle, Re. No, but I mean like so like for example, without Joe Jackson, I think we use the word talent. pull on was Michael Jackson talented, y, Yes, born with talent born with it. Yes or no, Okay, no, I'm I'm asking. Yes, he was talented without Joe Jackson. We would never know Hi Michael Jackson's name. I believe talent is the raw material that then has to also put it this way. World class To me is talent combined with a insane amount of work ethic. Put that together world class. So that's what I was getting too with without Joe Jackson, Michael Jackson doesn't any. I agree with that you. You guys kind of said the same thing with you. What do you? But you agree with that. I agree with that. Okay, not mutually mutually exclusive. That right argument is Joe Jackson reared the Jackson's particularly Michael to be a a musical artist. But then there is something there that other people didn't have what Michael had. Michael has rock allllant. Clearly, all right, yeah, M. M. almost more than just talent. It's like magic dust. that's in you. like you like a red. You know realy. it's not more than ent. it is talent. You could raise ten thousand young boys from age four to Gulf, and you're only get to get one Tiger Woods. That's right, Because it. They didn't have the talent. So M. ▁j had the talent with the insane, worth it work ethic, I, We're just you're using the wordtel. I'm using the word industry right because Michael was both, but he w. I would say he was more of an artist than a craftsman, But that is true. He could dance. Why I said you guys said I say is dancing, And if he had something that other people didn't have, I know, but for some reason my brainri says talent where, by the way one is not better than the other either. I'm not saying that that could be. I was pretty. I'm a cabin makeakr. There could be a guy that has just put in a hundred thousand hours of building furniture and he's proficient and incredible at his job. But if somebody comes in it' like hey, what if we put a secret Shel here? Made it rolling. He's like Ah, let me let me go right way and change that. Get an ey cir. Can I surmve, I'll build the drawing. Can I sur my right. Yeah, let you surmise you skills and crafts can be learned. Talents in the artistry of that cannot be learned. tonate. right. I would agree with that in general, except they said To a certain extent we' do. boy. Well moatz aret, I mean. what was he making? Advanced compositions at compositions? Art A four years old and it was an artist like he had something that nobody else nobody was. That's why when you're on like American Idol and they're like you're a real artist. Well, yeah, and no, I get you know you guy ever looked at it as with various andtraftsen. It's an interesting metal exercise. though, because you, you'll meet people. very. They're in the trades or what we're doing now or whatever. And' be like, Ask yourself is that person the craftsman nerves, and I feel like we're both, and I was going to say there either. So if I'm looking, if I its total schmder. I'm goingnna tell you something, my, the Gu, the carpenter, I, the carpenter, I, who I have doing this additionit in my house. he is both okay. He is out and he's an also an architect. The man's brain is a machine you own to miss socially. Not so much, but he excels so well to where I can look at the finished product and be like. Even if the guide had M hundred thousand hours of carpentry, I can be like. That's good work, but when I look at his work, I go. That is what's next level or so. I feel like artistry. Going to your wording. Uh, there was an element of artistry that even the guy whose hands are flawless and every cut he makes can never do that. Ooh. artists have talents. Craftsm's, have skills. and by the way, rapplinging all the ears together. That so so it's it's kind of like, Um, it's it's like anything in life like here's where you got carry. Would you apply to like surgeons? Oh? like. Oh, shit. I like the craftsman. Yeah, who you want? Oh, I caught open a million chests. I got a heart surgery and also a funny anecdote about that too. That's actually a good. I actually think you want the C. the skilled craftsm for a doctor, 'cause you know that's you don't want him to go off on their own. I don't think. Just do the thing that works a hundred thousand other kinds on me. Yeah, y, we have a buddy, a friend with Mark. his name is also Nick. You know who I'm talking about. Ah, he's a lawyer. Yeah, I actually remember that guy. Yeah, I grew up with him from high school and his dad, Uh, V, retired now, but very well renowned surgeon. Uh, but also one of these guys. it was just like he was. We all had great dads but he was just this force in our lives like a force of wisdom Like just really smart guy. nice guy guy bonded with us as you know, young men and teenagers. And and I'm still close with him to this dayy. Yeah, hook us up to dinner. He taught me how to appreciate fine wine like just Yeah, and uh, we'll call them Dock. You know, he was a orthopedic surgeon called duck. Okay, and uh, we call him dochisms, 'cause he had these lines like he. He wasn't trying to deliver her line. It wasn't a bit to him. It's just shit. he said that Yeah, was sort profound. he was so profound. Yeah, I, I got. I learn heard of him. I love of kind of this on like Rene, Gzzers, I. To the time of this one, in particular, we were uh, driving out of Hilton Head Island. I was like eighteen years old. We would take two cars. and so somebody had to ride with Doc. you know, take turns. and uh. I all right with Dock, you know, shoot the shit. whatever he rudden with him. And uh, you know', eighteen years old of was like, So dock you a good. s. Jim, and I'll never forget It reminds me that Thenn Stiller and Robert Diero and meet the parrod. So you take a regular unleed, which you could tell the Yeah, rightcause He just want. Probably wants to drving,▁quiet, and eighteen year old. Yeah, did you listen above the magic dragon Du? No, did he bust your ass too? Okay, and what happened with Doc didn't smoke. Read until it was way later in my life. Tell me about it good about dock. Wow, interesting Los Angeles vice for thirty three. Wow, Yeah, vari. in that's that's unique. It's good good for you with another time And then we're go. let's talk about this anecdote and then we got a wrap up. Yeah, Oh I you. I turned on my go. said Doctor. you go, you good surgeon. Yeah, you go to Peter Search, and he said, I'm the bestthicsurge in the state and I was like, Just like that, right, he's of course, I'm like. Okay, sat in my mind for a second and then I looked and I'm like. What's kinda cocky? isn't it? Did you say this to him? Yeah, Okay, I knew him. good, good, you and he looked at me while he's driving And that's why the delivery is so good To kind of looked at me, but just kind of didn't. Yeah, it the timing and he wasn't try. It wasn't a bit. but like it's just I remembered so perfectly he he told. Let me ask us something. Yeah, and this horrible car accent, Your knees destroyed. I. Somebody's got to rebuild it. You come into my office trying to find a surgeon to fix it, and you come into my office and you ask me, You a good surgeon? You want me to say I'm okay, Good point. I'm I'm I'm all right, I'm the best. No, You want me to say onm the best? Yeah, Yeah, and then you live up to it, Yeah, or at least you strive. Yeah, I would agree with him. I, Oh, Grace, loved that. Have I told that story a hundred times in particularly my kids? Yeah, was he the best? I don't know, but he strove to bull. It's almost like quantitatively the best guy in Wisconsin. It wasn't that it was such the point it. What is that? All right? Well, didn't we talk about this? Let's say like, uh, people who fly airplanes or something. It's like you. You got to have some, you know, Air Air Force guys in the air force. You got to have some level of cockines. Oh, to be great at that and then nav. Is it cocky though? why isn't it just extreme? I knew you were going to do it. It's like Ra guy will end it on. the. It's' like Larry. No'. Go tocver your enthusiasm. The the way the guy can loop back the all this job and how we inerly serious. Like the initial thing back to the Ext In comptent, it's that's great. No, I, you love it there. there is the threshold and I, I'm okay with extreme confidence. I, I believe in your craft. I believe the world changers, not in everything. Not if you're one who has extreme confidence in everything. You know what I mean, then I think there's a ▁l. A level yells like, If you're just everywhere you, everything you touch is gold and I' I'm the mightest touch guy right, I mean, Obviously there's cocky. but in general like, Yeah, like. And what you do? you know? like if I go to to a pilot, I'm a freaking plane. Are you a pilot? Yeah, I'm the best pilot at Southwest Airlines good, 'cause now I can take a nap real nice. That kind of thing. I got a good ▁quota into them. but it's going to tie the stuff time together loosely. Go ahead and uh. the It's actually by my dad. Okay, and uh, hit a couple of closes we liked, but I love this one in particular to talking about craftsmanship and talking about you know being a good pilot. But and we talk about these values and working hard to achieve your goals. And we talked about how tradesmen you know, and so often have excuses, and you know can't do the job. Because of this, my dad would always say No excuse is as good as a job well done, Meaning you could have good excuse. You got a car accent, Somebody died. That's a good excuse. It's still never going to be as good as doing the job. Well, Yeah, very true. had a great. It's a great point. very very true. The job welled on. I think people are going to love leaving on that note. I think that's a good little thing to do. you know. Im kind of leave them on like a thing to think about a little notil next time. So yeah, all right, signing off. let on, Elphon cuth, leave a rating and review. Hey, you didn't turn it off yet. Did you didn don't know? Just leave a rating and review. Go to Itunes. leave a rating. Inter review we want to hear for you, please drop a comment. share it with your friends. but rating and reviews mean a lot rate. review the show. 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