In the Club

EP 26: Empowering Kids' Mental Health and Nurturing Business Growth

March 07, 2024 ClassForKids
EP 26: Empowering Kids' Mental Health and Nurturing Business Growth
In the Club
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In the Club
EP 26: Empowering Kids' Mental Health and Nurturing Business Growth
Mar 07, 2024

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There's a certain magic that clings to the air when we step back into our beloved studio, a magic that amplifies when we welcome guests like Rhiannon of My Yogi Bairns, our spirited competition winner. Her visit to our headquarters was more than a joyous occasion; it was a catalyst for growth, both for her and for us. 

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There's a certain magic that clings to the air when we step back into our beloved studio, a magic that amplifies when we welcome guests like Rhiannon of My Yogi Bairns, our spirited competition winner. Her visit to our headquarters was more than a joyous occasion; it was a catalyst for growth, both for her and for us. 

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Speaker 1:

Good morning, Rebecca. We're back in the studio. Hot seats.

Speaker 2:

We are. It feels strange to be back in these seats. It's been a little bit of a long time since we've recorded our intros and out-tros.

Speaker 1:

That's right, we've been all over the place we have. We've been in Ireland.

Speaker 2:

Well, that's our last podcast was the Perform Ireland one, which has actually gone down a storm. Now we don't really brag a lot in this podcast, but the Perform Ireland podcast has done so well and we talked to so many different people and we've had such amazing feedback from different people that have been in the office and when I say people, I don't mean employees, I mean actual customers that have been in recently.

Speaker 1:

That's right. Yeah, and it seems that from Ireland, from the visit itself, there's going to be so many more different tendrils and areas for us to go. Can I say tendrils?

Speaker 2:

What does that mean? It's like octopus things, tentacles, tentacles. We're leaving that in. That has got to stay in Tendrils are just open all around?

Speaker 1:

I'm sure it won't be. We've been travelling about a bit, but we're back here now. We've had lots of. Are you laughing the way my voice went?

Speaker 2:

I'm laughing at so much. I'm laughing at tendrils in your voice. Anyway, back to business. Yeah, please, let's focus here.

Speaker 1:

So, yeah, we've had a lot of guests in. We have and it's only the beginning of March and we've had three or four guests in so far. A lot of them are doing podcasts with. Yeah, the first of this is Rhiannon from MyOgaBairns.

Speaker 2:

But can I just say, before we get into a little bit about who Rhiannon is and take away all of the amazing learnings that she gave us, does anybody else feel like January was the longest month, like it was like a year, and then February just went like that? Because when I'm thinking back to those podcasts they were in February and I'm like, okay, hold on a minute. Where did February go? And January was a year.

Speaker 1:

Extremely fast yeah.

Speaker 2:

So let us know in the comments I'm sure this might go out in a social clip if you feel like January was a year, but February was a day, yep, yep, wow.

Speaker 1:

Well, March, maybe it could be a minute.

Speaker 2:

I feel like I've just done a quote that's going to be used in the history textbooks.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, maybe Okay, and we don't boast much here on this podcast at all.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so Rhiannon, we got it from MyOgaBairns.

Speaker 1:

Now she was a bit of a different guest because Rhiannon won a competition to come and see us.

Speaker 2:

I love how we give that away to people, Actually to know what it is if we think people are going to love coming here. But actually she genuinely loved the prize and I think it's safe to say Rhiannon might be our biggest fan and she's probably listening right now to you and all of our friends and family as well, If you are.

Speaker 1:

Hello, it was brilliant to meet you.

Speaker 2:

It was.

Speaker 1:

The interview we were about to go into was great, but really it was very nice to have somebody that has listened to lots and lots of the podcasts and was able to bounce off of ideas and things. It was really good to have her here. Great winner and total. I mean, it was random pick, wasn't it?

Speaker 2:

Yes. So Rhiannon won our Mystery Pie prize on our monthly giveaway, which is a trip to Class for Kids HQ, where you get to sit down with the marketing team here and chat to anybody else in the company really and just sort of have a think about what you're doing in your business and, as in marketing, we'll sit down and kind of give you a plan on what to do. So make sure that you are following us on our social channels if you're a customer, because you could be on with the chance of winning. But Rhiannon, she won that trip and we have given her action points. I literally emailed her on the Monday morning and I was like this is what you're going to do by the end of 2024.

Speaker 2:

I've set up goals, she's got plans in place and it's so exciting and she was just such a lovely, lovely person and really she is just the epitome of what is, you know, our industry is about. It's about really giving back to kids and actually it's the care and the nurture that she has, and we see it in so many of the clubs that work with us. So it was just a really inspiring interview. Now I have to say I don't know what's in that interview, because I wasn't an interviewee on that. Oh, it was I. Oh, sorry, I wasn't an interviewer, it was you.

Speaker 1:

I ran solo on this one, but it was very good and what we'll do is why don't we go into it? And you can?

Speaker 2:

I can ask you the questions, yes.

Speaker 1:

And you can listen and watch in real time.

Speaker 2:

Okay, let's do it.

Speaker 1:

Go. I am here today with Rihanna from my Yogi Bear Loans. How are you? I'm good. Thank you. How are you Very, very good? Good to meet you today. You're a winner in the competition. I am To come here. It's random.

Speaker 3:

It's so exciting, really, do you know? Last year I can't remember which episode it was that you'd finished. I've listened to the podcast, yes, and at the end of it I was like one day I want to go on this podcast and you might have tested it. Here I am and I've always wanted to meet, like me everyone, and go to HQ. And I've won it. That's really good and I've got super fun.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and you take that. That's really cool. So you're based in Benicaporn Tweet. Is that where the classes are? Because we spoke just off camera about the chain, bridge, etc. But which is amazing. By the way, should you go out and shout?

Speaker 3:

Big shout out to the Honey Farm Chain.

Speaker 1:

Bridge. Yeah, I can absolutely vouch for that. The place is amazing. The visit to eat so you're actually in Benicaporn. Tweet the classes.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, classes are mostly Benicaporn Tweet, some around in areas as well. And yeah, I do live in the Scottish borders, so I kind of float between the knot. But majoritly, what do you float the classes are in?

Speaker 1:

And you teach yoga. This is it. You are the first person we've spoken to about kids' yoga and, in fact, yoga as a whole. How did this come about? How did you start?

Speaker 3:

And the other went through. You know, in your 20s and you go through like a little 20s crisis.

Speaker 1:

I think I can just do that no.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I imagine it's going to continue. Oh, you can get up, you can get up, you can get up. So I was having a bit of a top time. I had no idea what I wanted to do by my yoga. And it was my mum actually. She found this ad bit on Facebook saying it was the first ever children's yoga training in Scotland. Right, and she said it to me and her ass up. This race closest we are now and I took me all of 15 minutes to make sure it was legit and pay for it. Raise, paid for it, so you you went to this one.

Speaker 1:

Okay, right, I mean that this was in the first one in Scotland. Yeah, where was that based? At Livingston, right? Okay, have this about the trick from you.

Speaker 3:

I know it's all now and a half With it, because it's changed my life. I would, I would never have known that this would be what I would be doing. So we were you treated, I would have been 23, right, okay.

Speaker 1:

And had you before that Investigated yoga or killer wellness and so before that I liked yoga.

Speaker 3:

Yeah and don I dabbled. I went to a weekly class and I did. I kind of thought after every lesson have you done yoga before?

Speaker 1:

you know, my sister does it and she's always started in the last year and and she says it's changed her life. So I really I mean I just need to find the time to do it, because I am really freaky and I genuinely have bad, bad, bad arms and things that they've shown my age of this podcast this time. But I would love to do it as something that of all the kind of exercises I like.

Speaker 3:

You know, I like that and I like the kind of ethos of it, yeah, and the chill of that what was happening to me is I love yoga and I was coming out of each class as if it's a little floating on a cloud. It's whatever mood you went in into that class, you're coming out brighter and and I'm much happier mood and it's just something that I was like. I'd like to be a yoga teacher, yeah, but it just was a wave canal. I couldn't find a routine and then all of a sudden and I found this training and I Paid for it went off as in an October right, had like a 2D Training and then you had online training to finish the rest of it off.

Speaker 3:

And I'm I can now and expect and my actual yoga teacher that I went to, she at the time was getting her own venue and she said why don't you rent a room? Do the classes from here? And I was really nervous and Basically, what she'd on is to picture of me. She put it on Facebook and says you ran and soon children's yoga classes, and that was that, so I had to do it.

Speaker 1:

Man, you know there's something. Is it best we hasn't it literally jump in that deep? And yeah, and it was perfect.

Speaker 3:

I mean, if she hadn't done that as well, I might have tried my heels a little bit I am but she threw me in and, yeah, june 3rd was my first ever class just last year.

Speaker 1:

No 2019, 2019, or okay, so that's cuz the fat. Four finals I had.

Speaker 3:

Yet I've come out five years. I'll be my fifth birthday this year and and, yeah, my first birthday, so I'm gonna celebrate and.

Speaker 1:

I've said, oh yeah, not totally like getting a wheel, we'd love to know when that's happening, I mean, but I maybe we popped down for a wee visit. I would be really good. Yeah, so if you've been water for five years, do you have? Do you now see children that came in with a 10 and 15? What age? What was the age?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so the might that first class I done on June 3rd. I still have kids To this day who have never, they've not stopped, or really they have been with me from day one and they are my day one us, and basically I caught up with them a little bit.

Speaker 1:

I absolutely not. You said in the way in the end that you'd like a celebrity in the class along that. I love that so much that I mean should show so much slit the respect to look up to it.

Speaker 3:

Well, yeah, especially in the schools, they they'll see me and I actually they call miss yoga lady in school, miss yoga lady and then, and for the clubs, and honestly I just I feel like a big sister or a best friend. Yeah, I just I try and keep it really casual and and I wanted them to be able to chop, like to talk to me and yeah, it's a really safe place, it's a nice environment after like I mean of everybody we speak to.

Speaker 1:

You must really have a massive impact. Gymnasts is obviously grade, so is football. Everything's great for kids, mental well-being. Yoga is focused completely on my, so it must, I mean you must be changing these kids lives held.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

I mean this is sticking with you this long as well. It's not anything that, like we doing tonight, I'm gonna sit ball on with yoga. It's a very different thing. He shouldn't be, absolutely shouldn't be, because, for what I hear about it from what you're saying as well, it's like it's almost better than a lot of these other sports, them for can a mental health and well-being. But yeah, I mean I think that's just it's. It's something that we're bit champions of here. I see the law from, but we're really kind of Assyos has been in the kids Entertainment sorry, the kids education sector to spend the fact on a software. We do all this because we actually love to talk to our customers about what it does for the kids. I mean, this is a really, really unique one, for you mentioned classes and schools for your own schools. Yeah, how did that come out? I?

Speaker 3:

Mean, I didn't look for it, they'll be killing for you. Yeah, they came to me. I am so, I which is a black snow, a curse? No way, I suppose, because, and Because they came to me when, obviously, word of mouth, and I am from a small place, so that was, I suppose, beneficial, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

I'm a little bit easier with big fish and a no.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, big fish, small pond, yes, so they came to me and then it continued and continued to grow and then I Basically then found it hard this was the case to find skills and Expand that because I wasn't used to it, I didn't have to ask. So that's, and that was a learning curve for me, is then having to actually start and so on in the admin and being a business woman and Trying to do that side of it because it just it would just all be so natural, the start of it, that everything did just kind of flow and Really, easy.

Speaker 1:

We spoke you may have listened to podcast with Kervis. Kealy is one of our kind of people we work with often and she really focuses on trying to get clubs into the mentality of Approach the schools. Go and ask the schools if you can get the space there and whatnot. But they've KB you and you can see why I mean it's so. So how many, how many people aren't in the business? How many could?

Speaker 3:

I'm doing yoga, just you and the, the teacher, the Secretary, the, and I'm able to use that was the official title yogi. Well, it's a. So, technically, yogi is the male, a male person. That would do. You're a yogi, me, okay, technically okay. I suppose anyone sees it differently.

Speaker 3:

And though the reason the name came about is Barak hat is known for this day, who helped in the wall All right, okay, don't quiz me on my hundred good stature. Yes, there's a statue of a man, bearic. There's a statue of a man, ed and Brad is a statue of a man done bar. I might be lying now, but I want to see him's called. What take, okay and boy, okay. Yeah, I'm sure there's a ritual, okay, and so basically, we're running all for a bail. We got the bearic bay and I wanted something that would. I Wanted money to be a little bit like. I wanted about Scott in there, and now I wanted it to be fun and childlike. And, sam, it was actually my parents that helped cut with the name. They kept seeing what about you'll be Ben? I was like, well, I can't have that, you know.

Speaker 3:

Copyright, but you've struck to the copyright perfectly, no so, um, then I can't remember which one of them it was, but they said well, babe, now I said, that's perfect, you'll be Ben's so that makes sense now that I've met you and that you're from just over the border.

Speaker 1:

You're actually live in Scotland and beards is a very Scottish word, yeah, and for those out there, they don't know what it means. It's just kids, children like babies. Okay, as I said earlier on, as well, I grew up watching yogi beer. Let's see what other yogi be it is, but I do have any good impression I'm gonna do now, hello, boo-boo, now I'm gonna get Brian to cut in the real yogi beer, because I'm telling you nobody would know the difference. Like that is the best, the best. Yeah, it was a bit of a hurl. So what's? What's next for your we bales? Because that the interesting thing I think is Again, which is quite unique to everybody we speak to. You know you're doing this yourself. Do you ever envisage bringing more people on?

Speaker 3:

I would love that. I would love that. That would be the dream. When do I stop? Well, actually I was gonna ask when can I start here?

Speaker 1:

Switch for a minute. There's another series like I care about jobs, walk. Yeah, all that would be fun. That would be cool. We could have peace over I'm day one than yoga and the kids would be screaming you party and I think it'd be fine.

Speaker 3:

It's all about how to fun anyways.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, well, I could do that. I'll take it about.

Speaker 3:

I actually Predict here first Okay, I I'm going back to uni, right, and I'm gonna be. I'm gonna do counseling training, okay, so that's another three years and I was hoping to add to sort of a mental health training and and actually Make something that can help kids further. I don't want to be going ahead and just giving them the Wofford vice and Hoping that they take it. I want I just want a bit more knowledge. I want to dive deeper and I'm really excited I starting me and this all.

Speaker 1:

Let's really be on surgery. Yeah, but you don't have children, no, no, um, I mean, this is needed, oh, more and more. I mean maybe, as I mentioned the podcast before, but Matt, matt, this son is got autism and he's kidding, he needs to get extra support, things like that, and we just yeah, I'm hoping that it's another avenue that I can Naturally slip into the yoga lessons.

Speaker 3:

Anyways, I can give tips and tricks and things like that, but then also it's something else I can add to this, give to the schools.

Speaker 3:

It could be an extra. You know, maybe they don't want the yoga, but they may be like a well-being day or they'd like, and just a little bit of training on what we could be doing, how to be talking to the kids, and that's something that I really want to learn and I and basically all Boils down to you I just want children to have All of the resources that they need to get through tough times, because we're gonna go through them. I mean, naturally I went through there and I'm not gonna lie, I'm rubbish at it. So who's being nobody? No one. But if you had some of those little techniques breathing exercises or and just you know there's so many things you could do they would just slightly help get you through it rather than I mean, I'm really good at numbing it and bearing it and pretending it's not real, but when you talk about it and you just actually acknowledge what you're going through and that it's normal, it actually is so much easier, you get through it faster.

Speaker 1:

And that says it showed that it's normal. But it's the minute you find out somebody else is feeling the same way about anything like all the things. Like I'm bad these days for the night time, wake up and I'm like, oh okay, just you know we go back to sleep. Well, wait a minute, think about that. Oh, that's me a week for hours. And then you find out I've got friends that do the exact same and I'm kind of like, what are you doing to cope with it?

Speaker 1:

Many of terrible men are really bad for kind of just really top things out. The younger generation is getting so much better after it and it's to people and like initiatives like Yogi Baylands. People like yourself are going to help them and more more. Part of all you, because I'm going to, as I said, the direct son who benefits from people that could just take that little bit more time with them and help him excel, because he's like, actually it's one of these absolute savant kids, just riddled with anxiety about things that are under the world, and it needs exactly that. So you're studying right. The business continues as you study.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, this course is so cool. It's made for people with busy lives, so it's actually on a weekend and it's one day a month, but you have to fit in the weekly study time. So it's face to face, one day a month, which isn't too bad. I'm going to be able to squeeze all that in. I'm not going to say that the extra. I think it's like eight hours a week of reading and whatever else that needs to be done. That's going to.

Speaker 3:

I'm going to have to squeeze that in a night when I have to be disciplined not always disciplined, but we're going to, as I like change I want. So it's going to happen and I'm going to make it happen. And I'm really excited. Actually, I can't wait to get started and then start sharing what I'm learning with everybody. I think when I do start up and probably I'm going to try and do like a maybe a weekly share of what I'm learning and then it might also sink it into my brain a little bit more because I'm talking about it and then and then also just gets everybody else a little tip of whatever.

Speaker 1:

Maybe it's a fun fact that then when you do that in the class, you're talking about sharing that do. What about? What about like odd light as well? I think this is the sort of stuff that you do. I can see a link then and kind of other platforms. Obviously, definitely, and stick it on and what not. Be with the kids are these days they're going to kids and whatnot I know.

Speaker 3:

So I'm not very good on Instagram, but I have challenged myself this year and I'm very proud of myself. I have been doing a fundraising event for place to be children's mental health week, okay but I'm doing it all of February, so I'm still doing it, even today. It's what I've challenged myself and all of the kids, so we're all doing it. Yep Is 29 days of yoga every day for February and so far, if I'm right, I think we've made 1200 pounds so far. So amazing, which is my eyes. I'm really excited. So place to be have been fantastic help. They, you know for me up. They asked if I need anything and they've gave so much great advice on how to go about it and I'm the only one. That's because it's just a week, isn't it? Yeah, and you want to start one little month.

Speaker 1:

Well, let's go out. I think it'll probably be in the after it. But is this, is this is going to go fund me that's open all the time with it, like that for us, possibly, I'm not sure if there is, it will be in the links, because we find out and we'll make sure we put on the link so that people can donate. If not very, you brought for us as well, which I'll bring over in a minute to show everybody, and would you ever franchise?

Speaker 1:

So I'm not sure actually I thought about it, they seem to seems like, because it's so unique, like we've got a part of work with Jess show team sub because she's been on the podcast as well and that's a very unique thing. So circus right, and she franchises and she gets very, very popular because it's so neat. Yeah, and she also does this thing that's called disruptive franchising, where she'll sell her part of her franchise into an existing dial school, an existing football school even. That's great. So they'll be doing football classes, but then part of that that school will care of just be teaching circus skills really works well for dancing gymnastics. But this seems like a bit of work we're across the board, yeah, you know. So, just like, have a think about it and I think that what you wouldn't want to do is let go of it.

Speaker 3:

That's yes, my baby yes.

Speaker 1:

I can. I can absolutely tell that you've got absolutely real passion for this.

Speaker 3:

I absolutely love it and the to say that this is mine and that I you know I'm not perfect. I'm absolutely not perfect. I'm not perfect. The best business women are not the most organized, but, when it all boils down to, is the kids, and I will do anything for them, so I will make anything. Work is to make them happy and to make sure that everything's being done and their well-being is being looked after and that they're having fun. And yeah, so it boils down to them. They are my rookie friends, they get it to them and I am just part of it. I need it, but it's nothing without them, Okay well, listen.

Speaker 1:

Thanks so much for coming. You know very worthy winners of the competition, the first best ever, the kind of one, the chance to come here. But definitely, right, I promise you within the next two or three months we'll come down and we'll visit before the end of the summer and we've got events and whatnot that we're going to. But definitely come down. I want to see this in action and I'm visiting a couple of days. Real, maybe try some of that honey.

Speaker 3:

Honey sponge cake. Sponge cake from five. Yes, we'll get them involved. Thank you so much. Thank you. Can I join in with the Absolutely.

Speaker 1:

Let's do this, time you go down.

Speaker 3:

Okay, one, two, three, bye.

Speaker 1:

I'm so glad you knew that.

Speaker 2:

What did you think of that interview? I thought it was as inspirational as Rianne was in person.

Speaker 1:

And I mean I'm going to say, indeed, that's plenty of new words. I used to say I don't know.

Speaker 2:

I said one word and you said another, and then we both said we were going to stop, but then we just switched and started saying the other.

Speaker 1:

You just pick a word when you're in front of a mic and you keep saying it, but indeed she was very inspirational, not just from a business perspective but just from a life perspective. I think that she's got like an astounding opportunity there if she wants to take it. But that's if she wants to take it because from the interview she was very much like she's happy to be in control of everything the way it is just now. We kind of talked about franchising and it's not something she's immediately looking at just now because I think she wants. She just loves her kids too much. She'd need to clone herself.

Speaker 2:

And she's going back to university as well to do a course there. So that's going to be a while in the making. But I think for me, from my conversation, listening to what Rianne had to say, it's more about if your goal isn't to have a thousand kids by the end of a certain point in time or by a certain point in time, that's okay, because your goals are your goals, they're what you want to achieve, and if you change those along the way, like many things in life, like we sometimes have a plan and then things change a little bit, I think for Rianne her goals are she wants a hundred kids by the end of the year, and I think we talked about ways in our session around how she could use the class for kids system. So I know, if you're thinking about expanding into a different location, you're thinking well, what about the financial impact? How am I going to get a venue?

Speaker 2:

Well, with the class for kids system, it's easy. You use your waiting lists and you generate demands and figure out okay, how many people are on that waiting list? Okay, well, there's 10 kids there. Therefore, I can go and go into that area because I know there's 10 people already there and I think word of mouth is the most powerful marketing tool for kids activity clubs. So make sure that you're asking your parents to refer people, getting your parents to spread the word about what's happening in your space. So I am very hopeful and I'm very positive and sure that Rianne will achieve her goals by the end of 2024.

Speaker 1:

And she referred to the kids that had been there since the start as her first years and they think must be like 12, 13, 14, I think was kind of the old-fashioned said. And one of the things we've not really talked about an intro and outro is that my Yogi beans is yoga. Yeah, it's not like football, it's not gymnastics, it's kids learning how to chill.

Speaker 2:

I mean the babies do it. It's so cute.

Speaker 1:

I wish I'd known when my kids were younger and I just went here you go.

Speaker 2:

I think we actually know, in sort of reflection class for kids, needs a trip there, like you know. I think we could do a little bit with her, didn't we?

Speaker 3:

Stand up and Friday at four Friday at four.

Speaker 1:

We've rebranded. We rebranded for cover. That Friday at four she had us up doing some poses. When she said we're going to be doing yoga, Some people's faces went, oh no, but it was very light touch, Thank goodness for me, and it was great. When people come here I think Rebecca's just kind of alluded to that we don't just sit them down and talk to them, have an interview with them. They spend the day with us talking about if they're customers. They can talk about the product, they can get advice on how to best use the product and also in the marketing space and how best to be marketing their businesses. If they want it, it's here.

Speaker 2:

And it isn't. It's that kind of thing, you know, thinking about the customers that we bring on. It's almost like you know we should be doing webinars on these kind of things. So if you're listening to this podcast today and you think that class for kids should actually help a wider thing where you can chill into a webinar and have that conversation with us, let us know in the comments below, because I think that would be a really good thing for us to start doing the customer space around how to audit your social media channels, how to get into new locations and start helping our clubs grow in that way as well, because obviously we have all of our lovely written content and podcast content, but actually there's nothing like getting into a group and, you know, chatting with like-minded business owners.

Speaker 1:

If you've got a group that you want us to come into, it's all to play for.

Speaker 2:

Just contact us and DM us. Sliding to the DMs. Sliding to the.

Speaker 1:

DMs. Well, that was a good podcast, ending on a laugh, yeah.

Speaker 2:

That's a good podcast, even if you do say so.

Speaker 1:

It's a very good podcast today.

Speaker 2:

Again, if listeners are tuning in or watchers. If you have suggestions on what else we could be doing in our podcast, we are always open to feedback. You can go to clubsclassforkidscouk forward slash podcast and fill in our feedback form and let us know if either you would like to feature on the podcast or if you would like something changed.

Speaker 1:

Okay, let's wrap this one up. I like the fact that Rihanna knew about the ending and she got to do it already, but will we do it again?

Speaker 2:

I think we should. Yeah, okay, yeah, three, two, one Bye.

Back in the Studio
Yogi Ben's Mental Health Journey
Discussion on Business Goals and Marketing
Expanding Kids' Classes Through Webinars