In the Club

Introducing 'At the Club'

May 07, 2024 ClassForKids
Introducing 'At the Club'
In the Club
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In the Club
Introducing 'At the Club'
May 07, 2024

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In this short introductory episode we happily introduce our sister podcast 'At the Club' into our pod feed. 

Produced and presented by our very own videographer Bryan these bite size podcast focus on not only ClassForKids customers but opens the mic up to our industry as a whole. 

We hope you enjoy these as much as we do. Take it away Bryan. 

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Show Notes Transcript

Get in touch with us directly today

In this short introductory episode we happily introduce our sister podcast 'At the Club' into our pod feed. 

Produced and presented by our very own videographer Bryan these bite size podcast focus on not only ClassForKids customers but opens the mic up to our industry as a whole. 

We hope you enjoy these as much as we do. Take it away Bryan. 

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Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to a very short but very poignant introductory episode of In the Club. As you may or may not know, our videographer Brian, who's the technical genius behind everything you see and hear on our podcast, has been running his own podcast, called At the Club, for the last several months. Hello Brian, hello Stephen. So tell us the difference and where people have been able to find At the Club over the last two or three months when you've been running them.

Speaker 2:

So I've been running this since November of 2023 and it's been exclusively on YouTube as a full-length podcast. We cut those episodes up into small social bits, so anywhere between 10 seconds and a minute you can find on our TikTok feed, our YouTube Shorts feed and our Instagram stories. Sometimes the difference between At the Club and our Instagram stories, sometimes the difference between at the club and in the club is at the club, is a short form podcast, so the episodes typically run between 10 and 12 minutes and I'm speaking to as many industry professionals that relate to kids activities as I possibly can, so people who are involved in performing arts football, dance, that sort of thing who aren't necessarily customers of Class for Kids, but I'm trying to get their individual opinions and their expertise in their fields.

Speaker 1:

That's what's. That is what's a bit different. A lot of the time I mean, it's not always customers we speak to, but I would say 99% of the time it is. And what I think's been really interesting is you talk to people about not just their industries and their activities, but what jobs people can get, because it's like when we're talking to somebody from theatre or somebody that's studying acting, it might not be that they end up being an actor, but there's a hundred different avenues they can go down there. Same with football, same with sport. And that's what's been interesting for us to listen to all these different stories coming back from people who aren't necessarily our customers.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, it's some really good insights from the guys I've been speaking to. Like you say, you hit the nail on the head. Um, if somebody goes to trains to be an actor and they find themselves in a theater school and they realize they're more of a fan of being an agent or they really like the technical aspects, the lighting, the sound, and there's just avenues that you don't necessarily think of, that are available to you when you enter into a field and like a sport or a dance. But they can be there and it's just hearing that from people who have got boots in the ground. That's what I like to hear. I like to hear it from people who have been there, who have been through it and are willing to share their expertise and their stories with us. That's the kind of the big thing I like to get out of it.

Speaker 1:

So now we're going to be dropping these as audio onto the in the club feed, so all of you guys out there are going to benefit from hearing them here too, which is great for us and a lot of people, brian, have already been asking for more than one podcast a month anyway, so I think you've just, inadvertently, really helped us out here. Okay now, so the next episode that you hear on this feed will be the first episode that we're going to publish of At the Club, and we'll try and put one out, I think a month, but maybe, maybe more, maybe more, because you've got an awful lot banked already so, yeah, we've got 10 episodes sitting there, just ready for all you listeners out there to dive into 10 episodes.

Speaker 1:

I mean that is spoiling people, but yeah, I think it's going to be great. So with this one, I'm going to let Brian sign off on his own way, because Rebecca and I have our own way of doing it, but Brian has got his own unique way and over to you, brian so I'm going to paraphrase this one because we're on audio form.

Speaker 2:

If you like what you heard and you haven't done so please do consider subscribing to the in the club podcast, on whichever platform you are listening he's very professionalist, brian.

Speaker 1:

Well, enjoy everybody. Goodbye.