In the Club

EP 29: Mastering Mindset with Louise Brough

June 14, 2024 ClassForKids
EP 29: Mastering Mindset with Louise Brough
In the Club
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In the Club
EP 29: Mastering Mindset with Louise Brough
Jun 14, 2024

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Dance sensation and business coach Louise Brough graces our podcast for a third time, bringing with her the exhilarating energy of her expanding dance academy community. With over 200 members under her wing and a Mastermind group nurturing 25 flourishing dance schools, Louise is the mentor every dance school owner dreams of. 

We understand not everyone can jet off to Mykonos for the exclusive mastermind event, but fear not! By following my Instagram handle, the dance business coach, you'll stay connected, receive updates on upcoming Mastermind days, and have the opportunity to engage with a community that's passionate about growing their dance businesses. Whether you're seeking bespoke advice through direct messaging or eager to share your own journey, this episode is your virtual backstage pass to the wisdom and camaraderie found within the dance business world. Join us for this journey of discovery, celebration, and anticipation for the success stories yet to come.

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Get in touch with us directly today

Dance sensation and business coach Louise Brough graces our podcast for a third time, bringing with her the exhilarating energy of her expanding dance academy community. With over 200 members under her wing and a Mastermind group nurturing 25 flourishing dance schools, Louise is the mentor every dance school owner dreams of. 

We understand not everyone can jet off to Mykonos for the exclusive mastermind event, but fear not! By following my Instagram handle, the dance business coach, you'll stay connected, receive updates on upcoming Mastermind days, and have the opportunity to engage with a community that's passionate about growing their dance businesses. Whether you're seeking bespoke advice through direct messaging or eager to share your own journey, this episode is your virtual backstage pass to the wisdom and camaraderie found within the dance business world. Join us for this journey of discovery, celebration, and anticipation for the success stories yet to come.

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Speaker 1:

welcome back to a brand new episode of in the club. We have with us today a seasoned professional. In our podcast hot seat we have louise brough, the dance business coach. Louise has been in our podcast now three times. This is our third time sitting with us. Today. She was our first ever podcast guest and, still to date, the most successful podcast episode. Louise, welcome back. How are you?

Speaker 2:

I'm good, thank you thanks for that lovely intro.

Speaker 1:

You are very welcome. How does it feel to be back in the podcasting hot seat?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, a lot has happened since our first conversation way back then, was that like two years ago?

Speaker 1:

It will have been two years ago, because our podcast was celebrated its second birthday this year. So, yeah, it's a long time ago now and a lot has changed since then.

Speaker 2:

for you, yes, a lot has changed and certainly the dance business coach community has grown quite significantly since then. What?

Speaker 1:

kind of numbers are we talking? What's the significant growth? How many have you got attending your sessions on a weekly, monthly basis?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so at the moment we have over 200 members in our academy community and in the mastermind group. We've got around 25 schools attending our sessions.

Speaker 1:

You've said a very interesting word there, mastermind. Tell us a little bit about what that is.

Speaker 2:

Louise. So the mastermind is really just like the next level for schools that want to grow. It's for school owners who know that they've got more to give and that they want more from their life as well. So there's much more accountability in there, there's more one-to-one support and it's just, yeah, a really exciting space to be part of.

Speaker 1:

I can confirm, in fact, that it is a very exciting place to be part of, because we were lucky enough, brian Stephen and myself came down to your Mastermind Day last Thursday at the Grand Central Hotel in Glasgow, so we're going to go and hear some of the interviews that we've had with people. We're going to catch up with some people, but can you tell us very quickly, in a snapshot, one line, what is the Mastermind Day all about and why should people think about attending one of these if they can in the future?

Speaker 2:

So the mastermind event days are exclusively for those schools inside our community. We come together every quarter for like full day events. We've got training in there and everything is really around improving their mindset, getting them better with their marketing and better with their money as well.

Speaker 1:

Well, let's go and hear what some of your masterminds have to say about everything that they've used with Class for Kids and the masterminds. So I'm here with Sarah. You've travelled all the way from Donegal. Yes, in Ireland, in Ireland, how are you finding the mastermind day Great?

Speaker 3:

so far. So lots of inspiration, lots of stories being told and lots of action steps to be heading off home with.

Speaker 1:

So you're finding today very inspirational. What kind of things are you looking to take away today and implement to your school ahead of the new term?

Speaker 3:

For our new term now. We'll begin in September, so we're looking at action steps towards priority registration and getting our members who currently are already on our system back in or remain kind remain in that system and re-registered for the new term starting.

Speaker 1:

And are you running any summer camps over the summer periods?

Speaker 3:

Yes, our summer camps are starting in July and August and, with the classes for kids system, we find it very beneficial because we have the option of booking day camps as well as weekly camps and all of that.

Speaker 1:

I didn't pay her to say that, but she said it perfectly about what the summer camps feature can do for you at class for kids. And if I were to ask you what's your kind of one biggest piece of inspiration that you've taken away from today so far, what would you say?

Speaker 3:

um Our mission statement for the studio, and remembering our values and our ethos behind why we do what we do.

Speaker 1:

I am here with Victoria and you run Starstruck Musical Theatre School. How are you finding the Mastermind Day?

Speaker 4:

I love it. It's always my favourite time. We do it every three months. I've been in the Mastermind for a year now, so this day comes down so quickly and it's amazing how much we can achieve between each day and I see how far we've come, and all that is just absolutely amazing.

Speaker 1:

I love it and what are some of the biggest learnings that you've taken away from today already?

Speaker 4:

um, probably how far I've came in the last year. Um, I've had a bit of a like crazy year, like in my personal life and in business, um, and I feel like between May last year to May now, like when I first started doing this it's, I feel like I've changed as a person like massively. I've got a lot more confidence and stuff, and I feel like this is now the beginning of me taking a next step and where I need to be in the business.

Speaker 1:

That sounds really exciting and Louise talked earlier. She had three kind of action points around freedom, impact and revenue what you kind of noticed in your numbers since joining the mastermind in the past year um for me, a lot of mine to do with my turnover and stuff.

Speaker 4:

My turnover has doubled within the past year. Um, my student numbers have pretty much stayed the same, but that's down to a lot of other things, things like I'm looking for a studio and all that kind of thing, but I've maintained it um with as well having a lot on personally the fact that I've maintained it um with as well having a lot on personally, the fact that I've been able to maintain it is like massive because like where I, where I was last year was like a really struggle um try to even get up and get out the bed in the morning, never mind run a business. So it's been massive change for me.

Speaker 1:

So it sounds like it's been a massive year for you in the past year and it sounds like it could be another very exciting year, so we look forward to hearing more about your progress and catching up with yourself and Louise at the next Mastermind Day. Thank you so much for coming on the podcast. You're welcome. What were kind of the headlines for you from the Mastermind Day?

Speaker 2:

I mean, we heard from Sarah Marie that she has been massive. She started off in the academy, which is her first level membership, and then in September 23 she came into the mastermind. When she joined the mastermind she was on like 7k months and then within six months her school was turning over 25k a month and that in our industry is pretty unheard of.

Speaker 1:

It is pretty unheard of. You know we work with thousands of dance schools every single day, but I think you know you've got to give yourself some credit. So there's the business owner, who is the dance school owner, and they are capable of doing these things, they have the mindset to be able to do it, but you've got to give yourself some credit. I mean, you are changing lives one day at a time. You are doing that and you know the training and advice you offer because you've been in their shoes, right. So how does it feel to coach all of these dance school owners? I mean, what does it feel like on a daily basis to get the feedback you're getting? Because I'm on your social channels and there's some great reviews that people are sharing up there of you.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean it feels quite unreal sometimes, like I genuinely, like I get emotional when people send me really nice messages about how it's not just improved their school but about how it's not just improved their school but it's changed their life, because you know the ripple effect from working on themselves and working on their business it has like positive impacts on their kids and their husbands and just the way they go about their life. It's incredible and I genuinely still sometimes feel shocked when I get the messages, but obviously proud and I just love that these people women especially are out there just taking action and making their lives and businesses better because there's sort of different ways that they're growing right.

Speaker 1:

So there's revenue which is massive because that allows them then to, you know, get the money that they deserve. First of all because we were hearing some of the testimonials and just some of the speakers they are severely under charging for their classes. I think somebody was charging like five pounds, like for a session a week or whatever. You know. We just know in this day and age that that's just not feasible and actually parents alike, you know they'll be willing to pay more. But there's also the element of, you know, growing their class numbers, getting more students growing into new areas. But then there's actually them being able to get time back to do what they love, and that's kind of what we do partly here at class for kids. So if that's personal development, which is kind of what the mastermind's all about, or if you want to go and grow your business or spend more time with your family, being able to do these things, these actionable steps allow you to actually focus on a bigger picture. Almost would you say that's kind of a good yes, yes, definitely, and everything.

Speaker 2:

The metrics that we kind of follow in the mastermind is around impact, profit and freedom. So it's all of those things. So you know, it's all well and good having a school that turns over x amount of money, but if you're not happy and getting to enjoy the fruits of your labor and the process, then is it really worth it? And it's just making sure that the that whilst they're growing their revenue, they're able then to make a bigger impact within their communities, so they'll be able they're able to offer a better service to their customers, they're able to offer more opportunities to their team. So there's just like so many positives from it. And the mastermind has a massive focus on personal goals and business goals simultaneously. So we work on both aspects, because I think it's important. If you want to avoid burnout, which a lot of school owners face, then you have to be focused on both and Lauren's, another great example of this right.

Speaker 1:

I mean she, when we first met her way back when, when we sort of helped her with level up, you know, lacked confidence in herself, knew that she was capable of doing these things, maybe just didn't know how to go about it. And now, um, she's buying over another school. I mean, how do you go from that to that? It's about, um, being confident in yourself, actually gaining the business skills, the mindset skills, all these wonderful things. So, you know, it's like there's so many different stories that you're a part of. Now, um, you know, there was it 200 members that you've got 200 plus members in the group. So that's 200 plus people you're helping on a daily basis, and it's not just you, I guess, it's the community that you've built as well. So people put a question and there's always somebody there to answer on the back of it so it's much bigger than me and it's much bigger than anyone in the community itself.

Speaker 2:

It's the connections that they make and it's the relationships that they build and even things like. I suppose it's quite similar to a dance school when you see people becoming friends out with your setting, like I love, when I see them meeting up for lunch and like out with the stuff that we're doing. I just think it's. It's exciting because not everyone understands the journey of growing a business or a dance business and I think it's nice, when they've got other people that understand and that can relate to them, that they can lean on for support yeah, I think community is such a huge support network actually, because you never feel alone.

Speaker 1:

There's always somebody there to answer a question and you know there's people there that are, maybe you know, two or three stepping stones ahead of where you are. So that's the importance of it. So, um, great to catch up with so many people. Louise, what is next for you? What's next for the dance business coach? What's next for mastermind days? What's coming up that you can tell us a little bit?

Speaker 2:

about yes, so the next event that we'll be hosting is actually in Mykonos in Greece.

Speaker 1:

Sadly, stephen and I will not get to go to that mastermind day, as hard as we try. Tell us a little bit about what you're doing there and what you hope to achieve with it, so yeah, it's pretty much going to be like our quarterly events, but on a bigger scale, in the sunshine.

Speaker 2:

We've got a beautiful villa booked from the monday to the thursday. We've got 17 amazing schools attending.

Speaker 1:

It sold out pretty much immediately and unfortunately we had to turn people away because, yeah, I mean, it's sad that you've had to turn people away, but also amazing, because it shows the demand, I guess, of what you're doing. But if we're not able to go to Mykonos, where could somebody else find out about the next mastermind day?

Speaker 2:

yes, so just follow me at the dance business coach on Instagram I'm most active on there and just reach out and send me a DM, even if it's just a question that you've got to ask about your school or your next steps, then.

Speaker 1:

Great catching up with you for the third time, louise. I am sure it's not the last time that we'll see you in this podcasting seat and I guess we'll be following all of the successful things that happened after Mykonos. So thanks very much for coming back on. Thank you so much for having me see you later. Bye.

Dance Business Coach Mastermind Success
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