Pause episodes aim to improve the connection between your mind and body. It will help you reset and get present no matter the circumstances. We practice mindfulness and mental focus, which have been found to improve the blood flow in the left hemisphere of the brain. These episodes are identified by the white raven on the podcast cover art, and each episode addresses a different topic to assist you in practicing being settled and grounded.
In this episode, I share some valuable insights on how to cope with the feelings of trauma and isolation that many of us may experience at some point in our lives. You are not alone in your struggles. During times of survival, we often have to simplify our lives, but as we heal and grow, we make room for more complex aspects.
Trauma can make us believe that we are alone in our survival, but this episode reminds us that we are never alone. Here we use our imagination to practice doing things differently, and we take steps to reach out to the community, which can help us create a sense of belonging and purpose.
Grab a comfortable position and let's get started.
In this episode we:
1. Box Breath
2. Get Present
3. Practice Hand on Heart and Belly and Gratitude
4. Build Awareness
5. Use our Five Senses
Check out past episodes and more information here:
Please remember that this podcast is not a replacement for treatment by a healthcare or mental health professional. This content is created for education and entertainment purposes only.
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Book: Still: Making A Whole When Parts Go Missing