I Thought I Was Over This

Pause: Grounding Techniques for Calming Big Emotions [Pause 59]

Dr. Kimber Episode 90

In this special podcast episode, Dr. Kimber guides you through powerful relaxation techniques to help reset your mind. It's all about having the awareness to recognize and be mindful of your body's responses to stress and trauma. She guides listeners through grounding exercises to help them identify signs of being within their "window of tolerance" and to intentionally practice relaxation.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Window of Tolerance: Learning to recognize when we're within our window of tolerance enables us to empathize, analyze, and be adaptive. This practice helps us return to that balanced state.
  2. Intentional Relaxation: Softening your eyes, massaging your jaw, and noticing your breath can significantly contribute to a deep sense of relaxation, helping us combat trauma responses.
  3. Mind Muscle Training: Don't let distraction keep you stressed. Just like lifting weights at the gym, training our mind to focus and be present takes time and practice. It's all about building the muscle of concentration to achieve a more relaxed state.

Remember, your nervous system is thanking you for taking the time to invest in your wellbeing. Let's keep practicing intentional relaxation and nurturing a thriving mindset. Together, we can create space for healing and growth. If you have any requests for podcast themes, drop me a direct message on Instagram (@dr_kimber). Take care, and remember, you are a sacred being.

Poem read: Tony Hoagland's "Field Guide"

Check out past episodes and more information here: https://www.drkimber.net/podcast-info

Please remember that this podcast is not a replacement for treatment by a healthcare or mental health professional. This content is created for education and entertainment purposes only.

Join 'A Moment of Pause' Newsletter: https://drkimber.activehosted.com/f/5

Music licensed from http://www.purple-planet.com

Connect with Dr. Kimber:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dr_kimber/
About My Work: https://www.drkimber.net
Book: Still: Making A Whole When Parts Go Missing