A Pane in the Glass Podcast

Let The Games Begin

Coach Bill Season 3 Episode 26

This episode of "A Pane In The Glass Podcast" begins a series focused on the "Summer Olympic Games of 2024" hosted by Paris, France. For Canadians who follow the inevitable myriad story lines, those games began with what can only be described as a national embarrassment. It involves the Canadian Women's Football (soccer) Team and more specifically, its head coach and some coaching assistants. I talk about what happened and suggest a bright spot in the darkness of the incident from which your team can take a lesson. But the bulk of this episode is a rant by "The Restless Ranter" who makes his views known on the obsession with Olympic medals. He not only pulls back the curtain on the negative aspects of those medals but to his credit offers solutions. 

It’s your turn! Send me your thoughts by texting here!