LWVPDX Podcasts
Nonpartisan information for voting and civic engagement from the League of Women Voters of Portland. Oregon voters, educators, and interested community members can listen to nonpartisan candidate and ballot measure forums, candidate interviews, and information about how governmental and nongovernmental organizations are addressing important community issues.
LWVPDX Podcasts
Portland's New Community Board for Police Accountability: Progress and Next Steps
In this podcast, members of a volunteer Police Accountability Commission (PAC) describe their proposal for a new Community Board to review complaints of police misconduct. The PAC spent thousands of volunteer hours planning the details of how this new community board will operate. The final plan carries out the requirements in the charter amendment that Portland voters passed in November 2020 by almost 82%. A representative of the U.S. Department of Justice also explains the role of the U.S. DOJ in reviewing this proposal.