From Pain to Purpose with Mrs. Ruchi Rosenfeld,
Relief from Grief
Relief from Grief
From Pain to Purpose with Mrs. Ruchi Rosenfeld,
Jan 16, 2023
Chevrah Lomdei Mishnah

Mrs. Ruchi Rosenfeld, Director of Kanfei Yonah and author of Comfort, Courage and Clarity

Without warning, Mrs. Ruchi Rosenfeld was thrust into the world of terminal illness and death. In rapid succession she watched as her father, her father-in-law and her mother fell ill and then passed away. For three years straight, her household was in aveilus. The pain she felt during that time was raw and deep.  But after the years of mourning, she was determined to do her best for the neshamos of the niftarim. She set a powerful example of what can and should be done l’ilui nishmas. 

A powerhouse who sees a need and tries to fill it, Ruchy is someone who channeled her pain into many worthy causes. Today she is an active bikur cholim volunteer and director of Kanfei Yonah, an organization that assists families in which a parent is struggling with mental illness or extreme emotional distress. She also co-authored with me the book Comfort, Courage and Clarity, which offers support to adults who have lost a parent.