I Want to Be Cremated With Mrs. Robin Meyerson לעילוי נשמת חיים צבי בן יהודה
Relief from Grief
Relief from Grief
I Want to Be Cremated With Mrs. Robin Meyerson לעילוי נשמת חיים צבי בן יהודה
Jul 31, 2023
Chevrah Lomdei Mishnah

Mrs. Robin Meyerson, West Coast Director of NASCK (National Association of Chevrah Kadisha)

Mrs. Robin Meyerson has a passion, and she passionately shares it. That passion is to help prevent cremation. She exhorts her listeners: “As Jews, we are all one, so when one Jew is being cremated, it affects all of us. We must stop this from happening.” She repeats so many times that she is available 24/6 to help save a Jew from being cremated. 

Robin laments that there are so many misconceptions about cremation versus burial. Many people think cremation is cheaper or better for the environment. One person shared that she was scared to be buried because she doesn’t like bugs! Robin clearly explains the fallacy of such thinking. She personally gets involved and does whatever she can to bring fellow Jews to proper kevurah

What does this have to do with you? There are many frum people who have non-frum relatives. And that is why this podcast is so important.  Robin’s message is aimed at the frum community. Do you have a non-frum relative, neighbor or friend? Talk to them about kevuras Yisrael now, when they are still living; once they have passed on, their post-death plans will be very difficult to change. 

Are you scared to touch upon this topic or unsure about how to broach it? Robin shares her cell number twice on this podcast. She is waiting to support you through this vital conversation.

