Be Here for Me and I Will Be There for You with Mrs Deeni Yurkansky לעילוי נשמת שאול בן ר' עזריאל
Relief from Grief
Relief from Grief
Be Here for Me and I Will Be There for You with Mrs Deeni Yurkansky לעילוי נשמת שאול בן ר' עזריאל
Aug 28, 2023
Chevrah Lomdei Mishnah

Mrs. Deenie Yurkansky

If you listen to Mrs. Yurkansky, you may be blown away. I know I was. Her son Shaul was a most beloved son and friend. He was gentle and kind, and his mother misses him. It doesn’t matter how many years have gone by. A mother’s heart will never stop aching for her child.

But her connection to him is still strong, and she looks for signals from him. 

Before he died, he said, “Ma, don’t forget about me 24/7.” When I asked her to come onto the podcast, she said, “Of course! It will be me giving over Shaul’s legacy, and Shaul helping me give it over.”

Listen as she keeps his legacy alive with her beautiful, heartfelt words. They give her chizzuk while she gives chizzuk to others.