Don’t Explain Because There is No Explanation with Rabbi Sruli Fried, MSW לעילוי נשמת ר' שמואל יעקב בן מתתיהו
Relief from Grief
Relief from Grief
Don’t Explain Because There is No Explanation with Rabbi Sruli Fried, MSW לעילוי נשמת ר' שמואל יעקב בן מתתיהו
Oct 16, 2023
Chevrah Lomdei Mishnah

Don’t Explain Because There is No Explanation 

Rabbi Sruli Fried, MSW

Director of Chai Lifeline NJ/PA

When a young child (in the NJ/PA) region has just been diagnosed, is on his deathbed or has just been niftar, Rabbi Fried is there. He sits with the family, and he cries with the family. His sensitivity hasn’t waned over time. Likely it has deepened. 

Over the years, parents have shared with Rabbi Fried various things that can be helpful after losing a child and other things that can be hurtful. With true compassion and understanding he relays what he has learned.

I could have easily spoken to Rabbi Fried for a few more hours, but I told him I wouldn’t take more than an hour of his time. I had to keep my word – to him and to my listeners.  I wonder if the listeners would have stayed on for the three hours I wished we could have spoken for.