What the Torah Has to Say with Rabbi Henoch Plotnik לעילוי נשמת מרדכי פינחס בן יהושע
Relief from Grief
Relief from Grief
What the Torah Has to Say with Rabbi Henoch Plotnik לעילוי נשמת מרדכי פינחס בן יהושע
Jan 09, 2024
Chevrah Lomdei Mishnah

Rabbi Henoch Plotnik

Rosh Mesivta of Kesser Yonah, well-known speaker, actively involved with LINKS

The Torah recognizes the pain of loss, and the Torah gives us guidelines for navigating loss with the laws of shivah and aveilus, many of which correspond to the state of the neshamah of the niftar. There is much that we deduce about loss from the Torah, whether from Avraham Avinu, Aharon HaKohen or Dovid HaMelech.

Rabbi Plotnik talks to us about loss through the lens of the Torah, sharing stories past and present to give perspective.

Rabbi Plotnik acknowledges that loss is so painful. A he talks about strengthening emunah and learning from those who walked the path ahead of us. He is known to be an inspiring speaker; when you listen to this episode, you will understand why.

