Sitting Shivah for the Brother I Didn’t Want to Sit For with Rabbi Naftoli Kassorla לעילוי נשמת אליהו נתן בן הרב חיים יוסף
Relief from Grief
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Relief from Grief
Sitting Shivah for the Brother I Didn’t Want to Sit For with Rabbi Naftoli Kassorla לעילוי נשמת אליהו נתן בן הרב חיים יוסף
Mar 22, 2024
Chevrah Lomdei Mishnah


Rabbi Naftoli Kassorla, Speaker, Teacher and Rebbi in Yerushalayim

Imagine getting an unexpected call informing you that your brother died.  Presumably, you would always remember it as one of the most difficult phone calls of your life. But what happens if you haven’t spoken to that brother or had any kind of real relationship with him in years?

For valid reasons Rabbi Kassorla had found it simply impossible to maintain a relationship with him. In fact, Rabbi Kassorla was told that because of this history, he wasn’t even required to sit shivah. But his wife saw that perhaps it wasn’t so clear-cut. She encouraged her husband to re-ask the shailah. And so began a journey of grief that was very far from typical. Since that fateful phone call, Rabbi Kassorla has worked hard on himself, grappling with feelings of grief and confusion. Today, he has so much to share about that journey.     

Rabbi Kassorla can be reached at