Re-Imagining Worship

Developing A Healthy Culture on Your Creative Team| Reimagining Worship | Special Guest: Rickey Solomon

Trevor Chin Season 5 Episode 2

In this season of Re-Imagining Worship, we’re bringing in fresh voices to strengthen and inspire the creative team. Each episode will feature insightful conversations with guest leaders, musicians, and creatives who share practical wisdom to elevate worship experiences. Whether you’re part of a worship team or leading one, this season is all about equipping your team with new ideas and collaborative energy to create more impactful moments in worship.

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What's going on, y'all? Welcome once again to yet another episode of the Reimagined Worship Podcast with me again  another week in a row. You know what? To sidebar. I gotta say, I guess I did. I didn't suck. I gotta bite it back. I gotta bite it back. I don't think, I might not, and I can, I'll leave this in there.

I might put this one first. Okay. But. Yeah, either way, welcome back yet another episode my man Ricky Solomon. Um, I there's so much I can say about this good brother You have to check out the other episode but pending on when these episodes get posted This might be the first time if this was the second one run back to the second one But it's a privilege and honor to be able to be here with him.

He is  a guru in his own Respect and right. He is a genius in the engine in the church production world You Um, I've learned a lot from him. I've followed a lot what he does and he's helped me personally with a lot of things So, um shout out to you, man Can you just give give a just give for those who might be listening for the first time man?

Just give a 10 second bio man. First of all, yeah, it's honored to be here, man I just be invited to this amazing space. Listen, y'all have not came by resonate. I need y'all to come to this space Check out this spot, man. But, uh, my name is Ricky Solomon. I am a humble servant of God. I'm a writer, director, producer.

Uh, I'm blessed and fortunate to, um, help run an amazing theater company called Solomon's Word Theater. Um, also one of the production pastors at the greatest church union church. Um, so it's been an honor to serve there, um, for the past four years. That's crazy. Four years, man. That's been a while. Goodness, that's a lot.

That's a lot. Hey, I'm gonna keep it moving from there.  But um, but not but like I can imagine over the, over these last four years and even pushing up on 10, um, with, uh, with your theater company, uh, just like  You didn't get there on your own and you had to develop the people that's on your team to help them help you.

Uh, and that's kind of what we wanted to talk through today. Um, it's just some leadership development, creating a team, um, training your team, uh, creating a healthy culture on your team. Um, onboarding, like all that kind of good stuff. And we're going to try to do all that in 15 minutes, you know, let's do it.

Let's jump into it. But man, like what are like, what are a few just like simple tips for, um, for the team that you built initially with Solomon's word? Um, Years back kind of what were some of the you mean the primary things? Yeah, you're seeking to start this so Before I jump into this I want to get credit where credit is due.

So when this is what what I mean  from the beginning we launched songs were in 2015 myself and  My good friend Carl Felton, which all the people know what that story but I'm say by the story how it relates to culture  But I've always built it around You People, systems, and culture from day one,  I wanted to say, I want to give credit to what creditors do.

It wasn't until I came on staff and got connected with my pastor now, Steven Chandler, that he gave me language for it. So I wasn't calling it people, systems, and culture, but I was doing it from day one. And here's what I mean. I mentioned Carl Felton, who's now serves as our executive director.  I met Carl through, I was working with, with someone who was going to be like my business manager at the time.

And it was like pulling teeth because she wasn't as passionate about it as I was. And so finally, I think she was just sick of me and she said, Hey, I'm not the right person for this, but I know somebody. I want to connect you with this guy named Carl. I had seen him around campus. We both went to the Towson University.

So I had seen him around campus, but we didn't really know each other that well.  Literally, can I make this up? I sat down and I just cast a vision. Hey man, this is my vision. This is what I want to do. This is what I'm looking for. This is what I need. I'm going to come help me build this thing.  And I think I'm done talking.

He asked me some questions and he said, his last question to me was, if I quit my internship tomorrow, can we build this thing together?  Absolutely.  And he That was your answer? I said, absolutely, yes. He said, if I quit my internship tomorrow, can we build this thing? I was like, Bro, absolutely. And from then on, we probably sat there for another hour and a half.

I remember the exact table we sat at on campus and just talked vision, just casted vision. And we talked about what we wanted the culture to be. We talked about the things that were the norms in like, you know, standard theater companies. And we're sitting there Googling, you know, the local theater companies and what they do, what they don't do and what we wanted to build.

And we established that culture.  And literally we've been building on that.  from day one?  Two things. There's two things that you said that I just want to point out real quick. Um, one, do you know how much vision and God, God confidence? I hate the God confidence thing. I don't like to make those fun, but  the, the confidence in the vision that God has given you for someone to be able to say, if I quit this, Can we do this?

And for the answer to be yes. That's the first thing. That's rhetorical. I don't want you to even answer that. But the second thing is,  um,  just even just a 10 seconds of background. Um, um,  my friend of mine, Charlie and I, we moved to Baltimore to plant Epiphany Church. And,  The second portion of what you shared with what you and Carl did for the next hour and a half just reminds us, reminds me of like a few things that we did.

Like, it was just like, he was like, yo, Baltimore, da, da, da, da, cool. Let's do it. It's excitement. Now it's like, yo,  We're researching demographic lookup. We're looking at, uh, areas. He sent me a picture this morning of a map. We on maps, like on hard copy maps writing things down and X, Y, Z. But my argument. 

That's the kind of person that you want. That's rocking with you. That's saying that like, yo, listen, like your vision is strong enough that I can bring my skills alongside your vision and we can, and we can do this thing together. Yeah. But yeah, that's what was crazy and what was crazy in that is that man, just the  the selfness of him to even kind of see that.

But now this thing has grown to where  he's now speaking into the vision.  And if you know Carl, he's all about, you know, the community and helping students in education, the academic field. And literally like we have, like we're developing where it's like, man, like  this thing is so far. It's grown so, so big and so far just beyond what we had that night.

Um, but yeah, that's what we are. But literally like that set the culture. Um, and then from there we built out the systems. And honestly, I say the system part is where people kind of fall out is where, where they mess up. I, I, I equate the systems to, you know, we always have the phrase, uh, if you fail to plan the plan to fail. 

That's what, if you don't have systems, you're, you're, you're planning to fail. And when I say systems, like even down to like what we want from  a cast member, an actress, actress, that's documented  down to our rehearsals. It's documented.  You get into, you get in the building at this time, rehearsal starts at this time.

We do this first, before every rehearsal, we have affirmations that the,  together that just shifts their mind from their work day to now I'm in this creative space. Like there's a system to how we run our rehearsals, how we run our shows, how we run our tech weeks to even how we, you know, to join our, our production team, our executive team.

Like there's a, there's a documented system that we have created. The important piece about this is that this system is always evolving. It's always changing because we're worked at, you know, year two and three, when we were doing shows in high school. In high schools may not work now that, you know, we're at, you know, actual theaters and, you know what I mean?

And larger venues, you know, so we kind of had, we've always tweaked and always shaped and, you know, evolving even now evolving to, you know, what, what the expectations, what we're looking for. Otherwise, You know, you'll hold it, hold an audition and cast anybody.  You gotta know what you're looking for. The, the,  this podcast started based on developing systems for your worship and creative arts team.

Because I want to argue that we all have systems.  Okay. Um, functional or dysfunctional. Sure. And I mean, like if the end goal is to, um, and we can call it habits, we can call it rhythms, whatever it is, but like if the end goal is to have clean teeth, then you're going to brush your teeth. What do you do? You get your toothbrush, you put water on it, you put toothpaste on it, and then you X, Y, Z, P, D, Q.

If you do it improperly or out of, out of whack, the end goal of getting, giving, of, of getting the teeth there is what's in it. But there is, there are habits and rhythms that we do. Um, good. I'm thinking. Yeah.  Do we have  a system and a habit of two separate things? Yes. All right.  Do you have, I think we all have a culture.

Yes. I don't know if we all have a system.  And this is what I mean by culture. Okay.  Cause I got, I got something for you. Go ahead. Go ahead. I got something for you. I got something that Pastor Chandler said. I got you. I got you. This is what I mean.  I think everyone has, be it good or bad, there's a culture. 

So let's use your worship team example.  You can say, Hey, you know, there's a culture of,  uh, actually, no, no, let's make it clear. Let's go to your brushing your teeth thing. I have a culture  that there's a culture in our house that we brush our teeth twice a day.  A system says I brush my teeth in the morning and at night,  the culture is, Hey, to live in this house, you brush your teeth twice a day.

I can brush them twice in the morning, twice at night. I'm following the culture. Culture is, hey, in this house, you see what I mean? The system is when you do it.  And how you do that. And how you do that thing. I'm with you. I'm with you. But I would still argue that that's a system.  The system is just one that's lax. 

Mind you, wherever now we're getting into semantics,  but essentially like, like, like, like one of the, um, one of those, our conference I went to the, like the conversation was like, you have the, the results that you, the, the, the results that you're getting are based on the system that you have in place, whether it be a good one or a bad one.

Yeah. Um, and, and, but I'm, I'm, I'm in full agreement that like, yo, like, well, I've more so appreciate. Nothing happens by happenstance. Nothing is like you don't have a good rehearsal because everything just happened to fall in place at the, I mean, at the exact right time. Um, uh, one of the people, when I first moved down, down to Baltimore,  One of the pastors that kind of, um, took me under his wing for a little bit was Pastor Marcus Englund.

I love Pastor Marcus Englund. And man, seven years ago, like  eight years ago, six, six, whatever it was. He was like, yo, like I have a filing cabinet with like job descriptions for when I reach 400 people, when I reach 500 people, when I reach 1, 000, 750. I have what roles I'm going to need. And I was like, that is so meticulous.

That's vision. That is so much, but he had a clear, then down to week for our first baptism. He let us use a baptismal pool. Listen, the  booklet now came in a bunch of pieces, but the booklet that we were given of how to put the baptismal pool together. Was 50 pages of the most explicit,  turn this 90 degrees and it clicks in here.

Turn this 20 degrees this way you put that don't, if you put it in from the right side and I was like, yo, there's just the clarity that prohibits people from being lost. Yeah. I think for me, like I've always,  I've never been a fan of reinventing the wheel.  So if there's, if every person I look up to. You know, in my field, has a system, like, hate it or love it,  Tyler Perry has systems that work.

And I had the opportunity, probably in my sophomore year of college, uh, he was on the road doing a show called, um, What's Done in the Dark, and I got to go, just got to go see the show, and I got to have like a good 50 minute conversation with his stage manager. That was the first time I met Tyler Perry.  I mean, how you doing sir?

He walked away. That was it. But, um, talking to the station. And just listen to like the systems and how they do it. And I literally, I, I have notes that I still pull from, you  know, from that, from that, from that conversation the prime and nothing to him. Cause he was just shooting off things that he, that they just do regularly.

But getting the, the, the, the, the, the systems. So if he has systems, why would I think I'm gonna do it without it? Yeah. If he has detailed things, like right now we talk about, you know, uh, past their past the markets with it. I, I have the job descriptions of what I need and what my production team's gonna look like when I'm,  On the road doing, you know, 30 and 40 city tours, I know what I'm gonna need when the day that I am shooting, you know, one of my stage plays and it's about to be on, you know, a major streaming platform.

Like I, I have it laid out by just getting in the right spaces, asking questions, kind of getting that visionary I know, I know what my cast need needs to look like. Yeah. Yeah.  All right. So two questions on that one. I don't know which one I want to ask first.  Let me ask both and you can put them in sequential order  to rewind back.

Boom. You and Carl sitting down, have the, had a long convo XYZ, create a culture, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.  One question is how do you then scale that? How do you then multiply the Carl's or, and, and I want to argue that sometimes, Especially when you have like a, like a partner or a roadie or a right hand man or woman, um, that you only need one of those and then you kind of develop a team around that.

Yeah. But, either then or there. Either way, how do you scale that? Um, and then the second thing is, like, what's the step one to developing, to developing a system? I love that. So I don't know which one comes first. You can answer. Um, I gotcha. So,  let's take the first one.  Uh  I would say we scaled it initially wrong, so I learned it by mistake, meaning I took that vision and in that vision where we sat down was where we are now. 

So right now being, you know, at, out of high school and all that, so the vision I had for year eight. I tried to implement a year one and it failed. And I'll tell you what would fail look like people coming in, coming and going. Um,  a lot of embarrassment because  the cast that I have now, if I'm being honest with you, I don't know if they would have came to be a part in year one because we weren't there.

Yeah. We, we didn't have the systems for it. We didn't have the structure. We didn't have, my playwriting wasn't even that good. My script writing wasn't even that good yet. Yeah. Um, So we hit a lot of, you know, dead ends, you know, we hit our heads quite a bit to when it was like, no, we need to scale for not where we are, but one step ahead.

Yeah. I always look to hire staff, bring  people on that are one or two steps ahead.  Um,  because the reality is so much five steps ahead, you know, depending on what seasonal life they're in, they're not going to want to come. Yeah. Come easy to me. Yeah. Um, So you really have to, you know, build where you are to kind of scale.

So that's what I do for my executive team and leadership team cast wise,  the same still applies. I'm looking for, you know, that says that I one step ahead, but you got to cast where you are. So we used to audition and cast initially just from church bases. Like we're pulling from church. One of the, one of my initial, um, desires, I really feel like God gave me was to create a stage and platform for, um, talented performers, singers that are in the local church space that get no bump, no shine, you know, that no one knows who, who, who they are.

Uh, we're kind of growing and evolving a little bit past that now, just because for as we're growing and the stage we're on, um, there's some, there's some non performance things that are needed. Like there's a level of discipline. There's a level of, believe it or not, and this blows my mind,  the level of people that are okay where they are and don't have the desire to expand their capacity blows my mind. 

I, I, I meet a lot of talented people that are just satisfied with, I sing at my church every Sunday morning and they scream like, but  you were pitchy. You had no, so it's cool in that space. But now you get into a space where no shade intended. You're not singing in front of a hundred people. You're not in a theater of 800 a thousand where you have a solo and you're not singing inside of, you know, you know, cool. 

Mike, you're singing now in a 900 DSM  that's picking up everything.  You know what, just, just, just solo your, just solo your mic on the playback on a Sunday. Just solo your mic. Just solo your mic. You know what I mean? You know, that's a hack. What, listen, what's your password? Solo your mic. For the folk that's, that's acting a little funny with you, just solo they mic on the playback.

Just let them, just, I'm just joking, And take up all the effects. Just give them raw, just raw vocals. the raw vocals. Raw vocals. On the playback. Tell them what you say. Um, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, but yeah. Okay. So. Um,  that's how, so that's how we kind of scale and do that. How you develop, um,  man, it's, it's, it's really,  it's fun.

You got to have people that have the capacity. So I, there are, There are two people that are in this upcoming show that literally are just hungry.  They're like, they're hungry. They have the raw talent. So for me, it's like, if you have that foundation, I can build on it. I can, I can mold. Um, Mind you, there has to be something there to build and mold.

But now that they have that, man, like their,  their limit, their capacity is like far, honestly, it's probably far beyond even what they can think and imagine right now. There are people in this cast right now that's like, if it's God's will,  they keep growing. I'm pouring into them. They can, This show can easily be an off Broadway show in New York.

Yeah, and they're going toe to toe with anybody Really? That's on there right now. Yeah, so Paul's there though. How do you  and I see this in a startup space? Yeah  Oftentimes you have people that are authentically hungry and that are hungry for the vision. Yeah, that is way before them. Yes And you have people that see opportunity because of the startup and because of the, I mean, the X, Y, Z, how do you differentiate between the two?

How do you find people that are hungry for the vision versus hungry for the platform? Well, here's the thing.  It's challenging because in the beginning, they both look alike.  Person's hungry. They're really hungry. They both, they say the right things, do the right things, but time's going to give it somebody that just hung up with a platform.

They're not, they have a limit to how much work they're going to, they're going to put in. Yeah. Yeah. Um, so you'll know by the work that you're given to put into it. Um, so  they're going to reach a limit with like, I don't want, like I'm fine where I am as opposed to somebody like you can have to paint that vision for him.

And it's important that you identify it because you're going to love this.  You want to be a Moses, but you end up being a Pharaoh.  Moses always led from the front. I'm going to take you into the promise line. I'm going to give you vision. I'm going to push that. They wanted to go.  Pharaoh always led from behind. 

So, if I see potential in you, I say, you have the potential to,  there's somebody, it's kind of funny, we were just talking about this, uh, the other day. There's somebody that we, when we first started out,  talent through the roof. Yeah. I mean, probably, hands down, probably one of the, the most talented people I've ever encountered.

This raw, I loved her to death. She was phenomenal.  Did not see it for, for, for, for herself. So what happens over time, I'm pushing you into something that you don't even want for yourself. Now, I'm no, I'm no longer Moses, where I'm leading you into it. I'm Pharaoh. I'm driving you into it. I'm driving you into something that you don't even want for yourself.

Yeah, because I see the potential in you, but you don't see it and you don't want it for for yourself Yeah, so the hardest thing is sometimes you gotta let people go and it puts a cap on them where it's like, okay great You don't go in for other great. You're gonna be with me in this season, but as we elevate and grow Your role is going to diminish or you're going to have to fall off because you don't want to grow to go into this season. 

I had someone ask me literally the other day, like, you had some people work with you that's come and gone.  What is it about Carl, who's our executive director, that made him, you know, stay and grow? And I said, honestly, Because he's grown on his own. As the company's grown, as  I've, I've, I've grown, he's had his own desire to grow his own land individually, individually.

So it's like, you know, we, like at this point, like we would never outgrow each other because a, we're, we're each other's number one supporters and we're always pushing each other. Like go do that. Go learn that. Go do this. Um, you know, so it's, there's, there is, there is definitely a, you want to make sure that you're not.

more invested in someone's growth than they are of their own. Yeah. Yeah. And also here, even just the creating a culture of growth, of spiritual growth, of personal growth, go learn a new skill, go learn. You mean go learn something else, spend more time in the word like, and, and we see this oftentimes even in church settings.

I don't want everything to point towards me. I want to point you to Jesus. Like, don't just follow me what I got going on. Don't just listen to me what I got going on. Like, there's spaces that I need you, I need for us to be pushing each other into the face of Jesus. You know what I mean? There's some people that I work with,  uh,  Okay, so just like last night I was talking with our band for the show.

And it was like, there's nothing to be able to like, I have one idea. And you take that and you just blow it up so far beyond. And I'm like,  man, I wasn't even thinking that deep, but yeah, like that's it. Like, that's it. So it's kind of like, you kind of have to have that,  uh, that, that surrounding and community of people that's gonna, that's going to.

I'm going to grow with you partially because you'll push me but partially because like I have a desire within me that I want to be better. Yeah. I, if I'm being honest, I don't like being around people that don't like growing. Yeah. Because  as I keep growing, it's going to come off as, as arrogant. It's going to come off as me being cocky.

Like, no, like I'm just growing. You're being stagnant. Yeah. Yeah. Like I need you. I don't care.  I, I love picking from like,  you know, Successful people, older people, I, I never forget.  Magic Johnson said, to work in any of my buildings, even to sweep my floor, you have to be like a professional floor sweeper and not like there's like you have a degree in it, but like I'm always looking for ways of how I can do it better.

I'm always looking for ways of how I can do it more efficiently.  I'm always looking for ways now of, man, how can I. Take a 12 week rehearsal process and make it more efficient. And that doesn't just come from me. That comes from other directors. I listen, I will go,  I will sneak into a college classroom, a master's class.

I will sit in, you know, someone else's, you know, you know, Rehearsal, wherever I, wherever I have to go, I'm sneaking somebody soundcheck, like, what can I steal? What can I, what, what can I take? What can I learn? Yeah. Yeah. It's funny. You said, man,  shout out to Pastor Marcus again, but I was at all them, all them preps and soundcheck.

I was at all of, listen, what can I, and that's, and that's where I even learned, and I'm going to come back to this one, but that's what, even when I learned, like, yeah, yeah.  Based on the seat that you're in, you gotta be able to do a little bit of everything. You gotta be able to talk to the band, you gotta be able to talk to the cast, you gotta be able to talk to the lighting and production and XYZ without being the primary one that's doing all those things.

But I want to kind of shift us a little bit before we close, but like  translate some of this into a space, into a Sunday morning or to a church role space where There is already an established vision and direction. How can you establish vision  within a vision? Yeah, how can you create systems within a system that's already said how can you create culture and on board and XYZ under something?

That's already said yep being submissive to the vision. That's the  Great question. I guess question all the time and I always had to tell you people might not like this answer. Hmm, but  It starts with the leader  because your vision  can never be larger than the vision.  No matter, and hear me, no matter how hard you try,  you will run into a wall. 

That will be a wall of limited finances. That will be a wall of restraints. Just restraints in general. Like, so you can't, so I tell people the first thing you want to do, you want to sit down with a leader, Hey, what's your vision?  All right.  Once it's heard you, your vision.  Try to enhance their vision. Hey, I love that.

What if we do this? What if we do that? What if we do that? And then shut up and see what they say.  Because if they're not interested in anything that you just said,  or if they say, yeah, that's not really it, but it's this, shut up and listen. Yeah. Because you need to know what that is.  Otherwise, you're going to run a thousand miles in the wrong direction and go nowhere.

Yes, sir. Absolutely nowhere. So that's the number one. Find out what that vision is. Now, once you have that vision and you know what it is, obsess over that.  Cause going when you go back to your earlier question, we talked about how do you do it? I don't look for another call right now. I look for somebody to obsess in one area.

I want somebody, I want you to obsess over my social media, obsess over my marketing and publicity. I don't want you to obsess over this one area. I don't need another, another car. I need somebody that's obsessing over the, our books. Yeah. Is that what you mean? Like I don't need, like I need one person to obsess in this one area.

Obsess over that one area  that Now that your pastor has, has, has given you that, obsess over that, um, and run in that direction, growing teams, um, I told people, make it attractional. It has to be attractional. If I'm doing something in, in, in a church and I, I'm single out of church because typically in church it's volunteers, no one's getting paid or whatever.

I'm making it super attractional,  I'm making it fun, and I'm making it simple.  If it's attractional, if it's fun and simple, you can grow your team. What does that look like? Attractional?  I'm going to make it look like this is the funnest team to serve on. I was talking to a pastor not too long ago who has, um, They do, uh,  service in a school.

So they're literally setting up everything every Sunday morning tearing down and he's like, bro, how do I make it? Like I said, man, like when I'm setting up, I will have music playing. I'm going to ask my parents, I need a budget. I need to be able to buy some 10 donuts every Sunday morning. I got donuts.

I'm going to make it look like setting up these cables and screws and wires. The funnest thing we're like. I want to go do that. Mind is work,  but I'm going to make you get a hot breakfast. I mean, some of the came in,  they did pancakes and eggs. Listen, this is going to be fun, right?  Making it fun, man. So, and then, um, making it strong, make it and making it simple.

I'm gonna have SOP guys. I'm gonna have whatever it is to make. It's simple for you to do what I need you to do. Nobody wants to be set up in a position where they're going to look like they're the reason why your Sunday service fell or they're the reason why there was a drop camera shot. I don't make it as simple as to where you're going to get an easy win.

So not only is it fun, simple, but man,  I impacted this Sunday service. People want to win.  The reality is a lot of people aren't winning on their jobs. They don't feel like they're winning on their jobs. So I can come up on a Sunday morning,  and I can work a camera, and we have a flawless Sunday, a distraction free Sunday, and that gets streamed out on my church's Facebook or YouTube, and I'm like, yo, that was me.

I took that camera shot. There's a sense of pride. Man, that volunteer will run a ton. thousand miles with you in whatever direction and never ask for a dime just because they feel fulfilled. Yeah Man, that's good, bro Man, thank you so much, man. Listen, can you just give a quick?  10 second shout out of what's going on at the end of this month.

Listen, yes, September 20th to the 23rd, the Anatomy of Love is coming to the Booth Center for the Performing Arts. Listen, this show is unlike anything you've ever experienced, I promise you. You want to see this show because it is that good. I don't care if you're 19 or 99. Go to RickySolomon. com, click on the link, get your tickets, follow me on social media, and Ricky.

Solomon. So there's one show at Friday. What time? So there's one show Friday at seven. There's two on Saturday. There's a one o'clock and a six o'clock and we have a 5 30 show so you can go to church, shout, and then come get your relationship fixed.  Come get your relationship fixed at the anatomy of love.

All right. Bring your boo that you did bring church on Sunday morning. Bring them to the anatomy of love. I got you. Listen, now I'll tell you this,  some of the greatest singing, some of the greatest acting. Now listen, I came up, I came up Tyler Perry's stage play, you know what I mean, I came up, so you know what I mean, my expectation was high when I went last year, man.

How did we do? It was phenomenal. It was phenomenal. I appreciate that. Let me also say this, just as a 10 second sidebar, part of the reason, so we're vending this year, shameless. Let's go. For resonate, resonatebaltimore. com, um, but part of the reason. that I haven't agreed to even be a part and want to continue.

I guess my man first off. Yeah, cool. But my daughter is extremely excited about coming back. Um, and the impact that the show had on her. I mean, she talks about it. She could talk about it today as if it just happened. Um, so it's kid friendly, you know what I mean? Yeah, I never knew that, man. I didn't tell you that.

Now she has to come backstage and meet the whole cast and see how it comes together. Now she has to do that. She would love that, man. Now it has to happen. It has to happen now. Where can the people follow you? All that kind of good stuff. Please follow me. Follow me on Instagram at ricky. solomon. I'm on all social media platforms, Twitter, Facebook, all the things.

Um, Ricky Solomon, Ricky. Solomon, man. Appreciate you brother.  Hey, listen, thanks for tuning in yet. Another episode of reimagined worship podcast until next time. 

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