Daily The Way of Mastery with Jason Amoroso

Lesson 13: Cultivating Unlimited Consciousness

April 08, 2024 Jason Amoroso Season 13 Episode 283
Lesson 13: Cultivating Unlimited Consciousness
Daily The Way of Mastery with Jason Amoroso
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Daily The Way of Mastery with Jason Amoroso
Lesson 13: Cultivating Unlimited Consciousness
Apr 08, 2024 Season 13 Episode 283
Jason Amoroso

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Lesson 13: You Are Unlimited Spirit
Section 3: Cultivating Unlimited Consciousness
Paragraphs: 1-3

By becoming the vigilant gatekeepers of our consciousness, we learn to rise above the illusions that keep us playing small. This episode is a call to action — a challenge to transform the theoretical into the tangible and take ownership of our thoughts and choices. Together, we'll explore the profound shifts that occur when we step into our roles as creators, assigning empowering meanings to life's events and embodying the love and spirit at our core.

If you're interested in the Living The Way of Mastery Year-Long Program, click here.

If you'd like to support the podcast, you can donate here:

If you would like to experience Revelation Breathwork, you can get our FREE 3-part Breathwork for Beginners series here.

Purchase The Way of Mastery here. (This is a link to the Shanti Christo website, not Amazon. I want to support the organization. I don't receive any commission from this.)

You can purchase access to the Lesson 5 Guided Meditation Prayer that Jason recorded here for $4.44

If you're interested in the Living The Way of Mastery Year-Long Program, click here.

If you'd like to support the podcast, you can donate here:

If you would like to experience Revelation Breathwork, you can get our FREE 3-part Breathwork for Beginners series here.

Purchase The Way of Mastery here. (This is a link to the Shanti Christo website, not Amazon. I want to support the organization. I don't receive any commission from this.)

You can purchase access to the Lesson 5 Guided Meditation Prayer that Jason recorded here for $4.44

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

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Lesson 13: You Are Unlimited Spirit
Section 3: Cultivating Unlimited Consciousness
Paragraphs: 1-3

By becoming the vigilant gatekeepers of our consciousness, we learn to rise above the illusions that keep us playing small. This episode is a call to action — a challenge to transform the theoretical into the tangible and take ownership of our thoughts and choices. Together, we'll explore the profound shifts that occur when we step into our roles as creators, assigning empowering meanings to life's events and embodying the love and spirit at our core.

If you're interested in the Living The Way of Mastery Year-Long Program, click here.

If you'd like to support the podcast, you can donate here:

If you would like to experience Revelation Breathwork, you can get our FREE 3-part Breathwork for Beginners series here.

Purchase The Way of Mastery here. (This is a link to the Shanti Christo website, not Amazon. I want to support the organization. I don't receive any commission from this.)

You can purchase access to the Lesson 5 Guided Meditation Prayer that Jason recorded here for $4.44

If you're interested in the Living The Way of Mastery Year-Long Program, click here.

If you'd like to support the podcast, you can donate here:

If you would like to experience Revelation Breathwork, you can get our FREE 3-part Breathwork for Beginners series here.

Purchase The Way of Mastery here. (This is a link to the Shanti Christo website, not Amazon. I want to support the organization. I don't receive any commission from this.)

You can purchase access to the Lesson 5 Guided Meditation Prayer that Jason recorded here for $4.44

Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome back to the Daily Study of the Way of Mastery. I'm Jason Amoroso, your guide and friend, and today we continue with Lesson 13,. You Are Unlimited Spirit. Again, you are unlimited spirit. And I'm going to invite you to switch it around and say I am unlimited spirit. It just feels well you don't have to say this part but it just feels like I'm very limited. It just feels like I'm this body, I'm not spirit. But that also is the power of your consciousness, which is what you are To create your experience. You can even create the illusion that you are limited, that you are not spirit. This goes back to the very first axiom I am the creator of my experience. Literally, nothing comes into my experience without my creation, my participation, my allowance. That's how powerful I am, capital. I am Not the small self, the true self, because the true self is a wave in the ocean of love. You are love expressed in the form as you, not the physical form, the creation of you, an individuation of spirit. All right, we digress.

Speaker 1:

Let's start with section three today, titled Cultivating Unlimited Consciousness, growing Unlimited Awareness of who and what you Are, of what Life Is. Let's dive in. Here we go, jeshua says as we enter into these lessons on transformation, you will discover that we begin to speak more directly to you. We will not be quote beating about the bush, not placating your resistance, your fears, and not stroking you for the dramas you have created that have seemed to separate you from the truth of your beingness. Translation we're not buying the bullcrap. There's no judgment, but it's like we're not going to mince any words anymore. We're not buying into your delusion that you're a victim, that you're powerless, that you're at the mercy of the world. We're not doing that because we love you so much. We're not going to play the game that you're playing. We are only going to speak the truth and we're going to speak it more directly and powerfully because you're ready to hear it.

Speaker 1:

You're in lesson 13 now, so let's get on with it. We got you. I love you, let's go. And the key word there Well, I love that. We're not going to stroke you for the dramas you have created. You've created every drama in your life, every single one.

Speaker 1:

Your ego doesn't like that. Your ego is going to argue with it. No, look, it's because of him or her or this situation. It was because of the family I was born into. You're gonna. The ego is gonna come up with all the reasons why it wasn't your fault. It's not your and and no one's even saying fault like judgment. It wasn't my responsibility, this just happened, that I'm dealing with it and I'm in survival mode and I'm it's just like enough already.

Speaker 1:

That's what Jeshua and the guides are saying, like hey, we see what you're doing. We know how it impacts you. It creates a lot of suffering for you. These dramas that seemed to separate you from the truth of your being. They seemed they didn't actually do it. It just seems like that to you, but to us, jeshua and the guides in the higher consciousness, it never made a difference. We know what's actually happening. We're here to guide you home.

Speaker 1:

He continues, for as we move into the way of transformation, the call is being sent from us to you to arise and assume complete responsibility for all that you see, all that you think and all that you choose. Rest assured, if you hear this call, it is because a deeper part of you has called it to you as a way by which you remember that these things are already contained within you. We could spend so much time on this paragraph because it's in the application. It's not just words. We're not reading a novel. This is an instruction manual. This is a guide to mastery. We are here to apply, to go from theory to practice, to mastery.

Speaker 1:

For as we move into the way of transformation, the call is being sent from us to you. It's a call and you know you've heard the call. That's why you're reading the way of mastery, that's why you're listening to a podcast about the way of mastery. You've heard the call, your heart has heard it and you want more of it and I want to answer the call and I am answering the call and you're answering the call. Let's do this.

Speaker 1:

The call is being sent from us to you to arise and assume complete responsibility, not partial, not 99.9. Not well, I can assume responsibility for all of these things that I have control over, but you can only control so much. No, you don't control what happens ever. You control what you do, but what happens ever? You control what you do but, more importantly, you control what you think. What it's?

Speaker 1:

Again, we go back to the same analogies because they make sense. The bouncer you are the bouncer of your consciousness. Will you tolerate thoughts of fear, separation, lack, loss into your consciousness or will you say that is not what's allowed inside. Here you get to choose. Are you going to be in reaction mode or are you going to see that all events are neutral? All events, things, people, everything is neutral. You experience the meaning you give it.

Speaker 1:

And we use words and labels and then we think the thing is so. So we label the war in Ukraine or the war anywhere. There's wars going on all over the planet, all the time. There's always conflict. There's gang wars, there's the war on drugs, there's the war in Ukraine, there's wars in other parts of the world that we don't even really hear about because it's not put on the mainstream media. But we don't hear about it. But when you say the war on Ukraine, you hear the word war and you immediately have a connotation with it. It immediately drudges up all these images, all these feelings, and each person has their own experience of the word war, based on their experience, their past, their conditioning. All of it experience their past, their conditioning, all of it. When you say the word tree, we think we're talking about the same thing, but your definition of a tree, your experience of it, will be different than mine because we've had different experiences. But when we label something, and this is what it says in lesson 14, spoiler alert when we label something, we think we know what it is when we really don't.

Speaker 1:

So, going back to this, assuming complete responsibility for everything that you experience, a hundred percent, there's not one exception to this law that you, going back to lesson number one, it always goes back to lesson number one. You are the creator of everything that you, going back to lesson number one, it always goes back to lesson number one. You are the creator of everything that you experience. That's how sovereign you are, that's how powerful you are. So, be intentional. This is the whole message of the way of mastery be intentional in what you want to create, meaning the experience you want to have. Be intentional in the words you use when we talk about labeling things and the associations they have for us. Be very specific and very intentional with your language, and we've heard this before. Tony Robbins talks about it, deepak Chopra talks about it, all the teachers talk about it, whether it's in the spiritual terms or not. As you think, as you speak, you will do, and that will create the results that you have in your life.

Speaker 1:

And we like to use the excuse. Oh well, it's not my fault. I was born into this or I was this, or the situation is this. You're not assuming complete responsibility for your experience of it. So assume complete responsibility. Just pretend, because the brain's going to argue with this. This is not of the world. My kingdom is not of this world. So this goes against the teachings of the world, the way the world works. So if we're trying to fit this into the status quo and the way the world works, it's not going to work. We have to be courageous enough and, to the world's, crazy enough to step out of the paradigm of the way the world works and the way the world thinks and be. My kingdom is not of this world, and then we can experience what Jeshua is talking about. We can't fit it into the world. That's what we try to do. So assume complete responsibility for all that you see, not some of it, not the things that are convenient to you, not the things that you like that agree with your preferences. Consume complete responsibility for all that you see, all that you think and all that you choose, and that's all you're doing pretty much in any single instant.

Speaker 1:

You're choosing a perception, you're choosing to see something, you're choosing to think a thought. You're choosing to see something. You're choosing to think a thought. You're choosing to see that thought made manifest. A neutral event can happen. One person will say that's bad. One person will say that's good. Again, I'm in the United States. I'm going to use very simple, black and white terms. Joe Biden gets elected, that's good. Donald Trump gets elected, that's bad. Donald Trump gets elected, that's good. Joe Biden gets elected, that's bad. Donald Trump gets elected, that's good. Joe Biden gets elected, that's bad.

Speaker 1:

Whatever, it's just an example to see how we create the experience. And it's not the experience as the evidence. We've said this over and over and over again. No, it's not. When the thing happens, oh, that's evidence of what I believe. It's the other way around. It's these deep-seated, unconscious beliefs and thoughts we repeat and we value, and then we see it outpictured in the world and we experience the effect of that. Not of the outpicturing of the event. We experience the effect of our consciousness of what we're valuing, of what we're holding, of what we're repeating over and over and over again. What gets repeated gets experienced. That's why repetition in the way of mastery. Oh, jason's saying the same thing, jeshua's saying the same thing.

Speaker 1:

Since lesson one. It's the same message. Oh, this is boring. It's the same thing. That's mastery. Mastery is not what's the next new different thing. Mastery is can I master the fundamentals, the basics, over and over, and over and over and over again? That's mastery, not hacking your way into spirituality.

Speaker 1:

Let me find the shortcuts, at least not for me. I've never been able to get anywhere taking a shortcut. You might get there, even if you get somewhere quickly because you took a shortcut. You're not going to last there. Mastery, that's what we're doing. Anyways, assume complete responsibility for all that you see, all that you think and all that you choose.

Speaker 1:

Rest assured, if you hear this call and I'm telling you you have because you wouldn't be listening to a podcast about a book if you didn't really hear the call, if you weren't interested or something wasn't pulling you and you wouldn't obviously be reading the book either. So, rest assured, if you hear this call, it is because a deeper part of you has called it to you. Again, the message this is all you. You're not a victim, you're not powerless. You are creating this. Your soul is calling this to you. This is the good news.

Speaker 1:

Now the victim part of us uses this to victim shame. Well, if I'm so powerful, I must be doing something wrong or I'm a bad person. If all this bad stuff happens to me, it's only your judgment it's bad. It's only your judgment that your low bank account means something about you or a dis-ease in your body you did something wrong to manifest it. That's all victim, not victim shaming, but that's all the victim mindset, the unpowerless mindset, and you can see it like that and so many people see it like that. They choose to see it like that because it reinforces their story that they're powerless.

Speaker 1:

But if you want to see it another way, holy crap, look how powerful I am. I can even create dis-ease in my body. I can even create poverty. I can even create low self-esteem. I can even create this insane notion that I'm separate from life somehow, that I forgot that when I go out into nature and I see trees and the clouds and the birds and the grass and the breeze and the water, that that's somehow nature and I'm different and I'm out of that, I can even create this insane idea that I'm not part of life. That's how powerful you are. So let us see and embrace and see. This is the good news. This is the good news how powerful you are, not, oh well, I'm using my power to create suffering. Well, you might be, but let's use that same power that created suffering to create salvation, liberation, freedom, joy, peace, community. It's just a choice. Rest assured.

Speaker 1:

If you hear this call, it's because a deeper part of you has called it to you. You chose the way of mastery to be the way, a way it doesn't have to be the way, but it's a way that you're waking up. How do I know that you chose that? Because you're reading it. Let it be that. Can life be that? You chose that Because you're reading it. Let it be that. Can life be that simple, please? How do I know that you want to be single? Because you're single? How do I know that you want to be? I don't like poor, but, like you, want to not have money Because you don't have money. How do I know you want to have kids? Because you have kids? How do I know that you want to be muscular and strong? Because you're muscular and strong? It's not rocket science, but we don't want to accept the responsibility. We want to blame it on other things and not us. This is liberation.

Speaker 1:

You have called this to you as a way by which you remember that these things are already contained within you. The key word there there's a couple remember. You can't remember something you never knew. So, jeshua and the guides, this teaching is waking you up to what you already know deep inside and in the moments of stillness, in the moment of connection, whether it's in meditation, lovemaking, nature, art, whatever it is in those moments where we're out of our freaking, nonstop thinking, personal ego, small, self-limited brain and we're in our heart. We know this, we feel like we're at home, we're like oh, I remember this. This feels familiar, even if our brain's like what? That's what the brain is like Bop, bop, bop, bop, bop. But our heart is remembering what we already are. It's already within you. And Jeshua's been saying this from day one, which is great, because if he was contradicting himself over and over again, that wouldn't be good. Anyways, let's keep going, let's rock. Paragraph three this has been a week or so since I've made a podcast, so I'm excited because my kids are off from spring break and our routines were all whacked out. So I'm back, baby.

Speaker 1:

The way of transformation, paragraph three, of cultivating unlimited consciousness. The way of transformation is the way of assuming responsibility for time. By the way, I stopped drinking caffeine probably three or four months ago, and it's been one of the best decisions I've made for me at this point in my life. I have more energy. Even when I don't get as much sleep as I'd like to, I have more energy throughout the day, and this is just how much I love doing this work. I'm completely grounded and just sharing from my heart. Sometimes, when I would drink caffeine, I'd get totally ungrounded. Anyways, here we go. The way of transformation is the way of assuming responsibility for time, for each and every moment of it. For time is not a prison for you. It is that which flows out of your very consciousness, and there is never a place or a time in italics, never a place or a time which is more conducive to the way of transformation than the place in which you are in the time that is now Boom Shakalaka. The way of transformation is the way of assuming responsibility for time, you know why? For each and every moment of time it flows out of you.

Speaker 1:

There's a great book called the Big Leap the Big Leap by Gay Hendricks. He and his wife have written some amazing books like Conscious Loving and Relationship. It was one of our required readings, and my wife and I are master's program in spiritual psychology at the University of Santa Monica, conscious, loving. But this book that Gay Hendricks Gay is a man. Gay Hendricks wrote is called the Big Leap and it's all about how, when we it's almost like the fear of success as we become more successful we hit a ceiling not a glass ceiling like the world is keeping us down, but a ceiling in our own consciousness of who we are and what we're worthy of, and so we might have great success. And then we do something to self-sabotage, to kind of get us back to what our ego is comfortable with. So the big leap is how to overcome this kind of self-constructed glass ceiling.

Speaker 1:

And he has a chapter all about time and he talks about Newtonian time, which seems linear from point A to point B, linear time, and he talks about Einstein time, linear time, and he talks about Einstein time. And what he defines Einstein time, he says, is that time is where you are. Here we go, you are where time comes from. That's what he talks in the book. Time comes from you. Let me say it again, you are where time comes from you. Let me say it again, you are where time comes from. Think about it when you say I don't have time for that. That's not true. What's true is I'm not making time for that, because the truth is you can make time for anything that you truly want to.

Speaker 1:

If your kid was gonna die, if you didn't make five minutes a day to meditate as a Christ, or your kid would die if you have kids, or your pet would die, or your loved one would die and I know it's very extreme, but if that was gonna happen, would you miss a day? Would you procrastinate and wait until 11.55 to get your five minutes in Hell? No, you would wake up and get your five minutes in right away. Why? Because it was important to you. You would make the time. It drives me nuts when people are like I can't find the time for that. That's not true. You're lying to yourself. You don't make the time. It's not important enough to you yet I don't have time for that. That's not true. You're choosing not to make the time. If people saw that in this world, the whole world would change just on this one idea. Conversely, I like this other one a little better, but it's not as extreme.

Speaker 1:

If I gave you $10 million cash, tax-free. If you meditated five minutes every day tomorrow, would you miss? Tomorrow I couldn't find the time to meditate. Even if I told you you had to meditate for five hours, you got to meditate for five hours, but then you get $10 million. Would you miss? Would you not do that? Of course you wouldn't. You'd probably do it the next day and the next day and the next day.

Speaker 1:

At some point you're like I don't want to meditate five hours. I don't want to meditate five hours. I've got $30 million in the bank. But it's my point is time is where you come from, and that's what Jeshua is telling us. Time is that which flows out of your very consciousness. You make time and there's never a place or a time and he says it again twice never a place or a time which is more conducive to the way of transformation than now and where you are. No, nothing needs to be different. We all, we've all done this or we're doing this. One day, when my, when some circumstance is different, then I'll get on to this, doing this work. Then I'll be happy when I've got the degree, when I have the money, when I've got the soulmate, when I've got a certain number, when I have the money, when I've got the soulmate, when I've got a certain number in the bank account and can feel safe and secure. What a crock. When I have that, then I'll feel calm, then I'll feel at peace.

Speaker 1:

I just saw a reel on Instagram from some I don't know who he is, eric Schmidt, I think his name was. He's saying someday, in the close future, ai is going to be able to make anything. A human will say AI build a building and it will communicate with all these construction machines and build the building or make this or do that. Ai will be able to give us anything we want. And when I saw that video, the thought in my head was doing the work that I do, oh, so we'll finally have all that we could ever want all the houses, the cars, the money in the bank, whatever, all the free time Probably not a good idea. And it's like then we'll. What? What excuse will we find then to not be happy, to not feel at peace, to not feel fulfilled when we have everything we think we wanted? Feel fulfilled when we have everything we think we wanted, even, let's say, the soulmate robot that meets our every emotional, physical and mental need. But it's an AI. We'll have all the things we want, but we still won't be happy because it doesn't come from any of the things.

Speaker 1:

This is why, if we're studying the way of mastery, we're ahead of the curve, or whatever spiritual teaching that's aligned. They're all saying the same thing in different ways. So there's never a better place or time than right now. And because everything, the moment you say yes to the call and again, if you're reading the way of mastery, you've already said yes. If you're hearing these words, you've already said yes on some level the moment you say yes, everything, the Holy Spirit uses everything for your awakening, for your healing, for your liberation, for your expansion. Everything the inconvenient line at the post office, the boss that doesn't respect you, whatever you think, it is, the politician that you don't want that got elected. Whatever situation is happening, the in-law that doesn't agree with you, whatever it is, it's for you, it's not in the way. It's not things happening to you. They are the situations that life and really your soul is bringing to you and if they trigger you, that's the whole point.

Speaker 1:

When you get triggered, when you get upset, when you get sad, when you get depressed, when you get angry, all those lower emotions are good news. Can we see them as good news? Why are they good news? Because they are revealing to us our unresolved issues, our unhealed misunderstandings about who we are and what life is. Oh, I didn't get this promotion, that means I'm not good enough. Right, if that's our experience, that's a good thing. You didn't get the promotion because it's bringing up this misunderstanding. You could call it a core wound, you could call it as heavy as you want. I call it a misunderstanding. Oh, I just misunderstood, I wasn't good enough. Let me forgive myself for buying into this misunderstanding that somehow my value is based on my job title or my money or respect from other people. My value is inherent. So this not getting this promotion has served my awakening.

Speaker 1:

If I choose to see it that way, most people don't live that way. They live with well, I guess I'm not good enough, or I guess I need to work harder, or this doesn't happen, and that's just life. That's one way to live your life, and this way, the way of mastery is inviting you to use every single instant, every moment, every situation as an opportunity to make a different choice, to choose love, to create your experience, to create yourself. In a way, man, I could keep going, but I guess for right now we're going to stop. And here's another thing for all us spiritual people out there whatever the heck that really means, you don't have to wait until you're healed. Please don't be one of these people. And I've been there, we've all been there.

Speaker 1:

Well, when I'm healed, then and then you're just on a never ending healing journey. You know what? If you look, seek and you shall find. If you look for something, you're going to find it. Seek and you shall find. If you look for something, you're going to find it. If you want to look for issues, you're going to find issues all day long.

Speaker 1:

Healing is a never-ending process. I'm not poo-pooing it. It's important to, because healing is loving. So it's important to bring love. But understand that you are already whole and perfect. You don't need to. Finally, one day you're going to heal that last issue and then you'll love yourself more. One day, you're going to heal that last issue and then you'll love yourself more. That's insane, because it's never going to come. That day will never come. If you think that way, that okay, one day I'll know, when I finally am healed, that I'm worthy. It's never going to come, know that you're worthy. Now, love yourself through the process of you remembering that now you don't have to wait until you're healed to be happy. That's ridiculous and you're human. You're allowed to not be happy all the time. That's what we live in.

Speaker 1:

This society, this Rocky Balboa society of highlight reels, this ESPN all you see are the highlight reels. All you see on Instagram is everyone's success the highlight reels. You don't see the daily process, the grind, the struggle, the doubts. You just see people's best moments. But the grind, the struggle, the doubt, the showing up when you don't feel like it, the doubting yourself, all the limiting beliefs. We move through the challenges. That is the journey, that's the awakening process. You don't have to wait till you're healed. You don't have to wait for something to be different, for you to use this moment right now to choose love, to love yourself, to open your heart, to make a different choice. This is the good news. The good news Capital, g-o-o-d. The good news baby. All right, it's great to be back. Love you guys. So much. Thanks for being on this journey with me.

Speaker 1:

If you thought of somebody popped into your head as you listen to this, share this episode with them. There's something that made them show up in your mind. Honor that intuition. If you get value from the podcast, please support us by liking or subscribing wherever you are by. If you can, go to Apple Podcasts, give us a good review and write a very short comment. That goes so far.

Speaker 1:

And if you want to dive in deeper to this stuff, to apply it again, you get to mastery from theory, practice, mastery, theory, practice, mastery. You could read this book all day long and it'll be nice. And then you'll wonder why your life isn't changing. Because you're not applying consistently the ideas and the concepts and you're not doing the exercises consistently. That's why nothing's changing and it's hard. It's hard to be consistent. It's hard to be accountable when you don't feel like it. It's hard to be accountable when you're kind of down and you want to play the victim. But that's where community and support is so valuable. It is for me and I've worked with professional athletes I've said this over and over Executives, creatives, navy SEALs, very successful people and the most disciplined people who I would say are Navy SEALs and pro athletes that I've worked with and people that are successful in anything are very disciplined.

Speaker 1:

They need accountability. They're like yeah, discipline's hard. Even I need accountability. People go to the gym every day. They need accountability partners too, because we don't want to do it. It's our natural state to come back to comfort.

Speaker 1:

So, anyways, this whole thing is to say if you want to change your life, check out our Living the Way of Mastery program, where we spend 12 months a whole year. It is a big commitment, but it's a life changing commitment because you are. We're going lesson month a month, a lesson, lesson one month, one, and we do that for 12 months. Right now we're in month 10. This group has been together for 10 months. Lives are changing. Life is happening. We're seeing it differently, minds are changing, consciousness is changing, heart is expanding. If you want to play a bigger game than you've ever played before and put your money where your mouth is and I just mean that like inside of yourself, oh, I like spiritual talks and teachings, but am I really living it? You will not be able to hide. If you join this group, you will be living daily the way of mastery and if that calls to you, I encourage you to check it out. The notes the link is in the show notes Honor that call to check it out and if you want to have a conversation with me, let's talk. Let's have a 20 to 40 to 60 minute call where we'll dive into what is inspiring you about the way of mastery and how you see you can apply it in your life, and we'll talk about it and see if the program is a fit for you. It's not a small investment and it's not supposed to be a small investment. It's supposed to be a commitment to yourself to change your life. So, anyways, I think that's it, and if you want to say hi, shout out. Chris Coombs and the Coombs family Love hearing from you guys.

Speaker 1:

Send me an email, let me know you're listening, because I'm sitting in my office. Sometimes I wonder if this, honestly, I wonder if this makes any difference to anybody. I know it does for some people. So when I hear from you, it means so much. It's like, oh, this is awesome that other people love the way of mastery, like I love it and are getting value from this. So I love you guys. Send me an email. Hello at revelationbreathworkcom. I'll give you a shout out and I think I already gave Adam. I think I gave you a shout out in a previous episode. But, um, love you guys and, uh, I'll see you tomorrow.

Cultivating Unlimited Consciousness in Mastery
Remembering the Way of Transformation
Living the Way of Mastery Program